Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1397 The Way of the World

Chapter 1397 The Way of the World ()

Many games have their own beauties, or official mates for the protagonists.

They will meet the protagonist at the beginning and guide him to familiarize himself with various functions in the game. Then, by coincidence, they will fall into crises many times for the protagonist to save.

The hero saves the beauty, and the love secretly arises.

If you can achieve positive results in the end, it will be a fairy tale that everyone loves to hear.

If the poster girl sacrifices herself to save the protagonist in the end, it will be an unforgettable vulgar love story.

Fortunately, Ai knows what most players like, so it didn't arrange the plot to be so tragic.

Of course, nowadays these planners often do things that are misleading.

What you say is a happy ending may end up being a bad ending for you.

These dog plans cannot be believed until you see them with your own eyes.

Therefore, Luo Quan was asked by fans to play it in person to reassure everyone.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so Luo Quan used his laptop to start a live broadcast for his fans from his hospital bed.

Just the operation of breaking the dimensional wall at the beginning of the plot aroused the amazement of countless viewers, who lamented that the plot of the game could be written like this.

After the cutscene ended, the character controlled by Luo Quan officially came to the fantasy world, and the location was outside his home.

“Ding dong~~~”

Luo Quan controlled the character to go up the steps and ring the doorbell.

A few seconds later, a crisp clicking sound came from inside.

"Welcome home."

After the door opened, a beautiful girl in a maid uniform greeted her indifferently.

The girl had short silver-white hair and a cold and arrogant expression, as if she was indifferent to everything.

Moving down her snow-white and slender neck, you can clearly see her tall and plump figure.

It's hard to imagine how she managed to develop such a huge chest despite being so slender.

Even if it was just a visual inspection, Luo Quan felt that it was at least an F level.

Just like himself, he is also a typical person with small branches and strong achievements.

Just by standing there, you can exercise the power of the God of Death - seducing souls.

At the same time, the barrage also howled like a wolf:

"Is this the poster girl of the game? Her figure is a bit too foul. I feel like I'm going to jump out at any moment."

"This maid costume is too cool. It has to be Unreal Studio. It knows what everyone wants."

"This figure rivals Luo Bao's."

"No, Luo Bao's figure still needs to be plumper. She has a serious comic figure, which defies gravity and does not sag."

"Pfft!!! I almost squirted water directly on the screen of my phone. The adjective you used is really awesome."

"Do you still have to question Luo Bao's maid uniform? It's just as good as her swimsuit."

"Do you think this maid looks a bit like Luo Bao?"

"The temperament is very similar, like a spark accidentally falling into a pile of cotton."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not my will, but it just burned up."

"Hahaha, there is still such a saying."

"Let's take a look at this little maid's information first and see if there is any body data or anything like that."


"It's burning? You're the only one who's burning. Your whole family is burning."

When Luo Quan saw a few bold and outspoken comments, he pursed his lips and complained in his heart.

Even if you can’t say the word sexy, you can always say it if you are attractive.

It's burning, don't you think it's a little vulgar?

However, Luo Quan didn't take things too seriously and put all his attention into the game.

Luo Quan was surprised when he clicked on Bellevette's personal information. The identity of this maid was quite extraordinary.

She originally thought that the identity of the protagonist was enough to be confused. The beloved son of the Blood God single-handedly caused most of the God-given continent to fall into the flames of war, and countless lives were stained in his hands.

And Belvette is not bad either. Her identity in the future is the leader of the Succubus Army, and she is her right-hand man as the Succubus Queen.

In version 2.0 of "Kings of Purgatory", she will help the Succubus Queen become one of the masters of the Abyss.

A hybrid of human and succubus, Belvette has been a walking transmitter of desire since birth.

But unlike most mixed-race succubi who met a miserable end, Belvette's first half of her life could be considered very lucky.

Her mother died of illness when she was five years old, and she was raised by the protagonist's mother who passed by.

When she was ten years old, she was forced to enter the Dawn Monastery because she was too beautiful.

She originally wanted to become a nun to ward off the covetousness of men, but she never expected that she would awaken the power of the Holy Light and become a paladin.

Yes, the succubus paladin can have such a weird combination. I can only lament the strong plasticity of human blood, which can actually integrate the two incompatible groups of demons and holy light.

Belvette, who had outstanding talent, was quickly invited by the Knights of the Holy Rose and became a glorious knight of the Holy See.

As one of the three major knights of the Holy See of Dawn, the Holy Rose is the only one composed entirely of female priests.

The founding creed of this knighthood is to protect women and children and not be afraid of power. It is an alien version of the Women's Federation.

After Belvette entered the Holy Rose, her strength increased rapidly. She had already reached the upper level of the high-end in less than thirty years old, which was a full three levels higher than herself.

But don't look at how aloof Bellevette is now. When you click on the official website of the game in Fantasy World, you can clearly see that she is the official partner of the protagonist.

In Belvette's character introduction, she describes the protagonist like this:

“He is the light of my life, the fire of my desire, but also my salvation, my soul.

To protect him, I would not hesitate to sacrifice a thousand lives. "

With such a fanatical declaration, those who didn’t know better thought that the protagonist was actually a succubus.

In the subsequent plot, Belvette did indeed protect the protagonist with her life as she said.

Before the players entered the raid to defeat the protagonist, Belvette prayed to the players to show mercy.

However, the protagonist was hopeless at that time. In the end, although the player did hold on, the protagonist still tried to self-destruct to die with the player.

Fortunately, the protagonist's brother took action in time and stabbed the protagonist through the chest with a sword, but at the same time, he also killed Belvette who suddenly stood in front of the protagonist. The protagonist's brother saved the world, but Belvette died in the arms of her beloved.

As a human, Belvette died like this, but the demon Belvette was reborn in the pool of birth blood and transformed into the leader of the succubus army in the bottomless abyss.

In the plot of 2.0, Belvette is the player's guide in the bottomless abyss, and one of the few demon generals who is more pro-human.

Seeing this, the audience has begun to warm up.

A succubus with stunning looks, a banging body, and a fierce love for her is simply trying to kill everyone.

So in less than half a day, the name Bellevette was on the global hot search list, and she became the wife that everyone spread word of mouth.

The slogan "I am Belvette's dog" also quickly began to spread on major platforms.

But soon a rumor emerged, that is, Belvette might enter the book at the end of version 2.0 and be killed by the players themselves.

As soon as the players heard that this was okay, the angry players immediately went to the official Weibo of Fantasy World to complain about Gou Planning.

Because the public opinion was so intense, the planners had to issue a special statement to clarify the rumors, saying that the news of being included in the book is purely fictitious. Bellevette is a poster girl who will always follow the players on their adventures and will never be included in the book!

Otherwise, there will be thunder and lightning!

Seeing that the planner mentioned Huadu to this extent, the players' inner anger finally subsided.

However, their reaction was so intense. It is true that the current game loves to feed players in the middle and late stages.

They spent a lot of time and enthusiasm, playing from the beginning to almost completing the level.

I originally thought there would be a happy ending, but who knew it would be a mess of shit.

And this phenomenon has not happened once or twice.

Therefore, in order to prevent this situation, players will collectively put pressure on the production team when there are even the slightest signs of similar behavior in a new game.

Regardless of whether the producer really wants to do this, they must understand the consequences of doing so.

The meaning expressed is also very simple, that is, if you want to make money, then make games that satisfy everyone.

If you don’t want to make money, but just want to disgust everyone, then we millions of players can scold your whole family to heaven.

With such a capability that can be called a nuclear deterrent, subsequent productions of Fantasy World will definitely be cautious, especially when dealing with highly popular characters.

But what makes people feel humorous is that Belvette finally got into the book.

But it's not entering the group version, but entering another version.

It can only be said that the current LSP is moving too fast. Less than half a day after Bellevette came out, there are already her second creation pictures on Twitter, and the content is more exciting than the last.

After Ai is tuned in a few days, God knows what kind of pictures will be released. I'm afraid it won't be long before Jerusalem in the 3D area has to be replaced by someone else.

At the same time, Luo Quan is still advancing the mission.

This game has a strategy mechanism, which means choosing different options during dialogue may trigger different dialogues for the characters.

Clicking on the right dialogue at some critical moments may lead to far-reaching and correct options for the future plot.

So Luo Quan always clicked on the dialogue and opened the forum to check the strategy to see what kind of situation everyone would encounter after the dialogue.

It took her half an hour just to read the guide, plus study the various functions of the game, so that it was stuck at the door for nearly an hour before she clicked the next step, which was to enter the room.

"You came home seven minutes and five seconds later than usual today. Did something happen to you?"

Belvette gently took off the protagonist's work clothes and asked casually.

"You actually remember the time I came home, and you kept the time so accurate?"

The protagonist showed a surprised expression.

Belvette shook her head slightly: "I'm just naturally sensitive to numbers."

When the male protagonist heard this, he smiled and said, "I did go on a capture mission, but something unexpected happened, which resulted in the arrest being turned into a killing."

"The criminal must be very fierce, right?" Belvette asked expressionlessly, but her hand holding the coat tightened involuntarily.

"On the contrary, he was a very well-behaved criminal."

The male protagonist sat down at the dining table and said with a proud look on his face: "That villain thought that as long as there was no irrefutable evidence, no one would be able to deal with him, but he didn't know that the legal network was wide open and no omissions were missed."

"French net?" Belvette's beautiful eyebrows frowned. She only knew magic nets and fishing nets.

The male protagonist waved his hand: "It's just an adjective. To sum it up, the brave law enforcement officers used their wisdom to bring evil to justice, and justice was once again served."

At this point, the audience started barraging one after another, complaining that they felt a little confused and couldn't understand what the male protagonist had just experienced.

But Luo Quan knew it very well.

Isn't this how Vivian killed Reiner before?

However, Vivian had already gone to hell due to her interference, so AI changed the timeline of the plot so that Reiner died earlier.

I just don’t know if the relevant scenes will appear, after all, the story is really exciting.

However, in order to keep the surprise for the audience, Luo Quan saw it but did not say a word, but continued to push the plot in silence.

"You must be very hungry now after a busy day."

After speaking, Belvette turned around and ran into the kitchen, bringing out a basin of fragrant broth.

The male protagonist eagerly filled a bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

"Your cooking skills have improved again, Bellevette." The male protagonist put down the bowl and praised loudly.

Belvette turned her head to the side: "You always use this rhetoric. You can praise something else next time, otherwise it will look very perfunctory."

The male protagonist spread his hands with an innocent expression: "But except for your cooking skills, you are so perfect in everything else. How can there be any room for improvement?"

Belvette asked in a calm tone: "Do you also talk like this when you talk to other girls outside?"

"How is that possible?" the male protagonist immediately cried out unjustly, "I remember your reminder that boys must protect themselves outside, so I basically don't talk to girls."

"If that's the case, then I'll be relieved."

Belvette used all her strength to suppress the corners of her mouth that wanted to raise, and said calmly: "I'm going back to the house first. If you need anything, just call me."

After saying that, he turned around and went upstairs, the small leather shoes on his feet making a cheerful clicking sound.

After a lot of sugar-coated bullets, Belvette's favorability level increased a lot on the system interface.

I don’t know what will happen after it’s full, maybe there will be some private CG content.

Of course, maximizing the favorability of a female character should only be done to one person.

During the previous public beta, there was a romance zone up master who entered the game and did nothing but tried his best to increase the favorability of all the beautiful female characters.

Many fans complained that he was a scumbag, but the owner felt that he was wronged.

Obviously he loves every female character so seriously and equally, how can he be called a scumbag, right?

(End of this chapter)

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