Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1398 The Way of the World

Chapter 1398 The Way of the World ()

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury’s Masked Superman for the book coins, thank you for your support!


Facts have proved that not everyone can enjoy the blessing of being together.

For so many girls to fall in love with the same person and still live together harmoniously, not only the fans cannot accept it, but also the NPCs in the game cannot accept it.

As mentioned before, the NPCs in "Fantasy World" have been upgraded with AI, and all their words and deeds follow the same logic as normal people.

So one sunny afternoon, he was happily having a party with the female characters in the manor.

However, a cold light flashed the next second, and the female characters all took out a hatchet from behind, and then chopped him into pieces.

This is definitely one of the weirdest ways to die that millions of players have ever experienced in the game.

Moreover, after resurrection, the favorability of all female NPCs has been cleared. If you think about the strategy again, you must start from scratch.

Of course, not everything was left in the end, at least the up owner also obtained a unique achievement in the entire server - [N-equal groom].

It’s not like no one has followed suit since then, but they only encounter hatchets from female characters, but there are no achievements.

Therefore, this up owner immediately became famous and became the only scumbag in the fantasy world. He was nicknamed Brother Cheng.

Of course, some players with particularly charismatic personalities really enjoy the treatment of a harem, seducing six NPCs at once.

Not only was he not stabbed, but he ended up living happily with them, and even had a good CG.

In short, whether the NPC kills the player or not depends entirely on the player's ability to flirt with girls.

It is precisely because it is so realistic that many people play the fantasy world as a love game. They don't think about killing monsters and upgrading to join the group book at all. They just travel with the girls every day.

What's interesting is that many viewers also like to watch these casual love-oriented content, and the number is almost 50-50 compared to those of the progress party.

For example, in the Luoquan live broadcast room, most people are casual.

After seeing Belvette's favorability increase, he kept asking Luo Quan to complete the affection tasks and unlock special dialogues.

Luo Quan thought it was funny. She was a woman trying to conquer another woman. She had no such worldly desires at all, okay?

Moreover, it was always others who attacked her. She had never taken the initiative to attack anyone and had no experience in this area.

So Luo Quan gave up after studying the favorability system.

The following plot is basically what Luo Quan has experienced with Vivian before or heard her talk about it.

She had just taken a few mouthfuls of soup when she was suddenly approached by several law enforcers and escorted to prison.

Soon, the protagonist's previous actions began to be broadcast in the form of narration.

A serial murderer named Reiner was executed by the protagonist. His unruly methods and unintentional royal conflict made the protagonist imprisoned.

Then comes the grudge between the protagonist and his father, and finally the trial.

This trial was not much different from the one Luo Quan had experienced before. The protagonist had his confession retracted by countless people he had helped.

After knowing that he could not make a comeback, the protagonist cursed these people in court and claimed that even if he went to hell, he would glare at them with eyes filled with vengeful flames until he witnessed them being swallowed up by his sins.

But it's a pity that Luo Quan didn't come out to save people in the court this time.

After the protagonist cursed loudly, he was sentenced to death by the furious presiding judge, and was executed immediately.

The protagonist was taken to the execution ground, and his father asked him before execution: "Do you regret it? Because you killed an incurable criminal, you ruined your great future and even your own life."

"Why do you regret it?" the protagonist replied calmly, "I will never regret because I have upheld justice. Whether those people stab me in the back or not, I will kill this scumbag.

It would be fine if I didn't encounter it. Now that I have encountered it, I will never stand idly by. "

The protagonist's father continued: "The justice you insisted on did not provide you with any help in the end."

"I do this without asking for anything in return."

After the protagonist finished speaking, he walked onto the guillotine calmly.

When the gate knife rose with a crisp sound, the hearts of all the audience were in their throats.

Although he knew that this was the protagonist, he knew that he would not die so simply.

But when the protagonist lies on the guillotine, the audience finds that there seems to be nothing that can save him.

Unless a deus ex machina comes, after all, this is an extraordinary world, wouldn’t it be simple if a miracle appears?

However, when the knife fell, the head fell to the ground.

No miracle occurred.

"Holy crap! Did you really write the protagonist to death?"

"The plot is awesome, I didn't expect it at all."

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a heart-warming plot. It feels like I'm only one step away from becoming a god."

"It's really disappointing."

"I just came back from the drama party next door. The protagonist is still alive, but he was saved by the evil god. Isn't it ironic?"

"It's good. Using the power of the evil god to continue to punish evil and promote good is more profound."

"It's a pity. It would be more interesting if the protagonist died like this and then started the road of revenge from Belvette's perspective."

"You're quite brave to think about it."

"Speaking of which, what is the background music of the protagonist during his execution? It sounds pretty good."

"Ask Luo Bao, she is in charge of this area."

"Luobao Luobao, please give me BGM!"


"Actually, this BGM was not created specifically for the game."

Luo Quan opened the folder as he spoke: "Actually, this song is used as the theme song for the second phase of "In the Name of the People".

However, I think its melody is quite suitable to appear when the protagonist is executing his execution, so I used it here. The effect seems to be good so far. "

"It's not just good, it's simply good!"

"The presence of Suona in a Western fantasy story is indeed quite outrageous, but it is originally a magical story, so it is understandable that the BGM is a bit magical."

"So after talking for so long, I still haven't given a complete version of this song."

"Luo Bao, don't just play pure music, show us the lyrics too."


Luo Quan is not a person who likes to show off, but this time she chose to hide.

"This song can be released tonight, because "In the Name of the People" will enter the second stage tonight. The song will fit the theme very well. It has to be watched together with the drama to make people feel better, so everyone is waiting. Come to Station B again in the evening."

Speaking of which, fans know that this song cannot be heard in advance.

But that’s okay, everyone wants to watch “In the Name of the People” anyway, after all, it is the most popular drama right now.

Playing "Fantasy World" during the day and watching "In the Name of the People" at night, what a wonderful and fulfilling day it was.

It’s just that the plots of these two works seem to be a little too positive.

Where can there be so much justice and selflessness in today's society? What's more, there are still selfish, even behaviors and thoughts that wander on the edge of illegality.

It is the current normal state that people will be punished if they don't do it for themselves. After all, they still think about things too idealistically. These are the views of many viewers on the two works.

Perhaps because they have experienced too much suffering and injustice, they no longer believe that fairness and justice exist in reality, let alone that there will be people like the protagonist of the game and Hou Liangping.

Who are the protagonists of these two works?

They will unswervingly practice the justice in their hearts, even if they pay for it with their lives.

Fairness and justice are their lifelong pursuit, even if the people around them don't understand or even oppose it.

They went through many obstacles along the way, and even though they were bruised and bruised, they never wavered.

How could such a person be unlovable?

What is lacking now is just an emotional outlet.

And after the latest episode of "In the Name of the Name" was aired, this cathartic point came.

Chen Hai obtained evidence of Qi Tongwei's crimes, but was silenced by Qi Tongwei first.

On the way to submit evidence, Chen Hai was hit by a truck. Although he did not die on the spot, he became a vegetative state.

In order to continue the thorough investigation, Sha Ruijin, who had just arrived in Handong, decided to appoint a new person to take over Chen Hai's position.

However, many people in Handong had been favored by Zhao Lichun and were complicit with him. They also understood the consequences of continuing to investigate after Chen Hai, so no one was willing to recommend themselves.

At this moment, Hou Liangping appeared.

In the revised plot, he was not transferred to the capital after graduation, but came to the countryside to help the poor, starting from the lowest level.

His wife is still Zhong Xiaoai, but the Zhong family is no longer a family with a great background, it is just an ordinary well-off family.

The two met at the end of their childhood and fell in love in a mountain village. They have been together through rain, snow and wind for more than ten years.

There is no great wealth, only the ordinary ups and downs.

Because Hou Liangping was too upright and unkind, his promotion was very slow.

Mingming was once one of the most capable student union cadres in the school, but after working hard for more than ten years, his status was far lower than that of Qi Tongwei.

But now the opportunity has come. Chen Hai was killed and his position became vacant.

Sha Ruijin ordered generals, but no one dared to sit in this position.

Everyone is afraid, and no one is willing to wade into this muddy water.

But Hou Liangping was not afraid. After he told his wife his thoughts, he received her full support.

Therefore, Hou Liangping sent his wife and their elders to the capital, and decided to sit in this crisis-ridden position alone.

The parting scene between the couple was shot very carefully, and the couple were chatting in the living room as usual.

Before leaving, the wife was still helping her husband sew clothes and urging him to take medicine on time.

Hou Liangping is not good at words. After what happened to his wife last night, he gave his wife a gentle hug and finally said: I love you.

He knew that this separation was most likely to be an eternal farewell. If he didn't say this, he might never have another chance in the future.

Zhong Xiaoai also understood what this sentence meant.

The couple held hands and looked at each other with tears in their eyes, speechless and choked. All the reluctance and affection were reflected in their eyes.

At this point in the performance, the barrage was already boasting crazily: the acting was amazing, I cried, and this part made me a god.

But this is just the foreshadowing, and the climax comes next.

Hou Liangping's self-recommendation was accepted. Because of his relationship with Chen Hai and the reputation gained from being unable to be promoted for so many years, he gained Sha Ruijin's trust and successfully took over Chen Hai's job.

After separating from his wife, Hou Liangping embarked on the road to succession.

At this time the second stage Bgm sounded:

"I want to go through this life to see snow orchids

I want to break through these shoes, my bare feet are flat against the wind and sand

I want to see the clouds in the daytime and hold a torch at night

I want everything to be done according to law in this bright world

…………………… "

As soon as these four sentences came out, all the emotions accumulated earlier were released at once. I don't know how many people had sore noses and tears streaming down their faces.

Not everyone is born so selfish and indifferent. It is the social reality, selfishness and indifference that gradually assimilate them.

Why wouldn't everyone want to live in a world where everyone is selfless and helps each other?

It's a pity that such a world is so difficult that people can't even see the hope of realizing it.

So people compromised and accepted their fate.

Murder and set fire to the gold belt, repair the bridge and repair the road without corpses.

Most people don't have the guts to kill people and set fires, but they don't want to be the nameless corpses under the bridge.

So people choose to be indifferent and ignore things that have nothing to do with themselves.

But as long as a person is alive, his heart will beat and his blood will not be cold.

It only takes some opportunities to arouse their inner passion.

And this plot coupled with this extremely appropriate BGM perfectly achieves this effect.

"Since ancient times, black and white have been divided into colors.

Don't pull it, let it go and become a Buddha

Even good people may not be rewarded well.

Why should the bad guy enjoy happiness?

For one breath, one reason, and one sacrifice, I will go to the end! "

The singing continues, and the lyrics become more and more exciting.

Yes, good people may not be rewarded, so why can bad people still enjoy glory and wealth?

This reluctance intensified the inner anguish of all the viewers, who expressed their applause for the justice-minded by praising the plot and music.

"In the Name of the People", the audience now vaguely understands why the title of this play is called this.

In the name of the people, we should judge injustice, punish evil and promote good, and praise those selfless devotees.

That's probably why the show is so titled, and why they're so excited.

Because they are the people.

After the ups and downs of the climax, the song comes to an end.

Hou Liangping visited Chen Hai in the hospital, changed into Chen Hai's previous work system, and began to formally investigate Chen Hai's murder. He also officially launched a showdown between good and evil with Qi Tongwei.

The song ends with:

"I want people who go out to come home no matter how late they are.

I want the rain falling from the sky to return to the sky

I want those who have dug wells to have salt in their pockets

I want the evil spirit in my heart to have a law in its eyes! "

This episode ends here.

But the story of "In the Name of the People" has just begun.

As this episode aired, the seven characters "Consecrate the gods in the name of the people!" topped the list of hot searches, and the prefix was a bright "explosion".

(End of this chapter)

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