Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1399 Global Tour Live Concert

Chapter 1399 Global Tour Live Concert

There has probably never been a show like this that has become so popular in less than five episodes.

It's as if "In the Name of the People" is present on the entire Internet. Although the lines currently available are so limited, it seems that every sentence is a classic, and each sentence can be interpreted with various meanings.

And under the secondary creation of netizens, it even has a more joking and ironic effect.

However, netizens still don’t know that the classic lines of this TV series have just begun. Only after the subsequent content comes out, everyone will know what it means that the entire TV series is a program effect.

Of course, the current highlight is of course Hou Liangping saying goodbye to his family, taking over Chen Hai's career with the determination to die, and launching a challenge to the mountain that is pressing on the entire Handong.

But he is not alone, Sha Ruijin and Ji Changming will help him.

The next story will revolve around the grudge and struggle between him and Qi Tongwei.

And the song "The Way of the World" that Hou Liangping sang after leaving home has naturally become the most popular song at the moment because of its outstanding lyrics.

For a song, the melody is of course the most important.

But in China, which attaches great importance to the beauty of words, lyrics also account for a very high proportion in the listening experience.

Just like "Blue and White Porcelain", which is known as one of the pinnacles of Chinese-style lyrics, its music is beautiful and moving, but the most impressive thing is its full of charm and literary talent.

Just one sentence: The banana outside the door provokes the shower, and the door knocker provokes the patina, which has already won countless victories.

Not to mention the climax: Azure is waiting for misty rain, and I am waiting for you.

I believe that even if it were replaced with a mediocre song, it would still become a classic and a monument in Chinese pop music.

Similarly, the lyrics of the song "The Way of the World" are so well written.

It describes a person's determination to resist injustice in the world alone, a person's never-compromise against evil forces, and a person's enthusiasm and dedication to the people.

There's nothing wrong with it, the singing makes people's blood boil.

The previous song "Rakshasa Sea City", despite its mediocre melody, was able to achieve such explosive popularity due to its highly interpretable lyrics.

Now it has been replaced by "The Way of the World" with better lyrics, and with "In the Name of the People" as the foundation, the popularity of this song has far surpassed all the songs this year and even last year from the first day it appeared.

"What, is this song okay?"

The next day, Luo Quan asked his fans with a smile.

Yesterday at noon, everyone was clamoring to listen to music, and the noise continued until eight o'clock in the evening.

As soon as the song comes on, these sounds disappear instantly.

Otherwise, the quality is really good, and it’s worth waiting for them all day long.

But I don’t know where this trend came from. Every time she was doing a good job, there were people clamoring for her to send benefits.

Cosplay and all that are fine, but someone actually asked her to go on a global concert tour, visiting Tokyo, Paris, New York, and London.

Isn't this nonsense? How can she have such leisure?

So Luo Quan refused without thinking.

However, the fans refused to give up. In the barrage, Xiaozhi was moved by emotion and reasoned, and in the end he almost knelt down to beg her.

This made Luo Quan very embarrassed. He refused directly and was worried about making the fans sad.

But if she didn't refuse, this global tour would be too tiring, and she would be sad again.

This is really a difficult question to decide.

Just when Luo Quan didn't know what to do, Luo Ning, who was sleeping next to him, suddenly hummed twice, which sounded like something had happened.

"My daughter is awake and I'm taking the baby with her. We'll broadcast live again later."

The biggest kid in the world, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast as quickly as possible and successfully escaped!

"What's wrong, daughter?"

Luo Quan picked up Ning Ning, and then he was shocked to find that there were red stripes of unknown origin on his daughter's arms!

"What...what is this? My daughter, do you feel pain in your arm?!"

Luo Quan suddenly became anxious and quickly asked if his daughter was okay.

"It's a little swollen, but it's not serious. It's like the breath is not flowing smoothly."

Luo Ning replied in a relaxed tone, as if it was no big deal.

"It's a conflict of forces."

The system suddenly said: "The host's Wutainless Glazed Body belongs to the Shimen constitution. After you breastfeed Luo Ning, the Shimen belief will conflict with Luo Ning's Dawn Faith and seize the dominance of the body.

At the moment, it’s just the arms that have difficulty breathing, but in the future it might be the legs and stomach..."

"Then how to solve it?" Luo Quan felt a little relieved after knowing the reason.

As long as it's not a virus of unknown origin, it's easy to tell. If you know the cause, there will definitely be a solution.

"Simple, just change the Wusu Glazed Body into the Wusu Immortal Body.

The Wusui Immortal Body belongs to the Taoist body. Immortal cultivators cultivate their minds, use heaven and earth as a melting pot, and refine themselves into elixirs. They can accommodate all things, and can naturally coexist with Dawn Faith.

As for how to transform it, just like when you obtained the power of the succubus before, you need to enter a different world to find it yourself.

However, because your current level is too high, these techniques are very easy to find and will not waste too much time. "

Luo Quan took a deep breath and asked: "Is this world in the universe or a fantasy world game?"

"No, it is a world called Xinghai Immortal Palace. You can adjust the coordinates through any door to transfer consciousness. It has been adjusted for you and is ready to go at any time."

"You still do things properly."

Luo Quan sighed with emotion, and then touched his daughter's head: "Baby, wait a moment. Mommy will come back after she goes. I will help you solve the blockage in your arm before I breastfeed you."

After saying that, Luo Quan opened any door, then lay down on the bed, controlled his consciousness and got in.

I don't know how long it took, but Luo Quan woke up from a burst of severe pain. At this moment, she was lying on a very ordinary wooden bed. The furniture around her was also made of wood, but there were not many. There was only a stool, a small cabinet, and a wooden basin, which was very simple.

She struggled to hold herself up, but found that her whole body seemed to be falling apart. Not only could she not exert any strength, but there were also bursts of severe pain from her chest, as if she had been hit by a blunt instrument.

Luo Quan took a breath of air and hurriedly lay down, but she was still very happy in her heart. Feeling pain meant that she was still alive, which was much better than the previous battlefield maid's start.

"Host, your body is seriously injured at the moment. It's best not to act rashly."

"Hurry up and heal your wounds. I feel like if you wait a little longer, this body may become cold."

"The host does not need to worry that his life is in danger. Your sympathetic nerves are only strongly stimulated, so your heartbeat and pulse speed up, and you feel difficulty breathing. This is a normal phenomenon, and you will be fine after a while."

"That's it." After hearing the system's words, Luo Quan finally felt relieved.

"But don't be too happy too early. The conversation the system has with you is entirely based on the host's daily cognition. On Earth, the host's symptoms should be described in this way."

"Then how should we say it in the language of this world?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"It should be: I received a heart-wrenching punch on my chest, which damaged my heart veins, causing my breath to be short and feeling like I was on the verge of death.

In addition, the spiritual power of this world is extremely abundant, and there is the existence of immortal energy. This is a sign of a world of advanced cultivation! "

"Cultivation..." Luo Quan was about to say something when the memory of the original owner suddenly flooded into her mind.

Without any pain, the first half of this body's life appeared in my mind one by one like a fleeting glance.

The original owner of this body is Su Quan, and the sect he belongs to is the most powerful cultivation sect in the world - the Infinite Immortal Sect!

Su Quan's father is Su Changye, the peak master of Lingyun Peak in the Nine Peaks and Twelve Halls. Luo Quan doesn't know how high his cultivation level is, but if he can sit in such a high-level position as the peak master, his strength will definitely not be too weak.

Su Quan's mother Bai Yueyao has a greater background. Although she does not have any position in the Wuliang Immortal Sect and her cultivation is probably average, her father Bai Risheng is the master of Qingtian Peak and has been in the position for a long time. The peak master of three thousand years!

From this point of view, Su Quan can be said to be a third-generation immortal with upright roots and a bright future. He should have no worries about food and clothing and do whatever he wants, but this is not the case.

Su Quan's father was a monk with very upright "three views". He often mentioned to his two daughters that only by remembering hardship can one think of sweetness, and that one cannot become a true genius when living in good times.

Therefore, when our daughters were growing up, they were not allowed to enjoy any preferential treatment. They were allowed to climb up the ladder little by little with hard-working hands, just like all monks from poor families.

However, Su Quan's sister Su Ziyan lived up to expectations and climbed to the clouds, while Su Quan fell to the bottom and could not be lifted up no matter how hard she tried.

Su Quan is seventeen years old, and his cultivation level has reached the eighth level of Qi training. He is a useless fighter.

Her sister, who is only one year older than her, has a cultivation level two levels higher than hers. She is a genius among geniuses.

They are both younger sisters, but the gap is so huge, which makes Su Changye, a father, puzzled.

However, he did not give up on the mediocre talent Su Quan. He still cultivated her carefully and used his privileges for the first time to send her to the best school in the Wuliang Immortal Sect, hoping that his daughter would make progress under the guidance of famous teachers.

Unfortunately, everything backfired. Even with the best resources, Su Quan's performance was still like a pile of mud. He was mediocre in the school for half a year, making no progress in his cultivation, and was talked about by the geniuses in the school.

You must know that the teacher who teaches everyone is Li Yan, the most famous immortal master of the Wuliang Immortal Sect. Many high-level officials in the Nine Peaks and Twelve Halls were taught by him. Not to mention that all of them are amazingly talented people, at least among their peers. Those are the best among them.

And Su Quan is probably one of the worst students he has ever taught, and this one can even be removed.

At first, Li Yan still had expectations for Su Quan and felt that she was not hopeless.

At least she completed her homework every time and had a relatively correct attitude.

But later, Li Yan discovered that Su Quan was really incompetent, like a stubborn stone that couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried, so over time he gave up and left her to fend for herself.

It is for this reason that many fellow practitioners in the school often laugh at her.

Luo Quan could hold it back at first, but she kept it until yesterday. She finally got angry. In anger, she got into an argument with one of the fellow practitioners. She looked red and angry as if she wanted to fight him, but she was punched by him. Hammer over.

This is all the memory of "Su Quan", and Luo Quan has mixed feelings after knowing everything.

Su Quan's birth can be said to be very lucky. She was born into a family with very favorable conditions. While others were still at the starting line of life, she was almost at the end.

However, Su Quan's entire childhood could be said to be unfortunate. Her aptitude was extremely poor, and she was placed in an environment that was completely incompatible with her aptitude. It was really helpless that she ended up like this.

"Fortunately, you have me, otherwise how could your life be turned around?"

Luo Quan sighed, knowing that he would have to work for others for a while.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

What came in was a woman in white who was as beautiful as a fairy. Her skin was as frosty as snow, her eyes exuded a coldness that would keep strangers away from her, her nose was high and straight, her eyebrows were as thin as smoke, and she had two thin cherry red lips. Like cicada wings, when blended together, they are truly breathtakingly beautiful.

If this beauty could be abducted to earth and filmed in a period film, wouldn’t she have countless fans? !

However, beauty is beautiful, but Luo Quan just looked at her for a few times before closing his eyes and turning his head.

This is her only reaction when seeing this elder sister, because she has low self-esteem.

"You're awake, does your chest still hurt?" Su Ziyan asked coldly, then took out two bottles of pills, one gold and one red, and placed them beside her sister's pillow.

"The golden bottle contains a debridement pill, which can activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Your injury is not too serious and you can recover in three or two days of cultivation.

The red bottle contains the realm-breaking pill. One pill is enough for you to break through to the Tongmai realm. However, don’t take more after you reach the Tongmai realm. It is a three-part poison. It would be bad if erysipelas occurs. "

At this point, Su Ziyan paused and added: "My mother asked me to bring this to you. My father doesn't know about your injury yet."

"I know, thank you." Luo Quan opened his eyes, turned his head and glanced, and said thank you.

Her sister's indifferent attitude did not make Su Ziyan feel anything was wrong. She also used the same indifferent tone: "I found the monk who injured you. He needs me..."

"No!" Luo Quan quickly refused: "I will solve it myself."

"Okay then." Su Ziyan looked at her sister who lowered her head, pursed her lips, then turned and left.

After Su Ziyan left, Luo Quan turned around, grabbed the medicine bottle and sighed: "It's not easy to imitate the behavioral logic of the previous master. This is the first time that a relative has spoken so rudely. It feels like It’s really uncomfortable.”

After picking up the medicine and looking at it, Luo Quan opened his mouth and swallowed a few pills.

The medicine given by the beautiful elder sister is indeed effective. It takes effect within a minute after taking it. All the pain on the body disappears, and there are even waves of warmth in the injured area.

(End of this chapter)

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