Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1400 The Immortal Body of Immortality

Chapter 1400 The Immortal Body of Immortality

"World law detected, system evolving."

Just as Luo Quan was rubbing his chest, the system suddenly sounded a beep.

She hadn't heard this kind of reminder for a long time.

The last time she appeared was when she first arrived in Huanyu. It was said that she had come into contact with Huanyu's world will and could absorb energy to evolve.

I remember that the system hung up for a long time. I don’t know if it will happen again this time.

"The system has evolved. The world will level of Xinghai Immortal Palace is slightly lower than that of Huanyu, so it does not take too long to evolve.

After evolution, the system will gain the ability to enable the host to cultivate immortality. "

Luo Quan looked puzzled: "But can't I cultivate immortality now? Is there any difference?"

"The difference is not big, but with system assistance, we can avoid some detours."

The system's answer made Luo Quan a little disappointed.

However, evolution is better than no evolution. One more function may come in handy later.

After waiting for about five or six minutes, the evolution of the system seemed to be over.

"The assimilation of the world's will is completed, and the host's newcomer gift package has arrived. Do you accept it?"

"I'll definitely accept it." Luo Quan chose yes without hesitation.

"Wuji Gong is being transferred!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Luo Quan heard a muffled buzz in her head, and a long string of golden Taoist texts poured into her mind like a river rushing to the sea.

Although she didn't recognize any of these scriptures, she was able to understand their meaning after putting them together.

As if he had been enlightened, Luo Quan, who had not studied much about the path to immortality, immediately sat down cross-legged and muttered something.

After a while, Luo Quan slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and asked with complicated eyes: "Why are martial arts cultivation and immortal cultivation still separate?"

"Of course the two systems must be separated. Although the immortal power and the internal power can be converted into each other, they cannot be used interchangeably unless the host breaks through to the realm of Taoism."

After hearing the system's answer, Luo Quan sighed, and then opened his own panel:

Name: Luo Quan

Road number: none

Gender: Female

Age: twenty years old

Immortal cultivation level: Level 1 of Qi training

Martial Arts Cultivation: Quasi-God Refining Realm

Kung Fu: Wuji Kung Fu

Taoism: Samadhi True Fire

Magic weapon: Ruyi golden hoop

Taoist companion: none


Apart from this Wuji Gong, there is basically nothing new.

Cultivation also starts from the first level of Qi training. Since the Wuji function is the first skill given to her by the system, it must have its own uniqueness.

When you click into the function interface of Wuji Gong, the first thing you see is a string of classical Chinese texts.

Although there is a lot of classical Chinese text in this paragraph, it does not feel obscure and difficult to understand. On the contrary, Luo Quan seems to vaguely feel that he has seen it somewhere.

"Wuji gives birth to Tai Chi, Tai Chi gives birth to Liang Yi, two Yi gives birth to four images, four images gives birth to Bagua, Bagua gives rise to all things, and all things return to Wuji!"


Su Quan remembered that this formula seemed to be a passage in the "Book of Changes", but there were some differences in the content, and the last sentence was not in the "Book of Changes".

Then move your gaze to the bottom, where the specific functions of Wuji Gong are written.

Of course, it is a vernacular text that has been systematically translated, with a lot of eloquent code. It can be summarized in just a few sentences:

All things are born in Wuji, and all things will return to Wuji. After practicing Wuji, you can transform all the spiritual power you come into contact into your own cultivation. (Note: A monk’s cultivation also belongs to spiritual power)

After reading this, there were only seven words left in Luo Quan's mind: So cool and awesome!

After being stunned for a long time, Luo Quan finally recovered from the shock. With a smile on his face, he couldn't help but sigh: "This effect is the entire version of a cultivator's version of absorbing energy!"

"The power of Wuji Gong is much more powerful than the power-absorbing method that the host knows. The power-absorbing method can only absorb people's internal energy, but Wuji Gong can even absorb the Taoist magic performed by others. It is equivalent to weakening the enemy's attack and strengthening it at the same time. Own.

In addition, if it is absorbed after contact with the target, the speed will be unimaginably high. If the body is slightly weaker, it may be sucked to death directly! "

"So powerful!" Luo Quan's eyes widened, and then he said: "But how many people are so stupid as to be caught and sucked by me?"

"This kind of thing shouldn't be difficult. The host has accepted the inheritance of the Succubus Queen, and generally uses several charm techniques. With the host's appearance, it should be difficult to find someone who can resist.

At that time, the host only needs to hook his fingers to make others lie down and let you suck them. "

Regarding the system, Luo Quan frowned as he listened.

There are charms that confuse people and make them take the initiative to suck them, and their lives are also in danger.

This sounds very wrong, as if I have become a monster in some Western fantasy world that feeds on human energy.

"You can also absorb power from a distance. You can do it without touching the other party, but it will be slower."

"That's pretty much it."

Luo Quan nodded slightly, and then suppressed the doubt in his heart.

After closing the personal panel, Luo Quan opened the task interface.

"The host's current mission has been released. If you discover the secret of the Immortal Terrace in the Immortal Immortal Examination tomorrow, you can obtain the Immortal Immortal Body and complete the mission.

At that time, the system will assist the host to decrypt, please rest early and recuperate. "

It can only be said that the system is becoming more and more user-friendly.

When tasks were released in the past, only one task objective and task reward were given, and nothing else was given.

Now not only are there task reminders, you can also help yourself complete them together.

This indeed solved a lot of trouble for her.

I hope we can go well together tomorrow and nothing will happen.

Soon, Luo Quan lay on the bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but Luo Quan was woken up by the banging on the door outside.

"Su Quan, are you there?!"

"It's Wang Yan's voice."

With the memory of the previous body owner, Luo Quan could easily recognize whose voice it was.

Wang Yan is one of Su Quan's few friends, or even his only friend.

Although he was born into a poor family, his talent was very good. At the same age as Su Quan, he already had the strength of the sixth level of Tongmai.

Among the monks of their generation, this is already an excellent qualification.

Wang Yan was not present when Su Quan was beaten yesterday. If she had been there, none of those people combined would be Wang Yan's opponent. When Su Quan saw his friend visiting, he quickly walked to the door and opened it.

"Why haven't you gone out yet? Immortal Master Li Yan is about to start the roll call. Today is the day of the trial at the Immortal Platform. If you miss it, you will have to wait another three years. Let's go!"

Wang Yan's personality was somewhat similar to Wen Xia's. She took Su Quan's hand and ran towards the school without saying anything.

Su Quan's residence was not very far from the school, and he arrived at the school in just one stick of incense.

Thousands of students lined up neatly in a square formation, and the first immortal master Li Yan was taking roll call. Fortunately, Su Quan remembered her as soon as he entered the square formation and stood up.

"Su Quan!"

"Here!" Su Quan raised his hand high, attracting the attention of many people.

"Wasn't she injured by Li Xiaoyu yesterday? Why does she still sound so angry?"

"Her father is the master of Lingyun Peak. Does he have any healing pills?"

"Yes, but with such a powerful father, he is still a loser. After studying in Tianzihao Academy for more than half a year, his cultivation has not moved at all. It is really laughable."

"Stop talking, people are looking over here..."

"How come there are people hating the rich wherever I go?"

Luo Quan wouldn't get angry because of a few criticisms, but he just felt that these people's jealousy was too strong.

But having said that, it seems that people everywhere are similar, and they worry not about scarcity but about inequality.

The reason is that the gap between rich and poor is too wide.

If it were a utopian world where everyone had the same assets, then these disputes would not arise.

Everyone has unlimited resources and can get everything they want just by moving their hands.

Universal Star is currently very close to this state.

Materials are so abundant that people can live comfortably even if they have been lying down since birth.

There are also virtual game consoles where you can enjoy being the protagonist in various worlds.

There is nothing wrong with saying that the Universal Planet is a utopia, but it is all based on the extremely powerful foundation of the Universal Civilization.

Li Yan soon finished the roll call, looked at all the disciples and said: "Today, the three-year Immortal Stage Trial is about to begin. The Nine Peaks and Twelve Halls will send people to test your cultivation results. As long as your results are excellent, you will be Can officially become a disciple of Wuliang Immortal Sect!"

The students cheered loudly, some looked proud and confident in their eyes, while some students were uneasy and clenched their fists unconsciously.

Luo Quan showed no expression, because she knew that she had no chance of becoming an entry-level disciple of the Wuliang Immortal Sect, at least not yet.

The Wuliang Immortal Sect has a sect rule. Those whose cultivation level is lower than the first level of Tongmai cannot enter the sect. This is why her sister Su Ziyan just gave her the realm-breaking pill just now, just to let her break through to the realm of Tongmai.

It's just three parts medicine and poison, Luo Quan doesn't want to use that thing.

After Li Yan called the names, he did not immediately conduct the test on the Immortal Platform, but was waiting for something.

None of the disciples spoke, and everyone was more or less nervous.

At this time, a colorful auspicious cloud suddenly appeared in the distant horizon, and the cloud was densely packed with people.

The colorful auspicious clouds flew closer and closer, and finally stopped on the heads of the students. At this time, everyone finally saw clearly who was standing on the colorful auspicious clouds.

"Look, it's Ye Ku, the quasi-dao disciple of Tianjian Peak! I didn't expect that he would be the one to recruit disciples in person for this grand test on the Immortal Platform!"

"There is also Xiang Bangjie, the "Little Yama" of the Yama Palace. I heard that he has already reached the level of half-step to the golden elixir!"

"And Fairy Ziyan from Qingdi Peak! She is truly the most beautiful woman in the Wuliang Immortal Sect. Even without the makeup, she is still stunningly beautiful!"

One after another, the names of all-powerful people in the Wuliang Immortal Sect were shouted out by the students.

They are all the most outstanding descendants of the Nine Peaks and Twelve Halls, and this time they have come to test the cultivation achievements of the students in the school and recruit disciples on behalf of the masters of the peak halls.

Hearing someone mention Su Ziyan, Luo Quan also raised his head and looked at the colorful auspicious cloud.

Sure enough, Su Ziyan was standing at the forefront of the clouds, overlooking all living beings. The white light passed by her, looking so dazzling.

As if sensing a scorching gaze coming from the ground, Su Ziyan turned to look in Luo Quan's direction.

"Look, look, Fairy Ziyan is here!"

"They must be here to see me. I will definitely be able to successfully reach the top of this Sendai test!"

"What a joke, just you? Only two of the seniors in the previous generation accomplished such a feat. Now they are all quasi-Dao disciples of the Nine Peaks and Twelve Halls. Do you think you have such strength?"

"How will you know if you don't try!"

"Su Quan, is your sister looking at you?" Wang Yan turned around and asked.

"I don't know." Su Quan shook his head and asked, "By the way, how difficult is this trial of ascending to the Immortal Platform? How far can you reach with your strength?"

"I haven't been to the trial, how do I know?"

Wang Yan scratched her head and said: "But I heard from seniors that people with average strength who have broken through the Tongmai realm can at least walk through the ninth step.

As long as you walk through the ninth level, you can become an entry-level disciple of the Infinite Immortal Sect. As for me... I can probably walk up to the fourteenth to sixteenth level.

You don’t have to worry. Although you are only at the eighth level of Qi training, if you follow me later, I can still take you through the ninth level if I am a little tired. "

Looking at Wang Yan's simple and sincere smile, Luo Quan felt warm in his heart when he thought that she had hurried to find her just now without seeing him. This girl is such a good person. Can the system give her a blessing?

"It's simple. The system has already accumulated some Hongmeng Purple Energy. It was originally used to open the mall, but if you go out too much, it won't affect the progress too much."

With that said, the system injected this purple energy into Wang Yan's body. Although it was not much, it was enough to last her a lifetime.

"Are you sure you can really take me to the ninth floor?" After doing all this, Luo Quan smiled softly and asked Wang Yan.

"Of course... wait!" Wang Yan's pupils shrank, as if she had seen a ghost, "When did you reach the first level of Qi cultivation!"

"I don't know, it just felt like this when I woke up." Luo Quan shrugged helplessly.

"Then what?!"

Wang Yan looked a little anxious. If she practiced Qi at the eighth level, she could help Su Quan walk up the ninth step even if she was pulled down.

How can I pull it off at the first level of Qi training? I'm afraid I can't even climb the first step!

"Don't worry about me. Have you forgotten who my father is?" Su Quan patted Wang Yan on the shoulder and said, "Just move on later. You must get good results!"

Wang Yan smiled awkwardly: "If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. Your father is the master of Lingyun Peak. It doesn't matter whether you go to the Immortal Platform or not."

The two were chatting when there was sudden movement in front of them.

Li Yan raised his hand and shed a ray of white light. When the white light dissipated, a huge cyan staircase with a width of 30 feet and a height of 33 feet appeared in front of everyone.

There is a white platform at the top of the stairs, surrounded by rays of light and shrouded in fairy mist. It is the ultimate goal of this trial - ascending to the Immortal Platform!

"Attention all students, the Sendai Trial begins now!"

(End of this chapter)

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