Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1401 The Immortal Body of Immortality

Chapter 1401 The Immortal Body of Immortality ()

"This time I will step onto the Immortal Stage to prove my strength!" A handsome monk in blue roared and was the first to rush up the stairs.

"How can I, Huangpuhe, lag behind others? I should have a place on the Immortal Platform!"

Another student with strong skills, he turned into a rainbow and flew towards the Immortal Platform, but in an instant he surpassed the monk in blue.

The Immortal Platform Trial also has a time limit, it only lasts for half an hour. Once the time is up, the Immortal Platform will disappear, so everyone refuses to delay for a moment, and everyone uses their abilities to move forward as soon as the trial begins.

In the crowded crowd, Luo Quan and Wang Yan were quickly dispersed, because everyone was scrambling to run forward. Only Luo Quan walked forward slowly and leisurely, as if taking a walk.

Anyway, with her current level of cultivation, she can't even cross the first step, so why bother running? The top priority is to find a way to unlock the secret of Climbing the Immortal Platform and get the Immortal Body of Wugou.

So there was such a strange scene on the trial ground.

Everyone has climbed up the stairs and is moving forward desperately. Only Luo Quan is still wandering outside the trial venue, as if he is not in a hurry at all.

And the geniuses on the colorful auspicious clouds also discovered the maverick Luo Quan.

"Hey, look, isn't that Su Quan? Why haven't you gone in yet?"

"When we were doing trials back then, we were afraid of being one step behind others. Fortunately, this Su Quan actually had time to take a walk."

"If you are lucky, you can still enter the sect without going to the Immortal Platform. Why are you so idle?"

"Say less. That's Zi Yan's sister. From now on, we will all be brothers and sisters. Save some face for others."

The discussion caused by Luo Quan did not last long, although her performance was indeed a bit funny.

But everyone also knows her identity. No matter how bad she behaves now, everyone will definitely want to be brothers and sisters in the future. Just laugh twice and there is no need to hold on to her all the time.

As for Su Ziyan, she didn't show any anger. She had long been used to her sister's lazy and mediocre look.

All the monks in the Wuliang Immortal Sect knew that Su Ziyan's younger brother Su Quan was a mediocre person.

However, people who are doing nothing are not useless. Luo Quan wandered around for a long time and finally stepped into the trial field.

And the moment she walked in, the system that had not spoken for a long time suddenly made a sound: "The concentration of spiritual energy here is so high! If Wuji Gong is run here, the cultivation speed will be a hundred times faster than the outside world!"

"Time comes and turns!"

Luo Quan's heart trembled violently, and his original lack of interest in the trial at the Immortal Platform immediately became extremely excited.

Without needing to be reminded by the system, Luo Quan immediately meditated on the spot and started working on the Wuji Kung Fu with all his strength.

Sure enough, just as the system said, it had only been running for a week, and Luo Quan found that his meridians were already filled with spiritual energy.

However, due to the fact that her current immortal cultivation level is still too low, the speed of converting spiritual energy into cultivation level cannot match the speed of her absorbing spiritual energy.

But even so, Luo Quan only spent half a stick of incense to break through from the first level of Qi training to the eighth level of Qi training!

"Host, this is the first step of the Immortal Ascension Platform. With your current level of cultivation, you can move forward. Maybe the concentration of spiritual energy on the second step will be even higher!"

The system quickly reminded Luo Quan.

"Makes sense."

Luo Quan got up from the ground and walked forward.

When she first entered the first step, she felt a sluggish feeling entangled by invisible forces under her feet.

It's like having water-soaked cotton tied to your legs. Every step you take takes a lot of effort.

But now, Luo Quan's steps were extremely brisk, as if he was just walking on ordinary ground.

Although this is only the first step to the Immortal Platform and almost all students can pass it easily, there are few who can walk as fast as she does.

Most of them move forward step by step. If you don't have enough strength to run so fast, you will definitely fall to pieces.

Although Luo Quan accelerated suddenly, she did not catch up because she had wasted too much time before.

Now the penultimate place has reached the fourth step, and she has not yet finished the first step.

When her right foot stepped on the second step, the annoying stagnation immediately returned.

Fortunately, this level did not stop her from moving forward. Luo Quan stepped on the second step with a slight boost of energy.

"The spiritual energy concentration on the second level is 10% more than that on the first level!"

Luo Quan was slightly disappointed by the system. The concentration of spiritual energy on the first level was a hundred times, but on the second level it only increased by 10%. She thought it could double.

However, such a concentration of spiritual energy was already very terrifying. Luo Quan did not dare to waste a moment and immediately sat down to exercise.

It still only took half a stick of incense to break through to the third level of Tongmai easily!

When Luo Quan stood up, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the power hindering his progress disappeared again.

It seems that every time I advance to a level, I can ignore the obstacles of the current level. If I can keep upgrading, wouldn't I be able to rush to the thirty-third level? !

But when you think about it, you know that this idea is impossible. The improvement of spiritual energy is 10%, but the gravity of the ladder can not only increase the improvement.

And even if it could, there wouldn’t be enough time

Putting all distracting thoughts out of his mind, Luo Quan continued to move forward.

Luo Quan didn't know that what she did was being watched by another group of people at this moment.

They are all immortal masters of the Wuliang Immortal Sect School. Ninety percent of the disciples who have joined the Wuliang Immortal Sect in the past three hundred years were taught by them!

The one with the highest status among them is Li Yan, who is known as the number one immortal master. He strokes the long snow-white beard on his chin and is always observing Luo Quan's every move, with a look of relief in his eyes.

"This stubborn stone has finally come to its senses."

He has been in charge of the magic weapon of Climbing the Immortal Platform for tens of thousands of years. How could he not know its mystery?

In every trial before this, none of the students discovered the secret, and they just kept working hard and kept moving forward.

He quit the trial when he couldn't walk anymore. Only Su Quan felt the magic on the Immortal Platform.

It's really funny to say that so many details that extremely smart geniuses have ignored were discovered by a recognized dull person. Is this the so-called great wisdom and stupidity?

Li Yan, who originally thought Su Quan was hopeless, finally regained hope, and his sense of her changed dramatically.

And Luo Quan, in the continuous cycle of cultivation, progress, and practice, has now stepped through the fourth step and reached the fifth step. The concentration of spiritual energy here has also climbed to one hundred and seventy times!

And her cultivation has surpassed the Golden Core realm.

This was her cultivation before coming to Xinghai Immortal Palace. Divine Refining is the realm of martial arts. Although the two have certain similarities, they cannot be used at the same time.

But after coming to Xinghai Immortal Palace, her immortal cultivation level was cleared. However, when she improved, these two powers could actually exist at the same time. This is definitely the biggest surprise. It means that she can double her combat power in the future, which is a huge improvement in terms of combat effectiveness.

At this moment, she is no longer the last one. Most of the students on the first level of Tongmai have just passed the fourth step.

Finally catching up with the large army, after using half a stick of incense on the spot, Luo Quan's cultivation level once again broke through and reached the sixth level of the Golden Core.

Looking at the fellow practitioners who were still struggling ahead, Luo Quan couldn't help but smile, stepped forward, and surpassed them with unusual ease.

"How can it be!"

"Isn't it true that she only has Qi training? How could she get here and be so easy!"

"Her father must have given her some magic weapon!"

"You actually rely on foreign things and dare to laugh at us. How shameless!"

Words of surprise and jealousy came from all directions, and the faces of the monks around Luo Quan were filled with unwillingness, anger, and unconcealable envy.

But Luo Quan didn't even look at them and walked straight to the sixth step.

This time, she encountered a little trouble. After stepping on it with her right foot, her left foot seemed to have roots growing on the ground.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move it, so could she just stop there?

"Use your magic power, host. You are a monk now and not a reckless man. If you have magic power, why don't you keep moving forward with brute force?"

"I'm afraid I won't even remember it if you don't remind me."

Luo Quan blushed and quickly mobilized the magic power in his Dantian to circulate it to all the limbs and bones of his body.

Then Luo Quan felt that he was as light as a swallow and stepped onto the sixth step of the ladder with a single push.

I don't know if this was the first time he used magic power, but Luo Quan didn't grasp the amount of magic power output well. After walking up the sixth step, his body floated forward without stopping.

At this moment, Luo Quan felt like a kangaroo, able to jump several meters with a single jump, and his body was as light as weightless.

Cultivation of immortality is indeed much more elegant than practicing martial arts.

If she uses internal force, she can still take off.

But just like Superman, it's very unsightly to just make a big hole in the ground and then go straight up and down with a swish sound.

The flight of a cultivator is different. It looks like a fairy daughter descending to earth to travel around the world. It looks very beautiful.

This kind of beauty lasted until she climbed the eighth step. She half-jumped and half-flyed up the entire seventh step without any pause, leaving all the monks on the road stunned.

Is this still the same waste?

The monks in the Tongmai stage were sweating every step of the way, but Su Quan was flying and jumping. It was unreasonable. Her cultivation level was not as good as mine!

However, no matter how unwilling they were, they could only watch Luo Quan step onto the eighth step.

For most people, the ninth step is the end of this trial on the Immortal Platform.

As long as they step onto the ninth level, it means that they can officially join the sect of Wuliang Immortal Sect, and their skills, resources, and countless opportunities will also be at their fingertips.

Luo Quan is now at the last hurdle leading to the finish line, and there are still three full incense left before the end of the trial.

And the system told her that the spiritual energy concentration on the eighth level was 430 times that of the outside world! She has plenty of time to break through to the Nascent Soul stage on the eighth level, and then step onto the ninth level.

Before entering the trial site, Luo Quan had no idea that he could get here. It seemed that he was just thinking about deciphering the secret at first.

Sit down and do exercises. Luo Quan has repeated this action several times, and now he seems to be very familiar with it.

With Wuji Gong, she can unscrupulously absorb the spiritual energy around her into her body, waiting for her Dantian to transform them all into her own cultivation.

Compared with other monks who can only absorb an appropriate amount of spiritual energy at a time and can continue after the transformation, Luo Quan has no worries about this at all, and the speed is naturally much faster than others.

The time for a stick of incense passed quickly, and Luo Quan's Dantian also suddenly grew larger under the impact of spiritual energy.

In just four sticks of incense, Luo Quan's cultivation level returned to the Nascent Soul stage. This was her immortal cultivation level before coming to Xinghai Immortal Palace!

Next, it’s time to step onto the ninth step. Perhaps the secret of ascending to Immortal Platform is hidden on the ninth step.

However, just as she stepped onto the ninth step, the system suddenly stopped her.

"Did you find anything?" Luo Quan stopped in time.

The system replied: "After calculation, the concentration of spiritual energy in the eighth layer is four hundred and thirty times that of the outside world, while the concentration of the first layer is one hundred times that of the outside world!

If one hundred times the first level is set to 1, then the eighth level is thirty-three times more than the seventh level. "

Luo Quan said with a smile: "This is a good thing. The higher the number of steps, the higher the concentration of spiritual energy. Maybe it will be fifty times higher on the ninth floor!"

"It's probably not the case!"

The system's voice suddenly became serious: "I just calculated the multiplier of the increase in spiritual energy concentration each time the host ascends a level, and I discovered a pattern.



I vaguely remember seeing a similar sequence in the extracurricular expansion of high school mathematics textbooks. It seems to be quite famous, but I can't remember what it is for the moment.

"Host, your mathematical knowledge is too shallow. These are the first seven digits of the Fibonacci sequence except 0. You don't even know the famous golden section sequence on earth..."

The system did not finish the sentence, but the naked contempt in the words made Luo Quan angry: "Of course I know this is the golden section sequence, and I want you to remind me!"

Then Luo Quan raised his eyebrows and asked: "Also, what does mathematics have to do with cultivation? Don't tell me that this golden section sequence is some kind of Taoist method. Just memorize the formula and you can achieve great success."

The system replied: "Of course not, but host, didn't you realize that the sum of these seven numbers is 33? This number is the same as an important number in the world of cultivation."

(End of this chapter)

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