Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1402 The Immortal Body of Immortality

Chapter 1402: Immortal Body without Stain ()


Luo Quan frowned and lowered his head in thought, but quickly raised his head again and said in surprise: "Thirty-third heaven!"

"That's right, it's the thirty-third heaven!"

The system said in an exciting tone: "In any known cultivation civilization, 33 is a number that represents the limit, and the thirty-third heaven is a unique term that only appears in top-level cultivation civilizations. Lower-level ones Cultivation civilization is not even qualified to understand it at all.

Since the multiple of the eighth level is already thirty-three times that of the first level, the spiritual energy concentration on the eighth level should be the highest. If you go up further, it may drop back to ten times. "

Luo Quan nodded, but then asked immediately: "What you said does make sense, but we only have three sticks of incense left here, and the secret of ascending to the Immortal Platform is still not solved.

Maybe the ninth level doesn’t have the answer we want, but how can you be sure that the eighth level will have it? "

"This is what the system will say next. In addition to thirty-three, there is actually a special number in the cultivation civilization. This number is even more advanced than thirty-three, because it symbolizes perfection and perfection in the true sense!"

“Fullness and perfection… is fifty!”

This time Luo Quan was able to draw inferences from one instance. She had read so many cultivation novels, and she could say that she knew all about some special numbers, and the only one that could be called perfect was fifty!

The system agreed: "Yes, it's fifty.

As the saying goes, there are fifty avenues and forty-nine Tianyan, escape one of them!

Now there is a conjecture that the position you are standing at is thirty-three, the ninth floor is up, and the eighth floor is down, which adds up to fifty.

If you continue to practice on the platform between the eighth brother and the ninth floor, will there be any special gains? "

"Are you sure?"

Luo Quan took her feet back and took a few steps back. There was no turning back in the Immortal Platform Trial. Once she completely stepped onto the ninth floor, she would never be able to return to the eighth floor.

"I can't be 100% sure. After all, the host has been practicing for a stick of incense just now and has gained nothing.

Moreover, these are all speculations based on existing information, but they are also closest to the possible correct answers, so the system is more inclined to stay here! "

"Then give it a try." Luo Quan smiled softly: "Anyway, what kind of peak master is the father of my body? It doesn't matter if I can't climb the ninth step this time. There may be a chance to do it again in the future. Let's see. Let’s see if Dao Fifty is here!”

With the decision made in his heart, Luo Quan no longer hesitated, neither retreating nor advancing, he sat down directly on the spot and started the Wuji Kung Fu.

This behavior and this scene made everyone around him stunned.

"We were already almost at the finish line, but he actually went back again. This Su Quan is probably not a fool!"

"Don't mention it. This Su Quan is usually taciturn, not good at cultivation, and has no spiritual roots. He might be a bit stupid."

"Don't worry about her. Let's go to the ninth level before the time is up. I heard that if you can get to the tenth level, there will be special rewards!"

"Go quickly, go quickly..."

Not only were the people around Luo Quan puzzled by her behavior, but the geniuses on the cloud were also extremely strange, especially Su Ziyan.

She saw her sister moving quickly on the platform, and was pleased to think that she had finally enlightened.

Little did I know that my sister had half of her feet on the ninth floor, paused for a long time, then shrank back, and then meditated back to her original state, unable to walk away. What does this mean?

Don’t you want to join the Wuliang Immortal Sect?

Su Ziyan sighed helplessly, not wanting to look at his sister anymore. The other geniuses also looked at Su Ziyan with regret.

At this moment, no one can understand Luo Quan's behavior, whether they are geniuses or ordinary monks, but only Li Yan knows what Luo Quan is doing!

He never expected that Luo Quan's understanding could reach this point. He only entered the Immortal Platform for the first time and discovered the ultimate secret hidden in the eighth level of the stairs.

It took him ten years of enlightenment to get some clues, and then he accidentally stumbled onto the platform between the eighth and ninth floors and obtained a heavenly skill.

And Su Quan actually did it in just a few sticks of incense!

If there is no expert to give him guidance, then this child's future will be unlimited!

The skills she will soon learn are enough to last a lifetime.

You must know that the realm of cultivation is divided into two realms: immortal and mortal. The skills in the mortal realm are divided into three levels: heaven, earth and human. Heavenly level is the top level of mortal level skills. Even monks in the fairyland will not easily miss the heavenly level skills.

Time passed bit by bit, and the trial on the Immortal Platform gradually came to an end.

Most students have basically reached the ninth level and have obtained the qualifications to join the Infinite Immortal Sect.

As for those students with stronger abilities, they are making the final impact towards the top of the Immortal Platform.

The students of this class are not as good as the previous class. Only Huangfuhe is close to the top.

The other students stopped at the bottom of the thirty steps and could only watch Huangfu He climb to the top.

There are successful people, and there will be people who fail. There are also more than 200 students on the eighth level who have not reached the standard.

After reaching the eighth floor, although they tried their best, they were still unable to move forward. They could only slump on the ground and let unwilling tears overflow from their eyes.

"It seems that this year's new disciple pattern is like this. Except for Huangfu He, the rest of them have average qualifications."

Above the clouds, "Little Yama" Xiang Bangjie made a final conclusion for this trial on the Immortal Platform.

"We, Tian Jianfeng, want that Huangfu He."

Ye Ku, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke with a very arrogant tone. It didn't look like he was discussing with everyone, but more like he was making a notice.

"What a loud tone!" A tall man standing next to him chuckled, "Students in the school have always made their own choices to join the Wuliang Sect. When will it be your turn to assign them?"

Ye Kuheng glanced at it: "Yuan Jong, are you trying to rob me?"

"Don't say anything about grabbing or not grabbing."

Seeing that the conflict between the two was about to escalate, a pretty woman in Tsing Yi stood up in time and said: "There are only a few talented students in total. It would be too unfair if we really rely on robbing to recruit disciples every time. .

If Senior Brother Xiao Yu comes this time, who of you can beat him? So I say, let people make their own choices, and we just have to do what we should do. "

"It's all up to Senior Sister Li's arrangement." Yuan Jian didn't have any objections. After speaking, he looked at Ye Ku demonstratively.

Ye Ku clenched his fists, seemingly unwilling to do so, but in the end he nodded slightly and agreed.

It seems that Senior Sister Li has a high prestige among the geniuses, and she resolved this dispute with just a few words.

And the Xiao Yusheng in her mouth was probably the pinnacle of combat power among the monks of their generation. As soon as Senior Sister Li moved him out, Ye Ku, who had looked proud just now, suddenly fell silent.

"The time is up, this trial of the Immortal Climbing Platform is over!" Immortal Master Li Yan's voice echoed throughout the Climbing Immortal Platform.

At this moment, Huangfuhe finally broke free from the last shackles, stepped on the top of the ladder, and successfully "ascended to immortality"!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on him, with envy, admiration, and of course jealousy.

Luo Quan stood up slowly at this time and was ready to leave. The system's guess was correct.

The way to immortality lies within it!

After working for so long, I finally got the Wu Gu Immortal Body. But before he could check it, a dazzling white light flashed in front of him.

Everyone swayed and was teleported outside in the blink of an eye.

When they came back to their senses, Li Yan had already put the huge Immortal Platform in his sleeves, and the geniuses on the clouds also landed one after another and began to recruit disciples.

Li Yan came to the front of the students and said loudly: "All students who have reached the ninth level of the ladder, take a step forward. Standing in front of you are all senior brothers and sisters from the Nine Peaks and Twelve Halls who are one year older than you.

You all have a certain understanding of the situation of the Nine Peaks and Twelve Halls before, so I won’t introduce it here. Just go wherever you want without hesitation. "

"I'm going to leave the Tianjianfeng, Ye Ku."

"Yam Luo Palace, Xiang Bangjie."

"I am Motian Palace, Yuan Chong!"

"Baoguang Peak, Li Xingyue."

"Qingdi Peak, Su Ziyan."


The geniuses of the Nine Peaks and Twelve Halls took a step forward to declare their families, and then they were speechless and allowed the students to make their own choices.

And those students who did not go up the ninth level could only watch others worshiping the Wuliang Immortal Sect, their eyes were red but they were helpless.

"Su Quan, what should you do?" Wang Yan did not immediately go to Baoguang Peak, which she had always wanted to go to. Instead, she came to Luo Quan and asked about her situation.

"I don't know." Luo Quan shook his head, "My sister is right there. She will probably come to find me after she has collected the disciples. You can leave first and don't worry about me."

"Then I'll leave first." Wang Yan patted Luo Quan on the shoulder, then turned around and ran towards Yuan Jong.

"Junior sister Wang Yan has met senior sister Li Xingyue!" Wang Lun ran to Li Xingyue and bowed.

"You walked through a total of seventeen steps just now, right." Li Xingyue pulled Wang Yan to her side and smiled warmly: "Yes, from now on you are a disciple of Baoguang Peak!"

"I, Huangfu He, would like to worship you in the Wuliang Hall."

The first place winner in this Immortal Platform Trial did not choose Tianjian Peak or Baoguang Peak, but chose Wuliang Hall, which has always been known as the tomb of geniuses.

In the Nine Peaks and Twelve Halls, there is no distinction between high and low, strong and weak. Everyone has the same level, but they are responsible for different duties.

But Wuliang Hall is an exception. It is a place dedicated to training peak masters and palace masters. Almost all the senior officials of Wuliang Immortal Sect have been disciples in Wuliang Hall.

However, it is not easy to gain a foothold in Wuliang Palace.

The competition in the palace is very fierce, and Wuliang Palace is the only place in the Wuliang Immortal Sect that allows disciples to fight at will without causing any loss of life.

The strong men in the temple can challenge any fellow practitioner at will. The chosen one is not allowed to refuse, and once defeated, he will lose everything.

Many geniuses who came to Wuliang Palace were humiliated and bruised in this way. In the end, they either lost their hearts and lost sight of everyone, or they left in humiliation and worshiped under the sects of other peak palaces.

This time, the person who came to recruit disciples instead of Wuliangdian was a thin man with a gloomy expression.

He didn't say any words of welcome to Huangfu He's arrival. He just looked at the remaining students and said, "Is there anyone else who wants to worship in my Infinite Palace?"

There was silence, and the first disciple didn't even look at him.

"Come with me." The thin man glanced at Huangfu He and turned around to leave.

Huangfu He took a deep breath and quickly followed.

"There is no good place to go. I have to go to Wuliang Hall. Huangfu He's life will be miserable in the future." One of the disciples sighed.

"Everyone has his own ambitions. Maybe he will gain a foothold in Wuliang Palace in the future, and you and I will have to call him out when we see him."

After Huangfuhe left, the recruitment of disciples continued.

Hundreds of students already had goals before participating in the Climbing the Immortal Platform Trial. All they have to do now is stand next to those senior brothers.

The whole process was orderly, and this time there was no need to fight because everyone had a share.

Soon everyone went to the peak hall they wanted to go to. Senior Sister Li Xingyue of Baoguang Peak took out twenty cotton-like white magic weapons from the storage ring.

This is a common transportation tool in the Wuliang Immortal Sect - Yunteng. A most common Yunteng can carry up to ninety-nine people. It can be controlled by monks in the Tongmai stage, which is very convenient.

Under the leadership of their senior brothers and sisters, the disciples set foot on Yunteng individually in the peak hall, and then prepared to officially enter the Wuliang Immortal Sect.

At this moment, Su Ziyan finally remembered that she had a younger sister.

"You can't come here yet!" Su Ziyan shouted to Luo Quan with a sigh, somewhat hating that iron could not become steel.

She could have passed the test on her own, but she had to be allowed to exercise her privileges in public, and her father would be scolded if he found out.

"Finally thought of me." Luo Quan couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile.

But she quickly took it back. Now she is a well-connected person and can't act too arrogant.

Be low-key, be low-key...

"Wait! Why can she leave too!" A student suddenly stood up and asked loudly.

Luo Quan turned around and looked over, realizing that this student was the vicious woman who knocked her unconscious yesterday.

Unexpectedly, she also failed to pass the test of ascending to the Immortal Platform. They really were enemies on a narrow road.

"That's right, I just saw that she has been staying on the eighth floor. We haven't set foot on the ninth floor. Why can he go to the Infinite Immortal Sect?"

The students who failed the trial finally found an outlet for their emotions.

Those of us with higher cultivation than you can't go to Wuliang Immortal Sect, so why can you go?

This is human nature. It doesn’t worry about scarcity but inequality. What I can’t get, you can’t get either!

However, Su Ziyan silenced all these people with just one sentence.

"What do you think about me taking my sister home?"

The students who were filled with indignation just now were speechless and didn't know what to say for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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