Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1403 The Immortal Body of Immortality

Chapter 1403 The Immortal Body of the Immortal (End)

After hearing this, the disciples reacted.

Yes, Su Quan's home is in Lingyun Peak, and her father is the master of Lingyun Peak. Isn't going to Wuliang Immortal Sect the same as going home?

Now everyone has no reason to stop Su Quan.

Luo Quan didn't make too many expressions, but before leaving, he took a deep look at the person who injured her and tried to hold her back just now.

If this happens again next time, just let her evaporate.

Standing on the cloud, Su Ziyan cast a spell and flew the disciples towards the direction of Wuliang Immortal Sect.

Soon all the clouds carrying the disciples disappeared into the distant sky, and the students who were still in the school also dispersed in despair, their faces full of loneliness...

"Just stay here and don't move around. I'll take the junior sisters up to the mountain and then take you home."

Su Ziyan controlled Yun Teng to fly to the foot of Qingdi Peak, and asked Luo Quan to go down and tell her.

Luo Quan nodded, but he always felt that these words were a bit strange.

After Su Ziyan left, Luo Quan had time to enjoy the scenery in Wuliang Immortal Sect.

She was flying too fast on Yunteng just now and couldn't see clearly what was underneath. Now that she stopped, she found that the Wuliang Immortal Sect was really magnificent.

There are more than ten miles between the peaks. Looking at it from a high place, you feel as if you are in a sea of ​​clouds. The tops of the nine mountains are like nine small islands, towering.

Every mountain looks different.

Qingtian Peak is the highest among the nine peaks, reaching straight into the sky. Luo Quan almost broke his neck and didn't even see the top of the mountain.

I am afraid that even Mount Everest in the previous life is dwarfed by Qingtian Peak. It is worthy of its reputation as Qingtian Peak!

And their Lingyun Peak is very mysterious. The overall image of the mountain is relatively flat, like a big cake with a little bulge in the middle.

The most surprising thing is that Lingyun Peak is completely suspended in mid-air! There are eight extremely thick black chains attached to its bottom, as if it is afraid that Lingyun Peak will fly away, tightly linking it to the earth.

Before seeing Lingyun Peak with his own eyes, Luo Quan had a hard time imagining what a suspended peak looked like.

Compared with Qingtian Peak and Lingyun Peak, the Qingdi Peak where Luo Quan is now is much more normal, but this normality is only relative.

Although its shape is very normal, just a triangular pyramid-shaped mountain peak, it has six colors!

Counting from bottom to top, they are orange, green, gold, red, blue, and purple. There is no color on the top of the mountain, and the layers are extremely clear.

After getting closer, I discovered that these colors come from the flowers covering the hillside. It is these countless flowers that dye Qingdi Peak into such a colorful and beautiful appearance.

If you shoot a MV of a sea of ​​flowers here, the effect will probably be explosive.

The hillside where Luo Quan was on was full of orange flowers. Luo Quan didn't recognize these flowers blooming on the trees, and she didn't pick any of them because they were pretty.

God knows whether these beautiful flowers may be poisonous. The more beautiful things are, the more likely they are to hide dangers. She is not mean-spirited.

"Let's go home with me." After half a stick of incense, Su Ziyan controlled Yunteng and flew in front of Luo Quan.

"So fast? Luo Quan stood up with his hands on the ground.

"I'm only responsible for picking them up the mountain. Once they're delivered, it's none of my business. It's you. Why were you stopped at the eighth step just now and couldn't go up?"

Su Ziyan frowned and asked.

Luo Quan spread his hands and expressed helplessness: "I can't get up, what can I do?"

Su Ziyan looked suspicious: "Didn't I give you the Realm Breaking Pill? How could you not be able to improve your cultivation level after reaching the channel-opening stage?

"I ate it, but it didn't seem to have any effect." Luo Quan shook his head.

Hearing this, Su Ziyan fell into thinking: "How is it possible? This is what my mother gave me.

Forget it, it's all over anyway, let's go back to Lingyun Peak first, you come up first."

Luo Quan, who had managed to get through the test, breathed a sigh of relief and jumped up from the ground onto Yunteng.

At first, the two sisters did not speak, maintaining the same cold relationship as before, but Luo Quan did not intend to keep the relationship so awkward.

Like Vivian before, this Su Ziyan was also marked by the system.

This is equivalent to being brought to Earth and becoming an artist in her company.

To be honest, apart from Ye Zhining, Luo Quan really couldn't find anyone more beautiful than her for such an ancient beauty.

And their personalities are completely different.

If he can lure her into his company, it can be said to fill another vacancy in the collection of beautiful women.

So Luo Quan began to think about how to ease the relationship with this cold sister.

In fact, when they were young, the relationship between the sisters was far less tense than it is now.

The two supported each other in the school, depended on each other, ate and lived together, and their relationship was so good that they talked about almost everything.

But as her elder sister's talent in monasticism gradually emerged, her strength became stronger day by day, while her younger sister with mediocre qualifications kept standing still, which made her feel very unhappy.

In addition, the two of them are sisters, so they are often compared together by outsiders.

Words such as "My elder sister is a genius, but my younger sister is a waste" hit Su Quan's self-esteem again and again.

Over time, cracks appeared in the relationship between the two sisters.

I don't know when Su Quan's personality started to become perverse and irritable. When talking to Su Ziyan, they would often start arguing after a few words.

Originally, when they grew up, the two sisters didn't have many opportunities to get along with each other, and every time they got along, they would break up on bad terms.

So what was once a very close relationship between sisters is now almost becoming strangers.

In Su Quan's view, what "he" had done in the past showed very little emotional intelligence and lack of IQ.

She has no talent, and then outsiders talk about her a lot, but she blames everything on the innocent Su Zi's cigarette butt, causing her relatives who love her to get hurt as well. This way of dealing with things is really stupid.

As the saying goes, poor people must be hateful. It was Su Quan's anger at others because of his own incompetence that led to his current tragic life.

Originally, she could live a very nourishing life relying on her sister.

Although it sounds like some people are poor and have short ambitions, there is nothing shameful about relying on your own family.

After thinking for a long time, Luo Quan felt that sincerity was the ultimate skill.

Instead of thinking about how to phrase your apology beautifully, just say it.

"Sister." Luo Quan called out.

"What's the matter?" Su Ziyan looked over with a cold expression.

I want to... um... apologize, I'm sorry, sister. " Luo Quan pretended to be embarrassed, vividly expressing the complex emotions of shame and nonchalance.

This kind of emotion will make your apology not so abrupt.

"What did you say?"

Su Ziyan never expected that her sister would suddenly apologize to her. The cold relationship between the two sisters had lasted for almost two years. She had given up on her sister, and now she came to apologize to her again?

"I used to be jealous of my sister's talent and said a lot of outrageous things. I know that apologizing now can't undo what I said, but at least I want to say this to my sister:

I'm sorry, my sister knows I was wrong. "

At this time, Luo Quan lowered his head, his face full of loneliness.

"Why did you suddenly figure it out? Didn't you still ignore me this morning?"

Su Ziyan's tone softened a lot unconsciously, but she did not forgive her sister so easily for what she had done.

Luo Quan showed an awkward smile and said: "It's not very sudden. After I was almost beaten to death by a punch yesterday, I thought about it all night and figured out some things.

Talent is destined by God. No one should blame my sister. I used to be too stupid and too extreme.

Now that I think about it, it's all my fault, that is, my sister wouldn't care too much about me. If it were an outsider, I don't know how many times I would have been beaten. "

In order to arouse Su Ziyan's sympathy, Luo Quan deliberately kept his posture very low, as if he accepted this fate.

The bitter tone was mixed with a little helplessness. If Su Ziyan still had feelings for her sister in his heart, even if he was still angry, it would probably be gone.

Sure enough, facing her sister who had reviewed herself so deeply and was in such a low mood, Su Ziyan, who was like an iceberg, gradually became moved: "Don't say that, I am actually responsible for this..."

"What's wrong with my sister?"

Luo Quan raised his head and interrupted Su Ziyan's words, and said with a wry smile: "I was very wrong and let jealousy blind me.

When my cultivation is stagnant, I don't think carefully about my own problems but blame others. I deserve to be called a waste by everyone. "

Su Ziyan sighed softly: "Xiaoquan, don't be so desperate. Although everyone's qualifications are high or low, they are not completely unchangeable.

The Wuliang Immortal Sect has a pill that can change your aptitude, and your father also said that he would ask for one from Danyang Palace for you.

Anyway, don't be impatient. Mother called us home this time and said there was good news. It was probably that your elixir was found. "

As Su Ziyan spoke, he raised his right hand's fingers slightly, and the clouds under his feet immediately rose diagonally upward.

It turned out that the two of them had already flown to the foot of Lingyun Peak, and were now flying to the top of the mountain along the chain.

Looking down, I saw countless ancient-style houses neatly arranged together, roughly forming a field shape.

Although there are many houses, it does not seem crowded because the streets are very wide.

Lingyun Palace, the core of Lingyun Peak, is located in the center. It is a majestic building complex like a palace, but it is not surrounded by city walls because its shape does not require city walls.

In Luo Quan's opinion, the shape of Lingyun Palace is quite similar to the Mayan pyramid, with the largest area at the bottom, and then getting smaller as you go up.

There are seven floors in total from top to bottom, which should be higher than the Pyramid of Khufu.

The top of the pyramid is where Su Changye, the master of Lingyun Peak, lives, and it is also the home of Luo Quan and Su Ziyan.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan hasn't been home for more than half a year. Every time he goes home, he is always lectured by his father, Su Changye.

Because her cultivation almost didn't change every time she came home, and her sister, whose cultivation changed day by day, became an example for her father to teach her.

Su Changye actually has a considerable part of the responsibility for the cold relationship between the two sisters.

Luo Quan felt that Su Changye's method of "poorly raising" his children had merits.

It's just that Su Changye was too strict and ruthless in his execution. Even though his daughter's qualifications were so bad, she still ignored her.

Because of this, the relationship between father and daughter is worse than the relationship with his sister.

At least Luo Quan and Su Ziyan could still talk to each other a few words. After returning home, it was almost difficult for them to meet their father, and they seemed to have stayed away from each other for the rest of their lives.

The mother, Bai Yueyao, worked hard to ease the relationship between father and daughter. Unfortunately, both of them had stubborn personalities, and neither of them would bow their heads and say even a soft word.

Luo Quan felt that it would be another "bloody storm" when he returned home this time.

Yunteng's speed was very fast. In just a few breaths, he had already flown over the long chain and reached the top of Lingyun Peak.

Compared to the cold, passer-by relationship before the Immortal Stage Trial, the relationship between the two sisters has now become much more relaxed.

However, there are still some knots, and the injuries Luo Quan caused to his sister will take time to heal.

Fortunately, at least now Su Ziyan no longer looks at her sister as coldly as before.

This change also met Luo Quan's initial expectations.

To be honest, she was already very embarrassed when she pretended to be her younger sister to apologize.

Next, he has to get along with a cheap dad who has an even worse relationship. Luo Quan is really not very good at it.

Anyway, I have got everything I want, so let's leave it to Ai Lai to deal with it as before.

So when Su Ziyan wasn't paying attention, Luo Quan left the world where Xinghai Immortal Palace was located.

When I opened my eyes again, the sun had just set.

Her daughter lay beside her, playing with her mobile phone with her pink little hands.

At such a young age, he started playing Xiaole, and he was quite enthusiastic about it.

After finding no abnormality, Luo Quan closed his eyes and entered the personal panel again, and then asked: "System, have you obtained the Wugou Immortal Body?"

"It's already in the backpack. Do you want to replace the Wutainless Glazed Body with the Wutainless Immortal Body?"

Luo Quan did not make a decision in a hurry, but asked cautiously: "Isn't this a negative improvement, or are there other side effects that I don't know about?"

"No, what I got this time is the perfect Immortal Body without Stain. The defense will be greatly improved. There are definitely only advantages and no disadvantages."

The system's answer was very positive, which made Luo Quan feel a little relieved: "In that case, let's change it. By the way, it may be a bit painful to change the prompt directly."

"It doesn't hurt. It won't be any more painful than giving birth to a baby anyway."

After saying that, the system directly prompted Luo Quan to start the replacement.

"It doesn't hurt to give birth?!" Luo Quan's eyes widened, suddenly feeling an ominous premonition.

Fortunately, she overreacted this time.

There is really no bad feeling in the process of replacing the Immortal Body.

It was like soaking in a tank of cool spring water, feeling indescribably comfortable all over my body.

As the system was replaced with one sentence, Luo Quan found that his body seemed to have undergone some changes.

(End of this chapter)

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