Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1404 The promised swimsuit

Chapter 1404 The promised swimsuit

Luo Quan's skin has always been very white, looking like pure white ice and snow.

But maybe she didn't like this kind of skin color. It was too pale and looked a little sick, like blood withered due to too much ischemia.

What she prefers is the kind of healthy white, that is, white with red in it.

Now her wish has finally come true. The Immortal Wushou Body has given her body a warm color again. Her skin color has become like a piece of warm jade, and her skin color is like ice and snow mixed with pink.

Healthy fair skin, this is the skin color Luo Quan wants.

Not to mention the feel, if you put a glass bead on your back and blow it gently, it can slide all the way along the spine to the coccyx, which is silkier than Dove.

"Daughter, now you can eat with open arms."

Luo Quan happily hugged Luo Ning, but he opened his arms first.

Previously, due to the conflict between Shimen’s beliefs and Dawn Church’s beliefs, my daughter felt sick after eating.

Now that he has become a higher-level Immortal Body, such a situation should not happen again, right?

Ten minutes later, Luo Quan, who had finished feeding his daughter dinner, carefully inspected her body.

After confirming that no red streaks appeared, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"System, can you figure out what other things Ning Ning will be affected by that I don't know about in the future? Tell me quickly so I can solve it all at once."

Luo Quan fastened his buttons and asked the system in a serious tone.

"It probably doesn't exist anymore, at least it's not in the system's database right now."

The system's answer made Luo Quan feel at ease.

I hope there is really no problem here, otherwise my daughter would be having troubles one after another just a few days after she was born, which would be a bit unlucky.

After all, he still has the title of Holy Son.

However, in the scriptures, it seems that the Son of God came specifically to this world to suffer. He had to bear the sins of the world and suffered a lot.

Luo Quan didn't know if her memory was wrong, but if that was the case, then she would do anything to change her daughter's fate.

Whoever wants to suffer can suffer it, at worst he can give up the title of Holy Son.

Fat Benjamin III knew about such a "rebellious" idea, and he was afraid that he would have to persuade her earnestly again.

This old pope is good at everything, but his character is too soft.

He doesn't have enough pressure on his subordinates.

Even though he knew what kind of character he was as a Holy Mother, he still allowed those believers to bother him.

If she becomes the pope and her subordinates do this, they will all be sent to the Inquisition and imprisoned. Next time, they will be punished by copying the Dawn Canon 10,000 times, and they will have to start over if they make a mistake in a letter.

If they still can't control it, then just crucify them and let them experience the path of atonement that the first generation of the Holy Son did, which can be regarded as a different kind of pilgrimage.

After this set of punishments, Luo Quan didn't believe that anyone would dare to be disrespectful to him.

To put it bluntly, this pope is not extreme enough, and his character is actually softer than the Virgin Mary.

"Mom, I'm going to bed."

Luo Ning, who had eaten and drank enough, took a sweet ejaculation, and her whole body was trembling with comfort.

Luo Quan gently touched his daughter's little head and said softly: "Go to sleep, daughter. Mommy will sing you a lullaby."

"I can fall asleep just like this without a lullaby."

Probably because someone was singing too loudly, Luo Ning refused the lullaby.

It is true that most people have difficulty falling asleep when there are sounds in their ears. Newborn children may not be affected by this, but Luo Ning is obviously not among this group.

The good news is that Luo Ning doesn't cry at night, and her sleep quality is extremely good. She falls asleep as soon as she closes her eyes and doesn't wake up until the next morning.

This is much better than Luo Xi and Arthur. When taking care of these two children, Luo Quan often got up in the middle of the night to change their diapers.

After seeing his daughter sleeping soundly, Luo Quan started the live broadcast while it was still early.

It was suddenly offline yesterday, and no notice has been sent out until now. I guess those fans will complain about themselves in the comment area again.

However, after the broadcast started, the barrage was unexpectedly harmonious.

"It's weird, no one complained today?" Luo Quan said with some surprise.

Usually, if someone is late and leaves early, the fans would like to ask her to pay back double the next day, but this time, no one said anything harsh. The sun is rising in the west?

"I came to be this traitor, not because I don't want to complain, but because these people have a bigger conspiracy!"

"Good boy, let's reveal everyone's intentions in advance, right?"

"You have to say it anyway. It doesn't make much difference if it's earlier or later."

"We can stop talking and let Luo Bao think for himself."


The barrage made Luo Quan a little confused, not knowing what they were talking about.

But since the barrage mentioned letting her think for herself, it must be something she had said before, or a promise she had made.

Moreover, it makes these people so embarrassed to speak, so they need to do some things to pave the way.

So this matter...

Luo Quan suddenly had the answer: "You are talking about the swimsuit photo shoot, right?"

The barrage suddenly burst into laughter:

"This is not what we said, it was you who said it yourself."

"Hahaha, I knew Luo Bao wouldn't forget it. It's fine now. I have swimsuits to look at again."

"As a gentleman, I actually think it doesn't matter if you wear a swimsuit or not. The main thing is that I like to watch the sea and run in the waves."

"Then I won't wear a swimsuit this time. How about a wetsuit?"

"How can this be done!"

"Hahaha, you must be impatient, you are a typical person who speaks too loudly for your integrity."

"Okay, I won't pretend anymore, we just want to see swimsuits!"


The barrage in front of him made Luo Quan couldn't help but laugh: "I promised you that I will definitely not break my promise. I said I would take photos of course. It was inconvenient to have Ning Ning before, so I always refused.

It’s not a big problem. In the past, one was filmed every year, and this year is certainly no exception.

However, I have been to Hawaii and the South China Sea twice. I plan to change to a new place this time, so I decided to stay in Tokyo and go back to see old friends. " Luo Quan said, and directly searched for the two keywords of Tokyo on Station B. The first thing that appeared was the Tokyo Dome concert that was very popular a few days ago.

It was organized by Akatsuki Kumoi. At this moment, he is already Japan's leading rock star, and because of his avant-garde style and unique personality, he is quite popular in the world.

Station B held a New Year's greetings festival before, and Yumo Akatsuki and the others were able to come largely because of Luo Quan's face.

When it came to the concert, another group of fans in the barrage had something to say.

They are basically all female fans. Although they also like to see swimsuit photos, they are not as strong as male fans.

In comparison, they would rather hold a concert in Luoquan.

And not just one, but eventually a dozen or twenty concerts around the world.

Quite a few fans feel that this way can be worthy of Luo Quan's status as a world superstar, and can be more impressive when going out to fight with other fans.

It seems that in the fandom, holding a concert is an act that reflects the popularity and strength of a star.

The attendance and revenue of the concert will be called actual performance. If the concert is full, it will be an international superstar.

Luo Quan actually didn't quite understand why there was such a standard, as if it was a common name.

Shouldn't the influence of a star be judged by its online reputation and the awards it has won?

Concert data can be brushed, but reputation and awards can’t necessarily be bought with money.

Just like when Luo Quan was just exporting to domestic sales, it was said that domestic music talents were popular overseas and attracted countless foreign fans.

At that time, she was ridiculed by many people when she used such words to promote her country, saying that she was a pheasant singer who came out of nowhere and became a returnee after living abroad for a few days?

This kind of public opinion didn't exist until half a year after she returned to China, and she still had a huge market even though she had produced many excellent works.

When did it start disappearing?

It was after she swept the Grammys.

Although the Grammy is becoming more and more popular now, we have to admit that it is still the most valuable award in the pop music industry.

A few years ago, this award was even more of a golden sign. Winning even a marginal award was enough to boast in the country.

At that time, Luo Quan won many heavyweight awards such as Best Album, Best Singer, Best Production, and Best Rock.

From then on, Luo Quan's status in the pop music world began to take off vertically.

Since winning the award, there has been basically no questioning of her voice in music in China.

Because she has more than a dozen Grammys on display, she has enough confidence that even if she doesn't speak, it is worth a thousand words.

However, this also leads to a disadvantage, that is, some of her fans always have a domineering attitude when facing domestic singers.

Just like the singer I like is Luo Quan, and she has achieved such great achievements, so I can justifiably look down on these domestic singers, just because they don't have awards or don't have that many fans abroad.

Luo Quan has said this more than once, and reminded fans more than once not to use this attitude to slander other singers.

But the effect doesn't seem to be very good. Many fans, especially female fans, like to engage in this kind of harassment.

Although both men and women have fans, female fans seem to be more enthusiastic about this aspect.

However, for boys, the method of comparison is more direct, that is, comparing awards, while female fans like to compare through the number of concerts and endorsements.

Just like some popular domestic singers, whenever they hold a concert, fans will brag about it on Weibo. If they receive an internationally renowned luxury product endorsement, they will want to shout so that the entire Internet knows about it.

This is the most popular way to prove that your favorite celebrity is a popular star.

Luo Quan was fine before, but after he emphasized it several times on Weibo, the fans in the fandom have become much more restrained.

I didn't pay much attention to this matter last year, and it seems to have suddenly resurfaced.

In fact, Luo Quan understood what these so-called rice circles were for.

A large part of them are using the name of rice circle to make money for the organizers.

The organizers are also big fans of celebrities. They will create groups in the name of helping celebrities manage fans, and then receive various fees for calling celebrities, promoting rankings, and improving performance.

Or simply follow the celebrity's schedule and take photos to sell to other fans.

These behaviors are actually the true face of the fandom, and those fans think that they are expressing their love for their idols, but in fact they are counting money for others after being sold out.

Luo Quan knew this clearly, so he canceled the so-called Luo Quan Global Fans Support Club established in his name very early.

As for concerts and things like that, that’s more up to chance.

In her view, concerts are a happy gathering to reunite with fans and should not be used to compare revenue with other celebrities.

So when she held the concert last year, she had already kept the tickets very low.

For domestic first-tier singers, the lowest ticket price for a concert is four to five hundred. If you are a top singer, you will basically go for six or seven hundred.

The lowest ticket price for a Luoquan concert is 200, and the highest is only around 600.

Given her status as a celebrity, this kind of pricing is almost as low as charity.

Although the tickets will still sell for thousands or even ten thousand yuan in the end, this is all the work of scalpers.

She has tried her best to target the scalpers, but these people are so powerful that they can always get tickets and bypass the ticket inspection.

Occasionally, Luo Quan would be strict when he saw those fans who had bought high-priced tickets and came from afar to guard outside the venue, and he would feel unbearable, and finally let them in.

It can only be said that ticket scalping cannot be eliminated, but Luo Quan has kept the price of tickets as low as possible, just because he wants most fans to have the opportunity to watch her concert.

Of course, I am very happy when I perform, but the planning before the performance is also very tiring.

It's okay to come two or three times a year, but if she really wants to hold a global concert tour to show her strength, then it's better to kill her directly.

So for those female fans in the comments who asked her to hold a global tour concert, Luo Quan's answer was: "The concert must be held, but forget about the global tour.

Everyone knows that I am a person who is afraid of trouble. If the concert does not require planning and rehearsal, and I can teleport, then I can definitely tour.

But I can't teleport, and every concert requires planning, so don't have high expectations.

Of course, I have an idea, which is to use the ready-made stage at Station B to hold a concert, and everyone will watch it on the Internet.

In this way, fans all over the world can see it, and they can sing for as long as they want. Everyone can also chat in the barrage, and the singing will be better.

I don't think there are any shortcomings except that the atmosphere is not particularly warm.

Of course, this idea is still in the planning stage, and it’s hard to say whether it can be implemented.

The thing at hand is of course the swimsuit photos that everyone loves to see.

I’ve been to so many places, but it seems I haven’t been to many beaches in Tokyo, so I decided to go there this time. As for which beach it is, I won’t tell you in advance, lest fans all gather there, which would be too embarrassing. . "

(End of this chapter)

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