Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1405: Conscientious Products

Chapter 1405: Conscientious Products

"By the way, I should have received the instant rice noodles I sent you last time. How do you think they taste?"

Luo Quan had thought about sending instant rice noodles to fans for a while, so he quickly asked about the user experience.

"I've eaten all the rice noodles. I'm two months old now."

"Ah, did you eat rice noodles or dichlorvos?"

"The rice noodles are delicious. My mother said she would like to eat this again in her next life."

"Everyone of them should be left here to write reviews of the underworld, right?"

"Do you have any serious feedback? Are these rice noodles delicious?"

"I was lucky enough to get five bags. Let me tell you this, these five bags are enough for two days. I dazzled them all in one meal. Now if I don't eat for a day, I feel like there are ants crawling all over my body."

"Is it so delicious?"

"It's really delicious. The best ones are the tomato spareribs and pickled radish duck soup. It's so delicious that I can't wait to swallow it with my tongue!"

"The key rice noodles taste very good, and the ingredients are definitely not low-quality rice."

"How much does a bag of this rice noodles cost? As long as it's not too expensive, I plan to eat this for lunch from now on."


Excluding those weird comments, fans who have actually eaten rice noodles have all given positive reviews.

If an instant rice noodle can get such unanimous reviews, it means that the quality of the product is indeed excellent.

"The rice noodles are priced at two yuan and a half per bag. If you buy a box, there will be a discount, which is 48 yuan. There are 24 bags in a box. As for the barrel, a barrel is five yuan.

Compared with instant noodles, it is definitely a little more expensive, but as fans who have eaten rice noodles before said, the taste and ingredients of this rice noodles are very good. I also believe that everyone will not buy it after buying it. I feel shortchanged. "

Luo Quan said this, and the barrage didn't make any objections because of the price.

“The price is okay, it’s about the same as what I imagined.”

"It's good. The quality is definitely worth the price. I even think it's cheap."

"When will it go on sale? I can't wait to eat this rice noodles."

"Quanshui brand rice noodles, let you enjoy the silky smoothness like spring water."

"Young boy, why do you feel like there is something in your words?"

"Normally, this is just rice noodles. When Quanshui brand milk powder came out before, it was called a group of demons dancing."

"By the way, will Ning Ning eat this milk powder now?"

"Do you think Luo Bao is someone who needs milk powder?"



The fans' conversation almost made Luo Quan laugh angrily. These people are really brave and dare to talk about anything. Are they really not afraid of being banned?

I'm really not afraid, because Luo Quan won't break the rules for such a trivial matter.

After all, the barrage in the live broadcast room has always been like this. If she didn't like seeing these, she would have opened them long ago, and she wouldn't have kept them until now.

Anyone with a character who cannot take jokes should be blocked from the first day she is teased. In this way, no one will dare to joke with her. The comment area will be filled with female fans shouting that my wife is so beautiful, my wife. So cool.

Otherwise, there are various quotations from the rice circle.

Luo Quan didn't like that kind of atmosphere, so he would rather the fans in the barrage were more lively.

After turning off the live broadcast, Luo Quan booked two tickets to Japan, and then told his family about his formation.

"Why did I book a reservation for you alone when going to Japan? Let's go together!"

Wen Xia knew that Luo Quan was going to shoot a swimsuit shoot. She had always been the most active in this matter. When she heard that Luo Quan had only booked two tickets, she became anxious.

"We don't go to Japan to shoot swimsuits." Luo Quan shook his head, "I thought about it, that place in Japan is really not suitable for swimming right now. I may not have any problems, but Ning Ning and you guys, who knows what problems may arise.

So let’s go to Hawaii. It has beautiful scenery and a lot of delicious food and fun. "

"Then why are you going to Japan?" Wen Xia was puzzled.

"Go find Junko." Luo Quan put down his cell phone and said, "She has been in Japan for more than half a month, and there is no news at all. She has not responded to messages. If I hadn't confirmed with her grandfather that she has been staying at home, I would have I thought she was in danger."

"So you plan to go directly to Junzi." Wen Xia understood, then patted his chest and said, "Do you need help? We can go there together."

Luo Quan smiled and shook his head: "It's enough for me alone. While I'm looking for Junko, I'll go see some old friends at the same time. I'll probably stay for about a week.

You can pack your bags these days and ask everyone in the company who doesn't want to go swimming in Hawaii.

When the time comes, you will fly from China, and Junko and I will fly from Tokyo. "

"Okay, but if you go there alone with your child, you have to pay more attention to your safety."

When Wen Xia said this, she felt that she was really worrying too much.

There is no one on earth who can threaten Luo Quan. It is superfluous for her to mention these things.

"That's it. I will take care of myself. Although the situation in Japan's sea is not good, I don't eat aquatic products anyway."

Luo Quan said with a smile, and then asked Wen Xia to relax.

Soon the parents also learned that they were going to Japan alone with their daughter.

Although they were still worried, considering their daughter's unparalleled fighting power, no one said much.

Luo Ning didn't need to worry. Even though she was still so young, according to her mother, few people in the room could be her match in a real fight.

With such a pair of mother and daughter who are extremely capable in fighting, they don't need to worry about themselves no matter where they go.

Later, fans also learned about Luo Quan's temporary change of mind from her posts.

Everyone applauded this decision:

"When I first heard that Luo Bao was going to Japan for a swimsuit shoot, I was a little worried. I was afraid that she would be influenced by it. Now it seems that she has thought of this."

"Actually, I don't think it's necessary to change the destination. It would make me feel guilty."

"What's there to feel guilty about? I just said that I should go to Japan, but I didn't say that I must go."

"Don't you think it's strange? Luo Quan has always been very aware of lightning protection in this regard, and he hasn't been to Japan for a long time. Why did he suddenly mention going to Japan, and also mentioned the ocean in an ambiguous way?"

"There is only one truth, and that is that Luo Quan deliberately mentioned this matter, just to prevent everyone from forgetting it."

"The Internet has memory, especially people like Luo Bao who have been helping everyone remember. I believe that the changes formed this time will definitely make the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea again mentioned."

"There are already related news on Twitter, and everyone is discussing whether Luo Bao changed his itinerary because he was afraid of being contaminated."

"Originally, there was no enthusiasm. Now it's better. I have to be scolded for a long time. (dog head.jpg)"

"Well done, as expected of you, Luo Bao."

"After half a year of not having sex with foreigners, I must let the whole world remember what those bastards look like!" …………

Faced with fans’ “excessive” interpretation, Luo Quan had a smile on his face, but he still posted another post on Weibo: “Fans and netizens please don’t over-interpret it. I changed my itinerary simply because I think Hawaii is more suitable for swimming suits.

And I still have to go to Japan. I plan to go find Junko and meet some old friends. "

It’s okay if I don’t explain it, but once I explain it, it will become like there are no three hundred taels of silver here:

"Hawaii is more suitable because there is no nuclear wastewater in Hawaii?"

"You don't need to explain it specifically. This will make it appear that you said it deliberately."

"Luo Bao: Did I mean for you to eat it yourself? Anyway, it will keep the heat on this matter from going down."

“I suggest you repost more comments and continue beating corpses!”

"In comparison, what you and I care about is Junko. Why does Luo Bao need to go to Japan to find her in person? Could it be that he is in some trouble?"

"What trouble could there be? Junko's grandfather is one of the Japanese sword masters, with a very high social status."

"And Junko is also a big star herself."

"Trivia, Junko is probably the second best fighter in Luobao Company. I've seen her swordsmanship, and it's not ordinary."

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. We should see Luo Bao and her Crystal Palace appear in Hawaii soon."

"It's Hawaii again. I remember it was Hawaii last time."

“What’s important is not the location, but the people. Isn’t the ocean all water?”



Netizens obviously didn't take Luo Quan's search for Junko seriously, and they didn't think they would encounter any problems.

Luo Quan himself felt the same way.

So before setting off, she sent Junko a message: "I'm coming to Tokyo. Can you pick me up on my flight at 12 noon tomorrow?"

This time, Junko no longer pretended not to see her, and finally replied with a greeting, followed by a funny expression.

Luo Quan couldn't help laughing after seeing it.

In order to prevent his daughter from complaining that she was hungry on the plane, Luo Quan fed Ning Ning until her belly was swollen before departure and coaxed her to sleep before passing through the security checkpoint accompanied by her family.

Since he didn't plan to live in Tokyo for a long time, Luo Quanji only carried a schoolbag with a few changes of clothes in it, and didn't even bring a second pair of shoes.

Of course, she now has an Immaculate Immortal Body, a serious fairy physique, and the sweat she sheds has no smell, so it doesn't make much difference whether she changes her shoes or not.

However, this kind of thing must not be publicized in a big way, otherwise others will definitely think that you are mentally ill.

The distance from Shanghai to Tokyo is not that far. Luo Quan dozed off on the plane and watched half of the movie before arriving.

The movie I watched on the plane was this year's Spring Festival box office runner-up "Fire Rolling", also known as "Three Thousand Monthly Gym to Lose Weight".

It sounds quite sci-fi, but the plot is even more sci-fi than imagined.

Just in the beginning, a woman has been lying at home for ten years for no reason, not working, not communicating, and focusing on getting old.

When dating her boyfriend, she failed to fulfill the duties of a girlfriend at all, and her temper became increasingly erratic.

Such a character is actually promoted as a model of female independence.

Luo Quan frowned and didn't understand why such a character was used.

After some investigation, I found out that the plot was a remake from abroad, with some localization changes.

It doesn't matter whether this has been changed or not, it is fundamentally imported.

The key point is that this is not the first time the director of "Rolling on Fire" has done this. She has made a total of two movies, both of which were remakes.

The paradox is that both of these movies performed very well. One was the box office champion two years ago, and the other was the runner-up in this year's Spring Festival.

This situation of bad money driving out good money has provided an idea to countless domestic movie creators.

That is to find a good script abroad and translate it into Chinese, spend a little money to buy the copyright, and then remake it.

Before the release, spend a lot of money on all-round marketing, preferably one that can be related to social hot topics.

The conflict between men and women is the current version of the answer. As long as there is a relationship, the popularity will not decrease. With popularity, the box office will be guaranteed.

Making a movie according to this formula, Luo Quan found it difficult to compensate.

I just hope that the success of these two movies will not be the trigger for the start of a big era of domestic entertainment remakes.

The main reason is that the cost of doing this is too low and the income is ridiculously high. It is difficult for any qualified businessman to refuse such a movie formula.

Although there were scoldings online, Luo Quan felt that they were not strong enough.

Because there is still a box office worth more than 3 billion to support this model.

If a movie ticket costs 100 yuan, three billion means a total of million people.

Of course, the actual number of people is definitely not that exaggerated, but even if it were less, there would still be millions of people supporting such a movie.

And this order of magnitude is enough to guide the market direction.

Just wait, after the success of "Rolling Fire", there will definitely be more Chinese remakes of movies. Luo Quan can already imagine what such a "prosperous age" would be like.

However, it is useless for industry insiders to worry, because movie fans don't seem to have much objection to this phenomenon.

It doesn't matter whether it's a remake or not. Even if they know about it, they will just say "oh" and then go to the cinema to enjoy it.

Not everyone has such high artistic pursuits. Some people watch movies just to pursue relaxation or spiritual comfort.

They don't care if it's genuine or pirated, as long as it looks good.

If the condition of good looks is not met, they just need to have such an experience so that they can share their experiences on social platforms to prove that they are gregarious and can keep up with the rhythm of this society.

In layman's terms, it means following the trend.

Luo Quan does not judge whether this idea is good or bad, because everyone has his or her own way of life.

But if everyone just wants to have fun, the quality of movies will be poor in the future, and there is no need to complain about not seeing good movies.

Why? Because all the good movies are crowded out by the bad ones.

After all, I haven't finished watching the movie Luo Quan. It's not that it's too bad to watch, but the plane has already arrived.

Putting on his sunglasses and holding his daughter in his arms, Luo Quan followed the crowd into the airport lobby.

There were too many people around, and Luo Quan couldn't find Junko, so he called her immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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