Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1406 The child I pushed?

Chapter 1406 The child I pushed?

"Hey, where are you?"

Luo Quan held the baby in one hand and held the phone in the other, looking for traces of Junko in the vast sea of ​​people.

"Izumi-chan, don't move, I see you!"

Junko's voice was still as full of energy as ever, and Luo Quan had already heard her voice from outside the phone.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Luo Quan saw her.

No wonder I hadn't noticed Junko's figure after scanning for a long time. It turned out that she was as well-armed as myself. It was almost summer, but she still wrapped herself up in three layers.

"Isn't Junko hot?"

Luo Quan walked over and asked, dumbfounded.

She has an immortal body that can keep her warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Touching her hand can act as an air conditioner in the summer. In the winter, applying it is like holding a human-shaped hot water bottle.

So she dresses quite casually. It doesn't matter whether she wears thicker clothes in summer or thinner clothes in winter.

But Junko doesn't have such a physique. Isn't she afraid of heatstroke if she wears this?

"It's okay, Izumi-chan. I'm just wearing thick clothes. The material of the clothes is quite breathable." Junko shook her head and reassured Luo Quan.

Luo Quan asked doubtfully: "I remember there weren't that many reporters and paparazzi at Tokyo Airport, or are you saying that you have become a household name now?"

"Oh, it's a long story." Junko let out a long sigh, as if she had been very troubled by this incident recently.

"What happened, to make you look so helpless?" Luo Quan covered his mouth and chuckled.

"This is not the place to talk. Go to my house first. I bought sukiyaki."

Junzi said, looked down at Luo Ning, and said with fondness in her eyes: "Ning Ning is so cute, her little pouty mouth is still moving when she sleeps."

Luo Quan looked down and found that his daughter was indeed understanding.

I don’t know if I didn’t eat enough in the meal before boarding the plane, so I was still dreaming about it.

Smiling, Luo Quan followed Junko into the car and headed to the apartment where she now lives.

Junko's house is a one-family house in Shinjuku District, with two floors and more than 100 square meters. Although it is not particularly spacious, the decoration is quite exquisite. The space for two or three people can be compared to those large houses with more than 1,000 square meters. Much more comfortable.

Arriving at the entrance, Luo Quan took off his shoes.

Junko looked down at the side, her eyes seemed a little disappointed.

"What's your expression?"

Luo Quan asked puzzledly.

Junko replied regretfully: "I thought you would wear stockings and high heels when you go out, Izumi-chan, but it turned out that not only did you not have high heels, you didn't even have stockings."

"Why should I wear stockings and high heels when I go out to meet my friends? Is this some kind of etiquette in Japan?" Luo Quan was immediately dumbfounded. Or does Junko have some special hobby in this regard?

Junko shook her head: "No, I just think stockings are very suitable for Izumi-chan. When you wear them, you will have a very unique temperament, somewhere between innocence and dissoluteness."

"Sexy, right?" Luo Quan accurately said the adjective that Junzi was thinking of, and then asked in a dumbfounded voice: "Is this the image I have in your mind?"

"It's not a bad adjective. Many women can't do it if they want to be sexy."

Junko said as she took out a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet and threw them at Luo Quan's feet: "This is a sign of femininity. In the past, Izumi-chan was always fiery, just like a boy.

Now I feel more and more like it. "

"Really? It's probably because I gave birth to Ning Ning."

As soon as Luo Quan finished speaking, Luo Ning opened his eyes and stretched out his little hand to kiss.

But instead of asking for a kiss from my mother, I want to kiss my mother.

Luo Quan sat on the sofa, smiled gently and leaned towards Tou, letting his daughter give her a good morning kiss.

Although it is almost noon, it is good morning to my daughter.

"Let's sit down and watch TV for a while. I'll go to the kitchen to make sukiyaki." Junko had already put on her apron as she spoke.

"Do you need help?"

As soon as Luo Quan heard about cooking, he looked eager to try it.

"Who will take care of Ning Ning when you enter the kitchen? Just sit back and relax, I'm no longer the fool who couldn't even cook egg fried rice."

Junko said as she walked into the kitchen, and soon a strong fragrance came from inside.

Before the food was ready, Luo Quan turned on the TV to see what programs the Japanese usually watched.

As soon as I turned on the TV, there was a replay of the Tokyo Art Awards finals.

The Tokyo Art Awards is a program that started last year and is open to everyone under the age of twenty-four.

From music to sculpture to novels to paintings, all types of art can be your entries, and the judges are composed of authoritative experts and civilian audiences.

As long as you have artistic talent, you can definitely be discovered through this program.

No matter you are a child of common people or a prodigal of the chaebol, at the Tokyo Art Awards, everything will be spoken by your works.

In Luo Quan's view, the Tokyo Art Awards and the artist's Avenue of Stars are the same thing.

It belongs to the big stage of stars. If you have a dream, you can come. Whether it is more than ten years of hard work or a sudden inspiration in a few nights, you can go on stage to show off.

If you can wow everyone on stage, you can even get a ticket to a higher class.

In Japan, where class is deeply entrenched, the son of a politician continues to be a politician, the son of a banker continues to be a banker, and the son of a chaebol remains a chaebol.

As for civilians, if you don't encounter any particularly big opportunities, you will graduate from a private university and then enter the society and spend your long and mediocre life.

This is already a relatively good ending. Now quite a few people have even finished high school.

Because of study pressure, domestic violence, campus bullying and other factors, young people have become home-born boys and home-born girls.

Some surrendered to become fathers, while others lived on the streets.

There is no hope, no way to rise, and all the benefits are squeezed out by the top management. This is the current situation of the people at the bottom of Japan.

The Tokyo Art Awards is one of the few opportunities where ordinary people can change their lives against the odds.

Although it is limited to artists, or artistic talents.

However, it is regrettable that in the past two years, the Tokyo Art Awards have not seen any exciting stories about the counterattack of a son from a poor family.

Whether it was last year or this year, the three major candidates for the championship were all sons of the chaebol.

These lucky people who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths have been able to receive the influence of Western art since childhood, and even have the loving guidance of art masters. This level of education alone is not comparable to that of ordinary people or even the middle class.

However, the works produced by these chaebol children are indeed worthy of the top education they received.

Their performance during the competition was absolutely outstanding, and there would be no controversy for any one of them to win the Tokyo Art Awards.

Of course, it is not ruled out that these plutocrats can call for off-site assistance.

After all, the program talks about fairness, justice and openness. It’s hard to say whether this is true.

This kind of behind-the-scenes operation is all too common in Japan. Rich people can do whatever they want in this land, but they can also

Luo Quan watched for a while and had a very good impression of a player named Fimura Rin.

This girl in a little red suit is the only girl among the three candidates for the championship, and her chosen art type is opera singing.

However, the reason why Luo Quan had a good impression of her was not because of her singing voice that was more beautiful than a lark, but because she had her own 36E at a young age.

This little girl looks to be around eighteen years old, probably just entering college.

Luo Quan was not of this level when he went to college, so he was truly gifted.

She is only in her early eighteen years, and she already has majestic curves that most Asian women will never be able to achieve in their lifetime.

Luo Quan admits that he is a little obsessed with his appearance, but given his outstanding talents, Rin Fimura's outstanding appearance is indeed easier for people to like.

And judging from the performance of the audience, she was not the only one with good looks. More than half of the audience chose Rin Fimura.

In fact, the gap between the three candidates in terms of strength is not very big, but the appearance of the other two male contestants is really disappointing to the audience.

One has buck teeth and hair longer than Kenshi Yonezu.

His teeth are neat, but his face is full of pockmarks, making him even more miserable than the man in front of him.

These are very big deductions.

Because good looks can add points is not a prejudice, but it does exist.

Luo Quan has given demonstrations before. When she took the art exam, she said that if the audience could see her face and listen to the music, the experience would definitely be more pleasant.

On the contrary, if the performer's appearance is edgy and unsightly, then it is best for everyone to listen to the song with their eyes closed, because it will be more disturbing to watch while listening.

A long time ago, pianists at that time had to turn their backs to the audience when playing, and only showed the back of their heads.

It wasn't until Liszt's appearance and the reform of the direction of performance that all pianists changed from facing away from the audience to facing sideways when playing.

As for the reason behind it, people can’t help but laugh.

Because the famous pianist and composer Liszt felt that he was too handsome.

If he can let the audience appreciate his unparalleled handsome appearance while playing the piano, it will make his music even more beautiful.

At that time, many people did not particularly understand such behavior, but Liszt was not ugly anyway, so no one would question it.

As Liszt personally modified his playing method, everyone gradually got used to it, and it also affected a large number of other pianists.

Over time, the pianist turned sideways to the audience, which became a commonly known performance method.

Although the whole society is saying that spiritual beauty is the real beauty.

But judging people by their appearance is actually the norm in this world, and very few people can escape this secular circle.

Just like archaeology, even if they are corpses that have been dead for thousands of years, there are still Loulan Beauty and Mummy No. 2.

Does anyone care about Mummy 2?

No, people will only wonder how beautiful the Loulan beauty was during her lifetime.

Just like this time at the Tokyo Art Awards, the final champion was won by Rin Heimura, whose appearance was obviously n levels higher than his opponents.

This one didn't go too far beyond expectations. Rin Himura's performance in the finals was like a championship. He was so confident and felt like I was the most confident person to shine.

The two contestants next to her were even more dwarfed by her rays of light.

Luo Quan saw the sadness in their eyes, and suddenly felt a little sad in his heart.

In fact, their talent is not bad, but just because their appearance is not good enough, the outcome is already doomed before the game is over.

As long as they look more upright, it is still unclear who will win the championship.

What a shame.

Just as Rin Himura expressed his thanks with tears in his eyes, Junko in the kitchen also shouted: "The food is ready."

Luo Quan stood up and came to the dining table. Looking at the sumptuous dishes in front of him, he gave Junzi a thumbs up: "Okay, Junzi. I didn't know your cooking skills were so good before."

"You have practiced it little by little over the years. After all, I used to be taken care of by Izumi-chan a lot. Every time you cook, you are always busy in the kitchen alone. Wen Xia and I can't help you.

In the past, because I really didn’t know how to cook, but I couldn’t feel at ease with getting something for nothing, I had been working very hard to learn how to cook, and I had finally achieved some success. "

Junko said, placing a pair of chopsticks in front of Luo Quan: "Please taste Izumi-chan."

Sukiyaki is divided into two styles, Kanto and Kansai.

In Kanto, wooden fish is used to make broth and used as the base, which is very similar to hot pot.

Kansai style is more like stew. The ingredients are spread on a pan and fried in butter until fragrant, then added with sukiyaki sauce and carefully simmered over medium heat.

In about five minutes, a pot of sukiyaki is ready.

There is no need to free up the ingredients in the pot. You can just put the pot on the table and start eating. If you want to eat later, just put the ingredients in the pan and cook them.

What Junko brought out this time was Kansai-style sukiyaki. The pan was covered with a thick layer of snowflake Wagyu beef with rolled edges. Although she didn’t know how much it was, the quality was definitely not bad.

The beef was cooked to perfection at first glance, and you could smell the rich aroma of meat from a distance.

The rolled edges are just the right amount of brown, and you don’t even need to taste them to know that the texture must be firm on the outside and tender on the inside.

Luo Quan picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. His mouth was immediately filled with the aroma of beef and sukiyaki sauce, and he was immediately satisfied.

"It's delicious. Junko, your cooking skills are much better than I thought." Luo Quan praised loudly after swallowing the beef.

"Really? Just think it's delicious." After receiving praise from Luo Quan, Junko smiled sweetly.

"By the way, what kind of trouble have you encountered recently? Can you tell me?"

Luo Quan picked up another piece of beef and started the main topic of the day.

"Alas." Junko sighed: "It's a long story."

(End of this chapter)

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