Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1407 The child I pushed?

Chapter 1407 The child I pushed? (two)

"Actually, the matter is not that complicated. It's just that the marriage was arranged by a group of people who didn't know each other at all."

As soon as Junko finished speaking, it was a long story, and she immediately expressed the core contradiction she encountered in very concise language.

"It's the 21st century and your family is still doing this?" Luo Quan was speechless when he heard Junzi's words, "Why don't you just refuse it? If you force me to run away, are you afraid that you won't be able to support yourself now? ah?"

"My family is not forcing me." Junko shook her head, "Izumi-chan, you should be very familiar with this situation."

"I'm very familiar with it. Forced marriage?" Luo Quan frowned, and then he immediately understood which one Junko was talking about, "Is the Japanese royal family putting pressure on Grandpa You? It shouldn't be. Isn't Masasaku Miyazaki already married? "

Junko corrected: "He is not the only child in the family, he also has a younger sister and younger brother."

"So it's his younger brother who likes you?"

Luo Quan was immediately furious: "There is really no king's law! In what age are you still doing this? Are you really not afraid of online public opinion?"

"For them, public opinion may not be of much use." Junko shook her head helplessly, "And they don't intend to rely on mobilizing public opinion to persecute them like before, but directly start from my family. ”

"You mean, they threaten your relatives?" Luo Quan frowned when he heard this. If that's the case, it would be really difficult.

After all, he is the highest dignitary in Japan. Although he is a mascot like the Queen of England, as long as the request is not particularly outrageous, politicians will flock to him after he says it.

Just like Jing Gong's father chasing his mother back then.

Jing Gong's mother was a promising diplomat back then, with both talent and beauty.

Who knew that he would suddenly be attracted by Jing Gongfa's father? The crown prince used hard words and pressure from public opinion to force Jing Gong's mother to marry him.

Luo Quan had almost suffered the same trick before, so he could only say that he was lucky to run fast.

Now that Junko is here again, this family has the same style.

Fortunately, Leon was not Japanese, otherwise he might have been targeted by the little princess.

"By the way, isn't Jing Gong's brother mentally retarded? He still knows how to marry a wife?" Luo Quan suddenly remembered this matter.

I had seen this news before when I visited Bilibili. It seemed that Linghe and his family were not normal.

Except for Jing Gong, who is quite handsome, the other siblings are a bit ugly, and the younger brother has obvious IQ problems. He was last in the school in the last high school exam and was often bullied by his classmates.

A person who doesn't even know how to study would think about marrying a wife?

Junko replied: "I'm also very puzzled about this matter. Grandpa said it might be because of his mental retardation, so he wanted to find a woman who was outstanding enough to make sure that his life would be better in the future.

I'm honored that my appearance, ability and family background are very attractive to their family, so they directly placed a bunch of betrothal gifts to our family half a month ago. "

"If you don't even discuss it, what's the point of directly issuing a betrothal gift?"

Junko said with a distressed expression: "For many Japanese people, this is actually an honor, but I don't want such an honor.

In addition, after the betrothal gift was given, they also said that if they refused the marriage, they should think carefully about the consequences.

The threat has become very obvious. I can leave, but my family can't leave, so I can only stay in Tokyo in the past few days, trying to find a solution. "

"did you find it?"

Junko nodded: "I found it. If the Yagyu family has its own handed down weapons, they will never be bullied!"

Junko pointed to the replay of the Tokyo Art Awards on the TV and said: "This Himura Rin also runs a swordsmanship studio at home. He has an ancestral reverse-edged sword. After the spiritual energy revived, he became extremely powerful. Throughout the whole There is no sword in Japan that can compare with it.

Therefore, this Miss Himura is more suitable for the young prince in terms of age, but she has never been harassed.

The famous swords in our family have either been donated to museums, or were destroyed in the war. The power they still hold in our hands is relatively average, so no one is afraid of them at all. "

This is very realistic. In this world, whoever has a bigger fist is more reasonable.

If the Yagyu family also had a magic sword, they would definitely not encounter such a thing.

"Maybe I can find a way." Luo Quan thought of his system mall, where he should be able to redeem a powerful magic sword.

When the time comes, I will give it to the Yagyu Sword Master to kill the god with one strike and see if anyone else comes to propose marriage to her granddaughter!

"Izumi-chan, do you really have a way?!" Junko was so excited when she heard this that she almost jumped up in her seat. "Don't you have artifacts from England and France, but also from Japan!"

It's definitely available, but you may have to wait a while. "Luo Quan nodded, but didn't finish his words.

If you're lucky, you can redeem it from the mall tonight.

But if you are unlucky and it is not available in the mall, you will have to find another way.

"Anyway, don't think too much. I will definitely help you with this matter. At worst, I will expose the news directly and we will use public opinion to exert reverse pressure!"

Luo Quan said, putting a large piece of beef in his mouth and swearing.

This is no longer the time when nobles could control everything.

Therefore, if these people really dare to oppress too much, they must pay attention to their own life safety.

"Ding dong!"

At this time, the sound of the doorbell suddenly came from the door.

Luo Quan was relatively close, so he stood up and came to the door: "Who is it?"

"The food delivery guy."

It was a woman's voice.

"Are you still buying takeout?"

Luo Quan turned to look at Junzi and opened the door at the same time.

"I didn't buy takeout."

Junko showed a confused expression, and then was surprised to see a masked woman holding a dagger appear outside the door.

Because Luo Quan was looking back at Junko, he didn't immediately notice the situation outside the door.

When she turned around, she found that the other party's dagger had been inserted into her left breast.

If he were a normal person, he would definitely not be able to survive this stabbing.

However, if Luo Quan's Wugou Immortal Body couldn't even block this damage, then it wouldn't be called Wugou Immortal Body.

The moment the dagger made contact with her body, it broke into two pieces. The knife had no effect except cutting through Luo Quan's T-shirt and underwear.

"Holy crap, there's an assassin!"

Luo Quan almost subconsciously slapped the masked woman, slamming her against the wall with a loud sound, and she fainted instantly.

"Izumi-chan, are you okay?" Junko rushed over, hugging Luo Quan with an extremely nervous expression and asked. "I'm fine." Luo Quan smiled and shook his head.

But this man was quite accurate when he stabbed himself, going straight for his heart. If Junko had opened the door instead, would he still be alive?

Luo Quan knelt down and took off the woman's mask.

She is an ordinary-looking woman in her twenties.

It seems that he has been unkempt for a long time and stayed up late, and his face is a bit haggard, which is a typical sub-health state.

"Junko, do you know this person?"

Luo Quan had just arrived in Tokyo, and no one knew where she was going, so there was a high probability that this person was not here for him, but probably to seek revenge on Junko.

"I think I've seen this person before..."

Junko stared at the woman's face and recalled it seriously, then she clapped her hands suddenly: "I remember, she seems to be an old fan of mine in Japan, and she even took a photo with me before!"

"Old fan?" Luo Quan was even more confused when he heard this, "Old fan wants you to stab him, what kind of hatred or grudge do you have?"

"I don't know either. I don't even know how she found out where I live." Junko said with lingering fear.

Fortunately, Izumi-chan was here today. If I had opened the door by myself, it was hard to say whether I could have avoided this sudden stabbing blow.

Although she is very strong now, who would have thought that an old fan would suddenly come to kill her?

"Send it to the police station first. We'll know everything after the interrogation."

Luo Quan said, and directly called the Metropolitan Police Department to send someone to catch the murderer.

Soon, several police officers arrived at the scene and took away the murderer who was still in a coma.

At the same time, Luo Quan and Junzi, as parties involved, were also taken to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes.

As a big star, although Luo Quan has not been to Tokyo for a long time, he still receives very high treatment.

Even many police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department have met her once.

They also fought side by side with Luo Quan when Narita Airport encountered a bomb threat.

It's just that most of them didn't contribute much, and they were basically solved by Luo Quan.

In short, the national goddess suffered a misfortune, and a group of police officers can be said to be filled with righteous indignation.

If it were anyone else, they might not have any emotions, because the Japanese police are famously Buddhist, and even treat criminals as gently as a nanny.

But this time it was extremely harsh. The prisoner was interrogated immediately after waking up. Luo Quan was observing through the glass, and there were a large group of leaders around him asking for help.

"Tell me why you wanted to assassinate Luo Quan and Junzi!"

The police officer asked loudly, but the woman who was already handcuffed was very cooperative and said directly: "Junko is getting married soon, and she will no longer belong to me.

I can't stand Junko being occupied by someone else. Instead of seeing such a heartbreaking thing happen, it's better to let her die in my hands, and then I commit suicide, so that we can be together forever, hehehehe. "

Looking at the woman's nervous smile, Luo Quan now understood the difference between a two-dimensional yandere and a three-dimensional yandere.

The two-dimensional yandere is the cuteness of many otakus, and they think it would be great to have a fanatical girl who regards herself as her life.

But the experience of meeting such people now is completely different.

Because such a woman is very easy to go to extremes, and then she may really kill you.

"How did you know that Junko was getting married? How did you get her address?"

Luo Quan immediately asked the woman inside through the microphone.

Goddess Luoquan, don’t you know about Junko?

The surrounding police officers all looked puzzled. There were rumors about this matter a few days ago. It was said that the crown prince's younger brother fell in love with Junko and even paid a betrothal gift.

"So this matter has been spread a long time ago?"

Luo Quan's eyes widened. She actually didn't notice it at all in China. She only found out after she arrived in Tokyo and asked Junko.

“It is just a rumor among the people and has not been reported by any serious media. In fact, it is just rumors to test the public’s attitude.

If the opposition is not loud, then they will push harder. "

Junko explained to Luo Quan in a low voice. After hearing this, Luo Quan just felt that that family was really disgusting.

Of course, the madwoman in front of her is also disgusting.

After further interrogation, the truth came out.

This woman named Hanako is an otaku who lives nearby and is a fanatical fan of Junko.

After learning that Junko might get married, because he was afraid that he would lose Junko, he became yandere and wanted to kill the idol, and then burned himself while holding the idol's body, so that they would never be separated again.

As for Junko's address, it was revealed to her by a friend of hers who was a delivery boy.

Although Junko always wears a mask when going out, her protection is definitely not as strict when she is at home.

Sometimes the delivery boy will see his face.

However, although Junko is also a big star, she is not as famous as Luo Quan, and her face is not so recognizable that she can be recognized at a glance.

So some delivery people didn't recognize Junko, but some did and kept it in their hearts.

Hanako's friend is one of them.

After getting Junko's address from her friend, she often went outside the villa where Junko lived to observe the location, and finally chose to commit the murder today.

From her observation, Junko had always lived alone, so she stabbed him after opening the door.

Unfortunately, she met Luo Quan, whose breasts were as hard as an iron plate.

Hanako finally said that Luo Quan was a monster. She had clearly inserted the knife into it, but the other party was stunned and nothing happened.

But who would take a madman's words seriously?

Luo Quan's original free fighting Olympic champion was won at the Tokyo Olympics.

Everyone was very impressed by her fighting prowess. What threat could a mere armed female gangster pose to her?

I remember that when Luo Quan was in the United States, she faced a group of dark-skinned men with pistols, but in the end, wasn't she able to take care of them all by herself?

Therefore, the woman's confession did not arouse anyone's suspicion. They just thought that she had become unconscious.

"It's better not to live alone in the future. It's great to stay at your grandpa's kendo gym. They are all masters. You don't have to be afraid if you encounter gangsters."

After finishing the notes, Luo Quan persuaded Junko on the way home: "But with this incident, maybe you can avoid the harassment of that prince without using a magic weapon."

"It would be nice if it was really that simple." Junko took a deep breath, and her gloomy mood finally improved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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