Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1408 Tian Congyun

Chapter 1408 Tian Congyun

When they got home, they looked at the cold sukiyaki on the table and couldn't bear to waste it. They heated it up again with the induction cooker and ate it all.

When going to bed at night, Junko locked the door, then placed a stool at the door and a vase on the stool.

As long as someone comes in at night, the chair will be pushed and the strange vase will be thrown to the ground. The movement will be loud enough to wake up the two sleeping people.

It's no wonder that Junko was so cautious, mainly because the scene she just witnessed Luo Quan being stabbed was so horrifying. After so many years of living happily, it was the first time that Junko felt that death was so close to her.

At this moment, she misses her relatives and friends desperately. It is too insecure to live alone or with two people. It is better to have more people to make it more lively.

After the matter of the royal family proposal was resolved, she decided to leave Tokyo immediately to avoid encountering similar yandere fans again.

Compared to Junko, who was still frightened, Luo Quan was much calmer.

Because although she was the one who was stabbed, it did not pose any threat at all, and it was indeed not directed at her. It was an unexpected disaster.

It's rare to encounter this kind of thing once. If it happens twice in a row, you can go out and buy lottery tickets right away.

So Luo Quan is not worried about what dangers he will encounter next.

Even if there is, it can be easily solved.

Of course, right now, we have to help Junko solve her troubles first, and then take her to Hawaii to join Wen Xia and the others.

"System, can the mall exchange artifacts?"

Lying on the bed, Luo Quan started asking the system when something happened.

"Currently, the mall cannot directly exchange the heat value for artifacts, but the host has been to a world called Xinghai Fairy Palace before. Do you remember?"

"What happened to that world?" Luo Quan had just left not long ago, so his memory was quite profound.

“You can exchange various magic weapons and artifacts in that world mall, but the currency you need is fairy source, which can only be obtained by experiencing some major events.

Just like in the world, you can exchange your heat value for various advanced potions, and the props you can get in each world are different. "

After hearing this, Luo Quan nodded: "I understand, it means that if I have something to do, I have to go to this Xinghai Immortal Palace for a tour, right?"

"If the host only wants to redeem one or two artifacts, then experiencing a major event is basically enough."

"Ok, let's set off."

After hearing this, Luo Quan said nothing nonsense and lay down directly to start the consciousness transmission.

If it was just a big event, it would probably only take two or three days.

If you leave it on Earth for one night, the task will basically be completed.

It just so happens that when I get up tomorrow, my encounter with the killer will become a hot search topic. I will use this incident to create a wave of double persecution. I don't believe that they can't deal with those bastards in the royal family.

When Luo Quan came back to his senses, he found that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

Her sister Su Ziyan was leading her, but she didn't even enter the gate of her father's palace.

In other words, during the time she left, time in this world almost came to a standstill.

This is even more exaggerated than the world’s two days equaling one day!

"What's wrong? Is there any?"

When Su Ziyan saw her sister stop suddenly, she turned around and shouted.

"It's okay, I haven't been back for a long time, so I just have some feelings." Luo Quan hesitated, raised his head and looked at the surrounding scenery.

There is a very wide moat outside Lingyun Palace, and on both sides is a white arch bridge ten feet long.

Luo Quan walked across the bridge and saw the crystal clear river water under the bridge, and a large group of golden-red carps swimming in the water, very leisurely.

In Luo Quan's memory, these carps seem to have a good background. They are called golden-scaled dragon carps. They are very spiritual and will leap over the dragon gate once every hundred years to become a human being.

It's just that Luo Quan has never seen such a strange thing before. After all, her original body is only seventeen years old this year.

Crossing Qingming Bridge, you will see the entrance of Lingyun Palace in front of you, but there is a large open space paved with blue stone bricks in the middle.

This is the school ground, where Ling Yunfeng's academic elders usually teach the disciples.

Luo Quan looked up and roughly estimated that the length and width of the school field should be three hundred meters away. Three or four thousand people standing at the same time would not feel crowded.

There are dozens of disciples standing on the school grounds now, and they are the same students who have passed the Immortal Stage Trial before.

A tall, handsome man with flowing black hair was lecturing these new disciples with his hands behind his back.

This man is Su Changye, the father of Luo Quan and Su Ziyan.

The lecture process did not last long. After it was over, the man asked an elder beside him to lead the disciples down.

When Su Ziyan saw this, she immediately waved to Luo Quan and walked over.


Su Ziyan bowed to Su Changye and Luo Quan quickly raised his hand and nodded, but it seemed a little perfunctory.

"Zi Yan is back. I haven't seen you for a month. How has your cultivation improved?" Su Changye rolled up his long sleeves and asked pleasantly.

Su Ziyan respectfully replied: "The elixir is about to be formed, and I dare not slack off. I have been practicing diligently these days. My cultivation has reached the ninth level of foundation building, and I am much more proficient in Qingdi Taoism than before."

"Not bad..." Su Changye nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Luo Quan behind Su Ziyan, "What about you?"

This tone seemed a little harsh, and even Luo Quan, a "stranger", sounded a little uncomfortable. One can imagine how uncomfortable Su Quan was when facing his father.

No matter how unhappy he felt in his heart, Luo Quan still pretended to answer honestly: "With the tenth level of Qi training, you can break through the Tongmai stage within seven days, and the foundation is solid. After reaching the Tongmai stage, your cultivation will increase at the same rate. It will also be much faster.”

"I have made a lot of progress. If I had woken up earlier, why would I have stayed in the school for so long?"

As he spoke, Su Changye took out a jade bottle from his arms, threw it to Luo Quan, and said: "This is the Ding Yuan Pill. After taking it, the quality of your Dantian can be improved by several levels.

Although there is still some distance compared to your sister, it is still pretty good. "

"Thank you, father." Luo Quan bowed again.

Su Changye replied calmly: "This is what your mother went to Danyang Palace to ask for. It has nothing to do with me. If you want to thank your mother, thank your mother."

Luo Quan's lips twitched. Why did his cheap dad talk like his enemy and not care about the affection between father and daughter?

"By the way, there's something you need to prepare quickly." Su Changye seemed to suddenly remember something and said to Luo Quan.

"what's up?"

"I arranged a blind date for you. The son of the master of Zuowang Peak, named Lu Min, is walking with your mother right now. You can go over and chat with Lu Min later, and try to leave a good impression on others. ”

"This...I am only seventeen years old, and I have never met this Lu Min..." Luo Quan looked embarrassed, obviously not satisfied with this arrangement.

Su Ziyan also said: "Yes, father, is it inappropriate to arrange a marriage for my sister so early when she is still young?"

"I would like to arrange a marriage for her, but that will only happen if Lu Min agrees!

Lu Baixin and I talked for a long time before we came up with such a blind date opportunity. Whether it is certain or not depends on what Lu Min wants! "

As Su Changye spoke, an unknown fire arose in his heart, and he said slightly angrily to Luo Quan: "Don't talk any more, just do what I want you to do. Don't be embarrassed when you meet someone later. Talk to your family." Like a dead person!"

"Yes." Luo Quan pretended to be helpless and chose to give in. He was already thinking about how to make this marriage aborted.

Oddly enough, I seem to often encounter forced marriages these days, and I don’t know why.

As for what Su Ziyan originally wanted to say to her father, Su Changye had already turned around and left without giving the two sisters a chance to discuss it.

After a brief contact, Su Yan knew what kind of person her "dad" was.

It is a very typical paternalistic style of ancient Chinese people. You must let me arrange everything for you.

And the arrangement for you will definitely be the best. No rejection is allowed. If you have any objection, you are disobeying me.

Luo Quan has seen this kind of self-centered father in many costume dramas, but he never thought that he would one day meet him.

There is no other way. For the sake of Xianyuan, I can only cooperate for the time being. Anyway, with a few words, I can make the young man who comes for a blind date fume with anger.

Luo Quan felt much better when he thought about it. He walked towards Lingyun Palace, wanting to pay his respects to his mother first.

Lingyun Palace has seven floors. The first floor is the meeting hall, the second floor is the training room, and the third floor is a garden.

This level is a world of its own, with mountains and water.

It's just that the mountain is a rockery, and the water is rootless water brought by a formation.

However, there are many ornamental flowers in this world, which are very popular among female disciples, so many female disciples can be seen playing here on this level.

Luo Quan's mother also likes to go here to play when she is bored.

Sure enough, Luo Quan arrived at the third floor and after searching for it for a while, he saw his mother's figure.

In terms of appearance, Bai Yueyao didn't feel as stunning to Luo Quan as Su Ziyan.

Perhaps because of her age, Bai Yueyao gave Luo Quan more of a gentle impression, like a spring breeze blowing on her face, making Luo Quan feel warm all over his body.

Standing next to Bai Yueyao was a young man who looked handsome and had an extraordinary bearing. He was much more handsome than expected.

This should be Lu Mintian, the blind date arranged by his father.

"Mother, I'm back." Luo Quan came to Bai Yueyao and shouted softly, and Su Ziyan also bowed and saluted.

Bai Yueyao's face showed surprise: "You two are finally back. I called you so many times before, but you always said you were unavailable.

What, are you finally free now? I thought you were all grown up and it was okay not to go home. "

It could be heard that there was some blame in Bai Yueyao's words, and Luo Quan and Su Ziyan lowered their heads.

"No matter how old he is, he is still your child. Aren't we back now? And we won't leave again in a short time. We can spend more time with you, mother." Luo Quan replied.

Bai Yueyao stroked Luo Quan's head and sighed: "It's still your father's fault. He can teach you at home, but he insists on sending you two to school. I don't know what he thinks."

Su Ziyan smiled softly: "Father has his own considerations. After all, it is for our own good."

"By the way, Su Quan, have you met your father before coming here?" Bai Yueyao asked.

"I've seen it." Luo Quan, who originally had a smile on his face, immediately said, "Sunny turned to cloudy," and replied in a deep voice.

"Then he should have told you about Lu Min. He happens to be with me now. You two can chat here. I will come back to you later."

After saying that, regardless of whether Luo Quan agreed or not, Bai Yueyao took Su Ziyan and left, leaving Luo Quan and Lu Min alone.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was quite awkward.

Soon, Luo Quan found a stone table. There were several stone benches beside the stone table, and the two of them sat on each side.

Luo Quan was silent for a while, but he broke the silence first: "Hello, my name is Su Quan."

"My name is Lu Min."

"Nice to meet you."

"You're happy too soon."

"I..." Luo Quan almost blurted out "RNMMP", and it took the boss's strength to resist the urge to curse.

"I have heard that you have been studying in Master Li Yan's school for more than half a year, but you have not made any progress in your cultivation. After twelve years of cultivation, you have risen to a small level in an average of one and a half years. This speed is unprecedented, and I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve in the future. Here comes someone.”

Lu Min was still smiling, but this smile made Luo Quan feel uncomfortable all over.

She had never been ridiculed so much in her life.

Now that the conversation has reached this point, Luo Quan stopped talking about ladylike manners and said with a faint smile: "Then you are praising me too much. As the saying goes, talented people come out from generation to generation, and maybe there will be another one in the future. What about someone with worse talent than me?

Times are evolving, don’t make any conclusions so easily. "

Lu Min had a joking look on his face: "If your talent was as great as your eloquence, you would definitely not be in this situation now."

"I think I'm in a good situation now. I don't have to compete with geniuses like you. I can live a relaxed life every day and my skin should be shiny."

"I find that we are wasting time, what do you think?" Lu Min tilted his head to one side, obviously not wanting to talk to Luo Quan anymore.

To be honest, Luo Quan was a little fed up with Lu Min. He was a very handsome young man, but he spoke so harshly and was so arrogant.

It is true that he is not a son of man!

Luo Quan stood up and looked to the other side. Unintentionally, she saw a pond not far away. The pond was pleasantly green and filled with lotus leaves.

"Meeting is fate. Let me give you a poem before I leave." Luo Quan said with the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"You can also compose poetry?" Lu Min almost laughed out loud.

"I know a lot of things." Luo Quan shook his head and said loudly: "Three lotus roots float in the green pond, and the raft can be made of Ai Si.".

"What weird poem?" Lu Min frowned. Although he couldn't understand it, it seemed to have some charm.

"Forget it if you don't understand." Luo Quan smiled up at the sky and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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