Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1409 Tian Congyun

Chapter 1409: Tian Congyun (Part )

"Aunt Bai, I'll leave first."

Lu Min came to Bai Yueyao and said goodbye with a smile.

Luo Quan's expression from the back also looked very natural, as if the conversation between the two just now had not happened.

"Let's go now, why don't we chat for a while?" Bai Mu thought her daughter said something wrong that angered Lu Min, but the expressions on their faces didn't look alike.

Lu Min declined: "It's getting late. My father asked me to go home before noon. It seems he has something important to tell me."

"Then come back next time and chat with Quan'er more. In fact, Quan'er is a very nice person."

Bai Mu was a little embarrassed when she said this, because she really didn't know how to praise Luoquan and could only use such general adjectives.

Lu Min smiled slightly and did not comment on Bai Mu's statement, then turned around and drifted away, never looking at Luo Quan from the beginning to the end.

"Mom, don't ask her to come here again, she looks upset." After Lu Min left, Luo Quan finally returned to his true self, with a sad face.

"Why do you say that to others!"

Bai's mother frowned. Lu Min was the kid she liked the most among the younger generation, and he was also her chosen son-in-law.

I didn't expect my daughter to say that to Lu Min, so she was naturally a little unhappy.

"Anyway, I don't like him. Don't let me go on blind dates in the future. I'm not worthy of him, and he doesn't like me. That's all!"

Luo Quan's tone was decisive, and it was obvious that he didn't want to have any more interactions with this Lu Min.

When Bai's mother heard this and was about to say something to her son, a dull and distant bell suddenly rang.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, stopped and looked to the north.

That is where the Wuji Palace is located. The leader of the Wuliang Immortal Sect stays in the Wuji Palace and will not leave the palace anytime soon.

"It's the Manggu bell!"

Luo Quan recalled this scene in her mind. She heard similar bells about ten years ago.

It came from a huge and unparalleled ancient bronze bell in the Wuji Palace. Only the sect leader in the entire Wuliang Immortal Sect was qualified to ring it.

After ringing, the bell can spread to every corner of the Wuliang Immortal Sect, and at the same time, the sounds around the bell will also be heard.

In other words, after the Manggu Bell is rung, if someone speaks to the Manggu Bell, then these words will be transmitted to the ears of every monk in the Wuliang Immortal Sect along with the sound of the bell.

"The Thirty-Three Days Dharma Discussion is coming soon. In order to ensure the status of our Wuliang Immortal Sect among the thousands of sects in the Thirty-Three Days, the sect decided to refine twelve golden immortal pills and give them to outstanding disciples in the sect.

From now on, any disciple with a cultivation level below Nascent Soul, regardless of origin or age, can participate.

Within two years, the top twelve who have achieved the cultivation of transcending tribulations will receive a Golden Immortal True Pill and the title of Twelve Golden Immortals!

In addition to the Golden Immortal True Pill, the Twelve Golden Immortals can go to the Shangqing Realm Yu Yutian to realize Taoism after realizing the True Immortal. In the Wuliang Immortal Sect, they can enjoy the same level of treatment as the Supreme Elder of the sect! "

After the announcement was finished, the ringing of Manggu Bell also disappeared. Luo Quan listened carefully for a long time, feeling a little confused.

Because she had been delayed in school for so many years, Luo Quan actually didn't know much about many things in the Wuliang Immortal Sect. For example, she had never understood the Thirty-three Days Theory of Dharma, the Golden Immortal True Pill, Yu Yutian of the Shangqing Realm, etc. heard about it.

It took two years to break through to the Tribulation Stage. Luo Quan counted and found that she was still several realms away from the Tribulation Stage.

Monks in this world are divided into two realms: Immortal and Mortal. From lowest to highest, monks in the Mortal realm are Qi training stage, channel channeling stage, foundation building stage, golden elixir stage, Nascent Soul stage, out-of-body stage, distraction stage, integration stage, and transcending tribulation. Period these nine great realms.

After overcoming the tribulation, he becomes an immortal and becomes a monk in the fairyland.

She now only has Nascent Soul cultivation, which is much weaker than her own martial arts cultivation.

If converted, her martial arts is basically equivalent to that of a monk in the quasi-out-of-body stage, but it is still three realms short of the requirements.

It can be said that this is a "welfare" specially prepared for those extremely talented people.

At her current level, she shouldn't think too much about it. What she should do is look at the back of the genius and shout 666.

After the news came out that the sect was going to select the "Twelve Golden Immortals", Luo Quan keenly felt that the atmosphere around him had changed very obviously.

Everyone who was still playing around just now calmed down, either lowering their heads to think, or looking up, and some of them turned around and left without knowing what they were doing.

Su Changye quickly sent someone over and asked Luo Quan and Su Ziyan to go to his place immediately.

Luo Quan and Su Ziyan looked at each other. Su Ziyan's eyes were uneasy, but Luo Quan's eyes were calm.

Soon, the two sisters came to Su Changye again.

"You all heard what the sect master just said." Su Changye sat on a red wooden chair, sipping a cup of fragrant hot tea.

"I heard it." Su Ziyan nodded.

"I have been the master of Lingyun Peak for five hundred years, and I have never deducted any resources belonging to the sect. However, I have made many friends and accumulated a lot of wealth through exchanges of courtesy.

But these resources are only enough for one of you sisters to win the qualification of Golden Immortal..."

Having said this, Su Changye did not continue talking, but drank tea silently.

"To my sister."

"To my sister!"

Luo Quan and Su Ziyan spoke at the same time, but the words they said were completely different.

Su Changye smiled softly: "You two sisters are very humble."

"Give it to sister. I know what my qualifications are. Instead of wasting those resources on me, it's better to give them all to sister."

When Luo Quan saw Su Ziyan about to speak, he immediately held her shoulders and said, "Sister, there is no need to say more. There are only so many resources, and you are not the only genius in the sect. If we really give these resources to If you leave me, the opportunity of the Twelve Golden Immortals will really be lost to you."

"But..." Su Ziyan had just said two words when he was interrupted by Su Changye.

"Zi Yan, there is no need to say more. Now that my sister has such an awareness, don't be too entangled.

There are more than just twelve golden immortals in the sect. Su Quan has her own way to go and doesn't need you to worry about. "

When Luo Quan heard this, he couldn't help but glance at his father, "My own way?"

Could it be that the cheap daddy knew about her in Dengxiantai?

Presumably, all the immortal masters will be outside observing during the trial on the Immortal Platform.

Climbing the Immortal Platform is Li Yan's magic weapon. How could he not know what he is doing?

Su Changye would probably know just by asking Li Yan. No wonder her father didn't even say a word to her about the trial on the Immortal Platform.

"Okay, this matter has been decided. You two can go down." Su Changye waved his hand and said no more.

After leaving, Luo Quan saw his sister's worried look on her face. He smiled and comforted her and said, "Sister, don't think too much. My father just said that I have my own way to go, so just concentrate on your cultivation." Well, those resources are really useless to me.”

Hearing what his sister said, Su Ziyan stopped being pretentious and nodded heavily, secretly making a decision in his heart.

The two sisters parted here. Because Su Ziyan had official duties today, she was able to leave Qingdi Peak for so long.

It was almost noon, and Su Ziyan had to go back to Qingdi Peak.

After his sister left, Luo Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Acting in front of this family was really tiring.

Finally I understand why those little fresh actors hired stand-ins. Acting with all your heart is really exhausting! According to his memory, Luo Quan returned to his room on the sixth floor of Lingyun Palace.

Although she hasn't been back here for a long time, the room is still very clean, and there is no obvious dust.

Compared with the furnishings in the school dormitory, this room is more spacious and the furniture is much more luxurious.

However, Luo Quan was a little surprised by the housing layout of Lingyun Palace. She had thought that the monks lived in caves as described in the novel, with nothing else but alchemy furnaces and straw mats.

Maybe this is an advanced cultivation civilization, but Luo Quan actually prefers to have his own cave. Once the door is closed, no one can know what he is doing inside. It is safe and private.

"Congratulations to the host for witnessing the first big event, the opening of the Wanjie Store!"

The system suddenly issued a prompt at this time.

Luo Quan's eyes lit up: "It seems I'm pretty lucky, I witnessed a big event not long after I came back.

Speaking of the system, if I could go to those thirty-three days to listen to sermons, would I also gain something unexpected? "

The system replied: "Yes, there is definitely one. The level of this world is very high, only slightly lower than the cosmic-level civilization Huanyu. Moreover, the civilization of cultivating immortals already hides countless secrets, and it would be a big deal to dig them out.

However, with the host's current understanding, it is not easy to figure out the reason. "

"Okay, you can shut up."

Luo Quan rolled his eyes and told the system that was addicted to complaining to shut up. It was really annoying to hear.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Quan closed his eyes and opened the mall that belonged to the world of Xinghai Immortal Palace.

The items sold in each world mall are also different.

Like Huanyu, they mainly sell technological drugs.

As for Xinghai Immortal Palace, most of them are related to Taoism.

The currency used in the mall, Xianyuan, can be obtained by witnessing major events, or can be exchanged for spiritual stones.

She currently doesn't have many fairy sources, only a few hundred, and can only exchange them for the lowest level props, and only two or three at most.

"This is the first time that the host has opened the Xinghai Wanjie Mall. You can get a chance to draw ten consecutive draws. The target of the draw is the treasure chest of the Wealth Couple. Do you want to use it?"

The prompt sounded again, and Luo Quan raised his eyebrows, thinking that there was such a good thing.

"Start pumping!" Luo Quan fired ten times in a row without hesitation.

There was a crisp sound, and the ten treasure boxes in the storage space disappeared instantly, replaced by ten reward items of different qualities.

"Blue quality, spiritual plant: two Jingxin tea saplings."

"White quality, magic weapon: ink pen."

"Purple quality, magic weapon: Burning Phoenix Qin!"

"White quality, elixir: Snow Yan Dan."

"Purple quality, Taoism: the sun and the moon within an inch!"

"Purple quality, Taoist method: Xuan Gong Seal!"

"Blue quality: Five Elements Spiritual Field!"

"White quality, magic weapon: white robe."

"White Quality: Cultivation Technique: First Grade Alchemy Technique."

"White quality: one hundred immortal coins."

"Wow, the host is so lucky, I got three purple-quality rewards!"

The system sounded, but Luo Quanque was very dissatisfied. Because there was not even a single piece of gold in the ten consecutive draws. Is the golden explosion rate of this treasure chest of the wealthy couple really so low?

"System, what is the golden explosion rate of the treasure chest of the Wealth Couple?"

"Golden-quality rewards are very rare in the entire universe. It is very difficult to open one of a thousand Wealth Couple magic land treasure chests."

"Holy shit, the explosion rate is so low." The disappointment in Luo Quan's heart gradually dissipated. It seemed that it wasn't that he had a bad face, but that the golden color was really difficult to draw.

"Host, don't be discouraged. Although the probability of finding golden treasures from treasure chests is very low, you can enter the Wanjie Store, where you can also redeem treasure chests through fairy sources."

After the system finished speaking, a white light screen appeared in front of Luo Quan's eyes.

It is covered with a dazzling array of products, including elixirs, magic weapons, exercises, spiritual plants, etc., ranging from high to low, and everything is available.

Most commodities can be exchanged for Xianyuan or a currency called "Cosmic Federation Fagram".

The former Luo Quan now has three hundred pieces, but she looked at them for a long time and found that the cheap ones were of little use to her.

And the price of those gold-quality products can easily exceed one million or even tens of millions of immortals!

"Is there any faster way to harvest the immortal source?" Luo Quan pinched his pocket and asked anxiously.

"Master, in advanced cultivation civilizations, immortal sources are very easy to obtain. A piece of the most common low-level spiritual stone can be exchanged for ten immortal coins!"

"Huh?" Luo Quan suddenly became energetic.

Although she didn't know what Xianyuan was, she was very familiar with the spirit stone.

This is the most common currency in the world of cultivating immortals. In addition to here, it should be found in the world.

In addition, Luo Quan remembered that even the lowest entry-level disciples could receive low-level spiritual stones ranging from one hundred to two hundred from the sect every month.

A piece is about the size of a thumb, which can be exchanged for ten fairy coins!

"Earn spiritual stones, I want to earn spiritual stones!" This was the only thought in Luo Quan's mind at the moment.

There are four levels of spiritual stones, low-level, intermediate, high-level, and immortal. One immortal-level spiritual stone is equivalent to one thousand low-level spiritual stones, which is ten thousand immortal coins.

She only needs 100 immortal spiritual stones to exchange for a golden quality product!

Luo Quan, who had always regarded money as an external possession, was now extremely eager for wealth, or in other words, for spiritual stones.

But now there is a problem, that is, she has not yet joined the Wuliang Immortal Sect.

And my father just gave all his resources to his sister. Now she can be said to be impoverished and without any financial resources.

"Damn, I wouldn't have been so generous if I had known that. I would still have to ask dad for some compensation."

Luo Quan opened his eyes, sadness gradually crept into his brows, and the joy of finding three purple treasures was also washed away.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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