Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1410 Chapter 1437 Tian Congyun

Chapter 1410 The th Day Congyun ()

"Who is it?" Luo Quan raised his head and asked.

"My daughter is my mother."

"Mother?" Luo Quan quickly stood up and opened the door. He saw Bai Yueyao holding a cloth bag with a slightly panicked expression.

"Mother, what are you doing?" Luo Quan looked at his mother who looked like a thief, and wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

"This is your mother's dowry. It has been kept under the bed for decades. If your father hadn't gone through the boxes and cabinets today to find something, I wouldn't have been able to remember it."

Bai Yueyao said something and put the cloth bag in her hand and said: "You can't use anything that is too high-end, so I brought you some spiritual stones. With this, you can practice faster."

Your biological father is also a bit stingy. I asked him to give you some spiritual stones just now, but he refused to do anything. But fortunately, my mother still has some stocks. No one can be poor without his own daughter. "

"Mom, you delivered this spirit stone too timely!" Luo Quan almost cried, hugging Bai Yueyao and crying with gratitude.

"Okay, hurry up and put the spirit stones away. Don't let your father know. When the time comes, it will be difficult for my mother to explain where the spirit stones came from."

Bai Yueyao stroked Luo Quan's head with gentle eyes, then looked around and said to Luo Quan: "Daughter, you have the spirit stone. You must practice hard. Your father will let you join the sect in two days." Now, if you can, choose our Lingyun Peak, or your grandpa’s Qingtian Peak.

They are all members of the family, and they will never let you suffer no matter what. "

"I understand." Luo Quan nodded, Bai Mu smiled slightly, turned around and hurried away.

After closing the door, Luo Quan couldn't wait to open the cloth bag, and a dazzling white light flashed in front of his eyes. This is the sign of high-grade spiritual stones!

Luo Quan counted them, and there were only seventy-two. It seemed that his mother had just grabbed a handful while his father was not paying attention, and did not dare to grab more.

However, seventy-two high-level spiritual stones are already quite a lot. When converted, that is seventy-two thousand immortal coins!

Luo Quan put fifty high-grade spiritual stones into the storage space, and then exchanged them for fifty thousand immortal coins through the Wanjie Store.

Many of the gray items in the store suddenly became brighter, which meant she could now purchase them.

However, Luo Quan doesn't plan to spend money now. With Wuji Gong, a top-notch skill, she doesn't need to invest any more immortal coins in this area at the moment.

So Luo Quan planned to save the immortal coins first and then spend them when he needed them later.

Just as the system said, the Ten Thousand Realms Store was indeed a very useful function for her, but it was still a little early for him to take full advantage of it.

Her current status is too low. Even if she joins the Wuliang Immortal Sect, her monthly income of more than a thousand immortal coins is pitiful.

Only when his status in the Wuliang Immortal Sect becomes higher and higher in the future and he gets more and more spiritual stones and immortal coins, will the role of the Wanjie Store gradually become more prominent.

A monk who reaches the channel-opening stage can become an entry-level disciple of the Infinite Immortal Sect, and when he reaches the foundation-building stage, he can be promoted to an inner disciple and enjoy the benefits of at least 500 low-level spiritual stones every month.

If your cultivation reaches the golden elixir stage, you can become one of the true disciples of the Twelve Halls of Nine Peaks. At this time, you can call the master of the Peak Master Hall Master.

At this moment, he has completely established himself in the Wuliang Immortal Sect, and his monthly benefits can reach more than 200 intermediate spirit stones, which translates to 20,000 immortal coins!

This is a perfectly well-off life, plus some other miscellaneous income, I can save at least 300,000 immortal coins in a year!

Although there is still a higher status and treatment, Luo Quan is not a very ambitious person, and it is too early to think about this now.

After all, she is not yet a disciple of the Wuliang Immortal Sect, and if she sets her goal too far, it will be easy for her to lose track once she takes a big step. seems like she doesn't have this thing either.

In short, with the relationship between his parents, it is a certainty that he will join the Wuliang Immortal Sect.

Now Luo Quan needs to work hard to improve his cultivation, and then quickly improve his status in the sect.

Of course, just leave the struggle to AI.

She didn't forget why she came here.

Opening Wanjie Mall, Luo Quan directly searched for Tian Congyun.

The system said that all equipment and props can be purchased in this mall, so Luo Quan directly searched for Japan's most famous equipment.

The real-life Amancongyun is said to have been enshrined in the Japanese court and is one of the so-called three artifacts.

But Luo Quan remembered that there was an organization that planted bombs at the airport and carried out attacks at Jing Palace's wedding, just to divert everyone's attention to grab the three artifacts.

Although the final response from the palace was that they protected the three artifacts during the battle and were not snatched away by thieves.

However, since then, the royal family has never shown the three artifacts to the outside world.

Before this, they liked to show off these three treasures very much. They wanted the whole world to know that they owned these three treasures with a long history.

But now, it is said that in order to avoid the covetousness of thieves, it cannot be easily allowed to appear in the world.

But many people know about the existence of these three treasures. If you don’t take them out, no one will care about them?

It doesn't make sense logically.

So Luo Quan felt that these three treasures had either been stolen or destroyed.

Luo Quan felt that the latter was more likely, because after it was stolen, whether it was used for himself or sold for money, there would be no news at all.

Just like the previous theft of Notre Dame de Paris, a group of police searched for a long time but found no clues. As a result, a foreign tycoon bought the stolen goods and showed off, so there was no need to investigate at all.

Therefore, these three treasures have not appeared in the world for so many years, and they have probably been destroyed.

But now Luo Quan has the opportunity to make it reappear, and it will definitely be a little more powerful than the original one.

Soon, Luo Quan found the Tiancong Yunjian in the mall.

This sword looks very different from a tachi. It looks more like a long handle with a blade inserted into it.

Rather than talking about a sword, it is actually more similar to Guan Erye's Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

Moreover, there are ring-shaped protrusions one after another on the long handle, which look like joints.

It is said that Tian Congyun was born from the body of Yamata-no-Orochi. Could this handle be the tail vertebrae of Yamata-no-Orochi?

Unfortunately, perhaps because the props are too low-level, there is not much introduction on its page.

Such a weapon is not even of white quality. At worst, she cannot get this kind of item out of the treasure chest of the Wealth Couple.

Perhaps the level of this weapon is indeed low, but it is enough.

If it was too powerful, she would really be reluctant to give it to others.

She had to take it out in such a steady manner that she felt at ease.

As for the other good things in Wanjie Mall, let's wait until she returns to Huanyu.

There are immortal monks in the world, and there must be hard currency such as spirit stones, but I don't know whether the reserves are abundant.

After getting what he wanted, Luo Quan withdrew from the world of Xinghai Immortal Palace.

This time he didn't stay too long. When Luo Quan opened his eyes, it was still dark outside.

She took out her phone and found that her name had been on the hot search list.

"Luo Quan was assassinated in Tokyo!" was a hot topic on both Twitter and Weibo, and it was still very popular even in the middle of the night.

Luo Quan originally planned to talk about this matter the next day, but he didn't expect that the police officers at the Metropolitan Police Department would be so loose-mouthed and actually leaked the news overnight.

Fortunately, this hot search appeared not long ago. If we had waited until the next day to make it clear, there would have been many rumors.

So Luo Quan quickly recorded a video:

"Hello netizens, I'm sorry that it became a hot search topic in this way late at night and made everyone worried.

First of all, regarding my assassination, it is indeed not a headline. Just a few hours ago, a fanatic fan came to the house where I live with a knife and tried to hurt Junko and me.

As for the specific reason, it cannot be disclosed yet because it is still under investigation. I will tell everyone after a thorough investigation is completed.

All in all, that's all I can say for the time being. Please don't believe all the rumors except this video. After all, there is no other person involved in the matter except me. Anyone who knows the inside story, no need to ask, must be a liar.

I've made everyone worried. I'm fine. Everyone, please go to bed early. "

After the video was released, it received tens of thousands of views in the blink of an eye.

It can be seen that fans are indeed very worried about her safety, and they immediately clicked in as soon as they saw her updated video.

Fans finally felt relieved after discovering that Luo Quan was still alive and kicking in the video.

"I told you not to go to Japan. If you see it, you will know that there is nothing good going on."

"As long as everyone is fine, what on earth does this fanatic fan think that he would kill an idol?"

"Some of them are too extreme. It's best to be sentenced to life imprisonment and never come out to harm others in this life."

“It may be difficult to get married in Japan.”

"Indeed, in Japan, even if you kill several people, you may not be sentenced to death, let alone such attempted murder."

"Even if the death penalty is imposed, it may not be executed for decades, which is no different than indefinite. Therefore, for a crime that is not even worthy of the death penalty, it is estimated that it will only be lighter."

"It sounds like a lawless place. Isn't it said that Japan's public security is second to none in Asia?"

"The public security is indeed good, but there are also many perverts and lunatics. Occasionally, we will encounter lunatics who come out to retaliate against society and kill people. Overall, it is relatively stable."

"The domestic security is second to none. Although there are more cases due to the large number of people, we are already one of the safest countries in the world."


"Hurry up and go to Hawaii, Luo Bao. I'm afraid you'll get into trouble if you stay too long."

"Haha, this can legitimately allow Luo Bao to take photos in swimsuits, right?"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."


Luo Quan was safe and sound, and the tone of the fans became much more relaxed, and many of them started joking.

Luo Quan curled up his lips after seeing it, but didn't take it too seriously.

As for my mother...

Logically speaking, the people over there should be very nervous about such a big matter. Why haven't they even called me yet, but only sent a message to ask?

Luo Quan couldn't understand, so he replied: "It's okay, Mom. Besides, you don't seem to be worried about me at all?"

"What's there to worry about?" Mom quickly replied, "You are already in the sky and on the earth on an alien planet, how can a small knife like this on Earth be able to hurt you?

From now on, there is no need to send messages for such trivial matters. She was awakened even from her drowsiness at night. By the way, Ning Ning was not frightened, right? "

Seeing his mother's question, Luo Quan finally knew what it meant to not have to worry about it after completing the task.

Her mission is to spread the branches and leaves of the old Luo family.

She was the oldest when she was pregnant, but after giving birth to Ning Ning, her daughter was the oldest, so she became insignificant.

"This is really..." Luo Quan shook his head in confusion, and then replied: "I wasn't scared, I slept soundly."

"That's good, I'm going to bed, and you should go to bed early."

After the message was sent, there was no more movement.

Luo Quan looked at it for a while, then put down his phone and continued to sleep.

Because Luo Quan provided timely clarification, the news that should have caused a sensation was not as explosive as expected.

The assassination of an international actress is indeed explosive news.

And it happened in Tokyo, Japan, which has always claimed that its public security is very good.

So as soon as the incident came out, officials held a press conference that day, and directly bowed and apologized, saying that it was all his fault for failing to maintain public order and causing trouble to the people and Luo Quan. Red bean paste private Marseille!

However, this commonplace apology did not satisfy the people.

Because it involves Luo Quan and the nature of the case is so bad.

Originally, Japanese fans were counting on Luo Quan to stay a few more days, appear on a few shows, or open a concert or something.

As a result, such a thing came out immediately. It was very courageous for people not to directly buy a plane ticket and escape from Japan.

Someone with a bad temper might have yelled at me, and he might not even come back again in the future.

After all, this is a serious threat to life!

Therefore, the people were very dissatisfied with such a frivolous apology and demanded that the officials commit seppuku and apologize, and in addition, the murderer must be severely punished.

However, the Japanese government is notoriously indifferent to public opinion, so these indignant words can only get likes online.

As for the murderer, she will definitely not face such a severe punishment. After all, Po Datian said she was just an attempted murderer.

In Japan, where no one is severely punished for committing a murder, even minor crimes are of course nothing to worry about.

Of course, there will definitely be a few years in jail.

As for whether she will hold a grudge against him after she comes out, or plans to die with Junko, Luo Quan doesn't know.

Anyway, by the time the criminal comes out, Junko will probably be stronger than the criminal knows.

Just like now, Luo Quan suddenly took out a knife and told her it was Tian Congyun.

This is also beyond Junko's cognition.

"Izumi-chan, is this Amancongyun? Are you sure you're not joking?"

(End of this chapter)

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