Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1411 Hawaiian Style

Chapter 1411 Hawaiian Style

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury’s Masked Superman for the book coins, thank you for your support!


"Of course I'm not joking." Luo Quan replied seriously, "Don't be misled by the image of Tian Congyun in anime or games. Although I'm not sure what Tian Congyun looks like, I'm sure it won't be a sword.

Because Amancongyun is an ancient artifact, and Tachi should have only appeared around the Edo period, Amancongyun definitely does not look like a Tachi. "

"That's it." Junko doubtfully took the naginata-shaped Amancongyun and looked at it carefully.

Be careful, this knife is very sharp and can really cut through iron like clay. "

Luo Quan reminded in a serious tone, and at the same time handed the scabbard to Junko's hand.

"Let me give it a try."

Junko said, directly pulling off a piece of her hair and placing it on Tian Congyun's blade.

Letting go, his hair fell down and was cut in half by Tian Congyun without any hindrance.

"It's really as easy as cutting iron into clay!" Junko widened her eyes and asked with surprise, "So, is such a powerful weapon Izumi-chan really given to me like this?"

"If you are really embarrassed to get it for nothing, you can consider giving me something in exchange, like you." Luo Quan joked with a smile.

"Ah... If Izumi-chan wants to, it's not impossible." Junko lowered her head shyly. It seemed that she was really willing.

"Okay, what can I do with your people?" Luo Quan hit Junzi, who was thinking wildly, and his mind went crazy. He was so surprised that the other party let out a "dumb".

"Take this knife to your grandfather. With this knife, no one in Japan will dare to cause trouble to your Yagyu family anymore."

Luo Quan brought the conversation back to the topic, Junzi nodded and said: "I have already called my family, they should be here soon.

I will send things back personally to avoid any mysterious accidents on the way. "

"I just want to visit some old friends. You can just go back here after delivering the knife. We will fly to Hawaii together then."

After Luo Quan arranged the itinerary, Junko went out and prepared to go back to Mount Fuji.

Luo Quan also sent messages to a few old friends here.

Mainly Akatsuki Kumoi, Suzune Kamiya and the others.

There were five people in a band, three women and two men. Apart from her, the other four people eventually became two couples.

Now one couple has become parents, and another couple has started planning to have children.

The only pity is that when they held the wedding, I was not able to be there.

But they didn't care, and they were still extremely enthusiastic after their reunion.

Miyano Natsuko came to Luo Quan holding her son with Yu Amuro.

Luo Quan held Luo Ning in his arms, and the two mothers talked about parenting with smiles on their faces.

Kamiya Suzune looked anxious but helpless.

She actually likes children very much. As a result, her two good friends have become mothers, but she has not made any news since.

So Kamiya Suzune directly vented her anger on her husband Kumoi Akatsuki: "I asked you to smoke less. Now it's better. I can't conceive a child!"

"I've been quitting for almost half a year." Kumoi Akira said aggrievedly, "And it's only been so long since we started preparing for pregnancy. Isn't it normal that we didn't get pregnant?"

Kamiya Suzune snorted: "I don't care, anyway, you have to work harder on this, I want to be a mother too!"

The mother's heartfelt words made the two real mothers laugh.

Then Natsuko Miyano asked about what happened last night.

The assassination of a fan behind his back was really shocking, and they also wanted to know what happened.

Facing several good friends, Luo Quan had nothing to hide, so he told them the whole story.

When they learned that the murderer was a madman and a yandere, everyone was speechless.

It can only be said that luckily Luo Quan still has some strength. If it were a little girl with no strength, and she was suddenly hit like this when she opened the door, wouldn't she have to pay for it in this life?

"It seems that crazy people like this are not uncommon in Tokyo these days. I heard a few days ago that there were people on the subway who were stabbing people with knives." Kamiya Suzune sighed, shaking her head.

"The economy is in ruins." Yumjing Xiao sighed, and subconsciously reached into his trouser pocket, wanting to smoke a cigarette.

This kind of real social contradiction and gloomy reality is the best source of creative inspiration for these rock people.

However, as someone who personally experienced that indiscriminate killing, my mood is different from that of distant news readers.

He saw with his own eyes the bloody knife in the murderer's hand, and also saw the murderer's crazy eyes.

How desperate he must have been when he did these outrageous things.

But Akira Kumoi cannot sympathize with this kind of person, because he endangered the lives of innocent people and should be punished by God!

It is a pity that Japan's judgment and execution of death penalty are too unfair and too delayed.

Even if he committed such a heinous crime, it would be difficult for that person to be sentenced to death.

Just like the people Luo Quan met this time.

After they have spent a long period in prison, they return to society.

Can these vicious criminals who have been tortured for a long time in prison really become good people so easily?

Kumoi Akira felt it was almost impossible.

Like the social climate that led to all this happening, it seems it will be difficult to return to normal.

Rock and roll has never been about rebellion, but music is used to reflect and express humanistic care.

As a thoughtful rocker, Akira Kumoi always thinks more.

But this time I encountered such a sharp contradiction, a lot of thoughts suddenly came to my mind.

However, today's theme is not rock speculation, so Kumoi Akira suppressed her inner thoughts and continued chatting with her friends.

After chatting until noon, we found a roasted bird restaurant that is famous at home and abroad for dinner.

It is said that this roasted bird restaurant has a history of 80 years. It only serves roasted bird dishes. It was rated as a Michelin restaurant last year. The chef in the store is also called the roasted bird immortal.

With such a great reputation, consumption is of course also very high, with an average of 10,000 yen per capita.

To be honest, Luo Quan is now skeptical of restaurants with the title of Immortal, and feels that nothing good will happen with this nickname.

It’s true that Japanese sages are too cheap. There are sages in everything. They look like that, but after actually tasting them, they feel more ordinary than average.

The key prices are quite expensive, and the service attitude is often not very good.

It was because he was spending money to make himself angry, and over time Luo Quan started to stay away from the so-called immortal shops.

Yakiniku, a Japanese dish, has become very popular in recent years.

The name sounds weird, but it’s actually Bird BBQ.

The bird here is a chicken, not some other messy thing.

Luo Quan ate it once when he was in Shanghai. The taste was ordinary, but the price was ridiculously high and he wasn't full. It was considered an IQ tax.

And now, it seems she is about to do it again.

Although I don't like eating at immortal restaurants, since Suzune and the others recommended it, Luo Quan had no choice but to follow in. Fortunately, we finally went to a Michelin restaurant, and the taste turned out to be quite good. The service attitude of the store clerk was also very good. It can be said that the experience far exceeded Luo Quan's expectations.

This time, Luo Quan no longer felt like he was being cheated. Except for the food, which was still not enough to fill his stomach, the rest of the place was basically perfect.

After eating and drinking, Luo Quan said goodbye to his friends and agreed to meet again next time.

See you next time in China.

Akatsuki Kumoi and the others have often participated in music variety shows and music festivals in China in the past two years, so their stay in China will not be short.

By then, as long as Luo Quan is free, we can definitely get together.

After bidding farewell to Kumoi Akatsuki and the others, Luo Quan went to visit Ishimura and Miki.

She actually knew these two people earlier than Kumoi Akira and the others.

It’s just that there wasn’t much time for actual communication and chatting, and the conversations that took place were basically about the content of the new album.

Although the work relationship accounts for more, she doesn't have many acquaintances in Japan, not to mention that she will often collaborate with Sony in the future, so Luo Quan has not left them behind.

The way of the party was also very simple. We just found a quiet place to drink some tea and chat for a while.

At the beginning, we were still chatting about our experiences in the past few years, but as we were chatting, the topic came to the new album.

It has been more than half a year since the last album was released.

Although fans have not urged her because she was pregnant during this period, but now that her daughter has been born, she does not look like she needs confinement.

So fans’ reminders will definitely come soon.

As for Ishimura and Miki, they are very familiar with Luo Quan's new song creation speed.

A new album a year is nailed.

It's almost summer, and it's time to release a new album.

So they will ask specifically.

But it’s not to urge updates, I just want to get some information so that the company can start preparations in advance.

“I haven’t thought about the new album yet, maybe we’ll have to wait until after October.”

This is Luo Quan's answer.

Now she is no longer a salty fish, after all, she is so hardworking.

But then I got into procrastination again, that is, no matter how much the fans urged me, Luo Quan would say: It’s not that I won’t handle this matter for you, but it certainly won’t be done right away. Anyway, let’s go back and wait for the news.

Then wait until the end of the year.

It seems that there is no salty fish, but judging from the final result, it seems to be quite salty.

However, fans can complain, but Ishimura and Miki are not qualified to complain.

Originally, Luo Quan treated them as friends and invited them out to chat and drink tea.

As a result, the conversation turned to work. If I had urged him a few more words, my friend would have done it.

So after hearing Luo Quan's response, the two of them were very sensible and didn't continue the topic.

Half an hour later, Luo Quan, who had finished his tea, said goodbye to the two of them and went home.

When I turned on my phone, I found another big news on the hot search, that is, the prince who harassed Junko before actually announced that he was engaged to the daughter of a big company boss.

It happened very suddenly, but Luo Quan felt that it must be related to what he said yesterday.

With the energy of the royal family, he would definitely intervene in such a big matter as his assassination as soon as possible.

Then they will know the assassin's extremely outrageous reason for killing.

Junko is getting married, and she wants to be with Junko forever, so she wants to kill Junko.

So who did Junko owe this thing to?

If this matter were to be revealed directly, Xiang Xiang could clearly imagine what kind of serious consequences it would have with Luo Quan's influence.

Moreover, Luo Quan said last night that he would reveal the truth to everyone later.

This is actually a shout-out to the royal family.

It means that I already know about Junko being forced to marry, and now you have made such a big mess. If you don't give up, then I will reveal the truth.

Then let the whole world see how your royal family engages in arranged marriages in the 21st world.

There is no doubt that Luo Quan's threat worked.

Less than a day after the incident happened, they had already found a fiancée for the prince, and made an official announcement as soon as possible. This was even faster than the news of Masasaku Keimiya's marriage that year.

This was because he was afraid that Luo Quan would reveal his family's scandal if he was unhappy.

But if you think about it, it's normal. The royal family must care most about their face.

After all, apart from their faces, they basically kept silent about anything else.

In comparison, the British royal family also loves face.

However, he still has a certain reputation in the aristocratic circle, so even if he is shameless, he can still have fun, and even make people feel more awe.

As for this side, if you dare to play like this, you will become the laughing stock of the whole world.

In short, Junko's matter has been perfectly resolved.

It seems that her Tian Cong Yun is a bit redundant. She helped Junko take down the prince without using this sword.

But there is no reason to take back things that are sent out.

Let Junko's grandfather hold it, so Junko won't worry if he encounters trouble again.

Anyway, it has the system set up on Tiancongyun to ensure that it will not be used by strangers.

Waiting until night, Junko always came back by car.

After eating a bowl of ramen, Junko picked up the luggage that Luo Quan had already prepared and headed to the airport.

Luo Quan had already bought his flight ticket, and it was a first-class flight that took off early in the morning.

Although the price is expensive, it has wifi, a personal space where you can lie down, and delicious in-flight meals.

Although Luo Quan had eaten this airplane meal, he couldn't complain about the taste.

But just for the fact that he could have a separate bedroom on the plane, Luo Quan felt that it was worth the ticket price.

Of course, with Luo Quan's current wealth, he can actually buy a private jet.

It's just that she doesn't usually spend much time flying, so she thought it was a waste to buy it, so she didn't spend the money.

After a tiring day, Junko fell asleep not long after getting on the plane.

Luo Quan opened the curtains and enjoyed the night view above the clouds with his daughter.

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