Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1412 Hawaiian Style

Chapter 1412 Hawaiian Style ()

"Ma'am, the plane is about to land, please be ready."

The stewardess's gentle voice came from outside the room.

Luo Quan took off his blindfold and lifted his daughter lying on his chest: "Ning Ning, wake up, we are here."

"Are you here already?" Luo Ning opened her eyes and let out a long yawn: "I slept so comfortably this time."

Luo Quan couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. He used your mother's breast as a pillow and slept all the way. Can you feel uncomfortable?

In all these years, no one has ever been treated like this.

Luo Quan didn't bring much luggage, just a few clothes and a mobile phone charger. Wen Xia had already asked Wen Xia to take everything else there in advance.

The same goes for Junko. Many of her clothes are in Shang Hai's villa, and when she was leaving there, she dropped by a large roll bag.

The heat wave in Hawaii in June was rolling, and Luo Quan felt as if he was in a furnace as soon as he got off the plane.

When he looked down, he realized that he was still wearing a coat. He quickly took it off and stuffed it into his bag. Then he felt much better.

"Boss, aren't Wen Xia and the others here to pick us up? Where are we?"

Junko didn't have as good a physique as Luo Quan. She was already sweating profusely even with the air conditioner blowing all the way from the passage.

"Maybe just like you, she was wearing sunglasses and hiding in the crowd, but we didn't see her."

Luo Quan made a joke at Junzi and took out his mobile phone to call Wen Xia.

The call came through soon.

"We are at the exit on the far left of the hall. I am raising my hand and shaking it. Did you see it?"

Wen Xia's voice was so loud that Luo Quan heard it without using his cell phone, so he quickened his pace and walked straight over.

Wen Xia and Su Yu immediately came up to them, smiling from ear to ear: "Why are you wearing such thick clothes when you arrive in Hawaii, and you are not afraid of the heat?"

As he said this, Wen Xia patted Luo Quan's jeans and found that he wasn't sweating much.

Then she remembered that Luo Quan seemed to have some kind of immortal constitution, and it seemed that hot or cold didn't matter to her.

As for Junko, she changed the size of her T-shirt and shorts in advance, but she still had to sweat when she should.

Wen Xia and Su Yu were dressed similarly to Junko, with T-shirts and shorts, but they were wearing slippers, so their style was more casual.

"Everyone in the family should be here, right?"

Luo Quan held his daughter and handed the backpack to Wen Xia's arms.

Wen Xia replied as he walked: "Everyone is here. Leon arrived yesterday and went straight to the waves all afternoon. He was so happy.

However, Aunt Luo and Uncle Eric were quite healthy. After lying on the beach all afternoon, their skin became red from the sun. "

"It's normal. How about I lie down if you switch to me?"

Luo Quan said, getting into the car rented by Wen Xia and the others.

The driver is an indigenous girl from Hawaii. She has brown skin but is quite delicate. She does not have the trademark thick lips, but looks very similar to a yellow race person.

In fact, even though the natives of Hawaii are very dark, the main reason is that they are often exposed to the sun. In fact, they are all yellow people.

The car drove all the way to the hotel, and the atmosphere instantly became lively after everyone got off the car.

Countless bikinis were walking around in front of Luo Quan's eyes, and the sound of people's laughter and the sound of waves crashing on the beach could be heard in his ears.

Luo Quan took a deep breath. It wasn't fresh, it was full of salt from the sea, but it was quite relaxing.

When he came to the room, Luo Quan put his daughter on the bed. After thinking about it for a while, Luo Quan felt that it was not necessary to put a swimsuit on such a small child, and just wrap her in a thin blanket.

"Daughter, won't it be hot like this?" Luo Quan asked worriedly after wrapping himself up.

"It's okay, mom. I can also adjust my body temperature. This little temperature won't trouble me."

Luo Ning's answer made Luo Quan completely relieved. Then she closed the curtains in the room, untied her bra with one hand, and took off all her clothes in less than ten seconds.

I remember when she first went to the beach, she was very shy.

I held the most conservative bikini in front of the mirror for a long time.

In the end, she didn't know how she made the decision to change into a swimsuit.

After I put it on, I realized that it actually looks pretty good.

Especially since she has such a good figure, just looking in the mirror makes her feel happy, and she doesn't dare to think about what she looks like in the eyes of others.

From then on, Luo Quan no longer resisted swimsuits as much as he did at the beginning, and became as calm about it as he was about ordinary clothes.

She feels that swimsuits show sexy and healthy beauty. Since it is beautiful, there is nothing to be shy about.

China is as conservative as China. Since the last century, many senior celebrities in the entertainment industry have also worn swimsuits. Luo Quan felt that it was okay to wear them.

What's more, her appearance is very deceiving. Wearing a swimsuit with her appearance is as normal as a Chinese wearing a T-shirt.

Although it sounds like it sounds like it, it is indeed such a trend in discussions on the Internet.

As his thoughts flowed, Luo Quan had already changed into a bikini.

The top and bottom are blue, and the bra is tied with two ropes to tie a knot on the back. It looks like a blue butterfly parked on a piece of white jade, which makes people want to reach out and touch it.

But if anyone really dared to reach out, they would be kicked thousands of miles away in an instant.

Looking back, Luo Quan found that his daughter had fallen asleep again.

Maybe it’s because I breastfed Ningning on the plane just now.

Now that she was asleep, she definitely couldn't take her daughter to the beach to toss around again.

"System, is there any way to take care of Ning Ning?"

"It's simple, just exchange it for a nanny robot, it doesn't cost many points."

After a simple question and answer, Luo Quan exchanged it for a nanny robot in the mall.

You won't know it by looking at it, but you will be shocked at first glance. There are so many types of robots in the mall, including household type, combat type, industrial type, and all kinds of robots from all walks of life.

I don’t know if there is a director type. If there is, you can just give the script to the robot and let it pretend to be you and film the movie.

However, Luo Quan did not find such a robot after searching for a while.

Probably because he couldn't do such a profession that required creativity, Luo Quan was greatly disappointed.

The nanny robot was quickly redeemed. In order not to attract attention, Luo Quan set it to look like a cat.

There is no need for a studio, the robot will lie on the balcony and bask in the sun like a cat.

It turns into a human form when you need to work, which is very convenient.

After giving the robot instructions to take care of his daughter, Luo Quan put on his sunglasses and walked to the beach while making a phone call.

Although Wen Xia and the others were complaining about their mother's health care, when they arrived, they discovered that Wen Xia himself was lying on the beach chair as a salted fish.

"I remember you really like diving, why don't you go diving instead?"

Luo Quan opened a beach chair and placed it next to Wen Xia, and asked with a smile.

"Didn't you watch "The Vanishing Wife"?" Wen Xia tilted his head and took a sip of juice. "After watching that movie, I probably didn't dare to dive for a long time. It was so scary." "This is also true. Can there be any psychological shadow?" Luo Quan was speechless when he heard this.

"The Vanishing Wife" was the runner-up at the box office last summer. It tells the story of a dog-gambling husband who, in order to monopolize the property of a rich woman's wife, made her dive into the sea, but ended up trapping her to death in the sea.

Maybe it's because of the overwhelming marketing, or maybe it really hits the hearts of women, making them feel that men are not good and are trying every possible way to harm themselves.

The movie was a huge box office hit and caused many couples to quarrel or even divorce after watching the movie.

All in all, this movie has caused quite a stir of public opinion on the Internet.

Some people praise it, but more people criticize it.

Moreover, men are shot innocently just because the male protagonist in the movie is a scumbag who seeks wealth and murder. Then men in reality are also labeled with the same label and directly become potential criminals.

This is really unfair to love Dou E.

But when women get emotional, why should they care about you?

If you have anger to vent, men have to bear it.

When I feel unhappy after watching a movie, men have to come and coax me.

This kind of thinking is destined to make normal men feel unreasonable, and quarrels are inevitable.

Luo Quan feels that there is actually no big problem with the director and screenwriter who made this movie.

Because this movie is adapted from a real case, there are indeed such people and things in reality.

The real problem is the stupid people who try to translate the plot of the movie into reality.

It’s okay to have empathy for the victim, after all, the wife is indeed miserable.

But if you imagine yourself to be a victim, as if all the men in the world owe you something, it only shows that you have some degree of cerebral palsy.

When Luo Quan saw this situation, he actually wanted to send a message to scold such people.

But thinking that her movie was about to be released soon, in order to avoid being accused by netizens that she was trying to gain popularity and slander "The Vanishing Wife" for the sake of the box office of her movie.

So she chose to remain silent, and said during the live broadcast that the movie was actually worth watching.

The pictures are beautiful, the music is great, and the acting is good.

Except for some flaws in the plot, everything else is pretty good.

It's a standard 7-point commercial movie, not bad, but not that great either.

It has been so long that the popularity of this movie has basically passed.

But I didn't expect that the influence would be so far-reaching, and even now Wen Xia is afraid of diving.

"You won't really be bitten by a snake once and be afraid of well ropes for ten years, right?"

Luo Quan smiled at Wen Xia and said, "You have a superhuman physique now. Even if you are not as strong as the superman in the anime, you are not afraid of being harmed by ordinary people, right?"

"Superman can drown too. I think it's safer to be on the shore and it's good to bask in the sun."

Wen Xia shook his head, poured some sunscreen oil from a black bottle, and patted it directly on his calf.

"You shouldn't need to apply these things on rice, right?"

While Wen Xia rubbed her calf, she turned to look at Luo Quan, and then sighed: "It's getting bigger and bigger. By the way, have you used a breast pump? It won't be until it's full and it will suddenly overflow." ? With the price rising like this, it should be easy for this to happen."

"Do you believe me when I say my body is intelligent?"

As if deliberately trying to stimulate Wen Xia, Luo Quan raised his hands and stretched with a wide range of movements.

Poor Luo Quan's bikini, with two long strings holding her important parts together, looked precarious under the huge pressure from the front and back, as if it would collapse and fly several meters away at any time.

It's a pity that this is a high-end product that Luo Quan bought from Huanyu. It looks thin and light and will fall off as soon as it is pulled off. In fact, it is very strong and there is no need to worry about it falling suddenly.

Therefore, there would be no problem if Luo Quan could move a few more times.

But if the shaking is too intense and causes nosebleeds to the tourists around her, it is not her responsibility.

Rejecting Wen Xia's offer to apply sunscreen for himself, Luo Quan opened his mobile phone and Huanyu's live broadcast room.

We had agreed to take swimsuit photos for everyone, but this time I didn’t seem to have much camera equipment, so Luo Quan thought he might as well live stream it.

Now that the spray is in place, there is no need to ink, just start broadcasting.

"Hello fans, I have gone to the beach in Hawaii and am basking in the sun. It should still be night in China right now?"

Luo Quan said hello to the camera.

The mobile phone used for shooting is placed on the chest and fixed very simply, and the other mobile phone is held in the hand to watch the barrage.

Junko next to her looked at Luo Quan's extremely heroic posture, looked down at herself, and for the first time, she felt a trace of jealousy towards Luo Quan in her heart.

She also wanted to fix her phone so easily, but how did she do it?

It's simple, just hold the phone against your chest.

Luo Quan felt very proud in his heart.

To be honest, if she hadn't given birth to Ning Ning, she wouldn't have been able to do so easily at her previous level.

In the past, when the beauty was so big, when the phone was put down, the camera was pointed upwards, and her face could not be photographed at all.

Now I don’t have this worry for a long time. As long as I tilt my phone sideways, I can make the lens almost perpendicular to my face.

If the distance is a little closer to those mukbang anchors, it would be equivalent to slapping them in the face.

It is said that shooting with faces is the most important test of appearance, and for most people, it is just a matter of death.

But Luo Quan doesn't worry about this at all.

There is no such thing as death about her appearance. She is so beautiful at any angle and at any distance that people are obsessed with her.

This is the confidence that her star-level appearance brings to her.

After the broadcast started, as soon as they saw the title of the live broadcast room was Hawaii, fans quickly entered the live broadcast room:

"Did you move so quickly? I thought you would stay in Japan for a while."

"What can I bring with me to this ghost place? What should I do if I encounter a madman and a yandere again?"

"It's not necessary to generalize, but I do prefer to see Luo Bao go to Hawaii."

"By the way, why is there only Luo Bao's face? What about the Hawaiian-style scenery? Everyone has been looking forward to it for so long. Are you just going to show this to everyone?"

"I saw a pair of beautiful legs passing by quietly, but is that all there is to it?"

"Luobao, stop being so pretentious and look around. I want to see the scenery on the beach!"

"Do you want to see the scenery? I'm embarrassed to point it out to you."


Seeing the fans' disappointed barrage, Luo Quan chuckled, raised his phone and changed the camera, and everything was immediately visible.

(End of this chapter)

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