Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1413 Hawaiian Style

Chapter 1413 Hawaiian Style ()

"Oh my god, what's blocking my sight!"

"The sea is so white, no, the sky is so big."

"As expected of Luo Bao, he is really rich and generous."

"Wait a minute, the angle just now meant that the phone was standing up right?"

"You have to have a figure like Luo Bao to do it. If it had been anyone else, it would have been 90 degrees."

"This time I recognize Luo Bao's strength."

"Why don't the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty say a word? What are they busy with?"

"I just came here. What's the point of this kind of live broadcast room? Can anyone tell me where the ultimate end of this universe is and what mission everyone has when they come to this world?"

"Damn, did you kid enter sage mode so quickly?"

"Okay, okay, Luobao, you can go back to China. This year's swimsuit tour ends here."

"Crossing the river and burning the bridge, right? Luo Bao didn't even say anything and you just let him go back. How could there be someone like you?"

"Luo Bao's figure is getting better and better. Is it because he became a mother?"

"It has the charm of a married woman, like she's mature."

"The curves are really perfect, and I can still be so straight when I lie down."

“It’s either technology or harsh words.”

"Luobao needs technology? This is a textbook talent."

“That’s it for today’s visit to Station B.”


The barrage scrolled crazily. Luo Quan held it up to take a picture of the surrounding area, then turned the camera back and aimed it at his face again.

Coincidentally, perhaps because the signal was too far away, Luo Quan's live broadcast request from Earth was only transmitted to the world at this time.

It was at this time that she started live broadcasting on Huanyu.

"Finally, Our Lady has fulfilled her promise. It's still my favorite bikini."

"Where's the swimsuit? Why only Luo Bao's face."

"Although Her Majesty's face is indeed very beautiful, in this case I still want to see Her's swimsuit."

"First of all, I am a noble person, a person who has escaped from vulgar taste. Secondly, the beauty of Our Lady has escaped from vulgarity, so please be sure to show it more and let us appreciate the art."

"You are really a talent for speaking so freshly and refinedly."

"Our Lady is on Earth now. There will be no response to anything we say. Just wait quietly."


Luo Quan saw Huanyu's barrage in his eyes. Just as fans on Earth were complaining that they hadn't seen enough, Luo Quan switched the camera and scored twice.

Now the fans of both planets were all satisfied at once, thanking Luo Quan for his generosity in the most sincere words imaginable.

"Praise Heavenly Father, choosing Luo Quan to be the Holy Mother is definitely the most correct decision you have made."

"What blasphemous images you all have of Our Lady in your minds now, how disrespectful!"

"I'm sorry, Luo Quan is so beautiful...I'm sorry, I'm so...sorry...sorry..."

"Hahaha, you are really fake, why don't you be so funny?"

"No kidding, even if Our Lady doesn't care about her face, her figure alone is enough to kill people randomly."

"With the best of the best curves and a star-level appearance, she deserves the title of the most beautiful woman in the universe."

"I usually hate the title of Number One in the Universe, but I don't hate it at all towards Luo Quan."

"Nonsense, because she deserves the title."


The comments from fans in Huanyu are much more violent than those on Earth. Fortunately, there are no too direct comments in the live broadcast room. If some perverts come and make a few restricted comments, Luo Quan really doesn’t know what to do. deal with.

Anyway, I just arrived in Hawaii today, so I can just simply show off the weapons.

We will stay for another week, so there will be plenty of time to take various photos and videos.

Just when Luo Quan was about to order some juice and put his phone aside to bask in the sun, the barrage suddenly became dense again:

"Luobao Luobao, did Leon go to Hawaii too?"

"Yes, just ask Leon about this. He must know a lot of inside information."

"It doesn't matter even if you don't know. Can't we just call?"

"Maybe Leon is one of the few insiders."

"Even a witness!"


"Stop talking nonsense. The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes. Could Leon be the person who did such a thing?"

"Indeed, compared to that family, Leon Lobao's family is really kind-hearted."

"My father-in-law, Eric, is a very nice person. Of course he has a son and a daughter as well."

"Your father-in-law? That's obviously my father-in-law!"


The more noisy the group got, the more confused Luo Quan became. He frowned and asked, "What on earth are you talking about? I don't understand at all."

This time it wasn't pretending to be confused, it really didn't understand at all.

The barrage immediately replied:

"Luo Bao doesn't usually read the news?"

"You don't even know about such a big thing."

"Speaking of which, we are related to you, yet you haven't received any news at all?"

"Maybe I already knew it, but I wasn't allowed to tell you."

"It's Princess Caitlin. I heard that something happened. However, the British royal family is very tight-lipped about the news. There is no definite information yet. Everyone wants to ask you if you know what the internal situation is."

"After all, Leon used to go back to Buckingham Palace just like going home, so he might know more."


When the fan explained it like this, Luo Quan understood immediately.

Then she immediately searched online.

Something is indeed wrong with the British royal family.

According to these media reports, it is Princess Caitlyn who has not been seen in nearly three months.

Some insiders claimed that her husband, Prince Williams, haunted a noble lady and became pregnant with a child.

After Princess Caitlin found out, of course she went to find her husband and made a fuss. As a result, she was directly stabbed to death by the grumpy Prince Williams. This is not the most explosive version. It is said that Princess Caitlin's eldest daughter was stabbed to death by her own father in order to protect her mother.

Anyway, this family of five has not been seen for a long, long time.

Originally, it was okay for them not to show up for a long time. People would occasionally ask and care, but it would not be particularly intense.

Who would have known that not long ago, a family photo was suddenly posted in response to netizens’ doubts.

It was okay not to respond, but as soon as I responded, netizens discovered that there were too many traces of Photoshop on the photo. It was not taken by a real person at all, but more like it was generated by AI.

The photo was subsequently deleted by gualightspeed.

This immediately set the netizens on fire. Use a fake photo to clarify. Are you insulting the netizen's personality or insulting the netizen's IQ?

The key point was immediately deleted after being discovered by netizens, with no explanation at all. This operation was really outrageous.

Of course this is not the point.

The point is what happened to Princess Caitlin, or is she still alive?

If she were still alive, wouldn't all the problems be solved by just letting her come out and post a video? Is it necessary to deceive netizens with such a fake video that is full of mistakes?

Therefore, combined with the rumors that have been circulating for some time, netizens believe that Caitlin may have encountered misfortune.

After all, it’s not every time that the British royal family attacks its own princess!

How Princess Caitlin's mother-in-law, Princess Diana, died that year was watched by people all over the world.

In order to prevent the princes from having an Arab pagan stepfather inexplicably, the royal family can be said to be cruel and cruel.

It's hard to say who gave the order here. Many people said it was the Queen who gave the order. However, many people didn't believe that this old lady who looked so kind could be so cruel to her daughter-in-law.

Regarding the latter statement, Luo Quan felt that people who thought this way were too naive.

The Queen has experienced World War II, and she seems to be amiable now, but no European aristocrat dares to really regard her as a kind old lady.

Judging from Luo Quan's feelings when getting along with this old lady, there was a high probability that she personally gave the order and sent people to get rid of Princess Diana.

Now there is another scandal in the royal family, that is, Prince Williams' cheating and possibly domestic violence.

It’s not surprising that the old lady is here again.

However, there is no definite evidence yet, so it may be that Prince Williams stabbed his wife to death with his own hands, as rumored, so that his wife experienced what his mother had experienced back then.

It sounds like a joke from hell.

The current situation, because it involves a royal murder case, is so explosive that the rumors can no longer be suppressed and have spread all over the world.

Now countless netizens and media are staring at the British royal family, wanting to know whether Princess Caitlin is still alive.

Even Princess Caitlin's youngest daughter was stabbed to death by her father in order to protect her mother as rumored.

If the rumors are true, this can definitely be regarded as the most explosive news this year, even more sensational than Luo Quan's pregnancy.

They are also celebrities, but the passion for creating life is far less than destroying life.

Unless Luo Quan suddenly announces that the child has a father, that may make his popularity gain the upper hand again.

But this situation is simply not possible.

But Luo Quan was still very interested in this shocking secret that happened to the royal family.

It happened that Leon had just returned from surfing, and Luo Quan waved directly to his brother.

Leon looked at her from a distance. Her sister's overly plump figure made her a little scared, and she didn't know whether she should go there.

"Come here, why are you acting like a fool? Didn't you hear me?"

Luo Quan was anxious, thinking that his brother didn't hear his voice, so he yelled.

"Damn, is this my Valkyrie sister?"

"This is the caliber of the world's number one female singer, who can make her voice so high and clear even on the beach."

"I strongly suspect that if Leon doesn't come here, Luo Bao will unscrew the Tianling Cap with his own hands."

"Luo Quan is like this. I can only say that it's a good thing that Leon didn't grow up with her, otherwise I don't know how many beatings he would have received."

"Hitting means kissing and scolding means loving. Luo Bao does this because he loves his brother too much."

"I hope Leon is okay."

"Hahaha, I can already think of Leon's scared expression."


The elder sister launched the Hedong Lion's Roar. If Leon didn't take action, he would be disrespecting his own life.

So he ran over regardless of his body shape: "Sister, what do you want from me?"

"Lyon, do you know what's going on with the British royal family recently?" Luo Quan didn't hesitate and asked directly.

"The royal family?" Leon was stunned. "I have been filming recently. I just finished filming. How can I have time to deal with things in London? Did something happen to Buckingham Palace?"

"You actually don't know that there are rumors on the Internet that Princess Caitlin is dead, and she was killed by her husband, Prince Williams."

Luo Quan originally said it in a lowered voice, but thinking that it was a live broadcast, he simply turned up the volume.

"Let me go, is it so exciting?" Leon's eyes widened. "Although it is true that Uncle Williams has a bad temper, it's not like this with Aunt Caitlin, right?"

Leon turned to look at his father who was basking in the sun in the distance: "Maybe he knows something, but he has never experienced such a big thing with me at home before, and maybe he doesn't know anything about it.

I'd better call grandpa. He's in London. If something really happened, he would definitely know! "

As Leon said, he took out his mobile phone and made a long-distance call.

After a few seconds, the call was connected.

"Hey, you bastard, why did you suddenly think of calling Grandpa? You couldn't have caused any trouble, right?"

The old man had a loud voice, and he looked like he knew his grandson's character very well, and he didn't know whether he was joking or he really felt that way.

"How could I cause trouble for you, old man? I called you to ask you something."

Leon said with a smile, his expression was very flattering.

"I thought you came to greet me since I haven't seen my grandfather for a long time." The old man pretended to be disappointed, and then said: "Tell me what you want to ask."

"Grandpa, do you know what happened at Uncle Williams' house?"

Leon asked the question, but the other end of the phone fell into silence as if he had hung up.

I don’t know how long it took, but Charles asked in a deep voice: “Is this why you called me suddenly?”

Leon chuckled: "I'm just curious. There are so many rumors on the Internet now. Many people say that Aunt Caitlin encountered an accident."

"Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about. Knowing too much about some things won't do you any good. Besides, it doesn't matter what happens to the Williams family. Living your own life is what you should consider now!"

After saying that, the old man hung up the phone.

How quickly Leon reacted, and from his grandfather's words, he immediately analyzed that something big might have happened to the royal family.

But now that we are live broadcasting, if I tell my grandfather’s original words, I will definitely get into trouble.

So Leon showed off his acting skills as an actor and shook his head at Luo Quan: "Sister, I asked my grandfather, and he said he didn't know. He asked me to call the queen myself."

(End of this chapter)

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