Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1414 Hawaiian Style

Chapter 1414 Hawaiian Style ()

"Hahaha, I knew I couldn't ask."

"It's really hard for an elderly person to speak out directly about this kind of thing. It's best not to get involved."

"She must know."

"Hahaha, why don't you go ask her."

"There will be no answer to this matter. Either you come out and clarify it yourself, or you deal with it coldly."

"I think it's more likely to end in danger."

"It's normal, it's a traditional art."


The barrages are all joking.

Fortunately, Leon didn't tell his grandfather's original words, otherwise if this live broadcast was broadcast, God knows how much trouble it would cause.

Now all parties are still speculating, and there is no definite news to prove it.

However, grandpa's answer was actually a hint that perhaps another human tragedy had happened, which made this old man who was accustomed to strong winds and waves so secretive about this matter.

"That's probably what happened." Leon put down his phone and looked at his sister and said.

"Okay, you go and play, it's none of your business."

Luo Quan waved his hand, causing his chest to shake a few times.

It was a complete accident, it was indeed an accident, it was really an accident. Leon glanced at it inadvertently, then immediately turned around and ran away.

"You heard it, fans, it's not that I don't want to ask you guys, it's true that we don't know the inside story either."

Luo Quan didn't notice anything unusual about his brother at all, and turned around to communicate with the fans again.

"It seems like everyone has no choice but to wait."

"How can we expect outsiders to know about such a big thing?"

"Paper can't cover up the fire. If it really happens like this, everyone will basically understand what's going on."

"The person who disappeared after Christmas last year has been missing for more than half a year now, and Christmas is only a few months away."

"Then the AI ​​photos or AI videos will come out again."

"Same fool for the second time, right?"

"It would be so much fun if it were like this."


After chatting for a long time, Luo Quan didn't come up with anything. He glanced at his phone, which was almost out of battery, and said, "Fans, my phone is almost out of battery. I'll start a live broadcast for everyone when I get back home later. Hang up first. ”

Then, without waiting for fans to stay, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast on his mobile phone.

Not long after he calmed down, Junko suddenly came over with a bottle of sunscreen: "Izumi-chan, do you want to apply sunscreen?"

"What's so good about that?" Luo Quan asked with a frown, "You can just apply it yourself. I probably don't need this thing."

Su Yu also came over: "How can you not apply sunscreen? Your skin is already white, and the sun is so bright today. You don't want to show off a bikini mark on your body when you get home later, do you?"

"Yes, boss, sunscreen is a good thing." Shen Xingyu also started to tease, "Are you right, Sister Wen Xia?"


Luo Quan looked at the four girls who had surrounded her: "You have agreed to come here, right? It seems that I have to apply it today even if I don't want to?"

After speaking, she sighed and lay down on the beach chair very consciously.

"Hey, it's good that you know."

Wen Xia poured a little brown sunscreen oil into her hand, and then patted it directly on Luo Quan's buttocks without any explanation.

A slap that made Luo Quan's buttocks roll.

"Should you put on sunscreen or swat flies? Don't you know if you should be gentler?"

Luo Quan hissed, stared at Wen Xia and gritted his teeth.

Wen Xia smiled and explained: "You don't have a superhuman physique. I'm afraid you won't feel it if the force is too light."

"How much force does it take to apply sunscreen? You're not trying to kill me." Luo Quan rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Just pour it on your body and apply it evenly. Is there any difficulty?"

"Mainly this is the first time we put sunscreen on you, boss."

At this time, Luo Chuyi came out from nowhere and slapped Luo Quan's buttocks with a palm filled with sunscreen oil.

Wen Xia took the picture of the left half, and Luo Chuyi took the picture of the right half, one for each person.

Fortunately, Luo Quan was wearing a bikini, which had less fabric than ordinary boxer shorts.

Otherwise, if I take so much sunscreen, my pants will become sticky.

"Be careful with the amount you use. It will be very uncomfortable if the sunscreen oil sticks to your clothes." Luo Quan no longer wanted to scold them and could only remind them while looking at his phone.

Although the battery for the live broadcast is no longer enough, there is still enough battery for reading news on Weibo.

The most popular foreign news recently is not actually a royal scandal, but the discrimination that occurred at the Oscars.

The well-known movie star Robert Downey Jr. won this year's Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. As usual, last year's Best Supporting Actor winner will give him this award.

However, when Robert Jr. went on stage to receive the award, he didn't even look at the previous winner who said less, and his attitude was very contemptuous, which can be said to be blatant discrimination.

The reason why it is said to be discrimination is because the ignored Oscar winner for Best Supporting Actor is from Vietnam and is an Asian.

As we all know, the status of Asians in the United States is even lower than that of blacks and Hispanics, and they are basically at the bottom of the discrimination chain.

If you were looking for someone with a lower status than Asians, it would probably only be Chinese.

Yes, although China is already the second largest economy in the world and ranks among the top three in the world in all aspects of national strength, Chinese Americans are the most vulnerable to discrimination in the United States.

The most humorous thing about this incident is that even if they encounter the most serious discrimination, there are still many people who are eager to live in the United States and even dream of getting a green card.

Luo Quan doesn't know why these people think that their lives will be better when they arrive in the United States.

America is indeed a great place, but only for the rich.

Money can buy most anything there, and can even blatantly commit crimes.

But as a civilian, what you will face is ridiculously high medical care, shootings that may appear around you at any time, unfriendly neighbors and police, and all kinds of weird things.

If you are an immigrant who has sneaked into the United States, you may be arrested and thrown into jail even if you are standing on the street and doing nothing.

Because there is a crime called loitering in American law.

As long as you have no fixed address and can't prove that you have a regular, legal job, then if you dare to wander on the street, there happens to be a police officer next to you who doesn't like you.

So congratulations, he can arrest you directly for a loitering violation, which can result in a fine of up to $10,000 and half a year in prison.

This is free America, and a homeless person who dares to wander on the street may go to jail.

For those at the bottom of society, this is hell. But, even in hell, there may be a few lucky people who are taken up to heaven.

This Vietnamese-American named Guan is such a lucky person.

His story begins on a Vietnamese refugee ship. He spent the first half of his life wandering around and experiencing all kinds of hardships.

Now he has become the best supporting actor at the Oscars and has been received by the President of the United States. He can be regarded as a model of a small person's counterattack.

Although perhaps he is too flattering to the United States, and his performance in front of the camera is too exaggerated, and he always reveals the ecstasy of a villain's success.

However, this is not a reason why he should be discriminated against.

I don’t know whether he was dissatisfied with Mr. Guan’s race or dissatisfied with him winning last year’s Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. In short, Robert Jr. embarrassed Mr. Guan in front of countless people.

This incident immediately caused an uproar on the Internet and Weibo.

It seems that every year the Oscars make some big news to increase the popularity.

Previously, it was actor Smith who slapped the host, but this time it was Robert Jr. who blatantly discriminated against Asians.

If it had been anyone else, it might not have caused much trouble, but Robert Jr.'s popularity was simply too high.

As the soul who brought Marvel back to life, and as the best hero in the hearts of countless movie fans, his Iron Man is undoubtedly a character that can go down in film history.

It is also with this role that Robert Jr. has become the undisputed big brother in the Marvel Universe and has attracted countless fans.

It is precisely because of his great fame and influence that Asians actually caused such a huge negative impact at the Oscars this time.

Japan and South Korea have already scolded Robert Jr., and many people in Europe and the United States feel that Robert Jr.'s behavior is very inappropriate.

Racial discrimination is a taboo among Western taboos. Anyone who dares to touch it will have a 99% chance of being banned.

All I can say is that it’s a good thing Robert Downey Jr. didn’t go too far, otherwise it’s hard to say whether this Oscar for Best Supporting Actor would be taken back by the Oscars the next day.

In short, if you do something wrong, netizens will condemn it, and the person involved will apologize or clarify.

Robert Jr. took a photo with Mr. Guan afterwards, which can be regarded as a clarification of the rumors of racial discrimination.

No matter whether he was discriminating at the time or not, but he was willing to act like it afterwards, this attitude was actually enough.

Of course, it is understandable that netizens did not buy it and continued to criticize.

After all, racial discrimination can be big or small. If the attitude is not more intense, everyone will step on it in the future, which is indeed disgusting.

But what leaves Luo Quan most speechless is that while almost all foreign countries are condemning Robert Jr., a large number of people in China are asking China to reflect.

That is, a Vietnamese-American is racially profiled, and then the Chinese people have to reflect on their mistakes.

Because Chinese Americans are at the bottom of the discrimination chain, and Chinese Americans usually look down on Chinese people.

Luo Quan didn't know how he came up with this kind of logic, let alone why these people would make everyone reflect.

Some things and people are just so weird. An outsider does something wrong to another outsider, but turns around and scolds one of his own.

Maybe these people have been kneeling for too long. I don’t know that the Chinese people are different now from before.

Chinese Americans are at the bottom of the discrimination chain, but that does not mean that Chinese people are treated the same way.

When Chinese Americans choose to abandon their identity, they should understand that there will be such a result, and whatever happens in the future will have nothing to do with China.

As for the Chinese people, at least Luo Quan has not seen many times on Twitter where he was unilaterally scolded and even refused to pay back the apartment.

Whether it is South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Turkey, India, or the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Canada, and Australia, as long as someone provokes you, you can see the counterattack in Chinese characters on the Internet! And the counterattack words are full of confidence.

This is a completely different confidence than those few YouTubers Wuchang who are in trouble.

All kinds of cruel words and threats issued by these countries are like jokes to the Chinese people, and they don't even have the idea of ​​​​responding to them.

Because these clowns really don't deserve it.

But it is obvious that his status is so high and his confidence is so abundant.

But there are still some people who take the initiative to grovel and act like dogs for other countries.

For this kind of people, Luo Quan can only evaluate them as illustrations that enrich the diversity of human beings in Luo, and provide valuable materials for future generations of human research experts.

To borrow the words of a director who worked with her to describe this kind of person: Isn’t it cheap? It’s really too cheap.

Originally, the distribution of awards at this Oscar ceremony was very clear, with "Oppenheimer" sweeping everything, with almost nothing to watch.

The good news is that after winning the Screen Actors Guild Award, "Prehistoric" also successfully won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects.

In addition, "The Sea" also won the best foreign language film, which can be called a bumper harvest.

As a result, these two movies were not very popular, but now they have been stolen away by a bunch of weaklings because of discrimination.

In the past, Luo Quan would even make some sharp comments in an attempt to wake up these weaklings.

Later she discovered that no matter what she did, it was all in vain.

Because you can't wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.

The reason why these people knelt down was because they wanted to kneel down, and no one forced them to do so.

It's understandable if you take money, but what's most incomprehensible is that those who don't even take money are suffering from cerebral palsy.

Just as he was thinking about it, Luo Quan found that the cloth on his butt had been pulled open a little.

Luo Quan was so frightened that he quickly turned around to see what Wen Xia and the others were doing.

"Hey, your pants are a little wrinkled, let me straighten them for you."

Wen Xia smiled at Luo Quan, and then poured sunscreen oil on Luo Quan's back.

Five women and ten hands immediately placed their hands on Luo Quan's beautiful back.

Just like a painting class in kindergarten, Wen Xia and the others used their hands as pens and began to roam freely on Luoquan's bare and tender back with a more messy technique than children.

Suddenly, Luo Quan felt like he was being ruined.

It's like being in some kind of low-budget movie in an island country.

She stood on a crowded tram, and then there were countless pairs of big hands behind her, doing whatever they wanted to her.

"That's almost it. Are you here basting the barbecue?"

Luo Quan felt that his back was so wet that he could open a sunscreen oil store, so he reminded Wen Xia and the others helplessly.

"Okay, the back has been painted, now it's time to paint the front."

Wen Xia patted Luo Quan's butt, indicating that she could turn over.

Luo Quan curled his lips and turned around, looking at the girls with his arms folded, and saw the ill-intentioned light shining in their eyes.

Then Luo Quan said: "Don't be too outrageous!"

(End of this chapter)

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