Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1415 Hawaiian Style

Chapter 1415 Hawaiian Style ()

puff puff puff

The crisp sound of wetness is endless, and little drops of water fall on the white, tender and beautiful body.

Several pairs of big hands kneaded and grasped at will, shaping the tight and tender flesh on their arms into the shape they wanted.

"Luoluo, you smell so good."

Wen Xia patted Luo Quan's belly, greedily inhaling the fragrance coming from Luo Quan's body.

She was very curious about where this fragrance came from, because she recalled the smell of all the perfumes and bath products she had used, but she could not find any similar model.

This fragrance seemed not to act on her sense of smell, but on her soul. With just one breath, her brain could be completely filled with it. It was so sweet that she felt relaxed and happy, as if she was about to fly.

Despite the slutish look on Wen Xia's face, she is already the most reserved one among them all.

Junzi and Luo Chuyi were even more exaggerated. The saliva at the corners of their mouths was already dripping. Their greedy looks seemed like they wanted to hug Luo Quan and start chewing.

Compared to those at the back, several women applied more oil to Luo Quan's front. They almost poured the bottle down sideways, letting the brown sunscreen oil slide on Luo Quan's undulating body.

Finally, the liquids gathered together. Luo Quan raised his head and looked at everyone speechlessly, shouting loudly: "You are really fake, how can you wash these pants when they are full of oil?"

"Sorry, I poured a little too much." Wen Xia pressed her cheek awkwardly, "How about I wipe it off for you?"

"You can figure it out!" Luo Quan patted Wen Xia's hand directly, and then stood up.

The sunscreen oil rushed down Luo Quan's slender and round thighs, instantly submerging her thin insteps until it flowed into the gaps between her ten slender toes.

If these were not sunscreen oil, but honey, Luo Quan would definitely become the most charming candy in the universe, attracting countless people to rush to taste her delicious taste.

However, Luo Quan had no consciousness that he had become a "state banquet". Looking at the mess all over his body, and then at the well-behaved girls, the words "mmp" came to his lips but he still did not say it.

What to do if your body is dirty? Of course, wash it with water.

Less than twenty meters away from her is the blue sea of ​​Hawaii. The most important thing is water.

So Luo Quan threw the sunglasses on the beach chair, thought about it, picked it up again, pinned it on his swimsuit, and then walked straight into the ocean.

Although Luo Quan doesn't like swimming very much, it doesn't mean that she can't swim.

At least I can still dog paddle and breaststroke.

As the most beautiful person in the world, dog paddling in broad daylight really damages the image, so Luo Quan uses the slightly more beautiful breaststroke.

Because Luo Quan's hair was too thick, the big golden waves spread directly on his back after Luo Quan went into the sea, almost covering half of his butt.

Luo Quan swam a little closer to the deep water area, kicked off his long legs several times, and finally washed away a lot of the viscous liquid around him.

Wen Xia and the others were really outrageous. A normal amount of sunscreen oil would be enough for them, so they poured a whole bottle directly.

You don’t even need so much oil to roast a whole pig!

I don’t know which tendon was wrong today, and I don’t think it’s like this usually.

No, it seems they were outrageous before!

Luo Quan suddenly remembered the scene when he was taking a bath in the villa.

I remember that I accidentally took a sip of wine and passed out immediately.

After waking up, I found that I was completely naked and it seemed that they had videotaped me.

They said it was so beautiful and they had never seen anything like it, so they took a video to keep it as a souvenir.

Luo Quan didn't understand what was so good about this video.

Doesn't everyone have the same configuration? It's just that her figure is better and her skin is whiter.

Could it be that she could have one more pair of hands and one more foot than them?

Anyway, Luo Quan didn't find anything different from ordinary people in himself.

Maybe this has something to do with [Xingmei].

Because her appearance is so good, her body is also very attractive. If she exposes too much, it will easily make them obsessed.

If you think about it this way, you can understand why Wen Xia and the others are so abnormal.

How to solve it?

"There is no need to solve it. After the host obtains the Immortal Body, it can gradually eliminate the negative effects in this area, unless the host takes the initiative to become a succubus that seduces all living beings."

Before Luo Quan could ask a question, the system took the initiative to answer it.

"It sounds like the Immortal Immortal Body has quite a lot of uses. It can actually help solve this problem."

After Luo Quan listened to the system's explanation, he praised it with a smile.

The system replied: "According to the settings, the Immortal Immortal Body is immune to all kinds of magic and cause and effect. It is a piece of cake to get rid of negative effects. In short, the host no longer has to worry about any problems with the body in the future. It can be done at any time. Able to maintain peak condition.”

Luo Quan's smile became proud: "Looking at it this way, I really got a huge advantage in Xinghai Immortal Palace."

"Character is conserved. The host is lucky now, maybe in the next period of time."

"Okay, you can shut up now!"

Luo Quan didn't bother to listen to the system pouring cold water on it, so he just muted it.

After swimming for a while, Luo Quan felt that the sticky feeling on his body had almost disappeared, so he turned around and swam towards the shore.

When they landed, Luo Quan's slender and graceful figure was like a mermaid, which stunned the nearby tourists.

"God, am I dazzled? I seem to have seen the legendary mermaid!"

An old white man’s hands were shaking with excitement and he couldn’t believe his eyes.

"I feel like I'm seeing the Blessed Mother, Amen."

The white grandma next to her took out her reading glasses from her luggage bag and put them on the bridge of her nose tremblingly.

She saw a hazy golden halo scattered on Luo Quan's shoulders, and she didn't know whether it was the reflection of her hair or God's love for her.

Along the way Luo Quan walked, people were paying attention to her.

Fortunately, she wore sunglasses when she got into the water and put them on her face immediately after getting out of the water. So although everyone around her was watching her, no one recognized her and just thought she was some international supermodel.

After Luo Quan lay back on the beach chair, several young guys soon came over to strike up a conversation.

For them, the area around Luoquan is simply paradise. They are all fair-skinned and beautiful girls, and all of them have very good figures.

However, they were driven away just as they wanted to come closer and say a few words.

Because Wen Xia put a sign on it, which read in English: There is an Olympic female fighter inside, refuse to talk to him, anyone who gets close will bear the consequences!

Wen Xia didn't say there was a champion here, mainly because he was afraid of being recognized.

The title of an Olympic female boxer is enough, but if you come close to her after all that, it probably won't be a good thing. There is no need to be merciful when dealing with this kind of thing, just scold them when they need to be scolded, there is nothing to say.

"Luo Bao, you seem to be more beautiful after swimming around. You feel like a hibiscus emerging from the water."

Wen Xia came up again and complimented Luo Quan.

"Really?" Luo Quan chuckled, wiped the water from his hair with a towel, and said, "As long as you don't tell me that you lost the sunscreen while swimming, and then you have to wipe it on me again. That’s it.”

"Hey, how come you have learned to predict." Wen Xia shook the half bottle of sunscreen oil left in his hand and said with a smile: "Since you don't like it, I won't use it. I just have some left to use tomorrow. .

By the way, how are you going to take that swimsuit photo shoot? Do you need help? "

Luo Quan lay down and said leisurely: "If I can help you, can you just pose in a few poses?"

Wen Xia was confused: "Are you so perfunctory and don't take some beautiful photos?"

"That's all false. Most of the netizens are here to see my figure when I wear a swimsuit. Who cares whether you are beautiful or not.

When the time comes, just make the shape more concave and look better, and everything else doesn’t matter. "

Luo Quan has a very clear understanding of what netizens think.

They urged her to take swimsuit photos every day, just to see some of the best parts.

There is no essential difference between simple wiping and aesthetic wiping. Anyway, the final effect is the same.

Therefore, Luo Quan is too lazy to put in any artistic touches. If you want to wipe it, just wipe it well. Taking sexiness to the extreme can be called art.

As for what is sexy?

She wears a bikini and can be called sexy in any pose.

So there is no need to spend a lot of time, just like taking travel photos, just make the picture clearer.

Of course, it was still a long time, there was a whole week left for her to prepare.

I just got off the plane today, and I showed off my figure in the live broadcast room just now, so there is no need to take any more photos.

Wait until you get up tomorrow morning and take a few photos of walking on the beach facing the rising sun. It should be beautiful and sexy.

"Boss, didn't you say you were going to make a "Manchester by the Sea" before? When are you going to start production?"

Su Yu pulled a chair and lay down next to Luo Quan. At this time, she no longer wanted to play around, and her tone became serious.

"That movie has a lot of heavy snow scenes, so we have to wait until winter to shoot them."

Luo Quan looked down at his phone, then looked at Su Yu and said, "What, you want to find a movie to shoot when you have nothing to do?"

"Of course you can take pictures if you have it." Su Yu chuckled.

"Wen Xia, are you coming?" Luo Quan turned to his friend and asked.

"I can do it. It's fun if there are more people." Wen Xia shrugged, saying that he would listen to Luo Quan.

"What you said gave me an idea. Since there are so many people and it's fun, I might as well make a harem battle drama. One emperor will have more than a dozen concubines, and they will all be acquaintances. How exciting it would be."

Luo Quan suddenly had a crazy idea in his mind, that is, filming "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

There are not many artists in their company, but they are all female artists, and they are so beautiful that they can basically round out the main female characters in The Legend of Zhen Huan.

Of course, Luo Quan can't play roles like the Queen and Zhen Huan, and his appearance is easy to cause drama.

But she can add a role.

Just fabricate a foreign concubine who pays tribute from foreign countries, and give her the name Xiang Fei, Luo Fei, Elizabeth Concubine or something, so that since she won't appear in the drama, she can still be featured in the plot.

"Qing palace drama?"

When Wen Xia heard Luo Quan's thoughts, she almost laughed out loud: "Luobao, this was a theme many years ago. No one reads this anymore. Ancient puppets, fairy puppets, and modern puppets are the main theme."

"Then the core is not about falling in love. Qing Dynasty dramas are also about falling in love. A dozen women fight for one man. Isn't that scene much more exciting than these petty love dramas?"

Luo Quan paused and continued: "And if you think no one is watching it, maybe it's because this type of drama has been poorly produced in recent years, so no one is watching it.

As long as I make a masterpiece, won't this trend suddenly become popular? "

"But the current trend of public opinion is not good, right?" Su Yu said with some worry, "Nowadays, netizens seem to be quite disgusted with the Qing Dynasty drama. Will they be scolded if it is filmed?

And when fighting for favor in the harem, are you really not going to be attacked by a boxer? "

"These are minor issues."

Luo Quan waved his hand and said in a serious tone: "If you just film the harem competing for favor, and the content is too superficial, you will definitely get scolded.

But adding elements of intrigue, satire on feudal autocracy, feelings about family and country, and choices in love are all themes that can easily sublimate the theme. "

"But is there really such a script?" Wen Xia thought hard and couldn't figure out what kind of TV series this was.

"Just trust me. I'll show you the script after a while."

As Luo Quan spoke, he began to imagine what the style would look like if he combined The Legend of Zhen Huan and Ming Dynasty 1566.

From the intrigues of cabinet ministers and court officials, to the power showdown between concubines in the harem, as long as the lines are deep enough, Luo Quan believes that this TV series will not only not be scolded, but may even be praised.

"Ignore the script, who will play the male lead?" Wen Xia asked a soul question.

The emperor, almost one of the most important characters in a harem drama, how to choose from a company of all women.

Although the female artists in the company are all acting types, and there are even movie queens like Luo Quan Wenxia, ​​but they are still the emperor when they act in a reverse role. No matter how much they think about it, it feels a bit inconsistent.

"I just heard you saying that there is a shortage of people to play the emperor!"

At this time, Leon suddenly jumped out and asked eagerly.

Luo Quan said to his brother in a dumbfounded voice: "Forget it, there is no way for a foreigner to play the role of emperor. In the play, you play my brother. He is the aristocratic brother who sent his sister from the actor's British Empire to marry him."

"Playing the role of elder sister's brother is quite new." Leon also knew that he would probably not be able to meet the emperor, so he was not particularly disappointed.

Besides, his role is not bad either. He is the elder brother of the elder sister, and he has the pleasure of rebelling against Tiangang.

I just don’t know if there are many roles.

"As for the emperor's choice, do you remember Zhao Xilin, the Cannes Best Actor who played Cheng Dieyi before?"

Luo Quan mentioned a name they hadn't seen for a long time, and everyone immediately recalled it.

(End of this chapter)

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