Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1416 The Legend of Zhen Huan

Chapter 1416 The Legend of Zhen Huan

"You mean Xiao Linzi?"

Wen Xia's tone sounded very familiar to Zhao Xilin, and she had no problem with Luo Quan choosing him as the protagonist.

In fact, Zhao Xilin has had contact with many female artists from Luoquan Company, and they have almost all filmed together, some even more than once.

Usually when you come into contact with so many female artists, there will be some scandals.

But Zhao Xilin didn't, and Wen Xia, who had more contact with him, was very sure that Zhao Xilin would not have any scandals with female stars. On the contrary, there might be some rumors with male artists.

"You mean Zhao Xilin is gay?"

Luo Quan really didn't know about this. After getting in touch with Zhao Xilin before, he found that this actor was quite a man.

Could it be that after playing Cheng Dieyi, he also became possessed?

"I don't know, I don't dare to ask about this directly, but it seems that he looks a little bit." Wen Xia said with a tone full of uncertainty.

"It doesn't matter. Being the same or different doesn't affect us. His acting skills are enough to play an emperor who has a cold nature and shows kindness occasionally.

With a bunch of handsome men and beautiful women, I don’t believe this show is not popular. "

Luo Quan clenched his fists as if swearing.

"By the way, how many episodes do you plan to shoot for this show, and when will it start?"

Wen Xia has not received any announcements in the past few days. If "The Legend of Zhen Huan" requires a lot of filming, then she can only reject the few announcements that were recorded in the memo.

"It will be at least sixty episodes. It will probably be filmed until winter anyway."

Luo Quan said a relatively conservative figure, and the actual time may be longer.

"That's good. I won't answer any announcements in the second half of the year, so I'll focus on this TV series."

Wen Xia stretched out her legs and happily chose to spread them out.

Luo Quan curled his lips when he saw this woman who was even lazier than him, not knowing what to say.

Forget it, the company is not short of money anyway, so just let it be bad. As long as Wen Xia's fans can accept it, her boss has no objection anyway.

The matter was settled like this, Luo Quan returned to the room and asked the system to adapt the scripts of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "The Ming Dynasty 1566".

The requirement was to show the brilliance of power and wit in the harem drama of love and love. At the same time, the main theme of the TV series reflected the alienation and persecution of people by the feudal system, which had the effect of satirizing the imperial power.

"You both want it and want it, right? The host really doesn't ask for anything, and he does this extremely difficult thing as soon as he mentions it."

The system always likes to complain, and this time is no exception.

However, complaints are complaints, and under Luo Quan's pressure, he had no choice but to go to work.

After arranging the system work, Luo Quan opened his laptop again and prepared to announce the good news to his fans.

As soon as he opened Station B, Luo Quan saw that the slice he had just broadcast had been on the hot search list.

It was almost like an annual event, and the comment section was full of voices expressing gratitude and praise to her.

However, the barrages are basically concentrated in the first minute of the video, and few can last beyond three minutes.

Luo Quan thought that her video was quite long. Could it be that no one cared about the content behind it?

Some things are destined to be unclear, and Luo Quan didn't struggle.

After opening the live broadcast room, the title was changed to: The filming of the new drama is about to start, and actors are being recruited!

With such a change in the title, fans are not the only ones who are interested. Many stars in the industry have focused their attention on it, hoping to get a seat in Luo Quan's new drama.

Through two "Prehistoric" films, it has been proved that Luo Quan's works have an unparalleled admiration effect.

Even if they are only male characters who appear in the movie for less than three minutes, Luo Quan can still make them have distinctive personalities and leave a very deep impression on people.

Once the two movies were completed, these actors generally gained two to three million followers.

For them, who were originally just small transparent people in the entertainment industry, the speed of their increase in followers can no longer be described as exaggerated, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they will become rich from the sky.

Compared with movies, TV series are more likely to make an actor popular.

After all, TV is a one-time deal, and the screen time is longer than in movies.

Of course, the most critical point is that the newly released movies can only be seen in the cinema. For many homeboys and homegirls nowadays, going out is like killing them, let alone going out to watch a movie.

If there were online movie theaters, Luo Quan believed that most people would still be willing to spend money to watch genuine movies, but now people's mobility is generally weak, and they like to stay at home in their free time and are too lazy to go out.

Therefore, TV series have become a more acceptable form of entertainment.

So there are far more people watching TV series than watching movies.

A hit TV series can easily create a top hit.

Just like the previous "Hurry Up", Gao Qiqiang and Sister-in-law were directly promoted to the top, and several other villains who performed well also saw a surge in fans.

And this time in "In the Name of the People", all the members have attracted fans. Except for Chen Hai, who has too few scenes, other people commented that the number of fans has increased by at least 500,000.

And this growth will continue for a long time, because "In the Name of the People" has not even finished half of its plot.

Two blockbuster dramas in a row produced two top-notch celebrities with millions of fans.

Now that Luo Quan says she is going to direct a TV series herself, do you think stars in the entertainment industry wouldn't be greedy for it?

Of course, this is not the most important topic in the live broadcast room.

The number one topic right now is: Why don’t you wear a swimsuit in the room?

The topic is very deceptive. I don't know, I thought Luo Quan was not wearing any clothes in the room.

In fact, she put on a jacket and hot pants, making the swimsuit almost invisible.

Fans were very dissatisfied with this and directly questioned Luo Quan.

"Isn't a swimsuit worn on the beach? I've already returned to my room. What else should I wear?"

Luo Quan looked at the camera dumbfounded, took a deep breath and said, "The swimsuit photoshoot hasn't been officially taken yet. We'll have plenty of material to look at when it's done. Why are you so anxious about the heat?"

"Don't you know that we are the King of Shangjiji?"

"Luo Bao's swimsuit is the most beautiful I have ever seen. Good things should be displayed more often."

"You are not allowed to look at it. Luo Bao is mine. Only I can look at the swimsuit."

"Damn, you're a yandere too, aren't you? When did you imitate the guy from Tokyo and kill Luo Bao?"

"The Internet is not a lawless place. You should be careful about your words and actions."

"Everyone is there pretending to like yandere. If they really meet a yandere, they won't scare you all out."

"In the new era, Mr. Ye is a good dragon."

"I don't care about anything else. I just want to know what the theme of this TV series is?"

"As long as it's not the main theme, it's fine. I've become a little tired of it these days."

"Indeed, let's have some costumes."

………… Seeing that one fan finally got to the point of the conversation, Luo Quan clapped his hands and said, “Hey, I know you’ve seen enough modern dramas, so this time I’m filming in ancient costumes, and with everyone. It’s a harem costume drama that you’ll love to watch.”

The barrage immediately boiled after hearing this:

"Holy shit, harem!"

"Okay, Luo Bao, do you dare to try this kind of subject?"

"A harem is great. I like harems. Wait a minute, is it a male harem or a female harem? Don't do that kind of drama where there is a female protagonist and then a lot of sissy male protagonists."

"You seem to look down on Luo Bao's aesthetics. Will she take pictures of this kind of thing?"

"Don't worry, Luo Bao's works may involve young people, but they really haven't invited sissies."

"Female fans said they were discriminated against. What happened to the heroine's harem? Shouldn't it exist?"

"That's right, I think either way is acceptable, but please don't give orders to Luo Quan!"

"Haha, there are so many female fans out there, but it's a pity that you don't care."

"Don't start a fight. There's really not much difference between the male and female leads. As long as it looks good, I like it."

"I agree!"


Seeing that the male and female fans in the barrage had a tendency to quarrel, Luo Quan quickly advised: "Don't argue with each other over such trivial issues. Since it is a harem drama, one man must have a crush on a woman.

To be precise, this is a Qing palace drama, telling the story of the Yongzheng period.

However, I assure female fans that this TV series will definitely suit the appetite of girls. It is a harem drama for both men and women! "

The barrage suddenly accelerated and scrolled:

"it is good!!!"

"Although I don't like Qing palace dramas very much, if it is filmed by Luo Quan, I can still look forward to it."

"More than just looking forward to it, Luo Bao's shot will definitely be a masterpiece!"

"I heard that she will come in person this time?"

"Yes, I mentioned it when it started airing just now. This time she filmed it herself and will also play a role."

"This is my first time since becoming pregnant. I don't know what kind of amazing work I can produce this time."

"I have a hunch that this TV series is likely to be popular not only in China, but also hopefully internationally."

"I think too much. There are so many TV dramas in China, but only a handful of them are popular internationally. There are so many entertainment activities now. It's unreliable to expect foreigners to watch Chinese costume dramas."

"One thing to say, one thing to say, indeed."

"Something happened to Luobao. Your rice noodles seem to have been scolded."


We were having a good time chatting about TV series, but suddenly a barrage came out, which shocked Luo Quan.

"Rice noodles? My rice noodles have only been on the shelves for a few days, and why are they being scolded?"

Luo Quan opened Weibo full of doubts, wanting to see what happened.

My most popular search topic is "Luoquan is so hot", which is about the live broadcast I just did on the beach in Hawaii. The comment area was filled with a bunch of netizens shouting crazy quotes from foreign Bodhisattvas.

Looking down, you can see a lot of news about consumer parties.

This happened last night. The Consumer Gala is held once a year, mainly to expose brands with major quality problems.

Anyone who has problems with food, clothing, housing and transportation can basically attend this party.

But Luo Quan looked at the content exposed at this party for a while and found nothing related to rice noodles. They were basically internet celebrity products and a relatively well-known car brand.

"This has nothing to do with rice noodles. Where did you see people scolding them?"

Luo Quan asked towards the barrage.

The barrage asked her to refresh it again.

Luo Quan did as he was told, and was surprised to find that all the news about the consumer party was gone, replaced by some unknown media, who then criticized starch sausage and instant rice noodles.

These starch sausages are made of chicken bones, and the rice used in instant rice noodles is moldy. In short, they are very unhealthy.

Because it took advantage of the consumer party, the number of clicks was very, very high.

The specific brands of these two foods were not heard in the news, which led netizens to directly criticize these two foods.

Although Luoquan does not sell starch sausage, rice noodles are a product she has just put on the shelves.

Originally, the sales volume was quite good and the popularity was also good. Many anchors were discussing cooperation with the company.

As a result, overnight, the number of chargebacks skyrocketed, and no one was willing to bring goods to promote it.

Just at this time, the manager in charge of rice noodle sales called her. She was really crying and crying. She must have never encountered such a situation before.

Fortunately, Luo Quan had also seen strong winds and waves, and he repeatedly comforted the manager who had broken through the defense, asking her to keep the factory running and handle the rest by herself.

If she didn't understand what was going on at the beginning, if she still doesn't understand it now, she, Luo Quan, has been in the Internet industry for so many years.

Isn't it obvious that he was pulled out to block the gun by someone else?

The culprits behind the scenes are mostly the brands mentioned at the consumer party.

Several of them are internet celebrity products and have been promoted by many top anchors.

There is also a wine that is considered a luxury product and is quite expensive.

To be able to sell wine at such a price, there is probably a lot of energy behind it.

Luo Quan didn't know who did this, but she knew someone could do it.

So much money was spent on Yunikina's education before, and now it was time for her to put it to use.

Luo Quan immediately sent a message to Yunikina, asking him to find out who was buying the trolls to divert public attention.

Then, Luo Quan said directly to the camera in the live broadcast room: "As for the rice noodles, I solemnly assure you that the rice we use is definitely high-quality rice and there is no mold.

As for the quality issues mentioned by some trolls, they are all deliberately discredited, with the purpose of diverting attention from the junk products that have made it to the consumer party.

As for who did this, please believe me, fans, I will definitely get to the bottom of it.

As for how to solve the problem after it is discovered, everyone can just wait for the news with peace of mind. We are not the kind people who do not fight back when beaten. "

When Luo Quan said this, his expression was gritted.

She hadn't been this angry in a long time.

Taking advantage of the popularity of the consumer party and placing the blame on innocent products, I wonder how many vendors and manufacturers will go bankrupt by doing so?

People who do this kind of thing are worse than beasts!

Since you don't want me to feel better, then I'll uproot you!

If the tiger doesn't show its power, it will really treat me as a sick cat. If I don't bring you down, I, Luo Quan, will be written backwards!

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