Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1417 Let you see what influence is

Chapter 1417 Let you see what influence is

I was traveling to Hawaii happily, but I encountered this troublesome thing not long after my trip.

But Luo Quan was not upset at all because of this matter. She knew very well that this was a crisis, but it was also an opportunity.

As long as this matter can be handled beautifully, a lot of similar troubles will be avoided in the future.

Now that she has let the words out, she does not intend to give these people a chance to reconcile. She will only wait until the truth comes out to let these people know what privilege is.

Only about an hour later, while Luo Quan was still chatting with fans in the live broadcast room, Yunikina sent a mobile message.

The information listed which companies were buying trolls to divert attention. Luo Quan took a closer look and found that all the people who attended the consumer party this time were buying hot searches.

In other words, these people are all involved in the attack on their own rice noodles.

If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about accidental injury.

Luo Quan cut off the business group in the backend and sent a message to Manager Liu who was in charge of station B, asking him to put the video related to the consumer party on the top of the hot search list and multiply the click rate of the video by ten.

If she hadn't spoken, the video would not have been released.

In addition, all the brands mentioned in this video are picked out separately and made into videos, and then they are ensured to appear at least once on the homepage of every Bilibili user.

once a day!

This kind of push algorithm is filled in by station B almost every day, so it is not a difficult thing to do.

Manager Liu is more worried, saying that if he does this, he may earn a lot less advertising fees...

"The money you earn less can be calculated by someone else, and it will be mine!"

As soon as Luo Quan said this, Manager Liu shut up immediately.

The entire station B belongs to this aunt, and she will lose as much as she likes.

What's more, after Bilibili was acquired by her, it can be said to be a scene of great vitality and competition. For a boss with such ability, money and appearance, this little willfulness can certainly be tolerated.

So Manager Liu received the order and immediately conveyed it to his subordinates.

Subordinates are then assigned to subordinates, down to coders working at the grassroots level.

Although there were many people separated in the middle, the order was not lacking at all.

Soon the consumer party became the top trending search item on station B, even suppressing Luo Quan’s trip to Hawaii.

Subsequently, these brands mentioned by the consumer evening party were frequently recommended on the homepage of users, and the number of clicks quickly exceeded 500,000.

This is just station b.

Zhihu, Tieba, Weibo, Douyin, any platform with some size has relevant news.

Station B is her own, and she can arrange hot searches at will.

Other platforms require money.

However, Zhihu and Tieba are not expensive because they are relatively small.

Douyin has a lot of cooperation with itself, and it was previously negotiating with Bilibili over the copyright of film and television editing. It was for its own sake.

So Luo Quan just mentioned this matter, and Douyin happily chose to cooperate.

Although several of these brands have cooperated with Douyin's anchors, if something happens to the brand, these anchors will not feel comfortable.

But for Douyin, it actually doesn't matter.

They are platforms. As long as you are willing to give enough, you can easily pick up one and bring goods to the top.

Live streaming is the most important platform for selling goods, and Douyin says that it ranks second in the live streaming industry. Who dares to claim the first place?

So it doesn’t matter whether these anchors are cool or hot. Anyway, the platform is only responsible for pumping water. If a group of people’s heads are cold, people from below will soon squeeze in to take the place above.

So Douyin doesn’t care at all about the reputation of these big anchors. After all, the taxes they pay will not go to Douyin’s account.

As for Weibo, things are even simpler.

The slanderous news about rice noodles and starch sausage came from Weibo hot searches.

But if you pay for Weibo's hot searches, you can upload them, and if you pay them, you can download them.

Except for the official website, Weibo is a company that only recognizes money but not people.

So Luo Quan called Mr. Weibo's secretary directly.

Luoquan basically has the phone numbers of bosses of these big companies.

It seems that I got it when I attended the auction last time.

Some of the calls are not from the person but from the secretary, but the difference is not big.

Soon, Mr. Wang called Luo Quan back with another number.

Speaking of which, besides Station B, Luoquan is the second platform for in-depth cooperation on Weibo.

She has participated in Weibo Night since her debut, and she has been participating in it almost every year.

Over the years, he has contributed an unknown amount of traffic to Weibo, and he is considered an old acquaintance to Mr. Wang.

It's just that the two old acquaintances didn't talk to each other for more than ten sentences. Once, they saw Mr. Wang congratulating her at an award ceremony.

Another time at an auction, Mr. Wang said hello to her and left their contact information.

Wang was not mentally prepared for Luo Quan's sudden visit.

Luo Quan didn't talk too much. After a short chat, she got to the point and told Mr. Wang directly about the troubles she encountered and what she wanted to do.

"Boss Luo, there is no problem in taking down the smear news about your company.

However, those at the consumer party have also spent a lot of money to remove hot searches, which is really difficult to handle. "

Mr. Wang's tone sounded very embarrassed, but Luo Quan knew very well that he was waiting for his bid.

"Mr. Wang, in business, this matter will definitely not bring losses to Weibo. I will give you 50% more of how much they pay!"

Luo Quan gave a price that was not particularly high so that he could bargain later.

"Boss Luo, this is not about money, business must be done with integrity."

"Seventy-five percent more."

"How can we do business after doing this? Doesn't it let netizens know that Weibo is a place where you can get trending searches by paying money?"

"Give me 100% more. As long as you and I don't say anything about this, no one will know about it. The worst we can do is cut out the relevant discussion."

"Well..." Mr. Wang smiled awkwardly, "But if I do this, I'm afraid it won't be easy for those companies to explain."

"Give me an extra 125%. When those companies ask you, they will tell you that I did it. If they don't accept it, they will come back to me for revenge and see who dies."

Luo Quan continued to implement the policy of carrot and stick, giving harsh words to Mr. Wang while raising prices.

When Mr. Wang heard this, he quickly said: "Boss Luo, don't be like this. It's just a business. It doesn't involve life or death. Harmony makes money."

Luo Quan said with a smile: "I am also doing it for your company's good. After all, this is a hot topic at the consumer party. If you withdraw it, you will give it to others. What if the superiors ask about this?

Let it stay on the hot search for a few more days to give this matter the popularity it deserves. "

Seeing that Luo Quan had moved everything out, Mr. Wang immediately nodded: "Okay, since you said so, Boss Luo, then I will be a villain for once, and you don't need to pay more. Just do what they started with." The money given is just treated as doing business with you directly. "That's not possible. I agreed to give you 125% more. A favor is a favor and a business is a business."

Luo Quan's answer was enough to save his face.

Not only did he have to pay double the price, but he also owed a small favor.

Although it may not necessarily be used, to Mr. Wang, it is worth much more than the money he earned.

After all, the money belongs to the company, but the favor belongs to you.

After a lot of talking, the matter was finally settled.

Netizens were surprised to find that the consumer party, which had mysteriously disappeared for a day, suddenly and mysteriously appeared on the hot searches on major platforms.

Moreover, the comment area has also been opened, and it is full of insults from netizens in various ways.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and taking action on food safety is inherently immoral.

What's more, after the revelations at the consumer party, netizens directly saw what disgusting techniques these people used to prepare "delicious dishes".

I don’t know how many people have eaten these foods, and I don’t know how much they cost, but they vomited them out after watching the processing process secretly filmed by reporters.

Overnight, the brands named at the party were immediately scolded by netizens, and the number of relevant discussions reached 100 million.

Early the next morning, the listed stock price began to plummet. Those who sold online received a lot of return applications. Those who were still advertising these products, the live broadcast room was also flooded by netizens.

Luo Quan, who had made all this with his own hands, kept his fame and achievements secret and did not mention it to anyone.

Soon, clarification news about starch sausage and rice noodles came out. It turned out that the safety issues were only products of some small workshops that did not even have brands, and they did not involve the entire industry at all.

Of course, consumers themselves should also keep their eyes peeled and not buy products with three "nos" just for the sake of cheapness. In the end, if something goes wrong, they won't even know who to take responsibility for.

Early the next morning, Luo Quan looked at the weather outside the window and decided to start the live broadcast.

"Is Luo Bao getting up?"

"So beautiful without makeup, I love it."

"I want to check on Ning Ning, but I don't know if she's sleeping."

"Luo Bao is so beautiful today."


The fans were greeting each other as usual, and when they saw Ningning was mentioned again, Luo Quan turned his head and found that she was still sleeping.

If she really wakes up, she won't be able to continue the live broadcast. The first thing Ning Ning does after waking up is to eat milk. Filling her stomach is her top priority every day.

"Ning Ning is still sleeping. Let everyone see her when she wakes up."

Luo Quan said and turned the camera out of the window again: "Don't ask why I didn't take a photo this morning. I originally planned to go in the morning, but it was raining, so I had to postpone it."

"How did you know we were going to ask this?"

"Okay, Luo Bao has learned to answer questions now."

"It doesn't matter. It's still early to come back from Hawaii anyway, so I have plenty of time to take pictures."

"It won't rain for a week?"

"Stop saying such things. Will it hurt you if you don't put up a flag?"

"It's over, I suddenly have an ominous premonition."

"How come there are so many feudal superstitions? I won't accept them. Put it this way, it will rain until noon at most!"

"Luobao, what's going on with the hot search for the consumer party at station B? I think it's been on the hot search for a long time."


Finally, a fan mentioned this.

After seeing this, Luo Quan pretended to smile and said: "I don't know what happened. Maybe these people will kill themselves if they do too much injustice. Besides, this is the heat that should belong to them in the first place. It's normal, isn't it? ?"

It's okay that Luo Quan didn't smile. Everyone understood it instantly:

"I'm 90% sure that Luo Bao did this!"

"Look at how happy she is smiling, it must be Luo Bao's handiwork."

"Nice, Luo Bao, yesterday at noon he said he wanted to find out who the murderer was, but he found out the truth in one night?"

"It's not just Bilibili. I saw that there are also related hot searches on Weibo posts. The comment area is full of people criticizing these companies."

"This wave of connections is full. How much energy has Luo Bao used?"

"Maybe I'll just use money to throw it away from now on, but it's pretty good this way. It's about punishing rape and eradicating evil."

"The owner of the braised pork with pickles and vegetables has been forced to live broadcast eating braised pork to prove himself, but it seems to be of no use. It is all curses and can't be blocked."

"I can only say that you did a great job. Being scolded is not enough. I will direct these people's companies to collapse, and then they will jump off the building with heavy debts."

"If I go, it won't be so miserable, right?"

"In this way, you buy a plane ticket to Shuzhou and find a scenic spot called Leshan Giant Buddha there. After you pass there, let the Buddha stand up, and then you go and sit there."

"Hahaha, do you dare to be more funny?"

"Those who make such remarks have not seen how dirty the methods these people use to make food are. They simply do not treat consumers as human beings. Since they are not human beings, no matter how miserable the outcome is, I will only applaud!"

"You're right. I wish these black-hearted vendors would die immediately. If you are a holy mother, please only buy products from these companies in the future and see what happens in the end."

"I can only say that Luo Bao's operation 9 is very satisfying."

"By the way, after those people know that Luo Bao did it, will they come to trouble her?"

"That's so simple. When the time comes, won't Station B just block them?"

"Indeed, it doesn't matter whose home field this is."


Fans clapped and cheered in the comments, but Luo Quan laughed and said nothing the whole time.

After the fans had finished expressing their emotions, Luo Quan finally concluded: "This incident tells us that we must never do bad things, and we must never pull innocent people to block your knife.

Because you never know whether the person you pulled to block the knife will turn around and chop you to death. "

As soon as these words came out, the barrage was filled with compliments like "Well done."

However, after Luo Quan finished enjoying himself, he had some more thoughts in his mind.

Privileges are really comfortable to use. No wonder so many people fall into it after using it once, and then unknowingly embark on the road of violating laws and disciplines.

This time she solved the problem easily and even helped herself out.

Then next time she encounters a similar situation, will she continue to use her privileges?

(End of this chapter)

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