Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1418 How to act the emperor

Chapter 1418 How to act the emperor

"No wonder everyone wanted to be an emperor in ancient times. It felt really good to do whatever you wanted."

"By the way, is Luo Bao filming harem love or intrigue this time?"

"In fact, various elements can be included, but it would be boring if it was just about love."

"I wish there were more plot scenes, I just like watching this kind of battle of wits."

"I'm still worried about whether Luo Bao can film The Emperor well. After all, she has never filmed a similar drama before."

"Everything has a first time, and Luo Quan seems to have never messed up his first time."

"Huh? There's something wrong with what you said."


Luo Quan really didn't expect that he could drive the car on this broken road. These people are really getting more and more skilled.

As for fans who are worried about whether she will film the emperor, Luo Quan said that he has never eaten pork and has never seen a pig run away.

He has watched so many costume dramas since he was a child, including many of them about emperors that end with the word "dynasty". He knows the emperor quite well.

It can be summed up in four words: "Live and die!"

The emperor in the movie "A City Full of Golden Armor" also gave a good interpretation: Everything in the world is yours if I give it to you. If I don't give it to you, you can't take it away.

It’s not just about doing whatever you want, but it’s about letting everyone recognize that you are doing whatever you want.

Of course, there are very few emperors with this kind of aura in history. Those who were able to do this in the Qing Dynasty were of course Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong who pushed the emperor's power to its peak.

In their hands, China's feudal autocracy reached its peak. No one inside or outside the government could check and balance the imperial power anymore, and they could do whatever they wanted in the true sense.

This is actually very rare throughout history.

Before the Ming Dynasty, the imperial power was still checked and balanced by the power of the prime minister.

Although the prime minister system was abolished during the Ming Dynasty, there was still a cabinet, and the emperor could not do whatever he wanted.

But by the Qing Dynasty, all of the above were gone.

All power was in the hands of the emperors, especially Kangxi and Qianlong. Not only did they reign for a long time, but their mental skills were also among the best in history.

Yongzheng was actually the most diligent and hard-working among the three. It is said that he was still correcting memorials in the imperial study when he died.

As a result, the last prosperous period of the Chinese feudal dynasty did not have his name, which is actually a bit miserable.

After all, after Qianlong succeeded to the throne, he basically lost the family fortune saved by his father.

During Yong Zheng's reign, what he did most was to clean up his father's mess.

To say that he is one of the best emperors in Chinese history may be controversial.

But if he is the best emperor in the history of the Qing Dynasty, there is basically no problem.

Therefore, if you want to play such an emperor well, you must not just play him being affectionate with his concubines in the harem.

It is more in line with human nature to issue orders to the ministers in the court and manage the country in an orderly manner.

Of course, the specifics of how to act need to be explained after arriving at the set.

After all, no modern person has actually seen the emperor.

But Luo Quan has seen it before. Although she is a female emperor, her imperial power has no water at all.

Of course, Ye Zhining didn't have any airs in front of him. Luo Quan mainly observed her appearance in the court.

If necessary, she would have to learn from Xiang Ye Zhining.

Less than an hour into the live broadcast, the rain outside the window gradually stopped.

After watching for a while, Luo Quan said directly to the fans in the live broadcast room: "The rain outside has stopped. I have to take the photos you are thinking about. Please come back to watch the live broadcast later."

After saying that, he shut down the computer cleanly and asked Wen Xia to go out to take photos.

Wen Xia has been very positive about this matter. Yesterday she said that if she wanted to take a photo, she must be called in.

In addition, Junko and Su Yu also had nothing to do, so they went together to join in the fun.

The Hawaiian beaches are beautiful when the weather clears up after the rain. The sea breeze blows on people's bodies, like the gentle caress of a lover.

This wonderful scenery seems to make time slow down.

It is precisely because the scenery is so beautiful that Luoquan is not the only team filming on the beach.

There is also a photography team from Tokyo that is also filming a variety show here.

Like the very famous state of Florida in the United States, in Tokyo, a magical and developed city, you can live without it, but you cannot live without it.

And "Tokyo Street Awards" mainly shoots those who are masters of all kinds of activities.

This is an entertainment variety show with a long history, its lifespan is almost as long as TV Tokyo

In the beginning, this program was to search for prosperous people from all over Japan, and film their ridiculous deeds for the whole Japanese people to watch.

There are also such programs in China, such as a fierce man who claimed that he could drink boiled water directly, and then was forced by the camera to actually drink a few mouthfuls of boiled water, which made his mouth full of bubbles.

Similar characters can be seen almost everywhere in "Tokyo Street Awards". Each issue can bring different jokes to netizens, so it quickly accumulated a large number of loyal viewers.

As the popularity of the program explodes, the program team no longer even needs to search for materials. The live-action experts themselves take the initiative to contact the program to provide materials.

Since entering the Internet era, "Tokyo Street Awards" has also kept pace with the times and changed recordings to live broadcasts, striving to show the audience the diversity of Japanese humans in an absolutely true way.

You only need to inform everyone in advance of the location of the next shooting. Whether it is at home or abroad, Japan's live-action masters will arrive in advance even if they pay for air tickets out of their own pockets, and use their embarrassment and comedy to bring joy to all audiences.

Of course, there are also some really powerful folk experts here.

Technology and production go hand in hand to create this national-level variety show.

Over the decades, countless folk artists have become popular through this show.

However, the popularity of self-media in recent years has greatly impacted the status of the "Tokyo Street Awards".

In the past, there was only such a platform, and there were no other good ways for ordinary people to become popular.

But things are different now. As long as you have a mobile phone, you can take a video and upload it to Youtube or Tiktok, and it may become popular on the entire Internet.

So the show's ratings have plummeted.

However, there are three flaws in every bad ship. No matter what, it is a national-level variety show that has been popular for decades. It has always been the leader in the industry, so the number of viewers and guests is still very impressive. In order to pursue freshness, the filming location of this program was chosen on the island of Hawaii.

This is one of the favorite tourist destinations of the Japanese. During the golden age, before the Japanese clamored to buy New York, they always clamored to buy Hawaii Island first. This shows how much they like this place.

The director of "Tokyo Street Awards" is Takagi Ken. He is a director with artistic pursuits.

As soon as he took over the show, he defied public opinion and changed the recording and broadcasting that he had insisted on for decades to a live broadcast.

Various data show that this is a very correct reform, which increases the surprise and realism of the program and successfully delays the decline in ratings.

Although under the impact of new media, the decline of "Tokyo Street Awards" is like a runaway train, which is irreversible, Takagi Ken has always been full of creative enthusiasm.

Because he knows very well that no matter what era or media, content is king.

As long as the content is good, there will never be a lack of viewers.

The previous method of finding folk sand sculptures no longer works. After all, now only a smartphone is needed, and sand sculptures can shoot their own videos and upload them to the Internet.

Therefore, Kenta Takagi wants to change the focus of the show, from simply making fun of the whole thing to focusing on the story behind the whole funny thing.

Everyone's life means a legend.

Why did the whole man become a clown? Is there any deeper reason besides making everyone happy?

This is a deeply thought-provoking topic, and as long as it is completed, it will trigger widespread social discussion.

With discussion comes popularity, and maybe the show can be brought back to life.

But when Takagi Ken told the producer this idea, he was completely rejected by the old-fashioned and conservative old man.

"The pressure in this society is so great that it makes people breathless. Who wants to watch your deep and heavy content? Filming your funny variety show and bringing happiness to the audience is the purpose of this show!"

The old stubborn scolded him.

Takagi Ken sneered at such remarks as having no artistic pursuits.

But there is no way, he is just the director and cannot completely control the show. If he is not obedient, the old stubborn will find an obedient director to take his place.

Between artistic pursuits and supporting his family, Takagi Ken reluctantly chose the latter.

This live broadcast in Hawaii is still deeply involved in the field of comedy, so that office workers who are taking their lunch break can have a good show to watch for dinner.

In addition, there is a related person this time, who is said to be from Johnny's.

The funny guys are responsible for the program effects, while this newcomer is responsible for the technical demonstration session of the folk master.

Johnny's has been in a state of turmoil recently, and it cost a lot of money to get this new guy in, thinking that if he became popular, it might be able to reverse some of the decline and divert attention.

Takagi was actually very reluctant to get involved with Johnny, so he let his family members show off his connections, so he just let them in.

"Inoue-kun, what talent will the newcomer from Johnny's perform this time?"

Takagi Ken was lying on the beach chair with his eyes closed and concentrating. He was too lazy to look at his phone and shouted directly to his assistant.

"Original song." Assistant Inoue replied immediately.

"Is he a handsome guy?"

"It still looks pretty good after PS."

"Are you kidding me?!"

Takagi Ken frowned. "The Photoshop technology on mobile phones is even more outrageous than Japanese makeup techniques. Even a vicious face like Suzuki can be transformed into an old handsome guy. Is this newcomer from Johnny's uglier than that Suzuki?"

The Suzuki mentioned by Ken Takagi is the producer of "Tokyo Street Awards", a famous boss in the industry. When he was young, he was almost buried because of his ugly appearance.

Later, he became a comic artist with a young man, and quickly became popular with his excellent words.

Later, it planned the popular variety show "Tokyo Street Awards" and established its position in the Japanese entertainment industry.

It is worth mentioning that the director who brought him into the industry later became a famous director in Japan.

In addition to being talented artists, both of them also have vicious faces, and they are talked about by the public for this reason.

"Nowadays, the threshold for idols is really getting lower and lower. Any cat or dog can join the industry. Or has Johnny been reduced to the point where he can't even recruit outstanding newcomers?"

Takagi Ken lit a cigarette and cursed endlessly.

Johnny's is one of Japan's top male idol agencies.

The history of Johnny's is the history of the development of the Japanese idol industry. It is said that at its peak, more than 90% of the handsome boys in Japan dreamed of debuting in Johnny's.

I didn't expect that it would be like this now. I really watched him build a tall building, watched him entertain guests, and watched his building collapse.

Nothing in the world lasts forever, and it will inevitably go downhill when the time comes.

Johnny is already strong enough. If the boss's scandal hadn't been exposed, he might have been able to stay strong for another dozen years.

But now it is definitely impossible to have a good life. It is thanks to the company's strong foundation that it did not declare bankruptcy on the spot.

Now I have changed my name and said I am starting over, but in fact I am just covering my ears and avoiding responsibility.

How can such an attitude be forgiven by the people? It is expected that things will go downhill, but it is strange that things will continue to rise.

But it’s right to think about it. After such a scandal, which parent would dare to send their child to Johnny’s? Wouldn’t that be pushing the child into a pit of fire?

But now that Johnny is willing to pay and that old stubborn Suzuki is willing to take it, he can just shoot it.

Anyway, I don’t have much say in this program, so few words I say are effective.

Anyway, let's take a look at the level of this newcomer. It is said that young people nowadays like to practice some extracurricular talents.

Maybe this is a future star with unique skills?

Of course, if the newcomer is not very good at it, then there will be no need to switch to funny jokes and reminders from popular celebrities, and the funny jokes will be displayed throughout the whole process. The audience will like to watch them anyway...

"It's really hot in Hawaii today."

Takagi Ken lay on the beach chair for a while, and the floral shirt on his body was already soaked.

Although the wind at the beach is so strong, it has no cooling effect at all. On the contrary, it gets hotter and hotter.

After complaining, he turned to look at his subordinates:

"Everyone is debugging the equipment and starting the live broadcast as soon as the guests arrive. Please cheer up and don't be intimidated by the scorching heat!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Takagi suddenly saw a completely unexpected person walking into his field of vision.

"The spring water goddess?!"

Takagi rubbed his eyes to rule out the possibility of being dazzled, and then finally confirmed that what he saw was Luo Quan.

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