Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1419 The Rehabilitation Master

Chapter 1419 The Rehabilitation Master

"She...why is she here!"

Because he was so surprised, Takagi even started to tremble when he spoke.

This is the goddess of spring water. She has been the most popular star among Japanese people for ten years. She has created countless movies and music. It is no exaggeration to say that she is a treasure of human culture.

But these achievements are nothing compared to her earth-shattering appearance.

Takagi asked himself that he was not a superficial person. When reading about a person, he would prefer to look at his works and experiences rather than his appearance.

But the goddess of spring water is different. Everything about her is too perfect. With her talent already limitless, Takagi is more willing to appreciate the goddess of spring water's unparalleled beauty.

"Who is here?" Assistant Inoue asked immediately after hearing the director's muttering without seeing Luo Quan.

"It's Luo Quan." Takagi raised his hand and pointed.

"Si Guoyi! It's really Goddess Luo!" Inoue shouted excitedly, "Director, before the filming of the show starts, can I go to Goddess Luo to get an autograph?"

"You can imagine!" Takagi scolded with a serious expression, "Luo Quan must be on vacation in Hawaii. Now you go to ask for an autograph. Don't you think it's very rude? It's so rude!"

"Private...Private Marseille!" Inoue also realized his problem and immediately bowed and apologized.

Then he asked in a low voice: "Then let's pretend we didn't see it. Are we really not going to say hello to Goddess Luo?"

"Of course it's up to me to negotiate this kind of thing. Just wait here."

After Takagi finished speaking, he walked directly towards Luo Quan who had not started taking photos yet.


"Sorry, if it's a chat, please go back." Wen Xia said first.

Because we were playing abroad this time, no one except Luo Quan wore sunglasses.

It is human nature to like beautiful women. Yesterday, no less than ten male tourists came to strike up a conversation.

Wen Xia also refused ten times.

Although it is troublesome, who makes everyone look so beautiful?

But if one person comes out, he will not attract so many people.

"Sorry, I'm not here to strike up a conversation. Isn't that Luo Quan?"

Takagi asked, pointing to Luo Quan who was looking for a shooting angle not far away.

"So you're here to ask for an autograph?" Wen Xia immediately changed the topic and asked again.

Takagi smiled and said, "It would be great if I could sign autographs, but I just want to ask Luo Quan if he is interested in appearing on our show."

"What happened?"

At this time, Luo Quan also saw that Wen Xia seemed to be wrangling, so he came over.

"Hello Goddess Luo Quan, I am Ken Takagi, the director of "Tokyo Street Awards". We are broadcasting the Hawaii special program of Tokyo Street Awards nearby. Are you interested in appearing? It will not take up too much of your time. of."

After Director Takagi saw Luo Quan, he used all honorifics and his attitude could be said to be very friendly.

When Luo Quan heard that the director's tone was so respectful, and it was also a show she had watched, she thought it wouldn't be a big deal to appear on the scene, so she nodded: "Then just appear on the scene, let's talk about what needs to be performed. Talent?"

Takagi was overjoyed and said: "Our program is mainly about comedy, if you are willing to live it up..."

Luo Quan said with a smile: "The whole job is too simple. Does a backflip count?"

Wen Xiali poked Luo Quan's arm: "Hey, you are also an international star after all. Can you stop doing this kind of work that is like playing monkey tricks?"

"What's the point of it, just having fun with the people. Besides, don't I always have this sand sculpture style when I live broadcast?"

Luo Quan said disapprovingly, but after thinking about it, he felt that backflips were indeed not a good job.

So she changed her mind, pointed to a rental shop more than ten meters away and said, "Junko, please go there and rent a surfboard."

It happened that the waves in Hawaii were quite big, so she surfed directly and then did a backflip on the surfboard for everyone, which was very technical.

Because if you are not level, you will fall directly into the water, which would be funny.

But if it's a comedy show, maybe it would be better to just drop it into the water.

Anyway, let's say hello to the viewers who are watching the live broadcast. Since it is a popular variety show in Tokyo, I should have a lot of fans.

Walking into the camera, assistant Inoue had already started the live broadcast and was waiting for Luo Quan to come over.

Fans who had been waiting in the live broadcast room also launched a barrage, expressing that they were looking forward to this Hawaii special program.

But they never dreamed that the program team would invite Luo Quan to the show.

"Hello, audience friends, I never expected to meet you all here."

Luo Quan was like a nimble deer, breaking into people's sight.

"Luo Quan?!!!"

"Here, the guest this time is actually Luo Quan, that's amazing!"

“As expected of the Hawaiian Special Edition!”

"Luo Quan's swimsuit and white shirt are so refreshing, sassy and sexy."

"I was watching the live broadcast on Bilibili just now. I was told that I was going to take a swimsuit photo shoot, but I ended up appearing in the live broadcast of the Tokyo Street Awards. It's so lucky."

"It seems like it was just a chance encounter. That guy Takagi must be very lucky. This allowed him to bump into Luo Quan who was taking a photo."

"Luo Quan has no airs at all, and people he doesn't know at all are willing to come and appear on the camera."

"Luo Quan must have watched our show before, and I'm curious about what kind of work she will do later."

"I feel satisfied just having her standing here. The ratings of this show are going to break the record."


Because he couldn't see the barrage, Luo Quan didn't know what the audience would say at this time, so he gave it his own free rein: "Actually, I didn't receive an invitation to the show in advance this time, I just passed by, and Director Takagi happened to invite me, so I'm coming over.

I understand the rules of the show, so next I'm going to give you all the harsh words and do a somersault on the surfboard. "

While talking, Junko had already come over with a surfboard in her arms.

Another star appeared on the scene, making the audience cheer loudly. They thought that this issue of Tokyo Street Awards is so awesome. There are two big stars, Luo Quan and Junko. Is the one next to him Wen Xia? If it were really her, that would be amazing.

However, although there are many stars, the camera is always focused on Luo Quan.

Luo Quan, who decided to perform his talent, did not waste everyone's time. He held the surfboard and looked at the right time, and plunged into the turbulent waves of Hawaii in one fell swoop.

Under the waves, Luo Quan easily stood on the surfboard, and then walked through the waves that were almost rolled into a pipe.

After sprinting to the top of the wave, Luo Quan bent his knees and jumped into the air, doing a forward somersault.

She definitely can't do a backflip here, because if the surfboard is moving forward, she will definitely fall into the water when doing a backflip.

As for the front flip, as long as you control the amount of advance, there will be no problem at all.

With a "pop" sound, Luo Quan did a clean somersault in the air, and then landed smoothly on the surfboard. Finally, he used the downward acceleration to slide down the waves directly on the surfboard, and finally washed up on the shore in a very handsome manner.

"Good job!"

"It's possible!"

"Nice job."

"I've been surfing for a long time, but I really can't master Luo Quan's skills."

"She can always do her job, but it would be fun if she could perform a somersault and fall into the water."

"She is a goddess no matter what. This kind of behavior is too imageless."


Luo Quan walked up to the camera, pushed his blond hair behind his back, and said with a smile: "It's just average, please don't laugh."

"This is already very exciting, much better than the previous guests."

Director Takagi walked over while applauding.

At this time, the assistant ran over: "Director Takagi, today's comedian is here."

"Responsible for comedy?" Luo Quan looked around curiously and found that there were indeed many more people there since he was gone.

The most conspicuous among them is a young man who looks a bit bloated.

Although he looks ordinary, his eyes sparkle with a sense of wisdom.

Luo Quan saw him shirtless preparing for the performance, and for some reason, he felt that his next performance would be very difficult.

"Yongye-kun is here, let him take over the performance from Goddess Luoquan."

In fact, Takagi really wanted Luo Quan to perform a few more shows.

But he also knew that Luo Quan's willingness to perform for Mianzi was already very good.

If he made more demands, it would mean that he was overreaching.

So I immediately asked today’s special guest, Yuno Takuichi, known as the cloth-puller, to continue the performance.

In fact, Takagi himself was surprised when he said online that he would participate in the Hawaii Special Edition.

Because this cloth-pulling immortal seldom participates in outdoor activities and basically does his work at home.

This time I suddenly came to participate in the show just on a whim.

However, because he is so famous, as soon as they heard that he was coming, all the other Japanese plastic surgery experts said that they could not come and would leave the stage to him alone.

As a well-deserved heavyweight guest in the neon animation world, Yuno Takuichi's works have no artistic value at all, and they are mainly nonsensical and have no lower limit.

What he is best at is pressing two toilet pushers against his chest, and then tying the other end of the toilet pushers to cotton cloth with a thin thread.

After that, he fastened several glass cups on the spread cotton cloth, and then used his strong chest muscles to pull the cotton cloth off, but the glass cups remained motionless.

It is this nonsensical performance that has earned him countless fans on the Internet.

Today, Yuno Takuichi is no longer satisfied with the old job of "pulling cotton from his chest."

Facing the camera of "Japan Street Awards", he confidently expressed that he would give everyone something new this time.

Soon, he tied a dozen rubber bands to his ears, and then fixed another section of the rubber band with cotton cloth.

Facts have proved that people everywhere like to watch the excitement. Although the races are different, it cannot hinder the instinct of tourists in Hawaii to like to watch the excitement.

Luo Quan and others also stayed where they were. They also wanted to know what kind of work this person could do today.

The gazes of passers-by seemed to be a stimulant for Yuno Takuichi. He let out an excited scream, then spread the cotton cloth on the table, and then let his assistant put glass bottles on it.

This is a total of eighteen.

This body-building master has trained every part of his body to the extreme, and his flexibility in using it is amazing. He quickly put on a wonderful performance.

Most people may not be able to move so many bottles by just pulling with their fingers.

However, Yuno Takuichi used the most vulnerable part of his body to pull out the cotton cloth from under the glass bottle with lightning speed.

This endurance and this skill are indeed worthy of the name of the Immortal.

When he performed successfully and showed his iconic devilish expression in front of the camera, the barrage in the live broadcast room reached its climax:

"Awesome, you are worthy of being a cloth-puller!"

"What about those people who just said that the performance will fail? Don't underestimate Yuno-kun's strength, you bastard!"

"Teacher Yuno has always been on the road of challenging the limits of the human body. This time he has set a new record. It is really gratifying and congratulatory."

"I hope the show crew can negotiate with the patrolling police officer and declare that he is just performing art and not a perverted lunatic."


It can be seen from the laughter and laughter in the barrage that the audience recognized Yuno Takuichi's performance and spoke highly of it.

If we only start from the perspective of Tu Yile, Yuno Takuichi's ingenious "bullshit" this time, the program effect is unparalleled.

Then Yuno Takuichi said that this was just an appetizer. Next, he would perform a talent that he had carefully prepared for a long time, which was bullshit in the true sense, and it was also bullshit for eighteen bottles!

Wen Xia and the others who didn't understand Japanese well were still laughing and watching the fun. When Luo Quan and Junko heard Yuno Takuichi's words, they turned around and turned around with the girls, saying that they still had photos to be taken today. Don't waste your time here.

Although I didn't understand why Luo Quan was in such a hurry to leave suddenly, the main business today was indeed taking photos, so Wen Xia and the others turned around and left without any hesitation.

But before Luo Quan and the others left, a large group of men screamed at the Tokyo Street Awards shooting location, as if they had seen something extremely shocking.

Luo Quan and Junzi looked at each other and thought to themselves that they were walking fast.

But Ken Takagi stood behind the cameraman, and he was really not happy at all at this time.

He looked at the grooming expert with a gloomy expression, then looked down at the barrage on his phone.

Everyone was applauding and cheering, and they said this was Dandan’s art.

Can this also be called art? It's just shit and pissing, it's so dirty!

What saddened him the most was that the people around him were smiling so happily.

This is Hawaii, it's a shame to be sent abroad.

Fortunately, Luo Quan and the others left earlier. It would have been so embarrassing if they had seen it.

If a girl sees this vile art, even if he commits seppuku, it won't be enough to pay for his sins.

Has the appreciation of the general public sunk to this point?

Takagi Ken couldn't figure it out, and finally could only sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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