Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1420 Don’t answer

Chapter 1420 Don’t answer

"Very good, keep this pose and I'll take a few more pictures."

Wen Xia pressed the shutter quickly, while Luo Quan put his hands behind his head, as if he had just woken up.

This state is very relaxing and stretching, and combined with the clean sky after the rain in Hawaii, it gives people a lazy afternoon mood.

Of course, no matter how beautiful the artistic conception is, it cannot be more beautiful than Luo Quan's perfect figure.

She just made a simple action, and the storm was already coming.

Ever since Luo Quan worked hard on countless poses in previous photos, but seemed not to be taken seriously, Luo Quan became tired of working on poses.

Anyway, no one really studies this detail so carefully. Basically, you just look at each photo for a few seconds and then immediately slide to the next one.

In this case, let's take more photos. As for the postures and other things, plainness is the real thing.

After Luo Quan finished taking the photo, she took over the camera and became the photographer, taking photos one after another for Wen Xia and the others.

Compared to Luo Quan, they were more excited and more willing to study the moves.

After all, Luo Quan's main purpose of taking photos was to fulfill his fans' mission, while they took photos to keep as a souvenir and to please themselves.

The state of mind is different, and the attitude when taking pictures will of course be different. Everyone is posing in front of Luo Quan, which is simply hot and hot.

"Okay, okay, you guys are sexier than I thought."

After working for more than an hour, Luo Quan's fingers were sore that he finally ended the photo shoot.

Wen Xia smiled and said: "Send me the photos when you get back. I will pick the most beautiful one and develop it. When I am old, I will look at the photos of my youth and recall how beautiful I am now."

"It's a little too early to talk about this now. With your current cultivation level, you still have at least two hundred years to live. It is estimated that you will start to grow old after thirty or forty years."

"Thirty or forty years! Will you start to grow old so soon?" Wen Xia was shocked when she heard this number. "I thought I could stay young for at least fifty years."

Luo Quan chuckled: "If your cultivation improves quickly enough, it's not impossible, so practice harder."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Luo Quan's words made the other women start to wonder whether they should spend more time practicing in the future.

After all, the idea of ​​increasing life expectancy is so tempting.

After returning to the room, the first thing Luo Quan did was to select his photos, eliminate the less attractive ones, leave the best ones, compress and package them, and finally make them into seeds and upload them to the network disk.

Xunlei and Baidu Computing are the two most commonly used downloading tools, and other unconventional and extremely expensive Luoquan generally won't take the initiative to get them.

Of course, if some netizens say that neither Xunlei nor Netdisk can be obtained, then Luo Quan thinks it is better to read more books and learn.

It's the 1920s, and if there are still boys who can't even understand how to use Thunder and Netdisk, it either means they're too lazy or they have a problem with their IQ.

If it was the latter, Luo Quan would be willing to make a video to teach him step by step in the spirit of humanitarian concern.

If it is the former, then Luo Quan will treat others in their own way. If you are lazy, I will be lazy. If you are too lazy to learn, I will be too lazy to teach.

Of course, the seeds are all photos with very high resolution. It is troublesome for station B to upload a large number of pictures, so it is more convenient to make them into compressed packages directly.

But you can still post the video however you want, and fans obviously prefer to watch the video, after all, it is moving.

After the compressed package was uploaded, the background video was also successfully uploaded to station b.

The boss's account does not need to be reviewed at all, and it will pass immediately after uploading.

"The pictures and videos of the first day have been posted for everyone to watch and download."

Luo Quan finished changing the title of the live broadcast room, and then opened the video he had just uploaded in the live broadcast room.

It was a very simple and simple image of a Hawaiian beach. She was wearing slippers and a less revealing swimsuit, but because her figure was too plump, she still looked a bit astringent.

But in foreign terms, this is called the beauty of the female body, which is both sexy and art.

Although this may be just an explanation or cover-up for the borderline behavior.

But it doesn't matter, it's not a big deal. Which of the popular female stars now has never taken a swimsuit photoshoot?

Luo Quan has not even filmed a real kiss scene since his debut, so he is already very conservative.

"By the way, fans still remember the promise I made to you before?"

Luo Quan saw that the barrage was full of comments such as "I love Luo Bao", "Luo Bao is so beautiful", "Please be sure to take more pictures", and suddenly asked.

"You have made so many promises that I can't remember them all."

"Do you remember that you said before that you would cosplay during the swimsuit photo shoot?"

"Huh? Luo Bao really said this?"

"Everyone is working hard to create opportunities. It's okay if you don't help. Why are you holding back here?"

"I understand. I testify that Luo Bao did say these words."

"Hahaha, that's a bit deliberate. If you want to see a cosplay, you can just ask. Luo Bao usually won't refuse."

"Indeed, it's not like it's never happened before. It's like a special show."

"So what exactly is the promise Luo Bao said?"


I saw a lot of fans taking advantage of the situation and asking her to do cosplay or something like that.

Luo Quan blinked and pretended not to see it. After they brought the topic back, Luo Quan continued: "When The Wandering Earth 2 was released, everyone was very enthusiastic about Chinese science fiction film and television works, and they often broadcast live Occasionally, I want to make a science fiction movie.

At that time, I felt that China did have a lot of gaps in science fiction movies, so I agreed.

However, many movies have been made in recent years, including special effects blockbusters, but serious science fiction has never been made.

Fortunately, I have never forgotten this matter. Although I don’t have time to make movies and TV series, I still have time to write novels.

It’s not very long, only 200,000 words. It’s the first part of this science fiction novel. I’ll take this opportunity to publish it first and then make it into a TV series after a while to see if people like this hard-edged version. Science fiction works. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he published the novel titled "The Three-Body Problem" directly to the Chinese website of Terminal.

The first five chapters are free, but there is a fee for the remaining content.

But it’s not expensive, two hundred thousand words is only the price of half a pack of cigarettes. People who can afford mobile phones now shouldn’t be able to afford even 10 yuan, right?

"The Three-Body Problem? What a strange name. If a science fiction work included an interstellar or sea of ​​stars, it would feel more appropriate."

"Again, the content of the work is not closely related to the title. Teacher Mo Yan also has a book called Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks, but the content in the book is absolutely serious."

"The correct answer is, it's just like "The Plum in the Golden Vase". People who don't know it think it's some kind of elegant love novel." "Hahaha, both of them have become great writers, right?"

"It's a bit slow to pick up. I just finished the first chapter and I can't really get interested."

"To be honest, in this era of pursuing three golden chapters or even one golden chapter, if the opening chapter is not attractive, it will basically become half-dead for a long time. No matter how exciting the subsequent chapters are, it will be difficult to revive it."

"If it hadn't been written by Luo Bao, I probably wouldn't have even had the desire to click on this title when I saw it."

"Hey, why are you talking so much nonsense? My daughter-in-law wrote it. How can I not give her face? Besides, when has Luo Bao ever let us down?"

"Hahaha, I love hearing this. After all, she is my daughter-in-law. Even if she writes a book about monks chanting sutras, I can read it with gusto."

"If it were like a Japanese light novel, with photos every few pages, I would definitely enjoy reading it even more."

"Did you go there to read a book? I'm embarrassed to point it out to you."

"Okay, let's stop digressing and hurry up and watch. Luo Bao just said in the live broadcast room that questions will be randomly picked tomorrow and all those who can't answer will be banned for one day."

"I'll go, that's too much of a bully, isn't it?"

"It's just like my Chinese teacher, forcing you to read books, it's so abominable."

"I had to watch it now. It felt like I was back in elementary school."

"There are no such beautiful teachers in elementary school. If it gets angry and whips me with a pointer, I think I will definitely be very willing."

"It's a bit outrageous, but I like it too."


The impetuous society makes people impetuous, and the general environment is like this, so Luo Quan didn't get angry when he saw these gag barrages.

For a person who likes reading, if you place a good book in front of him, it goes without saying that he will be willing to read it.

For people who don't like reading, even if you force them to read, it won't have any effect.

Luo Quan has given full play to her influence, allowing fans to watch "The Three-Body Problem" in the name of loving her.

As a hard science fiction, the only shortcoming of The Three-Body Problem is that the pace is a little slow in the early stage, and some physics terms are not easy to understand because of the lack of knowledge and logical thinking ability.

But once you read it, you will be fascinated by this wonderful science fiction novel.

And the most fascinating thing about it is not the physical science, but the heroic epic-like feats performed by the characters one after another for the sake of human life and death.

It's useless to just talk about how good the book is in the live broadcast room. You still have to arouse the interest of the fans themselves, and then let them calm down and read it.

Of course, Luo Quan does not expect "The Three-Body Problem" to become popular with just one book.

The popularity of "The Three-Body Problem" in the previous life was also due to the fact that it won awards abroad and was recommended by many celebrities, so it gradually became famous among the general public.

In the beginning, it was just a group of niche science fiction readers promoting how good this book was, but in fact it was not very well-known.

Of course, now "The Three-Body Problem" has a better way out, and that is to make it into a TV series.

This should be the most acceptable form of entertainment to the general public.

The cost is low, you can freely control the playback speed, watch it when you have time, and pause it when you don't have time. The main thing is convenience.

The novel was released in advance to build up the excitement first.

I don’t know if “The Three-Body Problem” will become more popular now that it has its own reputation.

However, from the analysis of the comments at this moment, fans seem to prefer to see the blue swimsuit she wore today.

Of course, many fans also recommended that she wear black, which would look more royal.

Luo Quan is a kind-hearted person, so he decided to change into a black swimsuit tonight to see the effect. If the effect is good, he will take a photo of the black swimsuit tomorrow.

Although the novel didn't cause much controversy after it was published, fans were very excited when Luo Quan said that he wanted to make a science fiction movie.

To be honest, before The Wandering Earth came out, Chinese science fiction movies were really no different from a blank piece of paper.

Xiangjiang did make a lot of science fiction movies in the early years, but the plots were too bad and not hard-core enough. It is said to be science fiction, but in fact it is not much different from Xuan Guan.

It wasn't until the release of The Wandering Earth that people discovered that China could also create that futuristic and technological sense.

Originally, everyone thought that The Wandering Earth would open the door to Chinese science fiction movies.

Who knew that "Shanghai Fortress" would be released right after, and the door would be kicked back.

A science fiction masterpiece with an investment of 600 million yuan ended up with a box office of less than 200 million yuan, which directly caused countless investors who were interested in science fiction movies to instantly lose their ideas.

It was not until many years later that the release of Traffic Earth 2 finally reopened the door.

The box office of both movies exceeded 4 billion, which shows that China can afford such science fiction masterpieces.

As long as you are good enough, you don’t have to worry about no one watching.

So "The Great Wall" came out, and Lao Mouzi was the first to announce that he would enter the science fiction industry and make a science fiction movie with Chinese characteristics.

In fact, this movie was originally going to be made into a Chinese fantasy, but the original plan was scrapped by Luo Quan, and then a new one was made from beginning to end, so that a science fiction version of "The Great Wall" could be made.

So if it weren't for Luo Quan, there might still be only two sci-fi masterpieces available on the market, The Wandering Earth 1 and 2.

There was a science fiction film released in Xiangjiang before, but the filming was so bad that the box office was only a few hundred million despite all the efforts to promote it, so it went to my grandma's house.

A genre film cannot rely solely on one movie or one series, so both audiences and practitioners are eager to have a new work that can ignite the market.

In fact, movies or TV series can be used, the key is to make the word science fiction popular.

Originally, everyone thought that "The Great Wall" written by Luo Quan would take over the banner and contribute to science fiction works.

Unexpectedly, she has now released another "Three-Body Problem", and judging from her tone, it seems that she has very high expectations for this "Three-Body Problem".

Although netizens are a little indifferent to this unintelligible name.

But considering the good reputation of "Produced by Luoquan, it must be a high-quality product", they decided to take a look.

It doesn't matter if it's a slow start. The total content is only 200,000 words, so it won't take much time to read tens of thousands of words first.

If they can't attract the audience after tens of thousands of words, it means they are not the audience of this book. They can just cheer for it and wait to watch the TV series.

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