Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1421 Don’t answer

Chapter 1421 Don’t answer ()

"Hey, your novel is quite interesting. Did you write it yourself?"

In the room, Ye Zhining had just finished watching "The Three-Body Problem" and asked Luo Quan.

"Of course I wrote it myself." Luo Quan said without blushing or heartbeat.

If there is no one named Liu Cixin in this world. Then Luo Quan added something in his mind.

"The idea is not bad, but this dark forest law is a bit too outdated. In what age is it now, which civilization would fight and kill each other as soon as they meet."

Ye Zhining put down Luo Quan's cell phone and said some things that she felt were not good.

She ended her morning session quickly today and had nothing to do. Luo Quan happened to be in Hawaii again, so she came over directly.

As soon as Luo Quan saw her, he excitedly showed her a novel and asked her to give her some guiding opinions.

Reading was not difficult for her. Ye Zhining used quantum reading directly and finished the novel of more than one million words in just a few minutes.

It is indeed well written and has a good grasp of human nature.

However, his understanding of the universe is still a little limited, but that's normal. After all, Luo Quan has only arrived in Huanyu not long ago, so there is nothing wrong with such limitations.

After all, the situation in the universe is inherently complicated, and the arrival of the era of great peace will only take a few hundred thousand years.

And this peace is only for those high-level, top-level, and overlord-level civilizations. Wars between middle- and low-level civilizations are common, and because of the existence of the iron law of hegemony, it is not easy for high-level civilizations to intervene. .

Therefore, the destruction of civilization and the explosion of planets are commonplace.

However, Luo Quan's "Three Body" has some views that are quite right. For example, the universe is so vast that the life and death of several civilizations is not worth mentioning. Even the destruction of a galaxy, star cluster, or galaxy cluster is not worth mentioning.

"Can you tell me what's wrong with this law?" Luo Quan asked Ye Zhining to read this book to answer questions.

After all, the other party is one of the overlords of the universe, and his perspective on the problem must be much smarter than that of a bastard like her.

"It's obviously wrong."

Ye Zhining smiled and said from Luoquan: "Every civilization has its own sense of good and evil. Except for some militarists and those who are determined to exterminate others, most of them have a certain moral bottom line.

This is actually the case for individuals, societies, countries, and civilizations. There is no need to think too badly of everyone just because of individual cases.

To take a step back, if you encounter an unfamiliar civilization, you will get two kinds of answers when you take the initiative to show kindness, that is, half good and half bad.

But if you attack directly like the law of the dark forest, the answer you will get will only be 100% malicious.

Without knowing the opponent's strength, it is no different than seeking death, because your civilization is just a low-level civilization that has just stepped out of space.

Since you think you are not alone in the universe, why do you think you will be stronger than the other person?

Any intelligent creature would think of this kind of thing, so it would be even more impossible to take action as soon as they meet. "

After Ye Zhining finished her long speech, she added: "Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some low-level civilizations have a reckless mentality from top to bottom. They are fearless because of their ignorance and dare to show their claws to anyone they see.

However, this kind of civilization usually does not live long, and it is easy to offend those high-level civilizations, and then be directly exploded.

Just because similar things have happened too many times, there are now quite a few restrictions in cosmic law. For example, star explosions are prohibited unless necessary, high-level civilizations are not allowed to interfere with the development of low-level civilizations, and Star Wars must pay attention to controlling the intensity. "

After listening to Ye Zhining's words, Luo Quan seemed to have opened a new world for Luo Quan, and asked with curiosity in his eyes: "But if we protect low-level civilizations like this, wouldn't it be easy for the universe to have more and more life?" Wouldn’t it be filled up quickly?”

Ye Zhining couldn't help laughing: "My dear concubine, do you know how big the universe is?"

Luo Quan's expression froze when he was asked, and he stammered: "Um... I don't know, it should be more than a hundred light years away, but it's still expanding, so I'm not sure how big it is now."

Ye Zhining shook his head slightly: "Fifteen billion light-years is only the size of the universe that you can observe. The actual number is dozens of times larger than this, and there are also various sub-universes that are completely unobservable. Two of these subuniverses are no smaller than what you would call 15 billion light years.

Therefore, not only you, but even the top civilization in the universe like us do not know how big the universe is.

So wanting to fill up the universe is not something we should consider at all. Anyway, as far as I know, the number of civilizations in the universe has grown at a not particularly high level for a billion years, and is quite stable.

Even if the universe stopped expanding now, at this level of growth, it would take at least five billion years to fill it up.

By that time, it is estimated that the high-latitude passage to the parallel universe will have long been opened.

As for whether what awaits us is an empty and ownerless land, or a new world full of civilization, it will definitely greatly reduce the pressure of survival. "

Luo Quan chuckled: "That's true, a lot of people will definitely die in a war."

"These are not things we should consider. You won't really become a cosmic mind after becoming the Virgin, right?" Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan carefully, wanting to observe whether she had been brainwashed by religion.

"How can I have such a big mind?" Luo Quan quickly denied.

"Then you are too arrogant to belittle yourself. Maybe you can't compare with Xu Yanqing, but Luo Bao, you are already very big." Ye Zhining joked with a smile.

Luo Quan was speechless, then changed the subject and said, "How many days are you coming to play this time?"

Ye Zhining thought for a while and replied: "Two or three days. Anyway, there are several ministers in the cabinet helping with state affairs, so I don't have to rush back."

"You spend three days fishing and two days drying your net, and the ministers don't even say anything?"

"Who dares to give advice?" Ye Zhining's tone became sharp, "Now that the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the weather is good, what's wrong with me being lazy and fishing?

Besides, my biggest role in normal times is to approve the ministers’ memorials, so the workload is not large.

If we really encounter any problems, the prime minister will definitely be more anxious than me. He is not in a hurry now, so I have nothing to be anxious about. "

"Indeed." Luo Quan gave Ye Zhining a thumbs up, feeling that there was nothing wrong with his words.

Think about it for a moment, if she were the king of a country and had to deal with such huge government affairs every day, work for several hours in the morning, and spend more time approving memorials, she would indeed become like Ye Zhining.

Occasionally, you may be able to do things with full energy when your interest arises, but in most cases, you should just find an excuse to take a vacation and fish.

Doing something you don't like over and over again every day is actually very torture.

What's more, correcting memorials is still a very boring thing.

Thinking about it this way, Luo Quan instantly understood Ye Zhining.

"Since you're all on vacation, let's have fun. I'll get you a room first."

As he spoke, Luo Quan put on a coat, took Ye Zhining to the front desk of the hotel, and opened a room for her.

After returning to the house, Luo Quan held his daughter in his arms and took off his clothes as usual.

Omit 1000 words here…………

"Separation~~~" Luo Ning opened her breasts with a satisfied expression, releasing a sweet smell.

"Ning Ning, you can't push so hard after you have teeth. Mommy will be in pain."

Luo Quan looked at his daughter and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I will pay attention to it in the future." Luo Ning replied apologetically.

She didn't do it on purpose, it was just because she was too hungry, so she used a little more force.

Of course, Luo Quan didn't really feel any pain. After all, she was a serious and indestructible person.

What she was afraid of was that her daughter would use too much force and break the teeth that were about to grow out.

After all, her daughter does not have a Immaculate Immortal Body like her.

However, my daughter may not be used to it because her teeth have just grown in, so she likes to bite hard when encountering soft objects.

Luo Quan decided to go to the supermarket later to buy some pacifiers so that his daughter could play with them whenever she had nothing to do.

I just don’t know if this will affect my daughter’s dental development. It would be very ugly if the baby teeth grow out all over the place.

Although all deciduous teeth will fall out before the age of ten at most, they will last for several years.

It would be troublesome if it affected her appearance and her daughter's self-esteem because of her mouth-watering.

So Luo Quan asked about the system.

"The system is not Baidu Encyclopedia. For things like this that you can check with your hands, it is better to use your mobile phone."

The system is obviously very dissatisfied with the fact that it is being overqualified.

After all, it is a system, and if it is used to inquire about such a pediatric problem, everyone who hears it will probably say that Luo Quan is outrageous.

But Luo Quan also had his own explanation: "It's easier to do it with your hands than with your brain. I'll think about this question and you can answer it."

"As long as you don't feed Luo Ning hard candies, biting the soft ones won't have any effect."

The host asked a question, and the system had to answer it. Finally, it answered Luo Quan's question in a tone without any fluctuations.

"Thank you." Luo Quan expressed his gratitude with a smile.

After finishing busy with his daughter's food and clothing, Luo Quan turned on his computer and wanted to see what netizens had said about the book "The Three-Body Problem" after one night.

A whole night should be enough for them to finish watching the first part.

No matter how slow "The Three-Body Problem" is, you will definitely be deeply attracted by the storyline after watching one-third of it.

Now, you should be able to see some praise for "The Three-Body Problem", right?

Unexpectedly, as soon as Luo Quan logged into station b, he saw the words "The Three-Body Problem is amazing" on the second hot search list.

The top trending search was of course the consumer party that she requested to pin to the top, so without this instruction, the trending search about the three-body problem would have already reached the top.

"Has it been hailed as a masterpiece by you so quickly?"

Luo Quan was looking forward to seeing how netizens praised "The Three-Body Problem".

"I'm just a casual person. I usually like to read some pornographic stories written by Mrs. Tokyo. I don't have any pursuit of elegance. I stay away from more serious literature. But "The Three-Body Problem" really attracted me as a lay person. , really beautiful!”


"Before watching "The Three-Body Problem", I thought it would be a science fiction work like Jules Verne's, "Twenty Thousand Leagues to Haiti" and "Around the World in Eighty Days". I might think it was pretty good at first, but after reading it carefully, You will feel that it is really ordinary and your imagination is not rich enough.

But after reading "The Three-Body Problem", I realized how naive my thoughts were. This book is so imaginative that it incorporates almost all the golden ideas of science fiction novels over the past century, from suspense to aliens to War epic.

Finally, the philosophical thinking about human nature and social development brings the book's ideological depth to a higher level.

Perhaps it is not a masterpiece in serious literature, but it is definitely a masterpiece in science fiction! "


"I honestly didn't expect Luo Bao to be able to write a science fiction novel so excitingly. I just finished reading the second part, and I felt as if I had finished reading a human epic. Even now, I am still very excited, and my heart is beating so fast. The throat is the same!

Maybe it's because I haven't slept all night and my autonomic nervous system is disordered? "


"I didn't sleep either. Although the book is really exciting, I still don't mind if everyone is so arrogant. If I finish reading the book in one sitting, how will I survive the rest of the time?"


"But I really can't stop. I've been watching it for ten hours straight. I didn't study so seriously during the college entrance examination year. Sure enough, interest is the best teacher, hahahaha."


"This book is really popular now. It's full of praise on Weibo. It has a Douban score of 9.5. It's a masterpiece among masterpieces!"

"Didn't you say that the book will be made into a TV series? When will we do it?"

"Why are you so anxious? Luo Bao is filming our swimsuits in Hawaii. I'm afraid he won't be able to film a TV series in a short time."

"Luo Bao, I don't want to look at the swimsuit anymore, okay? Hurry up and take a three-body photo for everyone. I beg you to let Unreal Studio reproduce all the big scenes in the book."

"It would be awesome if it could be done."

"So, don't you all stop being jealous? Sure enough, science fiction can arouse men's desire better, right?"

"Physical pleasure is short-lived, but spiritual satisfaction is eternal."

"When you enter the time of wise men, you will be like a cow."


Netizens' evaluations were very different from Luo Quan's imagination.

Because "The Three-Body Problem" is indeed a masterpiece among science fiction novels, I basically praised it after reading it.

One night is neither long nor short, but it is certainly enough for everyone to appreciate its beauty.

And now there are hot searches on Weibo at Station B. The Douban score is still such an exaggerated number of 9.5, which will definitely attract countless followers.

Then one spreads to ten, and ten spreads to a hundred. It should be only a matter of time before "The Three-Body Problem" becomes popular.

No, to be precise, "The Three-Body Problem" is now popular!

(End of this chapter)

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