Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1422 Don’t answer

Chapter 1422 Don’t answer ()

"I originally thought it was a suspense novel with a science fiction theme, but you ended up writing a space epic for me, which made me stay up all night. Luo Bao, you are so bad."

"A great book that stretches your imagination to the limit. After reading this book, you don't need to read any other science fiction novels."

"How much money and time would it cost to film this? I don't know if we can see it this year."

"The first part is expected to have drama, but not too many big scenes. I hope to see it by the end of the year."

"Luo Bao said during the live broadcast just now that he will definitely be able to meet you before the Spring Festival next year."

"Oh my god, is it going to take so long?"

"I fell into emo instantly. Go read the book again quickly."

"It's over a million words, and you guys finished reading it in half a day?"

"I took a quick look and remembered only one sentence: Don't answer."

"Hahahaha, it was quite scary when I saw this place for the first time, but now I feel an inexplicable sense of joy."


This is the current situation in the Weibo comment area, which is not much different from comments on Bilibili or even other platforms.

Either he was praising the book "The Three-Body Problem", or he was urging Luoquan to make a TV series.

In addition, people on Douyin and Bilibili have even made video clips for this book.

It uses various film and television clips similar to the plot as the background, and uses intelligent AI voice to read out the summary of the novel.

Although this kind of video is not particularly exquisite and will miss many details, it allows netizens to understand what "The Three-Body Problem" is about as quickly as possible.

After being successfully aroused, more and more people began to search for the original work online.

Then came the much-loved part of asking for free resources. Some even went to the live broadcast room to ask if there was a free txt version of "The Three-Body Problem".

When Luo Quan saw that it was hard to seal and scold, he could only sigh helplessly: "If I give out the free ones, wouldn't it look like the fans who paid to read the novels are stupid?

You must protect the rights and interests of consumers no matter what, so don’t ask for free resources from me. It’s up to you to find them yourself, so be it. "

"Hahaha, Luo Bao's expression is so aggrieved."

"There is a feeling of wanting to scold my mother, but I feel that it is not worth breaking the precept."

"I think too much. Luo Bao's quality is not that low. He is just speechless."

"Some things are really unaffordable. Can't you even afford half a pack of cigarettes?"

"Even if you don't want to spend money, just look for free resources and be lazy. No one is forcing you to pay, but you come to the live broadcast room to ask for Luo Quan. You are simply a cyber beggar."

"I think people still need to have some facial expressions."


Seeing the barrage getting more and more scolding, Luo Quan also smiled and waved his hands: "Okay everyone, don't let this little thing affect your good mood for the day. It's a good thing that "The Three-Body Problem" is so popular.

If it can become a work that the general public is willing to accept, then many people will definitely come to make secondary creations for "The Three-Body Problem" in the future, and the world will become more complete and interesting.

So what I mean is that those who want to write fan fiction for "The Three-Body Problem" and those who want to make video clips for "The Three-Body Problem" can take action. "

Luo Quan's words immediately made the barrage boil:

"Go ahead, there will be a day in my lifetime when Luo Quan calls me boss."

"Don't rush me, I'm already writing. Do you think everyone is a tentacle monster like you?"

"I can accept it as long as the fandom doesn't write about Gouzi literature."

"What is Gouzi literature?"

"Nantong, the favorite of fujoshi."

"Don't be too outrageous. No one is so boring, right?"

"You really underestimate the diversity of this world. I have already seen someone writing fan fiction about Wang Miao and Da Shi on Lao Ford."

"Just thinking about that scene makes me feel like the hairs on my body stand up. I'm even more scared than if the Trisolarans had actually invaded."

"By the way, are there really three-body creatures in this world, or are there aliens like the three-body creatures?"

"Aliens definitely exist, but maybe we haven't discovered them yet, or maybe they have been discovered, but they were kept hidden by the higher-ups, so we don't know."

"It seems that what happened in 99 can no longer be hidden."

"Haha, I'm afraid. Am I going to tell you that I killed aliens in 99?"

"It's time to act, and you've become a part of the three-body plot, right?"

"Aliens do exist and will invade Earth soon."

"Brother, are you really lying? It's better to believe that I am Qin Shihuang than to believe you."

"I believe in you, Qin Shihuang. Can you be made prime minister by deducting 1?"

"Hahaha, I'm crazy to want to be an official."


He does not mean that.

Some fans in the barrage mentioned alien invasion, which made Luo Quan seriously think about whether he was joking or something else.

Because she knows best whether there are aliens or not.

She had discussed this issue with Ye Zhining just now.

There are alien civilizations in the universe, and there are many of them.

Although most high-level civilizations are very friendly, middle- and low-level civilizations are notoriously reckless, and when they encounter other civilizations, they fight first.

If you can defeat it, you will colonize it as soon as possible, and then include the other party in your territory.

Although according to scientists' observations, there are no planets suitable for life in the starry sky within a dozen light-years of the earth.

But this is thinking from the perspective of carbon-based life. What if aliens on a certain planet pop out of rocks? They are naturally very adaptable to various difficult environments and can even breathe without oxygen.

Then these planets near the earth are definitely inhabited by creatures that humans cannot understand.

These creatures may not know the existence of the earth, but it is not until they discover an aircraft in space every day and capture it that they realize that there is a civilization called the earth in the solar system.

And judging from the aircraft, the technology of this civilization is really inferior. No, we have to send people over to conquer this primitive civilization and open up territory for the mother planet!

Then, the aliens came over in a battleship.

Don't ask Luo Quan why he had such thoughts.

Because the United States has sent many Voyager spacecraft to outer space in recent years.

It not only contains various music and texts on the earth, but also contains the specific coordinates of the solar system.

If an alien picks this up, what's the difference between saying: Taijun, go this way?

Anyway, Luo Quan doesn't quite understand why Americans would do such stupid things.

With the current technological level of the earth, any alien civilization that has the ability to visit the earth should be able to take over the earth easily.

It can only be said that fortunately no alien civilization has picked up the fatal Voyager aircraft, so that the people on earth can survive safely until now.

Of course, it is also possible that I picked it up and disliked how backward this place was, so I was too lazy to send anyone here.

Or maybe the army has been sent over to prepare for interstellar colonization, but the journey is quite far, so the large army has not arrived yet.

If this is the case, then the vanguard has probably arrived on Earth and is living here disguised as Earthlings.

Thinking of the increasing number of UFO sightings recently, Luo Quan suddenly felt as if he had discovered some shocking secret.

So Luo Quan immediately came to Ye Zhining's room and wanted to ask something.

"Hey, why are you looking for me all of a sudden?"

Ye Zhining was originally watching a TV series and asked with a smile when she noticed Luo Quan coming in.

"Your Majesty, what do you think we should do if aliens really invade the earth?"

Luo Quan sounded like he was begging for help, and His Majesty even shouted out.

This shout was so unexpected that Ye Zhining turned around and said to Luo Quan with a smile: "What, did your scientific community discover that an interstellar fleet is flying towards you menacingly?"

"How is that possible? The whole world has already gone into chaos over some things." Luo Quan quickly denied.

Ye Zhining showed a playful smile: "Then why are you so nervous? Even His Majesty shouted. I have never seen you be so respectful to me before?"

Luo Quan said with a smile: "Isn't this just to prevent problems before they happen? What if we really encounter this kind of situation one day?"

"That's true." Ye Zhining nodded gently, "Although you are located in the southern border of the universe, it can't be said to be a barren land with no birds or shits.

But the more this kind of place is, the more difficult it is to give birth to advanced civilization, and it is impossible to break the laws of the universe. What's more, it believes in the law of the jungle.

If these civilizations really discover the existence of the earth, they might actually invade you and turn your place into a colonial star. "

Luo Quan nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I'm just worried about this situation happening. I wonder if you have any good ideas."

"In principle, as one of the rulers of the universe, I am not allowed to interfere with the development of low-level civilizations. This is an iron law jointly established by several top-level civilizations. Anyone who violates it will be regarded as a public enemy of the Great Universe Alliance. ”

Ye Zhining let out a long sigh when he said this: "Although the universe is very strong, it is impossible to go against the Great Universe Alliance. Therefore, I cannot theoretically interfere with anything that happens on the earth."

Luo Quan's eyes were filled with anticipation: "It's just in theory, but in practice!"

"If my beloved concubine's home planet is invaded, it means that the territory of the universe has been invaded. In this way, we have unlimited rights to fight back, so..."

Ye Zhining did not finish her words, but gave Luo Quan a meaningful smile.

Luo Quan quickly understood.

According to the rules, higher civilizations cannot interfere with the wars of lower civilizations.

But if one's own family members are attacked, then there is reason to join the war.

Aren't these words hinting at myself and obeying her?

"I know you don't have any good intentions, so asking is in vain."

Luo Quan rolled his eyes and turned away.

"Hey, I'm just kidding you. Why are you so impatient?"

Ye Zhining pulled Luo Quan and said with a smile: "The universe is so big, as long as you don't take the initiative to use a loudspeaker to announce your existence to your neighbors, who can locate your existence in the vast sea of ​​stars.

High-level civilization can definitely do it, but there is the soil for the emergence of high-level civilization in your place, so your worries are completely groundless. "

"If you don't publicize your existence, you won't be positioned?" When Luo Quan heard this, his heart finally arose, "Then what if, I mean what if, someone really threw a lot of rafts to the surrounding neighbors. Going out?"

"Ah, is there really such a stupid pig?" Ye Zining was stunned after hearing this: "What did he think? He wanted to rape the locals, but how could he be sure whether the aliens would kill her after they came? Has the whole surface been raised?"

"Hehe, there are still such stupid pigs in the world. Not only do they launch aircraft into outer space, but they also include the coordinates of the Earth in it. Just tell me how powerful it is." After Luo Quan said this, he couldn't stand it any longer. A smile broke out on his lips.

Ye Zhining covered her forehead speechlessly: "That's quite talented. Children know better than to tell others their home address and specific information about their parents. Do these people really regard the universe as a harmonious family?"

Luo Quan smiled bitterly and said: "The good news is that at least there is no news of alien visitation yet, but who knows if these aliens have already arrived without making a sound."

"My dear concubine, there is something you need to know." Ye Zhi stared at Luo Quan and said with a half-smile: "With the earth's current technological level, which is so laborious that even breaking the speed of sound is so laborious, it is definitely impossible for you to have aliens really visit. Detectable.

To be able to come to Earth, they must at least have a propeller that can reach one-tenth the speed of light, or a freezing technology that allows life to hibernate for an extremely long time.

It is not difficult to achieve the former. It will probably take decades to develop controllable nuclear fusion.

As for the latter, the upper and lower limits are very large, and you won’t understand it even if you tell me. "

"I feel that my IQ has been insulted." Luo Quan looked at Ye Zhining with a resentful expression, "Or are my breasts so big that you feel so stupid?"

"I didn't say you have big breasts and no brains. You said that yourself." Ye Zhining blinked innocently, "What's more, your breasts are indeed big, and you have a relatively clear self-identity. Got it.”

"Fuck you, I'm so angry." Luo Quan rolled his eyes at Ye Zhining and stood up to leave for the second time.

She finally understood that Ye Zhining's ability to complain was on the same level as the system. When it was normal, it was nothing. When it was not normal, it could make people mad to death!

"Okay, my beloved, you said that you are the Holy Virgin of the Dawn. People in the entire universe who believe in the Heavenly Father regard you and the Son as the spokespersons of the Heavenly Father in the mortal world.

Your parents were attacked, and you and the Holy Son will soon be imprisoned. If this news spreads, do you think the anger of these believers will boil the universe?

Will they start a holy war for you two? "

After making jokes for a long time, Ye Zhining finally got to the crux of the problem and completely woke up Luo Quan.

(End of this chapter)

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