Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1423 Li Gui meets Li Kui

Chapter 1423 Li Gui meets Li Kui

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?!"

Luo Quan slapped his thigh suddenly.

She had forgotten that she still had such an identity.

She is the holy mother of a civilization that has faith in the Heavenly Father in the entire universe.

Although she, the Holy Mother, does not usually spread the gospel to believers, and she often does some very un-Motherly behavior.

But she does have such a distinguished status, not to mention that Ning Ning is the darling of these believers.

No matter what kind of trouble either himself or Ningning encountered, these people would be extremely anxious.

"But if these civilizations help me, won't they be sanctioned by the iron law of the universe?"

After Luo Quan got excited, he asked this question again.

"Of course you will, but there must be a civilization willing to bear the sanctions for you."

Ye Zhining's answer made Luo Quan's heart suddenly sink.

Back in the room, Luo Quan thought about it and couldn't calm down.

It turns out that a blacksmith must be strong himself. It is really uncomfortable to need others to help you when you encounter a problem and then feel guilty about it.

"The host's troubles are actually not that troublesome to solve."

At this time, the system suddenly spoke

"Well, what can you do?" Luo Quan asked the system curiously.

"There are many robots in the mall. The host can build a space defense line on the edge of the solar system to resist all possible threats."

The system's answer made Luo Quan's eyes widen in surprise: "Damn, why didn't you tell me earlier if there was this version?!"

"Because the system feels that the host does not need to worry about this matter. With Ye Zhining here, the host's own life safety will not be threatened at all.

Like she said, the followers of the Father in the universe will not sit back and watch you either. "

"What if they are too late to help?" Luo Quan asked the system, "There will always be that kind of reckless civilization that will attack directly as soon as it comes to the earth. I don't want any casualties in my hometown."

"Then there's only one way left."

The system said and placed the arbitrary door in front of Luo Quan: "The host can first go to Mars to build an industrial base, use the produced equipment to screen possible aliens on the earth, and then build a solar system defense front."

"It sounds awesome. How long will it take to build such a base?" Luo Quan asked excitedly.

She really likes this kind of farming-like behavior, just like games like StarCraft. She opens mines and builds factories everywhere and then explodes troops. Looking at the battleships that belong to her, she feels a great sense of accomplishment.

"If it's five years if it's fast, and ten years if it's slow, you won't be able to see the effects in a short period of time."

The system's answer made Luo Quan look speechless for a moment: "Five years is too long to build a base, right?"

"The host can also mobilize all mankind to help, and the speed will definitely be faster."

"Forget it." Luo Quan waved his hand directly, "Just five years, what should I do next?"

Putting aside whether or not there are aliens on earth, if she mobilizes all mankind to build a base on Mars without any extraterrestrial threats, she will probably be regarded as a madman by most people.

Like a certain electric car tycoon working on developing Mars colonies.

Over the years, he has launched countless rockets into the sky. Although most of them failed and crashed, he still achieved some results. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a pioneer of capital aerospace.

But the ridicule against him on the Internet is not ordinary.

People think that he who makes new energy vehicles develops rockets and engages in immigration to Mars is just a gimmick to make money.

It is normal for geniuses not to be able to fly rockets. After all, why should a car-making tycoon develop a rocket that can reach the sky? It is completely "not doing his job properly".

And Luo Quan's reasons are even more outrageous than the new energy vehicle tycoon.

At least his plan to immigrate to Mars is somewhat useful, and he has indeed taken many wealthy people to travel in space before, and there have been successful cases.

But Luo Quan's establishment of an alien defense base on Mars sounds a bit whimsical no matter how you hear it.

The people on earth themselves are still fighting over oil, so how can they have time to care about aliens?

The situation between the big countries is tense now, and the S3 season might start one day. If I get really anxious, I will drop nuclear bombs on your heads.

By then, let alone aliens, I'm afraid humans will be able to destroy themselves.

Therefore, Luo Quan's goal that seems to be able to unite everyone is destined to have no market.

But there is a theory, if Luo Quan can create a group of interstellar fleets disguised as aliens, and then suddenly appear above the earth.

It can really unite all the people on earth.

However, the fleet alone will not have much of a deterrent effect. Let them fire a few cannons to destroy a few cities and kill hundreds of millions of people. Then people all over the world will probably unite to develop technology immediately.

Because there is an external civilization that is completely different from the earth and has arrived, and they still regard the earth as a trivial matter and kill them at will.

In this situation, if the people of the earth do not unite, there will be only a dead end.

I believe that at this time, the people of the world will definitely usher in great unity.

But it was in the face of a huge crisis.

To be honest, although this plan is very feasible, Luo Quan really can't go so far as to sacrifice the lives of tens of millions of people in exchange for such a fragile peace.

Wait a minute, wasn't she just discussing the threat of aliens? Why did she suddenly start thinking about pretending to be aliens to threaten people on earth?

Luo Quan suddenly shivered and was surprised that he had just thought that way.

"Anyway, let's build this base first! Maybe it will be used later."

Luo Quan said, directly locating the coordinates of Mars on any door.

As a planet that has been touched by Earth on fire, Anygate can directly locate Mars and teleport.

However, Luo Quan does not need to go there in person. He can start construction by sending a few work trucks there.

These work vehicles will find a place on Mars with rich metal resources to start building ore smelters and steel casting plants, followed by multi-functional robot manufacturing plants.

When the assembly line is completed, one robot after another can be put into use.

According to system estimates, this assembly line will be completed within five years. The first battleship is estimated to have to wait ten years.

It's a bit long, but at least it still gives people something to look forward to.

And if the heat value is invested, the construction will indeed be faster.

However, Luo Quan's heat value has its uses, but it can't all be devoted to it.

"The engineering vehicle has been launched successfully and is searching for Martian metal deposits. Please wait patiently, host."

The sound of the system came, and Luo Quan immediately closed the picture sent back by the engineering vehicle.

However, at this moment, a series of numbers suddenly appeared in front of Luo Quan's eyes. It looked like a countdown. The number at the end would decrease by one every second.

The total countdown time is probably more than ten years.

"System, can you see it?"

Luo Quan suddenly felt a creepy feeling, as if Li Gui had met Li Kui.

She just wanted to make a TV series called "The Three-Body Problem" to make it so popular, but she was actually allowed to try out the three-body man?

"I saw it, host, don't panic."

The system's answer was still calm, as if the string of numbers that appeared in front of Luo Quan were just some trivial tricks.

A few minutes later, the system responded: "An optical attack targeting vision. It is not lethal, but it will make you see things that shouldn't be there.

If the system analysis is correct, then the earth should be wrapped by some kind of large force field generator, causing many natural phenomena to be affected.

And people on earth are also targets of being affected. "

Luo Quan looked surprised: "So because I wrote the book Three-Body Problem, I was targeted by this force field generator. Earthlings are really aliens!"

“Not necessarily, but the earth is definitely under the gaze of aliens at this time.

The host was obviously attacked by these people at this moment, but their methods were relatively mild, or maybe they were unsure of the host's strength. After all, your body structure will definitely surprise the aliens. "

These words immediately made Luo Quan feel more relaxed.

Yes, she is now invulnerable to all means. It is not certain whether alien weapons can affect her. There is no need to be afraid at all.

"So there is a way to find out the location of this generator and see if we can knock it down!"

As soon as Luo Quan finished asking about the system, the numbers in front of him disappeared and were replaced by this sentence: "In the eyes of my Lord, you are all bugs, and the defense line you have worked so hard to build is not worth mentioning!"

"I'll wipe it!" Luo Quan's eyes widened and he simply said loudly: "If you have the ability, just come out and see if I can hammer you down!"

"You can't find me, but I can appear in front of you at any time. This is the divine power my Lord has given me!"

The person who sent the text looked very proud, as if he was sure that Luo Quan would not be able to find it.

"Keep communicating, we'll find out soon."

The voice of the system rang in Luo Quan's mind. After hearing this, Luo Quan took a deep breath and continued: "Since your Lord is so great, why are you so sneaky? If you have the ability, tell me your location. I will Let’s see how powerful you are!”

"The method of provoking generals is useless. I have been on Earth for many years and I am already familiar with the machinations of you humans. Don't try to trick me into getting my coordinates."

The alien thought he was smart and replied, but he didn't know that the act of sending the message had already exposed his coordinates.

As long as contact is established, each other's existence will definitely be exposed, and it is only a matter of time before the specific coordinates are found.

"Found it, it's in Hawaii!"

Suddenly the system marked a red dot on the virtual map. Luo Quan glanced at it and soared directly from the hotel courtyard!

Previously, he helped his daughter get a book of exercises suitable for Dawn believers to practice. After Luo Quan got it, he started practicing it himself.

With her Immaculate Immortal Body, she is not only able to withstand beatings, but she can also practice any technique very quickly.

During this period of time, Luo Quan has cultivated his angel form to the level of six wings. Without any buffs, his flying speed is comparable to that of an ordinary small plane.

Coupled with the eight gates and Saiyan state, it is easy to break through the sound barrier.

If it weren't for the fear of making too much noise, Luo Quan could still go faster.

The reason why he only uses the angel form is because it can emit holy light, and when wrapped in this holy light, it is impossible for ordinary shooting equipment to capture his face.

Besides, it is broad daylight now, and most people can't see it unless they pay attention.

It only took a minute for Luo Quan to arrive at the location marked by the system.

This is a barren mountain in Hawaii. The red dot is located on the top of the mountain. After Luo Quan was defeated, he said with a smile: "I'm already here. Where are you? Come out and let me see the power of your Lord."

"You are indeed a little stronger than ordinary bugs, but our Lord has no intention of conflict with the earth. If you leave now, I can pretend that nothing has happened."

This answer sounded much more pleasant to my ears than before, and I felt like I was giving in.

But Luo Quan was not going to give up so easily: "You were the ones who provoked me, and now you want me to leave. Do you really think the Earth is your home?

The earth belongs to the earthlings, you are just outsiders, you'd better have a correct attitude, otherwise only destruction awaits you! "

"Earthlings, I admit that you think all earthlings are stronger, but your understanding of the universe is still too shallow. We have technology far beyond your imagination, and above us, there are even more powerful civilizations.

To be honest, a higher civilization has already set its sights on your Earth. Our Lord cannot bear the destruction of the Earth, so he sent me to guide you.

As long as you Earthlings are obedient enough, you can avoid destruction! "

The alien typed a long string of text. Luo Quan frowned and looked at it for a while, then said: "I remember you said that you have been on Earth for a long time and are here to guide the people on Earth. So tell me what kind of guidance you have." What, I don’t feel that technology has grown much in recent years.”

"Why not? It's the United States. I secretly helped them develop a lot of high-tech equipment, hoping to give them the ability to unify the earth and speed up the process of civilization."

"Damn it, I said, how come there are so many airplanes in the United States that look like alien technology? It turns out it was your fault."

When Luo Quan saw this passage, he didn't know whether to say a dirty word or not.

"As for the result, I haven't seen the United States have any positive effects on human progress." Luo Quan chuckled.

"I underestimated the greed and stupidity of you humans. They got the technology and didn't want to do something right. Instead, they used it for military blackmail.

The key point is that they don't even have the determination to tighten their belts and hide and build some weapons, so that even with the technology, they can't create enough weapons for unification!

So I cut off their technical support in a fit of anger, and just waited for my Lord's fleet to arrive before transforming this hopeless place! "

(End of this chapter)

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