Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1424 Solar System Defense Project

Chapter 1424 Solar System Defense Project

"So after you've been going around in circles for so long, aren't you still going to invade the earth?"

Luo Quan curled his lips speechlessly, thinking that it was no wonder that this alien would find the United States to be his descendant.

This shamelessness is simply the same.

"Please don't slander this noble sentiment. We are really here to make the earth progress."

The alien emphasized his intention again, but Luo Quan didn't believe even half of the punctuation mark: "The earth does not need the progress you bring. We can also complete the evolution of science and technology ourselves. Besides, who knows whether you came to the earth for colonial."

"We do want to colonize." The alien replied honestly, "But this does not conflict with our desire to bring progress to the earth, and all of this will be born on the basis of peace, and will never be Earth brings any war."

Luo Quan responded with a sneer: "This is the first time I heard that colonization can not bring war, do you really think of me as a three-year-old child?

No need to waste any more words to fool me, now you have two choices, either get off the earth immediately, or wait for me to find you.

If you wait until I find you, it won't be as simple as getting off the earth. "

"Alas..." The alien sighed, "To tell you the truth, Earthlings, Starbok civilization has already set its sights on the earth. It will reach the earth in four hundred years at most and in four years at the fastest. If it weren't for us Aiya people, With help, you cannot defeat this advanced civilization on your own!"

Luo Quan chuckled: "Another fresh idea, keep making it up, I'll see what other tricks you can come up with."

"By the name of the God of Aiya, I, Frika, did not lie!"

The alien did not type this time, but directly made a sound.

Following the sound, Luo Quan found a blue ball of light emerging from the soil, with a small man less than fifty centimeters standing inside.

Although it looks very human, this little man has many colorful feathers and looks like it evolved from some kind of bird.

"So it's you who is causing trouble."

Luo Quan rushed forward and grabbed the light ball, but found that the surface of the light ball was very slippery, and it flew away as soon as he exerted force with his fingers.

Frika smiled proudly and said: "Earthling, you are indeed very powerful, but please don't underestimate the technology of our Aiya people. Even if the planet I went to is just a branch of the Aiya Empire scattered in the universe, it still can't be ignored." I have inherited some of the empire’s most advanced technologies, which are definitely beyond the reach of ordinary middle and low-level civilizations..."

Suddenly, Frika's words stopped.

"Say, keep talking."

Luo Quan activated the power of Wu Guo Immortal Body, directly stretched out his hand to penetrate the light film, and grabbed Frika's body.

Only then did she realize that this Frika still had a layer of light film on her body, but it couldn't resist her body.

"No! This is impossible!" Frika's little face was almost twisted in surprise, "Why can you break through the strong interaction field shield? This is not scientific at all!"

Luo Quan smiled proudly: "Science is not the only power in the universe. I am a cultivator."

As she spoke, she raised Frika in front of her and observed her carefully.

Although there are a lot of bird feathers on her body, Frika still looks pretty good-looking. Those who didn’t know better thought she was cosplaying some kind of bird feather girl.

It's just that it's a little too small, less than half a meter tall, and it's not much longer than a Starbucks coffee cup in my hand.

"Are all of you Aiya stars that young, or are you the only one who is smaller?" Luo Quan asked with a smile.

"I come from the Hummingbird Clan of Aia Star. No, you rude Earthling, let me go quickly. This is not in line with the etiquette of the universe!"

Fulika struggled desperately, but found that Luo Quan's big hands were stronger than those of the Elephant tribesmen who stood tall, and no matter how she tried to break free, it had no effect.

Seeing this, Luo Quan snorted coldly: "Save your strength. It's all in my hands and it's not honest. Now I only need to exert a slight force and your life will be gone."

"Aiya people are not cowards. If you want to kill, you can kill me. However, the transmitter will send the news of my death back to Aiya. Your earth will no longer be protected by Aiya. You will just wait to be exterminated by the Starbok civilization. !”

Frika gritted her teeth at Luo Quan, but she had no intention of asking for mercy.

"Not big, but quite tough-tempered."

Fulica's look of looking at death made Luo Quangao look at it, and he stopped playing around and asked with a serious expression: "Come on, tell me, why do you Aiya people come to earth? What’s going on with this Starbok civilization?”

"I told you that you would spare my life?"

Frika asked pitifully. "

"I thought you were really not afraid of death." Luo Quan almost laughed out loud, "Don't worry, as long as you cooperate enough, I haven't found out that you have done any bad things on earth, so you don't have to worry about being in my hands. Lost his life.

But if I find out later that you have done any illegal or criminal acts on Earth, it will be hard to say. "

Frika said with a smile: "Apart from providing the United States with some front-end technology, the worst thing I have ever done is to curse people on the Internet. This won't kill me, right?"

Luo Quan shook his head: "That's not the case, if what you said is true."

"We, the Eyars, are a powerful cosmic-level civilization located in the Erazea super galaxy cluster in the central star field, and the planet I am on is a colonial star spread by the Eyars.

Of course, when we colonized there, we did not have any conflicts with the indigenous people above. We peacefully took over control of the planet. "

Frika's answer made Luo Quan want to laugh: "Is it really as peaceful as you say? Why was my home planet given to you Aiya people so easily?"

"With all due respect, when a lower civilization sees the arrival of a higher civilization that is like a god, few people will reject the advanced technology brought by the higher civilization.

These technologies can make people live longer, be healthier, and lead better lives. Lower civilizations have no reason to refuse. "

Luo Quan frowned and asked: "I remember that there is one in the iron law of the universe, which is that higher civilizations cannot affect the development of lower civilizations. Are you Aiya people so brave that you dare to ignore the iron law of the universe?"

"I didn't expect that you even know the iron laws of the universe. It seems that the earth is not as simple as I thought."

Frika showed a slightly surprised smile, and then said: "But please don't get me wrong, when we branch personnel left the Aia home planet, they carried with them technologies below the high-level civilization.

According to the iron law of the universe, as long as the technology does not reach the level of the star cluster civilization, it is not considered a high-level interference and a low-level one. In this regard, we are very precise. "

"Then do I want to praise you a little more?" Luo Quan curled his lips, "Then, it's not enough for you to colonize one, and now you want to colonize the second one, right?"

"Originally there was no such plan. After all, there are several planets suitable for transformation near the planet we colonized. There is no need to go more than ten light years away to colonize the earth." Frika sighed and asked Luo Quan He came out in full detail: "But the Starbok civilization discovered the Earth, and they have sent a fleet to the Earth to prepare to transform it into a planetary battleship.

We Aiya and the Chen tribe behind the Starbok civilization are mortal enemies, and of course we will not sit back and watch them grow.

But we are too far away from the earth, and Starbok's fleet set off earlier. If we had waited for our fleet to arrive, I am afraid that all the people on earth would have died long ago.

Therefore, as one of the astronauts with the best overall quality on Eya Star, I was assigned to Earth to upgrade your technology so that you can be strong enough to withstand Starbok's fleet until reinforcements from the Eya people arrive. "

Speaking of her mission, Frika couldn't help but raise her chest a little higher, her expression was very proud.

Unfortunately, she is flat-chested and cannot tell the scale at all.

Luo Quan asked doubtfully: "So why don't you just show the advanced technology to the people on earth like you just sent me the message, and then let the technology explode?"

Frika replied helplessly: "Let billions of people on earth see it at the same time. The consumption of quantum machines is too great, and I'm afraid that the first thing you do after you get the technology is not to think about how to defend against aliens. , but to operate on your own people first.

Weapons like nuclear bombs alone are enough to destroy mankind hundreds of times, and the anti-matter weapons you can provide are countless times stronger than nuclear bombs.

If someone creates it first, I can't guarantee whether you will use it to defend against aliens, or whether you will use it to destroy your own people first.

After all, in the past few decades since the beginning of the earth, I have seen too many stupid and short-sighted behaviors. Human nature is really difficult to grasp. "

"So you only provide help to the United States, and then you don't change the target of support when you find it doesn't work?"

Luo Quan was speechless, thinking that this alien was a little stupid.

If a tree grows crookedly, can it be dug up and replanted?

"Originally I planned to change my supporter, but I received news a while ago that the arriving Aiya fleet suddenly developed a new engine, which increased the speed by more than 30%. It will definitely be faster than Star The Bock civilization arrived earlier.

So the fleet commander told me not to act rashly. It would be too late to transform the earth after they arrived. "

Frika's answer made Luo Quan frown: "So, you are afraid that if the earth's technology evolves too fast and is beyond your control, you simply don't give it to us, right?"

"We have no choice. After all, we are outsiders. Who knows if the people on earth will be grateful after we bring technology to you.

It’s not like people on earth have a hard time being ungrateful. I’ve read the story about the farmer and the snake! "

Frika's defense was so convincing that Luo Quan was speechless for a moment.

But soon she thought of a key question: "What if... I mean what if, Starbok's fleet also experienced technological evolution on the way here?"

Frika did not answer, but considered this very possible situation with a serious expression.

The Aiyans can break through a certain technology during the voyage, and the Starbok people certainly have such a possibility.

And if you are unlucky and the Starboks evolve even more, it will be a lot of fun.

Maybe then the earth and the Aiya people will be wiped out in one pot.

Of course, what Luo Quan can think of, the Aiya people can also think of.

And this situation is just an accident and may not necessarily happen.

Besides, the home planet of the Aiya people is a powerful cosmic-level civilization, which will definitely give these wanderers some backup in a foreign land, so they will definitely be able to come up with corresponding solutions when facing their mortal enemies, the Starboks.

However, Luo Quan was not used to leaving his fate in the hands of others, especially aliens who were indistinguishable from friend to foe.

"So how long does it take for Starbok's fleet to arrive, and how long does it take for your fleet to arrive?"

Luo Quan looked at Frika, observing all her expressions with sharp eyes.

As long as this little birdie dares to tell any lies, she will immediately notice the changes in his micro-expressions.

Frika replied with a serious expression: "The Aia fleet is constantly making space jumps. If it does not encounter the turbulence of time and space, it can arrive in five years at the fastest and ten years at the slowest.

As for the Starbok fleet, the most optimistic estimate is two hundred years from now. "

"What about the less optimistic estimates?"

"It's possible at any time." Frika spread her hands helplessly.

"It sounds like the situation on Earth is very dangerous." Luo Quan chuckled.

Frika took a deep breath and said: "The Chen tribe behind Starbok are famous planet enslavers throughout the universe. They will look for planets with star souls and capture and enslave them.

Either be transformed into a cauldron star for tribe members to practice, or be transformed into a planetary battleship used in aggressive wars.

The Earth was named Gaia in the Starbok people's capture plan. It is said that your star soul is much higher than the common star soul, so the Starbok people are determined to capture the earth.

Even if they fail this time, they will call on nearby Chen tribe members to launch a hunt for the earth.

We Aiya people are the only civilization that has the ability and willingness to help you, so there is no need for you to be so repulsive. I swear in the name of the God of Aiya that we really have no ill intentions towards the earth.

After all, there are indeed no resources on earth that we can appreciate. "

"What you said is quite honest." Luo Quan tilted his head and smiled, "Let's take it as what you are telling the truth, but I think the earth should be able to cope with the upcoming crisis.

If your fleet is willing to help, you can settle on Mars. I am building a defense base there and can supply supplies there when your people arrive.

If you don't want to help, that's okay. Just stay away from the battlefield so that you won't be accidentally injured. "

Luo Quan's answer made Frika suddenly become anxious: "Earthlings, do you know what the concept of an advanced civilization supported by a cosmic-level civilization is?

Their weapons will completely exceed your imagination, and they are simply not a force you can resist! "

"The power I possess is also beyond your imagination." Luo Quan replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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