Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1425 Solar System Defense Project

Chapter 1425 Solar System Defense Project ()

"I admit that you do have something, know a lot, and are very strong, but these are not enough in front of a cosmic-level civilization.

You haven't seen the true face of this universe, and you don't have a concept of how strong the enemies you are about to face are, so you have such blind and wrong ideas.

To borrow a sentence from your book, weakness is never an obstacle to survival, arrogance is! "

Frika seems to be really worried about the earth. Perhaps she wants to complete her job very much, so she wants to persuade Luoquan to change his mind and accept the help of the Aiya civilization.

Luo Quan also expressed helplessness about this.

What should she say? Is it said that right at the foot of the mountain, there is a leader of a universe-hegemon-level civilization watching a TV series?

If she really said that, Frika would just feel like she was sick in the head.

Or maybe reveal her identity as Our Lady of the Dawn?

Luo Quan felt that it hadn't reached this point yet.

The level of this Starbok civilization is only high, and it only comes with a fleet, so it will most likely take a long time.

In comparison, Luo Quan felt that the Aiya fleet mentioned by Frika was even more dangerous.

After all, they don't actually care about the life and death of the people on Earth, they just simply don't want to see the Earth become a planetary battleship for the Starbok people.

If it is found that Starbok's invasion cannot be stopped, the Eyars will most likely destroy the earth directly.

In short, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others.

Luo Quan thanked the Aiya people for their kindness in coming all the way to help, but it was better for the Starbok people to leave it to her.

"No more nonsense, as long as you stay on your own terms and stop interfering in the development of the earth, no one will trouble you if you surf the Internet here.

But if you continue to secretly speed up the technological progress of the United States or other countries as before, you know what the consequences will be. "

After Luo Quan warned Fulica, he turned and fluttered his wings and left.

When she saw the three pairs of big snow-white wings behind Luo Quan, Frika's eyes suddenly widened, as if she had discovered something fancy.

After returning to the room, Luo Quan immediately asked the system about the progress of the Mars base, and asked how quickly his current heat value could speed up the production progress of the base.

"The host currently has a heat value of 130 million, which can double the progress of the Mars base's engineering vehicles for two million years!

However, if the number of work units increases, the number of gift years will decrease. "

"One hundred and thirty million?" Luo Quan frowned subconsciously, "I remember, didn't I save several billion before and couldn't use them all? How come there is so little left in a blink of an eye?"

"Most of the heat value has been added by the host. Otherwise, why would the host have the strength of the Divine Refining Realm now? You must know that you have only been practicing for less than four years, which is unprecedented in the world."

The system's answer instantly put an end to Luo Quan's arrogant attitude of asking for help: "So if I start saving popularity points now, how long will it take for me to save up to one billion?"

"It depends on the situation. If the host announces that it will go to sea today, it will be able to accumulate one billion heat points tomorrow, or even more."

Luo Quan: "…………"

Perhaps because he noticed that Luo Quan was silent, the somewhat frightened system quickly added: "Of course, this method is definitely not recommended by the system, and the host does not need to use this method at all."

"Well, then what." Luo Quan nodded expressionlessly.

"The simplest and fastest way has been said many times by the system, which is to be on trending searches and make news headlines. Hosts are now at the top of the industry in all walks of life. It is not difficult to achieve this.

If you announce your entry into some popular new industries, you will definitely gain more popularity and trigger more tasks. "

"It's okay to say no earlier. I like skin all the time. I want me to get angry."

Luo Quan rolled his eyes at the air, then took out his mobile phone and called Nikolai, wanting to ask him about the company's recent research and development progress.

However, perhaps because he was busy with work, Luo Quan's call did not go through.

About two hours later, Nicholas got a call back.

"Hello, General Manager Luo?"

Nicholas's voice sounded a little tired, and he didn't know if he had just stayed up all night.

At present, Nikola is the chairman and chief engineer of technology research and development of the entire company.

Luo Quan is the vice chairman and general manager of the company.

Nikola is only responsible for research and development, while Luo Quan is responsible for the operation.

"Nicola, you sound very worried. Didn't you drink the oral liquid I sent you?"

Luo Quan asked with a smile.

She knew very early on that Nicholas was a workaholic. He basically only had five or six hours of rest time every day, and spent the rest of the time doing scientific research.

In order to prevent this workaholic from having physical problems, Luo Quan specially sent him several boxes of medicines to enhance his physical fitness.

It stands to reason that after drinking those potions, you wouldn't be so tired.

"Of course I drank it. To tell you the truth, Miss Luo, those oral liquids you sent are so powerful. After drinking them, I only need to sleep for one or two hours a day to replenish my energy. This greatly improves my work efficiency. !”

Nicola's answer made Luo Quan stunned: "What do you think, Nicola, I gave you this potion because I don't want to see you ruin your body because of work, I don't want you to use it as a stimulant.

If you keep doing this, you will die suddenly in the laboratory sooner or later! "

"Don't worry, Miss Luo Quan." Nicholas chuckled, "The current research and development is over. I will get a full three months of leave, which is enough for me to recuperate my body."

"I think it is better for this vacation to last for half a year, and after half a year, your working hours cannot exceed 12 hours, and you must continue to have sufficient rest time!"

Luo Quan ordered in a stern tone.

"I know, I'll do my best. I'll send you the new results of research and development later. There will be four models to be interviewed this year. You can find a way to sell them all over the world."

Nicholas said, yawned, and then hung up the phone.

I don’t know whether to continue working or go to sleep.

Luo Quan looked at his phone and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After thinking about it, she decided to put some sleeping pills in it next time she sent the medicine over, so that he could sleep for eight hours a day.

Otherwise the tram industry will soon lose a dazzling genius.

After receiving the document from Nicholas, Luo Quan took a look at the recent news.

"Well...there seems to be a lot of movement in new energy vehicles recently..."

Looking at these pages of news, Luo Quan fell into thinking...

In the evening, Luo Quan started the live broadcast after feeding his daughter.

She has finished taking pictures of today's swimwear. The photo of Hawaii at dusk has a hazy beauty.

However, it may be because they can't appreciate her good figure, so fans' evaluation of today's photo is not as good as before.

"Then I'll go shoot it in the morning tomorrow. I'll shoot a beach volleyball theme." Luo Quan resolved the fans' grievances with just one sentence, and also raised everyone's expectations instantly.

Of course, the theme tonight is definitely not swimwear, but the premonition of a new car launch.

"Do you still remember that I have the world's second largest new energy vehicle factory?" Luo Quan suddenly said this to the barrage.

"Why, your factory closed down?"

"How could it possibly go bankrupt? Nikola's sales have steadily increased over the years and are already 1.5 times the number of new energy vehicles?"

"The second child is the second child. What does the old 1.5 mean?"

"It means that Nikola's reputation is better than that of the boss, but his popularity is not that exaggerated."

"I think Nikola's popularity is not small, but it is a little younger, so the brand power is not as strong as the former."

"So why did Luo Bao suddenly bring this up?"

"Isn't there any new car to be released?"

"That's great. I'm tired of the previous Nikola models. Now that a new model has arrived, as long as it looks good, I'll buy it!"

"You are a newbie, how about this car brand from Luobao!"

"Let's put it this way, among the new energy vehicles in the world, this brand has the strongest technical capabilities. It needs cost-effectiveness and service. The prices of some models are a bit exaggerated. I can't find any shortcomings anyway."

"That's it. I thought I saw the recent boom in the new energy vehicle market and deliberately wanted to take advantage of the popularity."

"What are you talking about? When Luo Bao was the general manager of Nikola, domestic new energy vehicles were still a terra nullius."

"What's there to talk about with such a rhythmic navy? Let's hear what new work Luo Bao is going to do this time."


The new energy vehicle market is huge and competition is fierce. All major manufacturers have hired trolls to discredit each other.

As Nikola's general manager, Luo Quan is also the target of being followed.

It’s okay if we don’t mention this car at ordinary times. If we mention this car, there will definitely be trolls taking the lead.

Luo Quan has long been accustomed to such business methods, and she has no time to check the true identities of these trolls now. She just said to fans: "In about four days, I will hold a press conference.

By then, Nikola will release four models with different gears. This should be the first technological revolution of Nikola cars in two years, and there will be many surprises.

As for the price of the car, we only talk about the lowest price of each model, which are 19, 29, 59 and 99 respectively.

We can also understand it as economical and practical type, standard type, middle-class type and luxury type.

As for the name and specific sales, I won't spoil it for you here. In short, I dare say that the appearance and performance are second to none in the world. Just wait and see. "

After Luo Quan said this, the barrage immediately became restless:

"Luo Bao, I suspect that you are a little bit targeting our Mr. Lei."

"They've just finished a press conference for selling a new car worth 22 yuan, and you're launching a car worth 19 yuan. Are you trying to snipe that person?"

"It's over. Rice Auto is going to suffer a serious blow now."

"Is there a possibility that they never thought of targeting rice, and it was just an accidental injury?"

"The truth is here, don't take yourself too seriously."


This time the barrage did not make Luo Quan confused.

Because she caught up on the recent news about new energy vehicles last night, she was somewhat familiar with the feuds between several brands.

The night before yesterday, Rice Motor released the "S77", a conscientious product that has been developed for three years. The minimum initial price is 22. It is said that large orders have exceeded units, breaking the Guinness World Record.

Then yesterday, many new energy vehicles, including BYD, Geely, Tesla, and NIO, announced price cuts, and the price cuts were generally for electric cars in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 yuan.

It is obvious that several major manufacturers want to encircle and suppress rice and strangle it in the cradle.

Of course, some netizens said that this price reduction plan has actually been decided a long time ago and has nothing to do with Rice Auto. Please don’t seek enemies in vain.

Although subjectively these manufacturers may not have done it intentionally, objectively the large-scale price reduction of electric cars has indeed affected the sales of rice cars.

Now Nikola, one of the leaders in electric vehicles, has announced that it will release new models, and there will be four models at once. This has to make people doubt that the electric vehicle industry is indeed targeting rice.

Faced with this dilemma of chasing and blocking, Da Mi’s fans spoke passionately: “If you want to fight me, then let’s see who has the last laugh!”

It is worth mentioning that Dami actually started out as a mobile phone maker.

In the future, rice will basically be one of the leaders in domestic mobile phones, and its position will be very stable.

Perhaps because he felt that the mobile phone business was no longer a success, Mr. Lei announced his entry into the tram industry three years ago.

It is said that a lot of research and development has been invested, and the R&D boss of the big factory next door was even hired.

It sounds very similar to the plot of the early days of rice mobile phones, and now it is happening again in rice cars. Netizens call it Deja Vu Yan Returns.

In short, three years later, Da Mi Auto came out with a car that looked pretty good.

Then began a season-long marketing campaign.

Since the beginning of the year, news about Mi Auto on various platforms has not stopped.

In the days before the press conference, it was even more popular every day.

I don’t care whether this marketing method is good or not, but many netizens obviously don’t like it.

I feel that Daimi Auto is doing this kind of thing, it is just like trying to create a rice circle in the automobile industry.

As for Luo Quan, she had no problem with it.

People spend a lot of money to buy hot searches on station B, and it is not illegal. Of course she has no reason to refuse or ridicule.

As for rice poaching, although it is indeed a bit unethical, it has not been poached on her head after all, and there is no need for her to be impatient.

In the end, she released the new car really because Nikola just finished the work and entrusted it to her.

It's true that I didn't mean to snipe the rice car.

So after reading these rhythmic barrage, Luo Quan said in a serious tone: "Actually, when Nikola gave me the new car information, I was not prepared at all. Only after planning the press conference did I learn about the recent domestic tram So lively.

So I want to emphasize that I am not targeting anyone. It is none of our business at Nikola how other trams operate. We only focus on providing users with better products, nothing more. "

(End of this chapter)

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