Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1426 Technology is the first productive force

Chapter 1426 Technology is the primary productive force

"It doesn't seem like it's causing a fight, but it actually makes everyone else laugh."

"Only focusing on providing users with better products means that other companies' products are not good, right?"

"It's true, Nikola's cars are just better."

"That was when it first came out. How fast is the development of trams now?"

"So Luo Bao came to the press conference with new models."

"I had originally made a reservation for a rice S77. Now that Luo Bao is about to deliver a new car, I will cancel the reservation directly."

"Ah? Can Dading be withdrawn as well?"

"I don't know. Mr. Lei said during the live broadcast that he would withdraw unconditionally within seven days. In actual testing, he can indeed withdraw."

"Redefining Ding, now I know the value of one hundred thousand Ding a day."

"There is a brother in my circle of friends who wants to make a decision and can't back out. He goes around asking people what to do. He is going crazy."

"Haha, I want to return the goods after pretending to be cool. How can it be that simple? I'm afraid I will lose the 5000 yuan."

"I hope Luobao's press conference will be over without so much trouble."

"No, just come up with more similar ones, so that everyone can witness the diversity of human beings on the Internet. If you have fun, it will be in vain if you don't watch it."


Judging from the comments in the barrage, there are not many people who are willing to spend money to buy cars, but there are still people who want to join in the fun and take the initiative to provide popularity by becoming trolls, and there are quite a lot of them.

After all, data traffic doesn’t cost much, and those with wifi at home have nothing to worry about.

Moreover, users at Bilibili are notorious for being very hard-earned. They buy more mobile games and action figures. It takes half a day to research the price/performance ratio to buy a mobile phone, and it is even more impossible to buy a car.

Although it is not that there are no rich brothers, the proportion should be the smallest among all platforms.

But at least it's pretty good at providing heat.

If you haven’t seen those mobile phone and car brand launch conferences, station B is the most watched one. The main focus is excitement.

In short, when domestic new energy vehicles were in fierce competition in the first half of the year, Luoquan suddenly entered the market in a way that no one expected.

She also took photos of swimwear in Hawaii, benefiting otakus all over the world.

On the back foot, she announced that she would release a new car, and there would be four models. From her tone, the performance of the car was not average.

It is foreseeable that by the time this press conference is over, the tram market in China and around the world will face a huge impact.

For major manufacturers, this is definitely not good news.

Now they just want Luo Quan to stay in Hawaii for a few more days, so that they have enough time to make countermeasures.

The fans are eager for Luo Quan to go back and declare war, fearing that the world will not be in chaos. They hope that Luo Quan will muddy the water in the tram pool and bring more fun to their lives.

You don’t have to buy a car, but you must have enough fun.

However, no matter what the outside world hopes, Luo Quan is arranging his itinerary according to the plan.

The trip to Hawaii is scheduled for a week, so there is no reason to go back early.

After all, she was not traveling alone. Wen Xia and the others were having fun, and she suddenly asked to go home. What would others do?

Luo Quan didn't intend to be such a spoiler.

In the next few days, Luo Quan basically took pictures everywhere with the girls, taking pictures such as the "Beach Volleyball" series, "Jungle Exploration" series, and "Under the Sea Mermaid" series.

Basically, I took pictures of everything that could be taken at the beach. Even the cosplayer Luo Quan, whom fans have longed for, was given a few sets. It is no exaggeration to say that I was able to respond to every request.

As a result, Luo Quan has been on hot searches every day in the past few days, and his popularity has skyrocketed.

"How about it? You can't say I look like a salted fish this time, right?"

In front of the camera, Luo Quan said to the fans: "This year I hope I won't hear any words like salty fish or laziness. The album will be released when the time comes, but don't rush it.

In fact, I have to be busy with so many things on my own, and sometimes it’s quite stressful when I think about it. Everyone keeps urging me every day, which is really heart-wrenching to see. "

Luo Quan said as he pretended to be sad and pressed his forehead while raising his eyes to glance at the barrage.

"If you don't raise your eyes, I really believe you."

"Brother is sincere to you, but you are playing tricks on brother, right?"

"It's okay, Luo Bao, he said it so pitifully, but in the end he still had to peek at the barrage.

"Hahaha, this little look makes me laugh to death."

"Although this last look deducted big points, I still agree with Luo Bao's previous words. I won't rush you this year."

"I still have to urge him, but I urge Luo Bao to return to China as soon as possible. If he stays in Hawaii for too long, he will not look good if he gets tanned."

"I just like black skin. I have never seen what a black-skinned Luo Bao looks like."

"Have you not cosplayed Dr. Mondo before?"

"It's purple-skinned, and it looks like a murderer. It's really not good-looking."

"Black-skinned hot girl, if you want to do a cosplay next time, you can consider this."

"Second the motion!"


As soon as Luo Quan finished saying "don't rush me", he turned around and started the barrage again to reproduce the classic.

She could only shake her head helplessly: "We'll talk about it later, right now my mind is full of how to bring goods to my family for the new car launch in a few days.

In the past few days, my mailbox has been full of people asking me about the condition of the car. I don’t know whether they really want to buy it or just join in the fun. "

With that said, Luo Quan posted a countdown update.

Since announcing the press conference, she will post a countdown on station B every day to remind everyone how many days are left until the new car is released.

Today's number is 3, which means it will arrive in three days.

"Let's stop talking about it today. We are going to take a plane later. Lyon and the others are going to have their last seafood barbecue here. I will shoot a vlog and upload it later.

Although you can’t taste the taste of barbecue, it’s okay to let you see how happy we are eating, and it’s considered sharing happiness. "

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said seriously.

"Look, are these human words?!"

"You have become Luo Bao, and now you are backstabbing your brothers, right?"

"If you can't finish it, can you take it away? Promise me not to waste it." "Hahaha, you are quite positive."

"Everything these days is seafood. If you don't get tired of it, I'm tired of seeing it."

"Nonsense, what can you eat if you don't eat seafood at the beach? If you want to eat river delicacies, you can't get them."

"It can be shipped by air from within the country."

"Hahaha, you are indeed serious about being funny."


The barrage is still going on, and Luo Quan has turned off the live broadcast.

The seafood barbecue hadn't even started yet, but Frika actually appeared in Luo Quan's room.

"when did you come?"

Luo Quan saw Frika sitting on the window lattice and quickly closed the curtains to prevent others from discovering that there was a miniature person in her room.

"I'll be here when your live broadcast ends. Don't worry, no one else will see you."

Frika said as she looked around the bedroom, and then she caught sight of Luo Ning in the cradle.

"Is this your daughter?" Frika pointed at Luo Ning and asked curiously.

"How can you know that you often surf the Internet? I don't need to elaborate on my reputation, right?"

Luo Quan asked Frika as if he was boasting, and the latter shrugged: "Of course I know your reputation, I just want to confirm it."

Perhaps because she knew that her ability to talk was really bad, Frika simply stopped pretending and said seriously: "I actually came here for business this time. I have already reported your matter to the Aiya fleet. The fleet commander said that it is okay." Take your advice, but you have to prove to them that you can protect the planet."

Luo Quan laughed: "How can I prove this? Should I have a friendly match with your fleet first?"

"It's not impossible." Frika said noncommittally, "You said you want to build a base on Mars, but as far as I know, there are only a few engineering vehicles operating on Mars at the moment. Isn't the progress too slow? a little?"

Luo Quan said proudly: "Your news was all many days ago, and now there are fifty-nine engineering vehicles!"

"Fifty-nine cars?" Frika looked in disbelief. "That's not right. When I looked at it a few days ago, there were only four cars. There is no reason to produce them so fast. Did you send another one from the earth? A new past?"

After Frika finished speaking, she immediately looked at Mars with an observer satellite capable of monitoring the solar system, and found that there were indeed dozens more engineering vehicles in the area where the engineering vehicles were previously active. Luo Quan was not lying.

"You don't have to worry about the extra ones. In short, there will only be more and more engineering vehicles in the future, and the number of construction units will indeed increase exponentially. You will be able to see the prototype of an aviation base in less than half a year!"

Luo Quan said in a confident tone, so confident that Frika didn't know how to refute him for a moment.

After a long time, Frika nodded slightly: "Let's just say you have some abilities. You are indeed different from other people on earth. Maybe you can really save the earth, but you have to consider what the consequences will be if you fail."

"So you're here to help?"

"If you need it, the Aiya people will definitely be willing to lend a helping hand. After all, the enemy of your enemy is your friend."

Frika paused, then added: "At least until the Starbok people are eliminated, our alliance must be unbreakable."

"An unbreakable alliance?" Luo Quan rubbed his temples, "The last time I heard these words, the alliance broke up after not lasting long. Many, many people died in the war between the two sides."

Frika smiled and said: "Then I can only hope that this situation will never happen to the earth and the Aiya people."

"Blessings. In fact, people on Earth have always been very peaceful to the outside world. We even sent out the Voyager to lead the way. You can know how hospitable we are."

Luo Quan said in a self-deprecating tone, and Frika couldn't hold back after hearing this: "If this smile spreads, it will definitely become the top 10 in the Southern Star Region this year."

"Some people think it's a joke, but some people regard good intentions as the basis for doing evil." Luo Quan narrowed his eyes slightly, "But it doesn't matter, I will let these people know the consequences of trying to attack the earth. ”

"I hope you don't just say harsh words." Frika took a deep look at Luo Quan, then opened the curtains and prepared to leave.

But before leaving, he turned around and asked, "By the way! What's going on with the wings on your back?"

"What wings?" Luo Quan didn't react immediately.

"White wings, didn't you flap your wings and fly away when you left before?"

Luo Quan smiled and replied: "Oh, you said that, I have practiced some spells of the Holy See of Dawn, one of which is to transform into an angel form."

"Six have more levels than I thought." After saying that, Frika left the room.

Although I don’t know what Frika meant when she suddenly came to see her again before she left, but from the analysis of her words, it seems that the Aiya people are not here to cause trouble with the earth.

Therefore, Luo Quan's tone is relatively calm. It is better to have one more friend than one more enemy.

As for the Starbok civilization, she couldn't treat it as an enemy as soon as they met.

After all, the purpose of this civilization is entirely unilaterally stated by the Aiya people, and she doesn’t know the full picture of what it is.

What if the Aiya people were lying to themselves?

In short, various situations need to be considered, and she definitely cannot accept one-sided words.

As for why there are so many engineering vehicles suddenly appearing, that is certainly the result of the system.

To be precise, she and the system share half the credit.

In the past few days, swimsuits and new cars have been released, and there are constant hot searches at home and abroad every day. The popularity has increased so much that she can hardly count it.

Then she used all of these popularity points to purchase related technologies for explosive soldiers.

After all, the manufacturing of a space battleship requires more than just these basic robots. It also requires related technologies. The technology used in every link requires her to exchange it, and it also takes time to build.

Although she can be directly exchanged for a space battleship, the price is much more expensive than manufacturing it from the production line.

In times of crisis, this method can be used to urgently replenish troops, but now there is still plenty of time, so let's build the production line honestly.

After all, my heat value is not always as abundant as it is now.

After a few days, there will be no more work, the growth rate will slow down, and it is possible that not even a single battleship can be redeemed.

Although she could turn around and go to the world to make a living, the heat value gain in the world is too low, and there will be considerable losses after switching to the earth, which is really not cost-effective.

In short, the core technology must be mastered by oneself. Just buying it without making it will definitely not work.

This sentence is actually the same when applied to the current domestic mobile phone and tram markets.

Therefore, no matter how expensive the chrysanthemums are sold, Luoquan will not complain.

You don’t have to buy it if you think it’s expensive, but you shouldn’t spray it just because it’s expensive.

Of course, if there is some kind of junk product that is relatively expensive, and it is a pure act of cutting leeks, then we should still criticize it.

But it would be very unreasonable to criticize it just because it is developed by oneself and has something to do with patriotism.

After all, if the chrysanthemum is really gone, how the domestic mobile phones will be sold in the future will depend on other people's opinions.

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