Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1427 The whole big event

Chapter 1427 The whole big event

While Luo Quan was still on the plane returning to China, several new Nikola cars had been sent to the China branch.

Before that, Luo Quan had already ordered his subordinates to set up the venue for the press conference.

In fact, it's not that difficult. It just needs to be set up according to the party stage. In addition, the backstage needs to be spacious so that Luo Quan can drive his car directly to the stage.

No matter how many ppts there are, it is more intuitive to show the car directly in front of the stage.

As for the parameters of the vehicle, just focus on the most important ones. If the other parameters are too detailed, not many people will be able to understand them.

Of course, all parameters will be released on the official website after the live broadcast, and the transparency of information is still indispensable.

After getting off the plane, Luo Quan did not start work immediately. Instead, he asked the department to conduct a survey on Weibo Douyin Hupu at Station B, asking everyone if they had any plans to buy a car in the near future, and what their expectations were for the appearance and performance of the car. Kind of.

Judging from the feedback received, not many people want to buy a car.

But regardless of whether you want to buy a car or not, the more handsome the car, the better. It is best to look as cool as a supercar, and the performance should be as good as a supercar.

Finally, it has to be comfortable for people to stay in. They can't look at the car for a while and get back pain due to the abnormal space.

After reading the questionnaire report, Luo Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the general direction of car manufacturing that she had previously told Nikola was correct.

What should a new brand do if it wants to steal business from an old manufacturer?

It is necessary to seize the market of young people.

And what do young people want? It’s nothing more than looks and performance.

It is both popular and fast, and as long as the price is not outrageous, it will definitely be favored.

Although you may not necessarily buy it, you can at least get the name of the brand out there.

Therefore, since the advent of the Nikola electric car, the banner has always been: young people’s first supercar.

What needs to be noted is what exactly is the definition of a supercar.

speed? Exterior?

In fact, it is the brand it owns.

Lamborghini is a supercar, but not all cars with Lamborghini appearance can be called supercars.

On the other hand, if a three-wheeled vehicle has a Lamborghini brand, it will definitely get a high look.

What Luo Quan wants to do now is to market Nikola as a supercar among new energy vehicles.

The establishment of brand value takes a lot of time to accumulate.

Luo Quan doesn't have the time, but she has the skills.

Nikola was responsible for the research and development of the internal hardware of the tram. During this period, Luo Quan also made some small suggestions and provided some "special" factory-produced parts.

After installation, Nikola found that the performance improvement of these designs and parts was terrible.

He even made a second upgrade of these parts by drawing inferences from one example.

This is the reason why Luo Quan calls Nicholas a genius.

Being able to quickly understand and apply advanced technology after being exposed to it is definitely a genius that is rare to see in more than ten years.

Luo Quan even suspected that if he gave him more alien technology, he could even lead the earth to the third industrial revolution!

It's just too early to do that.

But considering the aliens are coming, maybe she can gradually give Nikolai some interesting gadgets.

Of course, these are all for later.

With alien technology and Nikolai's transformation, it is no exaggeration to say that their tram is one position ahead of the Earth.

Moreover, it also has an exterior made by an alien designer. Luo Quan doesn't believe that such a handsome and powerful car can be unpopular.

As the largest item in the world second only to houses, human demand for cars is very large.

It goes without saying that people who own Mercedes-Benz and BMWs are very popular in the dating market.

What she hopes is that Nikola can be compared with it in the future, or even reach the same level as Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce.

And she believes that this day will not come very far away.

On the second day after returning to China, when everything was ready, Luo Quan sent a message:

"At 7:30 tonight, are you ready to witness the revolution of new energy vehicles?"

When these words were shouted out, the entire tram circle exploded.

"On the day of the revolution of new energy vehicles, Luobao has done a big job for us."

"You can brag louder than anyone else, but don't rain less than anyone else when the time comes."

"Those who say this are all passers-by who don't know Luo Quan. She never makes promises that she can't fulfill. As long as she says it, she will definitely fulfill it. She has never broken her promise yet!"

"Wouldn't it be like buying a super-car electric car that can accelerate from zero to zero in 2.5 seconds and have a top speed of 260 kilometers per hour?"

"Then you are awesome. You have surpassed the Guinness World Record for trams by several places. Can you be more practical?"

"If there really was such a car, God knows how expensive it would be."

"The data you mentioned are about the same at a 20% discount, but the price is estimated to be over one million."

“Who would buy a tram with a million dollars?”

"Luobao seems to have indeed said this time that he has a model that sells for 99 yuan. It should be this car that will bring revolution."

"If it's fast enough it could really be called a revolution."

"It's a pity that Luo Bao's Moyu Qilin is not for sale. It is the most handsome car I have ever seen."

"If that thing were to be sold, it would probably cost one to two hundred million, right?"

"More than that, there is only one car like this in the world. Its performance surpasses that of most supercars. It is also the car that Luo Quan has ridden in. It sells for 300 million and people are rushing to buy it."



Before seeing any real cars, netizens still had a wait-and-see attitude towards her bold words.

After all, a car is different from a mobile phone. It can easily cost tens of thousands, and it is very difficult to resell lesser-known brands, so most people will be very cautious when buying a car.

I am also more conservative when it comes to watching car-related news or press conferences, preferring to research and analyze the pros and cons.

Of course, after the release of rice cars, this trend changed.

Because there were so many screenshots that I decided to use to show off, I finally found out that I couldn’t get a refund.

The front foot had just posted a hot picture of himself in the circle of friends, and the back foot had posted a message asking for legal assistance.

Such clowns are not uncommon these days.

Of course, it’s a matter of opinion as to whether this is true or whether Rice is deliberately doing this to stir up excitement.

But Luo Quan will try her best to prevent this situation from happening because she doesn't want to increase the workload of her legal department.

In the evening, Luo Quan wore a very casual outfit, just a T-shirt and jeans, just like the girls on the street.

I originally planned to wear a suit, but gave up after trying it on. Speaking of which, she couldn't even remember the last time she wore a suit.

She usually wears evening gowns on formal occasions and has almost never touched a suit.

However, it is even more inappropriate to wear an evening dress for this occasion, because it will divert the audience's attention to other places.

Likewise, suits have similar troubles.

As soon as he puts on the lining of the suit, Luo Quan's advantages will become more prominent, which will also draw everyone's attention.

Therefore, Luo Quan still wears relatively loose casual clothing.

After all, the temperament of a business elite does not need a suit to set off.

Steve Jobs dressed casually every time he gave a press conference, but who said he didn't have elite temperament?

Of course, her hair was still tied up.

After becoming a mother, Luo Quan preferred to put her hair up.

Wen Xia said that she wanted to be a wife more and more, but it was actually for Luo Ning's convenience.

Because after the clothes are untied, the thick hair can easily slide down the shoulders and chest, so it is easier to tie it up, otherwise you will have to put the hair behind your back after a while.

The result of tying up her hair was that "wife Luo Quan" appeared all over the screen, especially since she uniquely wore glasses with no prescription rims.

These are not ordinary glasses, they are also technology borrowed from Huanyu, a bit like VR.

It is no different from prescription glasses at ordinary times. After starting up, a mobile phone screen will appear in front of you, and then you can control the interface in front of you on the operation panel.

In fact, it is to connect the tablet and VR, and then provide an operating tool similar to a writing pad.

But because it uses some alien technology, it is visually much more comfortable than ordinary VR.

The biggest selling point is that you can play with your phone while lying down without tiring your arms.

Of course, this kind of technological gadget is just a gift for a luxury car, and Luo Quan just wanted to do some gimmicks after wearing it.

No one knew that this new look would cause such a big response. The barrage was either targeting Luoquan, my wife, or Luobao Risou.

I can only say that luckily Luo Quan can't see the barrage at the moment.

Amidst a burst of exciting music, Luo Quan came to the stage, holding a tablet in her hand, which was directly connected to the big screen behind her.

"Thank you all for watching Nikola's new car launch conference on time at 7:30 pm. My name is Luo Quan..."

Next, as before, we will tell some jokes we encountered while building cars, and share some interesting customer feedback the company has received, to warm up the situation first.

However, the people sitting in the audience were some bloggers or reporters in the industry. They were not interested in these fun contents. What they wanted to see more was what today's cars look like.

The barrage obviously didn't care about this at all. They were all praising Luo Bao for how beautiful he was, or hahahaha or something like that.

Of course, it’s not that there aren’t potential customers who care about the quality of the car, and there are quite a few of them.

But if you want them to take it seriously, you have to show them something to win, right?

Fortunately, Luo Quan knew the appropriateness of gags very well.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost getting hot, she put it on the tablet, picked up the remote control and pressed it, and the first vehicle-related ppt appeared in front of everyone.

"This is our first product today, and its name is Snow Wolf!"

A silver-white, cool-looking sports car appeared in front of people.

It has a weird yet beautiful streamlined appearance like an alien, and every curve and every edge is full of a sense of technology.

Looking at it inadvertently, I thought that what was lying in front of me was an alien beast!

But this strange beast does not make people feel intimidated at all. Instead, it is full of artistic beauty, and people can't help but have the urge to drive it.

Aloofness, beauty, elegance, unique temperament, completely independent of the style of earthly cars, these are the first impressions this car brings to people.

“As you can see, this car has a great look that no other car can match.

If cars could also be voted the most beautiful in the world, it would definitely be among the top three. "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, no one at the scene expressed any objection, and everyone in the barrage said it was so beautiful.

Whether a car looks good or not is subjective and everyone has different ideas.

But if it is the work of an entry-level designer, it will be different.

Because their works can influence people's subconscious and make people think that this thing is beautiful.

Of course, designers cannot turn trash into something beautiful.

First, the work must be truly outstanding, and then everyone can recognize it.

Entering the Tao only speeds up and amplifies this process, making it easier for people to appreciate its beauty.

"And what kind of value does a car like this have?"

Luo Quan took advantage of the hot discount, pressed the remote control again, and then said according to the script: "2.85 to 275 mph acceleration in 1200 seconds, top speed of 800 kilometers per hour, maximum endurance of 18 kilometers, using v architecture, using our latest charging pile developed by Nikola. It can be fully charged in as little as minutes!”

As soon as these words came out, all the audience were dumbfounded.

Whether they are novices, industry leaders, or bloggers specializing in reviews, this is the first time they have seen such a powerful train.

Currently, the data of the million-level tram in the circle is only 20% off that of the one in front of me.

What is this concept?

It only took one year for Nikola to easily surpass the top electric car models in the world, and far surpass it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is ahead of an era!

If these data are true, then the details such as materials and interior decoration are no longer important, and they can completely reduce the dimensionality of the electric cars in the circle!

"Ms. Luo, are the data on this car true?" A blogger stood up and asked.

He wasn't deliberately looking for trouble, he just simply had never seen such an outrageous car.

"I know that many cars will be reduced to industrial waste as soon as this car comes out, but I guarantee my personality that their data are real and valid, and if individual individuals are well-trained, they may even surpass this data. ”

Luo Quan said and pressed the button again: "Please see vcr?"

Immediately afterwards, a video was played on the big screen, which was a video of Snow Wolf speeding around the testing ground.

It can be seen from the various data on site that all the indicators just presented about it are completely true.

Until this moment, the atmosphere at the scene was in an uproar.

I originally thought it was a new car launch, but it turned out to be an industry revolution. It was really eye-opening!

"Brothers, come out and watch the Tram Sento!"

"Is there really such a heavy car?"

"So how much does it cost to buy such an awesome train?"

"For less than a million I write my name backwards!"

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