Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 139 Spring Festival Gala

Chapter 139 Spring Festival Gala
ps. When I was busy with school yesterday, I stopped updating for a day. I am really sorry. This book will not be eunuchs. Please rest assured!


Wen Xia and Luo Quan went to the airport to pick up An Ran.

Although she was over 30 years old, An Ran's skin was well maintained, she looked like she was [-] years old, and there were not a few wrinkles on her face.

Seeing Luo Quan with a smile on his face, An Ran said in surprise: "Oh, this must be Luo Quan, I haven't seen him for a few years, and he looks so beautiful!"

Wen Xia laughed: "Ren Luoquan is the most beautiful in the world right now."

Luo Quan hurriedly corrected: "It hasn't been announced yet."

"What is the most beautiful world?" An Ran didn't check Weibo very much, and was not very familiar with these terms.

After Wen Xia explained, An Ran finally understood.

"Go home first, I still have a friend at home." Wen Xia took her mother into the car and returned to the rented house.

After entering the room, Junko Yagyu got up from the sofa and walked over when she heard the noise.

Wen Xiazuo introduced: "Mom, this is a friend I met in Japan and Luo Quan's best classmate in Japan. Her name is Junko Yagyu."

Junko Yagyu said in Chinese: "Hello, Auntie."

"Hello, hello." An Ran nodded, "You speak Chinese quite well."

Junko blushed slightly: "I have studied with Luo Quan for a while, and there are basically no problems in daily communication."

"Have you bought your food yet?" An Ran looked at Wen Xia.

Tonight, on New Year's Eve, it is customary for the whole of China to have a reunion dinner, so it must be more grand.

Wen Xia originally wanted to take everyone to a hotel for a reunion dinner, but was stopped by An Ran, "What's the point of eating out on New Year's Eve? You must make it at home."

Luo Quan also had the same attitude, so Wen Xia had no choice but to change her mind, go buy ingredients, and have a reunion dinner at home.

Facing her mother's question, Wen Xia nodded: "I've bought everything, the chicken, duck and fish have been marinated."

"You still do these things?" Known daughter Mo Ruomu, An Ran knows that her daughter has always been the one who never touches the sun, and she doesn't even know how to make noodles and porridge. Can she do these jobs?

Wen Xia's face darkened: "Everyone can improve, so I'm not allowed to learn to master it?"

An Ran had a half-smile: "Last Spring Festival, you could only be a shopkeeper, did you learn it in a year?"

Seeing that she couldn't scare her mother, Wen Xia could only admit: "Well, it's actually all done by Luo Quan."

"Actually, Wen Xia also helped." Luo Quan said good things to her.

"What did she do?"

"Get water from the tap."

"Pfft!" Hearing this, Wen Xia smiled embarrassedly, "Oh, I just can't learn these things."

An Ran said earnestly: "Cooking is something that a woman can't do. After you get married, do you still want your husband to cook for you?"

"What's wrong with my husband cooking? Now everyone advocates equality between men and women. In the past, men made money and women took care of the housework. Now it can be completely reversed with me. I make money and he does housework!" Wen Xia said raising a fist with an expression very strong.

An Ran gave Wen Xia a blank look, and walked straight to the kitchen.

The women of the older generation always seem to have an inexplicable sensitivity to the structure of the house. Even in a strange house, they can always find the existence of the kitchen with ease, and then skillfully start cooking to serve the family. Man prepares a big dinner table.

"Auntie, do you want me to help you?" Luo Quan followed behind.

An Ran didn't turn her head back: "No need, go do your own work, I'll take care of the dinner tonight by myself."

Since she didn't need her help, Luo Quan went back to the sofa and browsed station B.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, Bilibili has replaced the UI with a festive look full of firecrackers, and the video of the New Year’s greeting festival recommended on the homepage is still there.

A while ago, station B invited a group of UP hosts to shoot a video of the New Year’s greeting ceremony. In fact, it was to let the big guys take turns to perform their talents, mainly singing.

The stage, sound, and conductor are all pretty good. Station B also invited many well-known domestic and foreign musicians to perform, which is better than many TV stations’ New Year’s Eve parties. It has received considerable praise on Weibo Zhihu .

The only fly in the ointment is that the most eye-catching one did not appear at the New Year's greeting party.

The director team of the New Year's Festival actually sent an invitation to Luo Quan to perform, but at that time Luo Quan was busy filming and couldn't leave, so he had to politely decline.

But you can't come to the scene, but you can still perform outside the venue.

On the day of the recording of the New Year's Eve, the program team connected with Luo Quan, who is far away in South Africa, and asked her to sing the standing song for everyone on the big screen, that is, "Only my railgun".

This is also the only song that caused the whole audience to sing. As soon as her voice sounded, the audience cheered.

In the end, the recorded effect was very good. Among the sub-p videos of the whole New Year's greetings festival, the video that Luo Quan appeared in had the highest number of clicks among all sub-p videos.

Later, Luo Quan also made a promise to the fans that he would definitely come to the scene to perform for everyone next year.

Speaking of which, Luoquan really misses the last Spring Festival Gala. As the most watched program in the world, the Spring Festival Gala has become an indispensable part of every family in China on New Year's Eve since decades ago.

Eating reunion dinners, setting off firecrackers, and watching the Spring Festival Gala are the habits and memories of many people.

In the entertainment industry, whether a star is really popular or not, you can tell at a glance whether he or she has attended the Spring Festival Gala.

It's a pity that this year's Luoquan and Wenxia are probably not up to the standard of being on the Spring Festival Gala in terms of popularity.

After all, the two of them don't have any works in China so far, even if they are very popular in South Korea and Japan, it won't work well in China.

However, Luo Quan and Wen Xia are very confident. By this time next year, they are probably already in the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, preparing to perform in front of audiences across the country.

However, with the development of the Internet and more and more entertainment activities, many young people have stopped watching the Spring Festival Gala.

On the one hand, the quality of the Spring Festival Gala itself has declined, and on the other hand, everyone can no longer calm down and watch TV with their families.

Although there are still a few hours before the start of the Spring Festival Gala, the list of programs on Weibo has already been listed, and the rows of programs and performers are basically familiar faces.

Of course, there are also some new faces who only appeared this year, and they are often fans of this kind of people, and they are the most active in the comment area.

In addition to the hot searches related to the Spring Festival Gala, there is another piece of news that has also attracted much attention.

"TC candler stop voting!"

As a movie website in the United States, TC candler is not most famous for its main business, but for selecting the most beautiful and handsome faces in the world.

The history of this selection has been more than 25 years. From being ignored at the beginning to attracting the attention of the world now, TC candler has successfully completed the transformation from pheasant to phoenix.

The list selected by it, many people's rankings may not be absolutely objective, there are fan factors, and there are also subjective factors of the editor-in-chief, but there must be no dispute that the world's most beautiful and the world's most handsome every year.

This is also the foundation of their livelihood. The entire website has more than 200 editors from all over the world. They have different nationalities, different beliefs, and even different sexual orientations.

But in terms of aesthetics, we absolutely uphold absolute fairness and justice, and will not have biased views due to any factors.

Therefore, as long as it is the most handsome and most beautiful selected by them, it must be the most handsome and most beautiful this year.

And every time this time comes, it will be a great prosperity for the face-controlling people all over the world. There are a total of two hundred beautiful faces in the prosperous age, and they can be licked for a long time just by licking the screen.

And TC candler stopped voting, which means that the results of the two lists of 2016 have already appeared, and at 12 o'clock tonight, the website will release the video.

The most beautiful and handsome market in the world on the Internet is still open. Luoquan’s odds are still quite high, 1 to 8. As for Aaliyah’s odds, it has dropped all the way to 1 to 1.05, which shows that almost Everyone has already decided that Aaliyah must be the most beautiful in the world this year.

There has been an uproar on Twitter, and many people are questioning why Aaliyah Grant can beat Luo Quan and win the most beautiful in the world.

Although the final result has not yet come out, most people feel that Luo Quan has no chance.

"Tell me, isn't this the most beautiful in the world?" Luo Quan's fans shook out all the photos that Wen Xia posted on Weibo.

"Such a beauty, if I can't win the first place, I can only say that all the editors of TC Candler should go for eye surgery!"

"Aaliyah has a secret weapon that is more powerful than her appearance, and that is her bloodline. White plus black is greater than white plus yellow!"

"This is the status quo in Europe and the United States. It's like this on the women's side. I don't want it to be the same on the men's side."

"Then don't worry, the vote difference between Lyon and No.3 is five times, and there are not many black people on the list this year."

"It's a pity that such a beautiful angel can only come second in the end?"

"Probably when God created her, he accidentally made it too perfect, so he planned to add some hardships to her life. It must be like this."

"But this ordeal could have been avoided."

"I think Aaliyah is quite beautiful, maybe our aesthetics are different."

"Why can't Aaliyah take the first place? You guys are racial QS!"

"Is it only white people who can be the most beautiful in the world? Black people don't deserve it?"

"Black people have never been number one before, now is the time."

"Everyone is equal, you can't be more beautiful just because you are white, I think Alia is more beautiful than this Luoquan!"

"Luo Quan is not even a pure-bred white person. She has always claimed to be Chinese. I don't know what you are licking?"


Naturally, Luoquan's fans will not be used to these people who are cheap and good-looking, and start to line up with them directly. All kinds of nasty swear words flooded Twitter, and everyone didn't calm down until the time approached the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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