Chapter 140
Ps Thanks for the book coin rewarded by the book friend Deng Shen, thank you!

"Come, come, try my craft!"

An Ran carried the last dish—spicy boiled fish to Zhuo, and clapped her hands lightly.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Junko inhaled the aroma of spicy boiled fish. She had never eaten such a fragrant fish in Japan.

"The dishes in Yuzhou are all very spicy, Junzi, are you sure you want to eat it?" Luo Quan didn't even look at the boiled fish, and put a piece of sausage into his mouth.

It's not that she's afraid of spicy food, it's just that she simply doesn't like fish.

An Ran smiled and said, "It's okay, this oil just looks spicy, I didn't put too much chili."

People in Yuzhou say it's not spicy, if you believe it, then you are too naive.

Junko smiled and took a bite, and her white face was dyed red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Huh!" Junko took a sharp breath, quickly picked up the cup, and took a sip of orange juice.

"Wow, it's so spicy!" Junko's tongue was red, and it was difficult to speak.

Wen Xia hurriedly passed the paper to Junzi: "It's okay to eat it once in a while. Eating spicy food in winter can help keep the cold out."

Junko was sweating profusely: "It's so spicy, it's worse than wasabi. Not only is it spicy, but it's also numb after it's too spicy. I don't feel anything on my tongue and lips."

Luo Quan smiled slightly, it seemed that he was another person who couldn't eat spicy food.

After learning a lesson from eating spicy boiled fish, Junko will not touch the rest of the dishes as long as the soup is red.

"Luo Luo, how is your mother doing?" An Ran asked Luo Quan after taking a few mouthfuls of food.

Luo Quan put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth: "She's doing well now, and she's traveling all over the world with my dad."

An Ran was a little surprised, "Did your mother find your father?"

Luo Quan nodded: "I found it last summer. My father had been in the United States before, and my mother only got the news last summer. The two of them are now completely settled."

An Ran sighed softly: "That's great, your mother spent most of her life wandering, and finally her long-cherished wish has been fulfilled."

Wen Xia asked: "Mom, when are you going to continue the string again? You can't really live your whole life alone, can you?"

"Why can't one live alone? Men before the age of 60 are not good things. I'll wait until later to think about it." An Ran's thoughts were a bit extreme, probably because she had been hurt too deeply before.

"I agree with Auntie's idea." Luo Quan suddenly expressed his support.

Wen Xia was taken aback: "No way, Luo Quan, don't you plan to find a wife again at the age of 60! Come to an old woman to chat about being a teenager?"

"Where did you learn these crooked words!" An Ran stared, Wen Xia could only shrink her neck.

An Ran looked at Luo Quan, and said earnestly: "Luo Quan, Auntie made such a decision because of some things in the past, but you are different, you are only 19 years old this year, you can have a very beautiful relationship, the best in the world And not all men are badass."

Luo Quan shook his head: "Even if you want to find me, you can't find someone who is greedy for me."

Wen Xia complained: "Then you probably can't find a normal man. You look like a disaster to the country and the people. Even gays can straighten him. To be honest, I'm greedy for your body."

"If you can't find it, you can't find it." Luo Quan shrugged, expressing that he didn't care at all.

Seeing that her friend's daughter seemed to have some emotional problems, An Ran frowned, but for a while she didn't know how to persuade her.

Everyone ate the reunion dinner very slowly, because they had to eat while watching the Spring Festival Gala, and laughed from time to time.

But compared to the previous Spring Festival Gala, the current Spring Festival Gala has less laughs than before, but the embarrassing touch is on the rise.

It’s not that these touches are not good, but New Year’s Eve is a day when people from all over the country reunite and everyone is happy. You have to make all the programs so sensational that you won’t let the audience cry. Then the Spring Festival Gala The taste of the show has completely changed.

There can be sensational and tear-jerking sessions, but one after another, and it gets worse year by year, then it's really boring.

Anyway, Luo Quan has never watched the Spring Festival Gala since 2014, or he only occasionally watched clips of sketches, or read some reports about the Spring Festival Gala on the Internet.

In fact, it’s clear even if you don’t look at it, it’s always the same old, nothing new.

Maybe she will be very happy and excited to let her go up to perform, but if you want her to watch the Spring Festival Gala as an audience, then forget it.

But this year at Wen Xia's house, everyone was watching. Junzi was also very interested in watching the Spring Festival Gala for the first time. Wen Xia accompanied his mother, and Luo Quan couldn't just leave, so he had to watch it together.

Before we knew it, it was early morning, and the 2016 Spring Festival Gala came to an end. All the stars and backup dancers came to the stage, and under the leadership of several national singers, they sang the song that every time the Spring Festival Gala ends, song to sing.

Although it is not the unforgettable tonight in Luoquan's impression, it is similar to this song called "Don't Dream Cold Tonight".

As the bell that symbolizes the arrival of the New Year rings, everyone’s cell phone alerts immediately rang one after another. Everyone is sending blessings to their friends and relatives, some in groups, and some are sending them one by one. send.

Regardless of the kind, these blessings contain everyone's best wishes for the New Year.

It's a pity that Luoquan has no penguins, no WeChat, no Weibo, and there is no social chat function at station B. When everyone is busy replying to wishes, only Luoquan has nothing to do.

Even Junzi, who has been in China for less than half a year, has made a lot of friends here.

But like everyone else, she also got her New Year's gift.

TC candler announced the list of the most handsome and most beautiful faces in the world in 2016. The video was simultaneously launched on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other major platforms. The most handsome face was won by Leon, and the most beautiful face was won by Luo Quan. value peak.

As soon as the news came out, many social platforms exploded.

Among them, the most violent response is probably the major gambling websites, and more than 90.00% of the gambling dogs are cracked.

In the online public opinion before twelve o'clock, almost no one is optimistic that Luo Quan will win this year's most beautiful face. Aaliyah is almost stable, and she can have soup early with the big team.

Everyone thinks that suppressing Aaliyah is a guaranteed profit. Who would have thought that reality and imagination are completely reversed.

Those gambling dogs who spent a lot of money to suppress Alia directly cursed on Twitter, cursed gambling websites, cursed TC Candler, and even cursed Luo Quan.

These poor wretches who have lost their wives and lost their soldiers will never reflect on themselves, they will only blame others, and they really can't do anything except incapable and furious.

And those who spent money to suppress Luo Quan were already walking happily and didn't know which leg to take.

Luoquan's odds are so high that at the last moment it even reached a ten-to-one odds. There are always courageous people willing to take risks.

Really like her, I believe that there are very few fans of her, and more people are holding the idea of ​​changing a bicycle into a motorcycle.

As a result, this gamble is not only changing a bicycle into a motorcycle, but directly changing into a Ferrari!
Tonight, I don't know how many people lost their money, and I don't know how many people became rich overnight, and all of these are due to a result that was not controversial at all.

When the gambling dog who lost money attacked Luo Quan on Twitter, Luo Quan's fans quickly launched a counterattack.

"I don't know why you chose Aaliyah. Anyone with eyes knows how beautiful Luo Quan is."

"Facts have proved that many people who lose money in gambling can't blame the dealer. Some of them are stupid, and they are stupid without knowing it. They think they are smart."

"Put these two photos together, it's clear who is more beautiful. Aaliyah is indeed beautiful, but compared with Luo Quan, the gap is even bigger than the talent of the two."

"I really can't understand why these idiots don't believe in Luo Quan. Aaliyah herself said that she is not as beautiful as Luo Quan."

"You deserve to lose money, you're so stupid!"

"Stop making unnecessary talk here, and quickly calculate your own losses. I am afraid that many people will go to the rooftop tonight."

As soon as the results came out this time, Luo Quan's fans were so elated. With the whole network not optimistic about her, only these fans were willing to believe in her and support her. They also made a big difference in the previous vote. strength.

Now that the results are out, everyone is happy, Luoquan has the most beautiful harvest in the world, and fans can finally export those sunspots on their faces.

However, the debate did not end because of the results, and there were even signs of intensification.

"This is naked racial QS!"

"White supremacy is at its best here, it's an injustice to Aaliyah, an injustice to black people!"

"I knew it would be such a result, which is not correct at all!"

"Just because Aaliyah's skin is not so white, she can't be the most beautiful in the world. I will never admit this result!"

"I think TC Candler should apologize for this incident, and apologize to Aaliyah and the majority of black people!"

"I will be protesting on the streets of New York tomorrow, does anyone want to join me?"

"I'll be with you!"

"This is a very necessary thing!"

"We have suffered too much injustice and discrimination, and only by actively taking place can we strive for fair treatment!"

Many people shouted grievances on Twitter, and they often used the word "we", as if the "us" group had been suffering from all kinds of unfair treatment all the time.

In fact, everyone knows who this "we" is, but if it is really unfair, it is really not their turn. It can only be said that crying children have milk.

But this time the children cry, and no adults are used to them.

As the debate about the most beautiful face in the world grew louder, the editor-in-chief of TC candler sent a tweet expressing his views.

(End of this chapter)

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