Chapter 147
At the beginning of March, the TV series "Unnatural Death" produced by TBS TV station was officially screened, and it was broadcast every Sunday at [-]:[-] pm, with a total of ten episodes.

This TV series has been in preparation for more than a year. The male and female protagonists are all popular stars in the film and television industry, especially Hoshino Sakura, who is almost the TV queen who guarantees the ratings, and has a very high popularity in Japan and abroad.

In addition to being popular on TBS TV, video sites such as Station B, Youku, and iQiyi have also purchased the copyright of this TV series and broadcast it at the same time. However, because it is a Japanese TV series, more people watch it on Station B.

Originally, a Japanese TV series did not attract much attention. Although Hoshino Sakura is very popular in China and Korea, it is also limited.

In most cases, that is to say, nerds will mention her when they choose their wives, and not many people actually watch her TV series.

But the OP singer of this TV series is Luo Quan, which is quite foul.

Luoquan's popularity in Station B is now at the height of the sky. If you post a video casually, it will get millions of hits. This data is already the data of the most experienced up masters in Station B. Among the many resident stars Can't find anyone more popular than her.

In Japan, Luo Quan's status is even higher. I heard that the OP of this TV series is sung by Luo Quan. No matter whether it is good or not, I will at least come to see it.

This is the star effect that the crew of "Unnatural Death" wants. When the quality of the TV series is guaranteed, the more attention the drama will become popular, the faster it will become popular.

Although the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, Luoquan can completely make everyone come to drink on their own initiative, and the two are not the same concept at all.

Therefore, on the day "Unnatural Death" was broadcast, it set a new high in the ratings of TV dramas in 2017, and it was also ranked first in overseas dramas in China.

Then, as Luo Quan remembered, the drama "Unnatural Death" exploded.

The next day, in the streets, on the campus, and on the Internet, there were voices discussing this drama, some discussing the novelty of the plot, some licking the face of the hero and heroine, and some praising the TV series OP for its selection.

In fact, the song "Lemon" has not been ranked low on the Oricon chart. It has been in the forefront since it was released last year. On a par with it.

The latter two songs started in August 2016, and have been alternating the top positions of the Oricon charts until now. However, on TIKTOK, the BGM most used by Japanese young people is "Lemon".

Maybe it's because the melody of this song is lighter and more suitable for this fast-paced society, or maybe it's because of its sad and warm lyrics, which are more in line with the mood of young people in the new century.

At least in the minds of young people, its status can even be compared with "Don't Give Up"!
And such a song has now become the OP of the TV series "Unnatural Death", and it sounds like it is tailor-made for it, which makes every fan very happy.

It's like my own child has been loved and affirmed by the general public, and I feel a sense of pride.

Of course, this is all based on the excellent quality of "Unnatural Death" itself.

Not only in Japan, but also in China, the popularity of this TV series is also very high. The degree of discussion is only a little worse than those popular TV series, and this is only the first episode!
To see whether a TV series is popular, in fact, it only needs to see how many people listen to its opening credits or ending credits.

"Lemon" has been popular on some video platforms such as Douyin for a while before, but it was replaced by more brainwashing songs in a short time.

As a result, with the popularity of "Unnatural Death", the song became popular the next day, even more popular than half a year ago!

Douyin is full of videos using it as BGM and countless versions of covers.

There are smokey voices, black voices, royal sister voices, uncle voices, all kinds of bells and whistles.

These are actually good. After all, there are so many people who play Douyin, and there must be many people who like different voices and singing styles. It is understandable to use this method to attract attention and clicks.

You can't demand that a bunch of ordinary people who haven't had professional training can sing as well as professional singers, let alone compared with Luo Quan, who can sing very well even among professional singers.

So Luo Quan didn't pay much attention to those @她 on station B, saying that there are many covers of "Lemon" on Douyin that destroy the song, and asking her to issue a statement prohibiting the cover.

Cover singing, as long as the lyrics are not changed blindly, she supports it.

But there is one type of people that she can't bear at all, that is, people who change her songs to an accompaniment, tinker with them into electronic sounds, and then upload them to music software and advertise the original singers.

This is no longer plagiarism. People who plagiarize at least have to change a few melodies, and then replace it with Chinese lyrics. It is called Sinicization. Although it is also immoral, it still needs to be slapped.

And this one doesn't even want to face at all, it's no different from stealing.

The key point is that this song sells for 3 yuan a song on the music platform, which is more expensive than the "18" album. What's even more magical is that the sales of this song are still very good, and it went directly to the sales list of the day. Second to "Light".

In other words, this person moved the mouse a few times and earned over [-] RMB without any effort.

Luo Quan looked at the comment section, and most of the people at the top of the list praised this person for his talent.

This person's name is "Cao Fan", she is a woman, and Yi Yun has 10,000+ fans. Luo Quan really has some doubts about the taste of the general public. Even this kind of person has fans?
After listening to her previous songs, the melody is not bad, and her singing skills are not even as good as KTV Maiba, and the lyrics are really inexplicable, a little incomprehensible, and the comment section of these songs is not entirely praising her, there are many The words all mentioned the problems of Sinicization and plagiarism. It seems that this Caofan is not a first-time offender.

But such a habitual criminal can have so many fans in Yi Yun and make a lot of money, this is simply a blasphemy to those singers who are serious about making music!

Luo Quan is not complaining for herself, she just thinks that the domestic music environment in China is so bad, these "Sinicization workers" and "thieves" really have to bear a very big responsibility!
She had never been so angry at being scolded by Heizi, this time she was really out of anger, and contacted Yi Yun's auditors immediately.

"Hi, may I help you?"

"I'm Luo Quan."

"...Is it singer Luo Quan?"

"Yes, the one whose Weibo account was blocked."

"Pfft! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"It's okay, I have something to ask you."

"Please speak."

"It's the singer Caofan. You know that, right?"

"Ah, you said the singer Caofan, she is a signed singer of our platform."

"She uploaded a new song "Lemon" today, have you heard it?"

"I've never heard of this. Her songs are reviewed by a special person, and I'm not in charge of that part."

"Except for the remix part, the melody and lyrics of that song are exactly the same as mine, but she replaced my voice with her own, so she can mark the original song?"

"This... I'll check it out right away!"

Luo Quan waited for more than a minute, and the reviewer replied:

"It's like this. Before Caofan, many of your songs were uploaded to Yi Yun, but they were all marked covers or excerpts. Only Caofan's "Lemon" is the complete version, so she can mark it as the original song."

"Don't you understand what I mean?" Luo Quan frowned, "Isn't this song no one cares about in China? When it was uploaded, the reviewers just passed it, didn't they check it?"

"The auditors have too much work every day, and it is understandable that there are mistakes."

"Well, I won't ask about the previous matter, how to deal with it now?"

"We will immediately verify what you said, and if it is true, I will contact the supervisor to deal with this song."

"I still need to verify? I still need to contact the supervisor?" Luo Quan took a deep breath and kept reminding himself to be self-restraint and not to curse.

The other end of the phone quickly fell silent, but did not hang up.

Luo Quan browsed station B, searching for the keyword lemon.

It's been a day, and no one seems to have found this song yet.

After about 10 minutes, the reviewer spoke again:

"Hi Luoquan, we have reviewed it here, and your song is indeed very similar to Caofan's "Lemon", but she is the first person to apply for the original song, so it will be more troublesome to process. Here to ask, Hasn't your song been officially released on Yi Yun before?"

Luo Quan said in a deep voice: "My Japanese songs are all uploaded to station B, and the songs on domestic music platforms are basically pirated."

"That's right, it's because you didn't officially upload to Yi Yun as a singer, so you gave others an opportunity."

"Then it's my fault?" Again, this kind of victim blaming theory, Luo Quan is really convinced by these people who confuse black and white.

"They are all partly responsible, but we, Yi Yun, pay the most attention to genuine copyrights, and we will remove Caofan's songs from the shelves as soon as possible."

Luo Quan's eyes widened: "And then, just take it off the shelves? Don't you issue an apology statement and urge the reviewers to carefully review the uploaded songs in the future?"

"This... has to be arranged by the supervisor himself. I'm just a messenger, so I can't make the decision."

"Give me the phone number of your supervisor, and I will talk to him personally!"

The voice of the reviewer sounded a bit embarrassed: "I don't have a supervisor's phone number, and he is very busy, so he may not be free to deal with these matters."

"Emm... okay, then you guys hurry up."

Luo Quan resisted the desire to yell, and hung up the phone with a bang.

"WQNMLGB!" Luo Quan lifted up the pillow in a very unqualified manner, and threw it on the wall violently. Her messy hair covered her face, and also covered her pretty face that was a little distorted due to anger.

(End of this chapter)

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