Chapter 148
"I'm in the domestic music circle, am I a kind of little transparent existence?"

That night, Luo Quan posted a post on station B, wanting to ask fans for their opinions.

"Of course not, you are the leader of the new generation of creation!"

"Your "In the Name of the Father" has become a god on every platform, is this still a little transparent?"

"If you look at album sales, yes."

"What are you doing upstairs, aren't we allowed to go whoring for nothing? (funny)"

"Did something happen? Why did you ask this suddenly?"

"It's not like the Luo Quan I'm familiar with. She's usually very confident."

The fans are mostly in a joking tone, but most of the answers they get are that she has a certain influence in the country, and she can't be called transparent.

But this influence may be very convincing in Bilibili, Zhihu and even Weibo, but not necessarily in other places.

At least she doesn't have a lot of face in these videos on Douyin. So many people use her songs, but most of them don't know who is singing these songs.

And on those music software, many people don't know who the original singers of these songs are, including the staff of the music software, they also ignore her, probably because they bully her and have no influence, so their attitude is so cold.

If it was Japan, it would have been the manager of Yi Yun's audit department who talked to her just now!
It's right to take down pirated copies and issue an apology, and these people have to beg her not to make a big deal out of it.

But Yi Yun's people didn't care about this at all. They pushed Tai Chi back and forth with her at first, and then agreed to remove it as soon as possible when they couldn't drag it off. In the end, they didn't even want to issue an apology statement.

To be honest, Luo Quan didn't intend to make a big deal at first, but in the current network environment, if it really makes a big deal, some cerebral palsy might call her glass-hearted and make a fuss out of a molehill.

All she needed was for Yi Yun Platform to take the song off the shelves immediately and issue an apology.

As a result, they didn't take her seriously at all, and even wanted to blame her.

Luo Quan couldn't bear it at all, and kept thinking about how to deal with this matter.

Until twelve o'clock at noon the next day, Caofan's "Lemon" was still on the hot song list and sales list, and there was no sign of it being removed from the shelves.

And in the comment area, many fans finally found out that this song was copied by Caofan, and they immediately started to complain:
"Cao Fan, do you want to show some face? This song is not Luo Quan's "Lemon". When did it become your song?"

"It used to be Sinicization, but now I don't even bother to do Sinicization. It's really awesome."

"If you sing it once, it's your song. How can there be such a reason in the world?"

"It's just ridiculous, I've never seen such a brazen person!"

Although there were so many scolding people, Caofan and Yiyun Platform did not respond.

Until Luo Quan directly posted a bombardment on Station B:
"I think that people can't be so shameless that they take my song and change it to an accompaniment. If you sing it yourself, you can mark it as the original song, and you can even charge a fee for listing it, which is more expensive than one of my albums.

There is also a certain platform. Yesterday I contacted your staff to explain the situation. You told me to arrange it as soon as possible. It has been almost [-] hours, why is there still no movement? "

As soon as this article came out, the Internet was in an uproar.

"Luoquan Songs Stolen" has become a hot search today.

Someone on Zhihu and Weibo quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter. Of course, these were all carried from Luo Quan's personal space.

And when the melon-eaters flocked to Yi Yun to see what was going on, the song "Lemon" had already been taken off the shelves. It was just 5 minutes after Luo Quan posted the post, and the speed was extremely fast.

However, it is too late to take it off the shelf now. Many fans have taken screenshots and downloaded the song, and now they have all posted it, which has become the most powerful evidence of this incident.

This time, even the most anti-Luoquan Weibo is on her side, helping her condemn Caofan:

"Although I don't like Luo Quan's way of dealing with the world, I like her songs very much, especially "Lemon". This song is like the white moonlight in my heart. I support Luo Quan in this wave!"

"My favorite "Lemon" was destroyed like this, crying."

"What nonsense, just because you deserve to touch Ci Luoquan?"

"I don't have any feelings for Luo Quan, but her talent is obvious to all. As for Cao Fan, I'm most surprised not by her adaptation, but that she can blatantly put Yi Yun on the shelf and mark it as original!"

"Is this the current music environment in Huaxia? No wonder it's been so long, a good song can't be released, and Luo Quan can only be saved."

"This kind of behavior of doves occupying magpies' nests is really disgusting, and I heard that Yi Yun platform gave Luo Quan a cold treatment. It really doesn't matter if he is not famous, no matter what?"

Public opinion is basically one side, this kind of thing can be seen right or wrong at a glance, even though there are so many screenshots to testify, Caofan fans can't even get the idea of ​​​​cleaning the ground.

In particular, the scandal of Caofan was further exposed, including the public grievances caused by some previous operations on the Yiyun platform, and now all of them are pouring out.

Everyone was scolding Caofan and Yi Yun, and more and more black histories were posted by netizens with great powers. Quite a few melon-eaters also joined in condemning Caofan and Yi Yun.

At this time, Yi Yun's manager finally called Luo Quan.

"Hey, who is it?" Luo Quan knew it was an unknown number.

"Luoquan, right? I'm Yi Yun's manager, Zheng Li..."

"I don't know." Luo Quan hung up without waiting for Manager Zheng to finish speaking.

Don't ask her what self-cultivation is, she only knows that she is very unhappy now, and this discomfort is more caused by Yi Yun.

The call came back immediately, and it was still Manager Zheng.

"Luo Quan, you don't need to be so angry. Didn't we take down that song?"

"If I don't make this a big deal, are you still going to deal with it coldly so that you can continue to waste money?"

"It's nothing, there are a lot of procedures to go through to remove the song, you can't say it is removed, let's remove it right away?"

"Then I see that you put the songs on the shelves quite quickly. Why don't you follow the procedure when reviewing whether the songs are plagiarized?"

"It's meaningless for you to say that. We've already taken all the songs off the shelves. What do you want from us?"

"The platform and Caofan will all send me an apology letter, isn't that too much to ask?"

"We can't do that."

"It's not bad if you don't lose money. In Japan, this is an illegal act for you!"

"But this is Huaxia. Even if you file a lawsuit and ask us to pay compensation, it's only worth 10,000+. But with this apology, we, Yi Yun, will lose more than that."

Luo Quan suppressed his anger: "Then tell me, how are you going to solve it?"

"We'll pay you all the money Caofan made with your songs. How about you delete the relevant posts and let this matter pass?"

Luo Quan laughed back angrily: "Is there such a good thing?"

"Our platform has already suffered a considerable loss because of you in this incident, and if you persist in your obsession, you will be asking for trouble for yourself!"

Luo Quan sneered: "Why, do you still want to block me? You and Yi Yun's platform is not the only one in the country. Who is my song for?"

Manager Zheng's voice sounded a little arrogant: "Right now, Yiyun platform is the most popular music platform in China, and its monthly active users are equivalent to the sum of Penguin, Handsome Dog, and Shuaiyou music platforms.

With such a large amount of traffic, you can't help but know what it means. "

The implication is that if you want your song to become popular, and if you want more people to listen to it, the only option is the Yiyun platform.

Manager Zheng's words are not bragging. The Yiyun platform is indeed the most popular music platform in China. There are many, many songs, and many singers choose to debut on the Yiyun platform.

But the copyright of many songs is actually problematic, especially foreign language songs, there is almost no copyright, but no one mentions this matter now.

However, the Yiyun platform does dominate the domestic market in terms of user volume, and Manager Ma also has incredible capital.

But Luo Quan has always been soft and not hard, so far no one can force her to do what she doesn't want to do, she dares to point a gun at the underworld boss, she dares to beat the second young master of the Mitsubishi consortium, you little Why is Manager Zheng so pushy in front of her?

"So, there's nothing to talk about?" Luo Quan's tone gradually became cold.

Manager Zheng also lost his patience: "What I need to consider is the interests of the platform. You may be very popular abroad, but in China, the dragon must be coiled and the tiger must be crouched. Everything must be done according to our rules. "

"Your rules? What bullshit rules, so what if I don't do it!"

Manager Zheng said in a threatening tone: "Young people, don't be too arrogant."

"Can you be called a young man if you are not arrogant? What do you want to deal with when you hear your tone? Do you want me to give you an address?"

"Do you dare to give it?"

"I'm afraid you'll bite me!" Luo Quan stared, "I'm studying at the Komaba Campus of the University of Tokyo. If you have the skills, come to me. I'd like to see what you can do!"

Manager Zheng was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Luo Quan, some things are not as simple as you think, if you are a little angry, you should bear it now, and if you are wronged, you should bear it.

What king and queen, who didn't come here like this?Only by suffering through hardships can you become a master, and who can guarantee that you can always have smooth sailing, can you guarantee that you will never have bad luck?You have made too many enemies, and you will not end well in the future..."

Luo Quan laughed loudly: "I walk straight and sit up straight. No matter what I did before, I have no regrets. As for making enemies, others may be afraid of you, but I am not!"

Manager Zheng said darkly: "You will regret it."

"What I regret the most now is that I wasted so much talking with people like you, it was a waste of my life!" After Luo Quan finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a bang.

After a phone call, most of Luo Quan's anger was vented, but this matter has only just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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