Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 151 Follow-up

Chapter 151 Follow-up
The Yiyun platform dug its own grave. First, it offended Penguin Music and had most of its music copyrights taken back. Then, it deceived platform users and cut itself off from the people.

In less than three days, the number of daily active users on the platform has dropped by more than half, and it is still in the process of loss. It is a dream to return to the peak.

After losing the best music platform, listeners can only go back to Penguin Music.

Although it costs money to open a membership every month, at least the songs are quite complete and usable.

On the second day after Yi Yun's downfall, Luo Quan reached a cooperation agreement with Penguin Music. All her Japanese songs will be exclusively licensed to Penguin Music. These songs are all free on Penguin Music, and they can be downloaded without membership. listen.

This news also made the fans cheer.

Previously, due to copyright reasons, it was almost impossible to find high-definition resources of Luoquan Japanese songs on the domestic Internet. Most of them were full-loss sound quality versions recorded on records. It is possible to listen to it, but the experience is really bad.

And this time, the Penguin Music is full of lossless high-fidelity sound quality. Put on the headphones and turn on the sound effect, as if Luo Quan is singing in your ear, not to mention how cool it is.

Luo Quan's move can be regarded as helping Penguin Music to attract a lot of traffic. As her works increase in the future, more and more users will come because of her.

This time, the disputes caused by the piracy of the original version have subsided. Caofan's two "Lemons" were all removed from the shelves, and the comments on Weibo were sprayed.

However, Zheng Li and Yiyun platform have lost both users and character this time, and the app ratings and downloads have plummeted. Chicken can't eat rice.

Apart from Penguin Music and Handsome Dog Music, Luo Quan may become the biggest winner.

This plagiarism incident is actually quite big. It has been searched two or three times. Before that, Luo Quan, who had been not particularly good on Weibo, has now successfully cleaned up and set up a "fuck the sky and the sky" The upright character design has attracted a small wave of fans.

In fact, Luo Quan has always been like this, but he was a passer-by before, standing on the opposite side of the people, so he has been criticizing.

But this time, she has just confronted the capital, so she is naturally favored by the people. It can only be said that the ass decides the head. If Luo Quan can continue to be so unafraid of power in the future, and these so-called managers and executives are in line on Weibo, it is estimated that it will be fine. Suck more powder.

But Luo Quan is not such a boring person, if these people didn't provoke her by themselves, she would be out of her mind to fight against these people every day?

Originally, Luo Quan thought that the next days would be calmer, but he didn't expect that just after the domestic dispute ended, Japan had another problem.

It's not that someone copied her song, Japan is not like China, here the protection of copyright is quite strict, anyone who dares to copy will be jailed.

It's not that someone scolded her on the Internet. Luo Quan's status in Japan is quite high now, with a popularity rating of 90.00%. Not everyone can afford the title of "goddess".

But if the above two situations were true, she wouldn't have such a headache like now.

As the charity concert is about to be held, the program schedule of the concert has also been announced. Of course, the finale is "Don't Give Up" sung by Luo Quan and Jing Gong Masaku on the same stage.

This song has been selected as the official support song for the Tokyo Olympics in Japan. People ranging from 80 to [-] years old, and children from [-] to [-] years old will sing this song. It is even hailed as the second national anthem of Japan on the Internet.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with Luo Quan singing this song as the finale, and there is nothing wrong with the photo of her and Jing Gong Masaku on the promotional poster of the concert.

In the photo, she was standing in a row with Jing Gong Masaku, separated by about two punches, Luo Quan's expression was also a professional smirk.

As a result, I don’t know who killed Qiandao on the Internet and said that these two are inexplicably a couple, and then a group of young people climaxed, cheering and cheering for her and Jing Gongya as a group CP.

All kinds of so-called "sweet" photos and videos of her and Jing Gong Masaku began to circulate on NicoNico, and the number of hits was ridiculously high.

If Jing Gong Masaku hadn't called her to clarify at the first time, Luo Quan would have even suspected that this was the rhythm he was bringing up.

The reason why there is no doubt is because Jing Gong Masaku said that his father found out about this matter, and the consequences are a bit serious. Many people in the family are blaming him for his misbehavior, and the whole network is discussing the love life of the emperor's grandson. Almost even the concert schedule was cancelled.

Hearing that Jing Gong Yazuo was so miserable, Luo Quan was too embarrassed to doubt her again.

Originally, she thought that these were impromptu works of nerds and nerds when they were bored, and the heat would subside after a while.

But I don’t know if it’s because the popularity of the two in Japan is too high. After the CP group was formed, the popularity increased day by day, and gradually spread from NicoNico to the entire network. Finally, some gossip magazines even started reporting.

"The story that the grandson of the Japanese emperor and the goddess of spring water have to tell."

"That night, His Majesty Jing's true feelings were revealed."

"A match made in heaven! There may be the most beautiful mixed race in Japan!"

With such an outrageously exaggerated title, even passers-by who don't like gossip will probably go in and take a look full of curiosity after seeing it.

And the contents of these gossip magazines dare to make up anything, and there is no shadow of it, but it feels like a 52-episode large-scale series.

After reading these texts, readers seem to have read a Tokyo love story, which is really full of worries and imagination.

Under the joint promotion of netizens and these unscrupulous magazines, seeing that Luo Quan is about to become a miserable woman like Akana Rika who cannot love her and regrets her life, she hastened to clarify on Twitter:

"Recently, many netizens synthesized the so-called CP pictures and videos of me and Senior Jing Gong, which caused many gossip magazines to write articles. I hope these gossip magazines will immediately remove these false stories from their shelves, and stop misleading the public.

In addition, I hereby solemnly clarify that Senior Jing Gong and I are just ordinary friends. Please don’t make up your own imagination, so as not to cause more misunderstandings! "

Jing Gong Masaku immediately followed up with a tweet:
"I hope everyone can stop fantasizing. Luo Quan and I have no relationship other than friends. This will only make our relationship awkward. I also hope that those gossip magazines can respect me and Luo Quan and stop making up stories. down."

The two statements made the situation clear, but the CP Party, which has been waiting for a long time, will not give up easily at this time, but restrained a little, but the videos of Luo Quan and Jing Gong on NicoNico are still there, and the number of hits is still increasing .

As for those unscrupulous magazines who deleted the relevant articles, they were originally trying to make a wave of money by taking advantage of the popularity. Now that they are the main ones speaking, they will naturally respond immediately, otherwise they will be sued.

Originally, Jing Gong Yazuo thought that after such a disturbance, the relationship between him and Luo Quan, which had just eased, would become like a passer-by again, but when they met the next day, she greeted him as if nothing had happened, and greeted him with a smile.

This reassured Jing Gong Masaku a lot, the two smiled and waved, and then passed each other.

Jing Gong Masaku is going to the library, and Luo Quan is going to the club activity room.

"What are you doing in a circle?" Luo Quan walked into the activity room and asked curiously when he saw everyone gathered together looking at something.

"The school year is coming to an end soon, and the department has given an exchange student plan, are you interested?" Everyone stepped aside, revealing an announcement on the table.

"What exchange student plan?" Luo Quan looked over.

Yun Jingxiao explained: "This time, the University of Tokyo and many universities in China have carried out exchange student cooperation and exchanged students to study."

Kamiya Suzune added: "It is said that the conditions given by Huaxia are very generous. Not only will there be scholarships, but they will also be equipped with study partners to help you adapt to the local life and teach you to speak Chinese."

"Teach me to speak Chinese?" Luo Quan looked suspicious.

Kamiya Suzune explained: "It's not to help you, but to help these foreign exchange students. Not only the University of Tokyo, but many universities in Europe and the United States seem to have received similar invitations."

"Sounds okay, does this count as going international?" Luo Quan chuckled, but felt a little disdainful in his heart.

It is so fancy, and it is a scholarship and a study partner. Will it help to improve the school's teaching quality and international reputation?

It's just formalism, and the top students from Stanford, Harvard, and Massachusetts will travel across the ocean to come to you as an exchange student?If you think about it with your ass, you know what kind of goods will come here. If you have that money, you might as well buy more sets of experimental equipment for your own students.

"So do you want to go?" Luo Quan asked.

Yun Jingxiao shook his head: "No, the University of Tokyo is the number one university in Asia, why go to another school?"

"I haven't learned this bit of knowledge yet, so don't waste it elsewhere." Amuro Yu was also not interested.

Kamiya Suzune and Miyano Natsuko were quite interested, but they weren't attracted by Huaxia's universities, but simply wanted to learn about China's traditional culture and visit the mountains and rivers.

After Luo Quan asked around, few of the [-] or so people in the Philharmonic Club wanted to go to study abroad. If they really wanted to go further, the Ivy League schools in the United States were definitely the best choice.

To be honest, Luo Quan actually has no plans to return to China as an exchange student. Mother Luo Ni brought Luo Quan abroad, not only to find Eric, but also to let Luo Quan drink some foreign ink. After all, returnees are now college students. It is more popular than many domestic graduates with heavy education, even if these returnees have no real talents at all.

And if Luoquan successfully graduates from the University of Tokyo, not to mention crushing all domestic universities, but at least in terms of status, it will be on an equal footing with the highest domestic universities such as Tsinghua University and Capital University.

But for some reason, Luo Quan still put away the announcement of the proposal by mistake.

Maybe, she will change her mind in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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