Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 152 Concert

Chapter 152 Concert

PS. Thanks to the free and easy Xiaomian, a book friend, and praying for my rewarded book coins!

Before I knew it, the time had come to March 3th.

There used to be nothing special about this day, but since 11, March 3th has become a special day.

On this day in 2011, Japan experienced a massive earthquake of 9.0 on the Richter scale, the largest in Japan and the fourth largest in human history.

The earthquake killed nearly 2 people and suffered heavy economic losses. It was the biggest natural disaster Japan has suffered since World War II.

After that, every year on March [-]th, the whole country will mourn deeply.

However, the situation this year is slightly different. Japanese society has just experienced the suspicion of the 16 Tokyo Earthquake. At that time, when major earthquakes occurred frequently in various regions of Japan, almost everyone thought that Japan was about to sink, and the whole society fell into darkness. In pessimism.

During that time, countless rich Japanese took refuge abroad with money, and ordinary people who had no conditions to go abroad could only jokingly say on the Internet: Everyone can only wait to die.

Under the cover of this incomparably dignified atmosphere, only one person's singing still encouraged everyone not to admit defeat, but to have hope for the future.

This person is Luo Quan. Her new song "Don't Give Up" released in August has become the song that has dominated the Oricon chart for the longest time. The number of downloads, plays, and reprints has broken many records. All TV stations and radio stations are on [-]/[-] interval play.

In those days, it is not an exaggeration to say that "Don't Give Up" was sung by the whole people.

It is precisely because of this song that the Japanese people finally survived the haze and continued to live optimistically and hard.

And the Japanese stock market, which has come to the edge of the meltdown several times, miraculously began to pick up, and even reached the peak of the year.

Prior to this, countless economic experts predicted that Japan’s second bubble era was coming. First, the stock market would melt down, then debts and housing prices would collapse, companies would close down, investors would jump off buildings in despair, a large number of people would lose their jobs, and the country’s economy would fall back for 30 years.

This was basically the consensus of everyone at the time.

However, after the release of "Don't Give Up", it turned the tide and pulled back the Japanese stock market that was facing a collapse. This phenomenon was later called "the miracle of spring water" by many stockholders.

Although the Japanese stock market did not continue to rise after the recovery, and it still looks half-dead after a slight recovery, at least the Japanese society has regained a lot of vitality.

On the street, the indifferent Japanese citizens began to smile, strangers in the tram began to communicate, and the relationship between neighbors was no longer as tense as enemies.

These changes are visible to the naked eye, and the TV station mentioned it more than once: "It is said that since the new century, the relationship between Japanese people is the most harmonious!"

Luo Quan may not be responsible for all this, but she must be the one who contributed the most.

As a foreigner, he has the status of a national idol in Japan, which has never happened in the history of Japanese entertainment.

It is precisely because of this that the 311 charity concert has become the most watched program in Japan in the first half of 2017.

Before the concert started, I don’t know how many people turned on the TV and mobile phones early, and tuned the channel.

And at eight o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast of the concert appeared on the screen on time, and all the audience who had been waiting for the trial became excited at this time, calling for their family members, and then chose the most comfortable position to lie down.

There is no prologue, and the concert starts singing as soon as it starts broadcasting.

The person in charge of the warm-up is the hottest Japanese rock band Super, and the song they sang is naturally their famous song "Re:make". The passionate singing made the Tokyo Dome and the audience outside the screen all excited.

At the end of the song, the two hosts came up amidst the cheers of the audience.

The two first praised the wonderful performance of the Super Band, and then began to thank various sponsors. At the same time, they also reminded the audience that the off-site donation channel has been opened.

After saying the information that must be told to the audience, the two hosts chatted a few more idle words, and it was time for the second singer to perform on stage.

The scale of this charity concert is very large. Almost all first- and second-rate singers in the Japanese entertainment industry have come.

It's just that this charity concert is likely to be held only once, and the importance of the two cannot be compared.

The singers on stage sang enthusiastically, while Luo Quan in the backstage seemed calm.

As the absolute protagonist of this concert, Luo Quan became the target of journalists rushing to interview him as soon as he arrived backstage.

Today, because the occasion was more important, before Luo Quan came again, she finally put on makeup for the first time. The clothes on her body were also the Chanel purple dress that designer Raphael helped her choose, highlighting an elegant and full of charm.

As soon as Luo Quan with this appearance walked into the backstage of the concert, there were exclamations one after another, followed by flashes that were dazzling enough to eclipse incandescent lights, and the shutters clicked, and reporters one after another Came over to interview Luo Quan.

Miki stepped forward and blocked all the reporters: "Everyone, Luo Quan's task today is to sing. If you want to interview some gossip, you'd better come later when the press conference is held."

Most celebrities are eager for reporters to interview them, the more reporters the better, so as to have more exposure.

Fortunately, Luo Quan did exactly the opposite and didn't give the reporters any face.

To put it bluntly, there are so many big-name celebrities at the scene, all of them came to interview you, which is enough to give you face, but you didn't appreciate it at all!

Regardless of these words, at most, I can only talk in my heart. Now that Luoquan is in the limelight, some of the capital is maverick, and as long as she doesn't bother with any principled mistakes, she can continue to be so self-willed. No one dares to say that she is wrong .

After dismissing the reporters, the noisy backstage of the concert became much quieter. Luo Quan sat alone in a corner, waiting to perform on stage at the last moment.

After sitting for about half an hour, her partner arrived.

Like most male singers tonight, Jing Gong Masaku is wearing a neat suit. Although he has no special features, he has a good figure and looks. After wearing a suit, he has the temperament of a noble young master. He attracts many people when he appears. The gaze of a teenage star.

The appearance of the Japanese royal family was not very high because of the marriage of close relatives. It was not until Jing Gong Masaku's grandfather, Emperor Akihito, finally broke the tradition of marriage between close relatives and found someone without any blood relationship, but good-looking Pretty good queen.

And Jing Gong Masaku's mother's appearance is the best in the history of princesses, she is simply the appearance of a top star, and she is also a high-achieving student who has studied in the UK, with excellent talent and appearance.

Jinggong Yazuo has completely inherited her mother's appearance characteristics, with soft features, but the facial contours are very tough, and she is undisputedly handsome.

Since a few years ago, Jing Gong Masaku has been ranked among the top few of the world's most handsome royal family members, and this year he was also selected as one of the world's top [-] most handsome faces.

It is precisely because his son is so handsome that Jing Gong Masaku's father's approval rate among the people is also much higher than that of his younger brother. If there is no accident, the next emperor will be in his pocket.

"You look pretty today." Jing Gong Masaku moved a stool and sat next to Luo Quan. As her partner tonight, Jing Gong Masaku was the only boy besides Miki who dared to sit next to Luo Quan.

Luo Quan smiled: "You are not too bad today, but the suit is too stereotyped, and your body is suitable for wearing a coat."

"Do you still have research on men's clothing matching?"

"I read it in fashion magazines, it's better than pork, I've always eaten pigs and ran away."

After an awkward chat, the two played with their phones.

As everyone knows, since Jing Gong Masaku sat next to Luo Quan, many reporters in the backstage have already turned off the shutter sound and flash, and secretly started taking pictures and videos.

If you want to ask what gossip news is the most popular in Japan recently, it must be the story that the goddess of spring water and His Highness the emperor's grandson have to tell.

The two are in the same school, the same campus, and the same activity room. They see each other every day, and they even sing the same song at the same concert. If you say there is nothing tricky in it, who will believe it?

In fact, these are just coincidences, but there are too many coincidences, and it is not the case in the eyes of outsiders.

Usually, the two of them are in school, so it is almost impossible to take photos that appear in the same frame. Now that they are sitting so close to each other, how could these reporters miss this great opportunity?
Anyway, film doesn’t cost money, so it’s natural to say as much as you can shoot.

Get these photos and deal with them. Once they are released tomorrow, they will have all the performance for this month!
But Luo Quan and Jing Gong Masaku didn't notice this at all.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and when the penultimate singer came on stage, Luo Quan and Jing Gong Masaku had already got up and moved their bodies stiff from sitting for a long time, and opened their voices at the same time.

After a warm-up, both of them adjusted their condition to the best.

At the same time, on the stage of the concert, the host came to the stage after the penultimate singer finished his performance.

"Tonight's performance has finally come to an end. I believe everyone has enjoyed an ultimate music feast, but don't let up, because tonight's highlight is about to begin!"

Audiences who have seen the concert schedule already know who is going to play, which is what most people buy tickets for.

Countless fans stood up, applauded and cheered Luo Quan's name. It was quite messy at first, but in the end it became tidy by itself without organization.




At the Tokyo Dome Stadium, tens of thousands of fans chanted a person's name in unison, and the avalanche and tsunami-like momentum seemed to tear the entire sky apart!

(End of this chapter)

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