Chapter 164
ps. Thank you for the book coins rewarded by the book friend Deng Shen!
In the backstage of the "Creating Girls' Generation" program group, the makeup artist is touching up the makeup of a group of mentors, the staff come and go in a hurry, and everyone is making final preparations for the upcoming recording stage.

Today, Luo Quan's face is covered with a thick layer of foundation. It's not that the makeup artist thinks that Luo Quan's skin is not good. It's just that there are dozens of highlight lights on the stage. If you don't apply foundation, your face will be in the camera The facial features will be blurred, which has nothing to do with the skin.

Before performing at a charity concert, the makeup artist said the same to Luo Quan.

In the past, she was quite disgusted with those celebrities who put on a thick layer of powder on their faces, and their faces were all that sickly white.

It is only now that I realize that this may not be their original intention. After all, applying so much cosmetics on the face is somewhat damaging to the skin.

But there is no way, the star is to be glamorous on stage, if you stare at a pair of yellow skin and dark circles under the eyes, the audience will criticize you for being unprofessional.

After the make-up was done here, the stage was still being debugged, and several mentors chatted backstage.

Wen Xia was dealing with the "senior" Ella, the two were talking about the development trend of China's girl groups in recent years, Zhao Yining and Jin Zihao were discussing how to sing red faces and bad faces on the stage, only Luo Quan was alone While playing with her mobile phone, no one came to talk to her until Zhou Yangwen arrived.

This program is a big project jointly cooperated by Penguin Video, Penguin Music, and Penguin Film and Television, and these departments are under the management of Penguin Interactive Entertainment. As the general manager of Penguin Interactive Entertainment, he must be there to inspect the show when it starts.

For this show, these departments have already started preparations since the beginning of the year, and they are determined to make it the most popular variety show this year or even in recent years. Not only Penguin Interactive Entertainment, but even the head office also attaches great importance to it. , providing considerable resources and convenience in all aspects.

Seeing the boss arrive, the employees in the backstage stopped no matter how busy they were, and said hello to Mr. Zhou.

There was a smile on Zhou Yangwen's chubby face: "You all go to your own business, I'm just here to see, don't worry about me."

Several instructors also stood up, smiling and calling Mr. Zhou.

Zhou Yangwen nodded: "I will leave this program to everyone. If you have any good suggestions, feel free to offer them. All employees will try their best to cooperate."

Zhao Yining smiled: "President Zhou, you are being polite. We must put our heart into the show. With so many viewers watching, if you dare to paddle, you will be scolded on the trending list tomorrow."

After saying that, everyone laughed.

After laughing, Zhou Yangwen looked at Luo Quan: "I wonder how Luo Quan's written?"

"I gave Wen Xia three songs a long time ago. Those three songs are of very high quality and can be used as the main title. The remaining seven songs have not been written yet, but it's still early."

Hearing Luo Quan said that there are already three very high-quality songs, Zhou Yangwen felt relieved.

If it was when he first met Luo Quan, maybe he would still have doubts about Wen Xia's words, but now... Who in the industry doesn't know Luo Quan's talent?

Let’s not talk about Japanese songs and English songs first, but only talk about the Chinese album "18". Zhou Yangwen asked a few of his music producers.

These music producers are the behind-the-scenes producers of Penguin Interactive Entertainment. They have cooperated with many first-line and even top singers in China, and their evaluation of this album is surprisingly consistent:
This is an album with a high degree of completion, extremely rich content, extremely mature production techniques, and excellent singing skills!
Especially for the song "In the Name of the Father", the lyrics, music and arrangement have reached the peak level of Chinese pop music. With so many music producers in China, no more than two slaps can be made by those who can produce works of the same level.

It's hard to imagine that this was done by a girl under 20 years old in just half a month, and during this period, she also produced nine other songs, from songwriting and arranging to recording, mixing and repairing , all done by her alone!
To be honest, even a top professional music studio in China may not be able to complete it in such a short period of time. It can only be said that the achievements of geniuses really surpass the boundaries of ordinary people's thinking.

Luo Quan, who has received such a high evaluation, is naturally a priceless treasure in Mr. Zhou's opinion.

However, he did not have any illusions about signing her. Sony and Universal, two of the world's top record companies, could not sign her. Zhou Yangwen felt that he had no advantage over these two other than being of the same nationality as Luo Quan, so he did not. He intends to annoy Luo Quan by mentioning this matter again.

What I have to do now is to form a good relationship with her and gain a good impression. If I ask her to help write a song in the future, it will be much easier for me than others.

Just like this time, in order to help his friend Wen Xia, Luo Quan volunteered to make an album for the "Girls' Generation" who hadn't really formed a group yet, without even discussing the price.

Many singers in the circle know about this, and I don't know how many people are envious of Wen Xia having such a talented sister.

Zhou Yangwen nodded with satisfaction: "With your talent, there is really no need to rush, so I will wait for your good news."

Zhou Yangwen had just finished discussing with Luo Quan, but Jin Zihao seemed hesitant to speak.

Luo Quan caught this scene out of the corner of his eye, so naturally he couldn't pretend he didn't see it: "If you have anything to say, just say it, we're all colleagues."

Zhao Yining also smiled and said, "That's right, Zi Hao, you old man, why are you as coy as a girl."

"You're just shy!" Jin Zihao glared at Zhao Yining, and said to Luo Quan: "Actually, I want to ask you for help with something. I'm going to release an album recently, but I'm short of a song that can be suppressed." Live the title song of the audience, so I want to see you..."

Jin Zihao didn't finish his sentence, but everyone understood what he meant.

Luo Quan said bluntly: "You want to buy a song from me, right?"

Jin Zihao nodded: "That's what I mean, the price is negotiable."

Luo Quan chuckled: "It's just a friend, I'll give you a song."

Anyway, she is a cub who doesn't feel bad about selling her grandfather, and she can sell Jin Zihao's favor for [-] heat points, which is a good deal.

"Thank you so much. If you need my help in the future, just mention it!" Jin Zihao was also very open-minded, and made such a big promise to Luo Quan directly.

In this case, he would definitely not use money to make a deal with Luo Quan.

Luo Quan agreed so readily, obviously because he intended to make him a friend. If he said something like the market price at this time, it would be too disrespectful to Luo Quan, so Jin Zihao paid with favor.

After the deal was concluded, everyone's faces were still cheerful. Zhao Yi Ning's focus on the variety show industry would not be jealous.

Luo Quan also left a good impression in everyone's eyes by agreeing to Jin Zihao's request so boldly.

Of course, these impressions are of no use in a short time, but in the future, if she encounters any troubles, these will become her help.

After a short episode, the stage was finally adjusted, and the lighting, sound, microphone, radio equipment, and lens were all ready.

In fact, since the students arrived at Xiaoshan International Film and Television Center in the morning, the photographers have already started filming them.

This part can be regarded as recording the most real side of them outside the stage, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

The students all know that once you come here, countless cameras will watch you all the time, and your every word and deed will be recorded. As for whether it will be added by the editor to the short two In the hour-long video, it's all up to God.

But no one will act recklessly because of the low probability. Some expression management and courtesy and humility are necessary, and many more experienced girls have already started "acting" from this moment, that is, Wen Xia It is often said that the person is set up.

The so-called personality design means that celebrities use their words and deeds to establish a personality for their image through reality shows, Weibo, online variety shows and other channels that can be seen by netizens.

For example, what foodies, road idiots, and honest people are set up.

These personalities can also be understood as a kind of trait. By deliberately showing this trait, the stars make passers-by who have the same trait or have a good impression of this trait love the star.

This is one of the most effective ways for celebrities to attract fans nowadays, and it costs almost nothing, just talk more and post more Weibo.

However, one thing to note is that once a person is set up, this kind of persona must be maintained all the time without any relaxation, because once the persona collapses, the backlash will be very serious, and sometimes even Serious enough to directly ruin the star's career.

Of course, these hidden dangers are not a problem at all for the students participating in the "Creating Girls' Generation" program.

They have just entered the industry, and most of them are not very popular. Now is the time to use all means to gain fans.

To put it simply, it is to do it. The more students who can do it, the more attention they will get, and the easier it is to get angry.

When they first arrived in the morning, the students were very active in front of the camera. Many of them chatted with the girls around them as if they were familiar, marveling at the magnificence of the stage, looking forward to the teachings of their mentors and idols, or envious of those with outstanding looks. girl.

The photographer buddies faithfully recorded this scene on the sidelines. In the future, editors will definitely cut what they said and did into the show, but who will be the lucky one? No one You know, after all, there are more than 100 students here.

After a noon of calming down and putting on makeup, the students, led by the staff, lined up behind the stage.

They have to appear before the five mentors, because they are the real protagonists of this show!

(End of this chapter)

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