Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 165 The Student Appears

Chapter 165 The Student Appears
The first ones to appear on the stage were students in groups with an economic company behind them. They all wore uniform clothing and walked side by side from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.

The first batch came out were three slightly fat girls. As soon as they stepped onto the stage, they were shocked by the mountain-like seats in front of them.

These seats stand on the stage in the shape of a mountain, and there are fewer seats as you go up, and the upper and lower floors will be distinguished by different colors, that is, white, pink and gold.

The pink is the second and third rows from the top, and the white is also the position below the pink. The golden position is the most special. There is only one in the audience. It is located at the top of the mountain ladder, and it exists like a throne!

The three girls glanced at the seat longingly, then raised their heads and asked the director, "Can we sit in that golden seat? Or is it arranged for someone?"

"Everyone can sit, only you dare!" A shout came from outside the screen.

The three girls laughed and looked at each other a few times. In the end, they still didn't have the guts to sit in that seat, and they didn't even dare to sit in the slightly higher pink seat. They only chose a seat halfway up the mountain, and then sat down. .

The first small group sat down, and the second small group also came out. Their clothes were full of vitality, and they looked much more delicate than those of the first group of students.

These girls also saw the golden seat at first sight, but none of them chose that seat.

They all knew that the person who sat in that position would definitely get the most attention from the audience and become the focus of this least the focus of the first episode.

But if you don't have the strength to match it, sooner or later you will get down in despair after sitting on it. At that time, you will be ridiculous, and the students who came out first didn't think they had that kind of strength.

So I honestly sat in the middle position, it's not too low here, the camera can take good care of them, and it's not too high, so that it won't become the target of public criticism.

The intrigue actually started from the moment everyone stepped onto the stage.

The students are still appearing on the stage one after another. The girls who come out are getting slimmer and more beautiful. They are stepping briskly and carefully, with excitement and anticipation on their faces. They are applauded by the students who have already sat down. Among them, came to the seat.

As more and more girls came out, the whole stage became lively.

Although they are now in a competitive relationship, girls are naturally envious and longing for beautiful things, especially now that those girls with gorgeous costumes and stunning looks appear on the stage one by one, many girls with less excellent conditions are surprised at this time .

Envious, inferior, and praised, the students boldly expressed their inner thoughts at this time.

Although they are all the essences selected from tens of thousands of trainees across the country, and their looks are not particularly bad, there is still a gap between the essences, and no amount of makeup can make up for this gap.

Each group of students will first introduce themselves to the stage and the camera, and then walk to their seats with warm applause.

Nearly half of the more than 100 seats have been filled, but no one dares to take the highest golden seat.

At this time, a group of heavyweights finally appeared on the stage.

The announcer sounded again: "Please, trainees from Moon Flower Company!"

Hearing the name of the company, all the students immediately stood up and discussed in a low voice.

In fact, every sentence of their discussion was recorded.

"It's from Moonflower! I didn't expect it to come."

"This national audition, with such a big ostentation, Moon Flower will definitely come."

"Look, it's Galaxy Girl!"

There were screams among the girls. Galaxy Girls was once a well-known girl group in South Korea. This girl group also has the most Chinese members, and its popularity is relatively high in both countries.

Among the girls who appeared in Yuehua this time, there were two members of Galaxy Girls. They were attractive and tall, and they became the focus of the audience's attention as soon as they appeared.

The long-term stage performance experience allowed the two girls to maintain a calm and confident temperament from the beginning to the end. After bowing, they walked up the stairs gracefully.

Under everyone's gaze, Yue Wei, one of the two Galaxy Girls members, went straight to the golden seat and sat down with a light smile.

The other Xu Yuelin sat a little lower, and was also very tall.

"She is so confident. No one dared to sit down, so she just went up."

"After all, when you come out of the aisle, your strength lies there."

"Except for those two, there is no one who is qualified."

"It's so easy to sit on, I would have gone if I knew it."

"There will be a battle (competition) session later, you can challenge her."

"Forget it, I was joking."

On the stage, strength speaks for itself. When it comes to the stage of competition, no fancy things will work. The students all understand this, and at the same time try their best to adjust their mentality, hoping to be able to perform at a [-]% level later.

There are two giant girl group companies in China: Moon Flower and Seine River. These two companies are Korean-style idols and Japanese-style idols, and each has quite a lot of fans.

This time "Creating Girls' Generation", both companies sent out their elites, and the program crew also arranged the appearance of the two companies in a tandem and a back.

Just as Yue Wei and the others were seated, the broadcast announcement sounded again: "Please welcome the trainees of Seine River Company!"

The students sat down for less than a second, and when they heard the company, they stood up again and applauded.

Although Moon Flower Company has more famous artists, the girl group run by Seine River Company is actually the best in China at present. Every time there is a theater performance, there are a lot of fans to support, and the fans' krypton gold ability is super Strong, the idol queens who came out of the Seine River are all famous for their looks.

And this time the Seine River sent last year's idol queen, Lin Yuxiao, who is said to be extremely popular in Japan. Before Luo Quan was born, the title of beautiful girl of 5000 years was actually hers.

However, Lin Yuxiao herself is very grateful to Luo Quan for taking this title for her, because she was often ridiculed in China because of this exaggerated title.

And when she appeared on the stage today, those students who had heard of Lin Yuxiao before suddenly felt that the title of 5000-year-old beautiful girl was not particularly exaggerated.

She does have a face that is as beautiful as a fairy, and the proportions of the facial features are impeccable. When she appeared on the stage, all the students on the scene were suddenly overshadowed.

(End of this chapter)

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