Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 18 Huaxia's Girl Group

Chapter 18 Huaxia's Girl Group

"Ancestor, the Kobe beef you want." Luo Quan walked into the house and put the steak he had brought back in front of Wen Xia, along with a plastic box of rice, which cost her [-] yen.

"I'm back at last, I'm starving to death." Wen Xia sucked in her saliva, then hurriedly prepared for dinner.

After staying outside for so long and feeling the warm and relaxed atmosphere at home, Luo Quan didn't even bother to take off his makeup, so he collapsed on Tadami.

"Yo, what's wrong?" Wen Xia took a bite of the steaming steak and asked with concern.

Luo Quan said weakly: "I'm exhausted, I signed more than 1000 fans in one breath today, my hand is almost broken..."

Wen Xia sipped her chopsticks and said, "It's normal. According to your heat, it is estimated that you will have to come here once a week in the future."

"No, there will be no next time." Luo Quan shook his head with a little weeping, "I will never participate in any offline activities in the future, such as signing parties, face-to-face meetings, thank-you handshake meetings, don't even think about me. go again!"

"Wait, I haven't noticed that you still put on makeup today!" Wen Xia exclaimed, Luo Quan's appearance in makeup can be said to be even better, and now there is something to say about this posture temptation.

"Keep this posture and don't move, I'll take a picture." Wen Xia said, took out her mobile phone, and pressed the shutter on Luo Quan, who had a loveless face in front of her.

"What's there to take a photo with? I sweated so much today, and my makeup is all gone." Luo Quan put his right hand on top of his head and glanced at Wen Xia.

Wen Xia smiled and said, "There are no flowers, but the hair is a little messy, but it has a special beauty."

"What kind of beauty?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"It's like a peony flower devastated by the ruthless wind and rain, its petals scattered desolately, leaving only a solitary flower stalk, which has a sad and pitiful beauty..."

"Remnant flowers and willows? I knew you didn't hold back!" Luo Quan glared at Wen Xia angrily, turned his head away and ignored her, then turned on his phone and swiped on Twitter.

Up to now, her twitter followers have exceeded 20, and the rising momentum is as strong as her record sales. Looking at the Oricon Chart, three of her songs can already be seen on the list.

The ranking of this list is evaluated based on the combination of physical sales volume and online play volume. Currently, among her songs, "I once thought about it too" is the highest, ranking No. 20, "Lemon" No. 20, and 30. No.[-] No. [-] of "Sparking a Spark".

This result is similar to what Luo Quan expected. The songs on the recent list are basically new songs of some girl groups, and the sales are high, but the quality is really average. The quality of songs will be brushed down sooner or later.

As soon as he put down the phone, Luo Quan heard a sound coming from Wen Xia, which sounded like a domestic variety show.

Luo Quan moved his body curiously and put his head in front of Wen Xia's computer screen: "What are you looking at?"

Wen Xia ate the steak bowl slowly, and said vaguely, "Let's make our debut. The recently launched domestic talent show for girls' groups is very popular."

"It's okay, I remember that it has not been such a large talent show in China for a long time."

"Can you have to read it and then talk about it?" Wen Xia looked serious and serious.

Today is the second phase. All the contestants have already shown their talents and started to enter the group training stage. The broadcast content is basically the two or three things that the contestants had during training. There are conflicts, tears, and friendships. Just no level.

In the end, the songs that each group danced and sang, except for a few people, were basically a bit irritating.

But in Luo Quan's opinion, it's actually not bad. After all, this is a draft show with a public appearance. There are only a few people who have actually been trainees. Although the other players have a poor foundation, at least their attitudes are still very correct, and most of them have good looks. Also can.

It's just that Luo Quan was a little surprised by the result of the audience's vote at the end. The strong trainees, except for a few people, were generally a bit low. On the contrary, some players who had no strength, but who had a more pleasing personality, personality or appearance, won the vote. surprisingly high.

Seeing this, Wen Xia turned off the live broadcast and looked a little dignified.

"What's wrong?" Luo Quan was puzzled.

Wen Xia pinched her eyes tiredly: "If these are the future members of the girl group, then this girl group can't be popular."

"Why, I look pretty good, some of these girls are pretty good looking, and a lot of people will lick them when they debut directly."

Wen Xia said speechlessly: "Do you think this is a beauty pageant? With makeup and filters, appearance has never been the most important factor for a girl group to become popular, only strength and personality are!"

Luo Quan frowned and said, "The strength is okay. I think they dance quite well. Even if there is a gap between them and those girl groups in South Korea, they are not too different."

Wen Xia didn't speak, just opened Youtube on the computer, entered Sweet girl in the search bar, and a series of videos with tens of millions of views appeared immediately, and then clicked on one at random.

This video is an MV released by Wen Xia's former girl group in the early days. The number of plays is close to [-] million. The melody in the MV does not sound catchy, but it is very dynamic. It is a good dance song.

However, the highlight of this MV is the five idols who dance with the music. Their movements are uniform and powerful. Whether it is the rhythm, the stepping, or the beauty of the dance, they are all impeccable.

Among the many groups that the 99 contestants were divided into before, Luo Quan couldn't find a group that could be compared with the five idols in the video, even their taillights could not be seen.

"Can you see the difference?" Wen Xia turned off the video and asked.

Luo Quan looked embarrassed: "This... the gap seems to be really big."

Wen Xia said solemnly: "We belong to the fourth-generation girl group, and it's been less than three years since we debuted. Our dance skills can be ranked in the top three in the same-generation girl group, but compared with those who have been famous for a long time, we are at least one grade behind. !"

Luo Quan sighed: "There is a gap for sure. After all, people started doing this more than ten years ago, and they have formed a professional industry chain. We are just getting started."

"So, this is where I feel uncomfortable." Wen Xia lay down with a frustrated face and said, "I thought it would not be difficult to find some good-looking trainees in Huaxia who are good at singing and dancing, but now it seems that , I am afraid it is not easy to find one that meets one of the conditions, I still think things are too simple."

Luo Quan comforted: "Don't worry, Huaxia is so big, it lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of people, and it will always be found."

Wen Xia suddenly stood up and looked straight at Luo Quan: "Luo Luo, can you dance?!"

Luo Quan was stunned: "You don't want to pull me into the crew, do you? I can't jump, and even if I can, I won't go. Can this guy with long arms and legs look good when he jumps?"

Wen Xia thought about it and nodded: "Yes, your body type is also suitable for radio gymnastics. When you grow taller, standing in the girl group will be too weird."

"I TM..." I swear to God, if it wasn't for the strength of Wen Xia Da, Luo Quan would have to teach her a lesson now, and slap her ass fiercely!

"No, I still have to say a few words!" Wen Xia turned over the opened mobile phone, logged into Tua with the mobile phone, and posted a Weibo: "At my level, if I don't look at looks and resumes, I can make it in "Let's Debut" Ranking "No. [-]?"

Looking at Wen Xia's Weibo, Luo Quan was a little surprised: "You're not afraid of offending people by posting like this?"

Wen Xia rolled her eyes: "If I really want to offend people, I can only post two words at most: This is it?"

"Brilliant." Luo Quan gave Wen Xia a thumbs up, such a girl with personality is rare.

Because the popularity of Wen Xia's withdrawal from the group has not completely subsided, this Weibo posted by her quickly gained a lot of attention, and netizens made fun of it below:

"I don't think so. You don't have good looks and a backstage. Your emotional intelligence is still so low. Most of the time you were kicked out by your mentor as soon as you took the stage. It is recommended to become a dance teacher in the future, otherwise you won't be able to afford a meal."

"Shocked! The former popular female team leader was in such a miserable situation that she couldn't even afford three meals."

"Seriously, the instructor on the variety show is probably a little short of trying to teach Wen Xia."

"Don't you understand what Wen Xia means? It's saying that variety shows have an inside story. Those who are talented are ranked low, those with high looks and big companies are ranked high. It's not fair at all!"

"Old Tai Chi Wen Xia is very personable, and the yin and yang qi has always been okay."

"Actually, I've wanted to say this for a long time, but I'm afraid of being scolded, so Wen Xia is just good enough."

Interestingly, although Wen Xia's Weibo has aroused huge discussions, there are no related search hot words on the hot search list at all.

"It seems that someone has suppressed it." Luo Quan glanced at Wen Xia, who sighed helplessly and closed Weibo.

(End of this chapter)

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