Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 19 Breaking News

Chapter 19 Breaking News
Wen Xia was not on the hot search, but Luo Quan was on the next day, but not on Weibo, but on Twitter.

There are two hot search news, the first one is that the famous Japanese music critic Ryusuke Onodera praised Luo Quan's record.

In Japan, Onodera Ryusuke is not a popular star, but in the music circle, everyone knows it.

As Japan's most famous and authoritative music critic, Ryusuke Onodera is known for his scathing language and harsh eyes.

No matter what level of albums or singles you get, the level will be automatically lowered by one level. Those who can score [-] points can only get [-] points, and those who can score [-] points can only be regarded as barely passing. There is not much difference between his eyes and the garbage on the roadside.

There are thousands of singers in the Japanese music industry, and more than [-] albums or singles are released every year, and the number of works that can be praised by Ryusuke Onodera will not exceed ten at most.

It is worth mentioning that Ryusuke Onodera is also one of the main judges of the Japan Record Awards. If his works are favored by him, it means that at the end of the year, at least you are the most valuable music awards in Japan. A nomination!
And Luo Quan became such a singer.

Onodera Ryusuke's evaluation of Luoquan's three songs this time is completely different from his previous style of long-winded sarcasm, which is brief and cordial:
"Lemon": A rare good song, it may sound very healing, but it is actually a song that faces death and expresses the pain in the singer's heart. The melody is excellent. It's very magical, and it's worth listening to.

"Fireworks": Sing the love song of summer and youth, on that night full of fireworks, is there a girl/teenager who smiles as beautiful as fireworks by your side?
"I've thought about it once too": the best song in the past ten years, I can't believe it was written by a girl, the beginning of the lyrics is full of all kinds of sad and hopeless images, very like a person who is about to commit suicide In the heart, but then he inspired everyone with simple and touching words, don't despair of this world, we all have reasons to continue living for it!

This is a song that all Japanese people should listen to carefully, and I think it can save and heal countless painful souls.

If the evaluation of the first two songs by Onodera Ryusuke is quite satisfactory, the evaluation of the third song is really too high, and it is even praised as the best song in the past ten years. It is worth visiting by all Japanese. listen.

In fact, there are tens of thousands of comments below the music critics expressing their true feelings, which also proves that Onodera Ryusuke is not wrong.

Many people are thanking Luo Quan, who wrote this song, and thanking her for saving herself. Although Luo Quan doesn't know how many of them are real and how many are [-]nd graders, as long as If one is true, that is a merit.

However, even this hot search that has sparked widespread discussion can only rank second on Twitter, and the first is "Luo Quan on TV Tokyo"!
Japan is a strange country. There have been countless interesting things that are beyond normal people's thinking. For example, foreign bearded men became idols of girls, and the captain of the Self-Defense Forces was a cowherd in the sea when he was free. There are many similar incidents. Can't finish a day or a night.

As a TV station in such a wonderful country, the famous TV Tokyo can be called a mudslide among its peers.

Japan is a country with many disasters and disasters. Earthquakes and tsunamis will occur every three to five times. At this time, major TV stations will broadcast news to remind citizens to avoid disasters.

But TV Tokyo has a lot of personality. No matter how noisy the outside world is, it remains unmoved and insists only on three things: cartoons, food, and shopping programs.

There was an earthquake in a certain area, and it was releasing Ultraman; the eldest daughter of the Japanese royal family was engaged, and it was teaching everyone how to make fava beans; the Japanese Olympic Games were successfully declared, and the whole country was rejoicing, and it was broadcasting an advertisement for underwear sales.

It is such a maverick behavior that the Japanese people have developed a habit that no matter what disaster happens, as long as TV Tokyo is still showing cartoons, it is not serious.

Therefore, there are also many Japanese netizens who joked: If TV Tokyo does not broadcast cartoons one day, it is probably the end of the world.

Therefore, any news or event, as long as it does not appear on TV Tokyo, is not considered major news, and this morning, Luo Quan appeared on TV Tokyo in the form of a scrolling news at the bottom. The content is: Spring water, a talented musical girl from the East, Sales of the first album exceeded 30!

Although this message was unusually short, considering how weird the TV station that broadcast the message is, it can definitely be called major news, and Luo Quan's interview video yesterday was also broadcast on other TV stations one after another.

A top student at the University of Tokyo, a talented musician, and a talented singer with good looks, these labels are destined to be terrifyingly high for Luo Quan's ability to attract fans.

Especially in such an era when the Internet is extremely developed, anyone and everything only needs an opportunity, and it can be popular all over the country in less than half a day, not to mention a powerful and beautiful beauty like Luo Quan.

If there is attention, there will be topics, and if there are topics, there will be popularity. If there is popularity, the results will naturally go up. In just two days, Luoquan's three songs have rushed to the top ten of itunes' hot song list, and the ranking of the Oricon list is also steady. Climb, it should only be a matter of time before this momentum reaches the top.

What is certain is that Luo Quan is really red now, the kind that turns purple.

"You have to be mentally prepared. Sooner or later, someone will come to black you. You can say anything ugly. If you don't like the whole network, it will become the whole network black." In the room, Wen Xia faced Luo like an old mother. The spring is broken.

As an "old man" who has debuted for nearly two years, her original situation was similar to that of Luo Quan. After the fire, she was also sought after by thousands of people, and the growth rate of fans on various social platforms was as fast as that of brushing data.

But it didn't take long for the rhythm of the blacks to come in waves one after another. These people with rhythm are very complex. Some are sailors hired by their peers and competitors, while some are simply professional trolls, who use trolls as the basis. happy.

In a word, all kinds of unreal dirty water are poured on Wenxia and the others. Many netizens basically have no ability to distinguish right from wrong, and so many people follow the trend, so that for a period of time, many people were in black Wenxia and her team members.

It was the most uncomfortable period for Wen Xia at that time. She was often so angry that she couldn't sleep because of some accusations and slanders from netizens. Fortunately, the manager often gave them counseling, so they survived.

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight!" This is what Wen Xia has concluded since her debut two years ago.

In the past two years, she has experienced countless scenes, and her body and mind have been tempered to the point of being invulnerable. She has long since ignored Kuroko's remarks.

Wen Xia cares more about Luo Quan's psychological state. She has never been good at giving others chicken soup for the soul. She is not sure if she can give Luo Quan the best help when Luo Quan encounters the same situation come over.

Don't look at Luo Quan laughing so happily now, when something happens he might cry.

Wen Xia is completely overthinking. Beneath Luoquan's weak appearance, there is actually a weather-beaten soul hidden. In his previous life, he went out to explore the world in his teens and struggled in society for so many years. A sprayer?They'd be more or less the same if they had sprayers in their hands.

Anyway, Luo Quan is not worried at all. Her greatest pleasure now is to browse various forums to see how fans blow her fancy. .

Time is spent in happy times. In addition to browsing the forums, Luo Quan also bought a lot of books to enrich himself, while Wen Xia is knocking on the computer from morning to night, checking various materials and writing documents. Don't know what to do.Luo Quan occasionally asked a question, and Wen Xia just replied perfunctorily: I'm doing a big thing.

Soon, it was time for Luo Quan's first stage performance. At [-] o'clock on Friday night, Miki drove downstairs to the apartment and connected Luo Quan, who had changed his clothes, to TV Asahi in the port area.

(End of this chapter)

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