Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 20 Contradictions

Chapter 20 Contradictions
Ps. Thanks to book friends for the book coins that hahahaha embarrassingly rewarded!
Music station broadcasts live on TV Asahi at [-]:[-] every Friday night. When Luo Quan arrives, the staff is debugging the on-site equipment. Taking advantage of this time, Luo Quan takes his album and starts to visit the people who were invited with her today. guest.

In Japan, which attaches great importance to the concept of seniority, no matter what the relationship between juniors and seniors is, they should bow politely and greet each other when they meet each other. Otherwise, they will not respect seniors and will be criticized by everyone.

Luo Quan was told many times by Miki on the way here that he must visit the seniors, because he found that when he was in the company before, Luo Quan didn't like to say hello to others when he met the seniors of the company.

Miki understands that Luo Quan's cultural education is different from childhood to adulthood, and he has no habit in this regard, but there are some etiquettes that must be followed in Japan, otherwise it will be easy to be caught by others as a pigtail and cause unnecessary trouble.

Of course, Luo Quan himself is not disgusted by such etiquette. It is a matter of etiquette. She is polite to others, and then others are polite to her. In fact, there is not much difference in culture between Japan and China, but Japan has some Small details can be very rigid and fussy.

The MS program team has prepared a lounge for each guest, and they are allocated according to the length of time they have entered the industry.

And Luo Quan is the youngest guest today, because she just debuted the day before yesterday.

Luo Quan carried a bag full of his own records in his hand, and began to visit the guests who came today from near to far.

There are four rooms in total, two boys and one girl group. These seniors are not very old. The two boys are from Johnny's Office. They are relatively popular idols in recent years. Several songs are on the Oricon chart. , today is for publicity.

And Luo Quan, the company of the girl group, has never heard of it. They all wear pink princess dresses for the show. In the Japanese idol market where cuteness is the most important, their image is the most mainstream one.

Interestingly, when Luo Quan bowed to them to say hello, the girls all exclaimed, and chatted around to ask her for autographs.

When I asked, I found out that these girls were all her fans, and I wanted to come to join us on the day of the signing ceremony, but the schedule was too tight, so I didn't come. I didn't expect to meet on the show today.

Being able to be regarded as an idol by an idol, Luo Quan suddenly had a strange feeling, but after thinking about it, he realized that idols are actually just popular ordinary people, and there is nothing special except that they are more famous.

Oh no, for the seven girls, after the senior should be asked to sign, Luo Quan came to the door of the last senior's lounge and knocked gently on the door.

Soon the door opened, but the person who appeared in front of him was beyond Luo Quan's expectations.

"It's you?" Hoshino Ying frowned, seeing the record Luo Quan was holding, she said with a half-smile, "Oh... it turns out that the newcomer the company said was you, and Director Shimura asked me to take care of you. ."

Luo Quan smiled and said, "I don't need Senior Hoshino to care, I can take care of myself." He said respectfully and handed over his record.

Hoshino Sakura's face darkened: "Is this your attitude towards seniors? Although you are popular now, in the Japanese entertainment industry, a large number of newcomers like you appear every year, but few survive in the end. Well, now the spring breeze is proud, but it does not mean that it can be maintained in the future!"

Luo Quan said nonchalantly: "I don't need to worry about Senior Hoshino more about what I will do in the future. Rather than instructing me on how to respect Senior, it is better to reflect on what I have done."

"What do you mean?" Hoshino Sakura's face became ugly, this was the first time someone said such a thing in front of her since her debut.

"You know what I mean." Luo Quan didn't want to break up with Hoshino Sakura, put the record in his hand back in the bag, turned his head and walked to the next room.

Hoshino Sakura glanced at Luo Quan coldly, then returned to the lounge and closed the door heavily.

Unbeknownst to both of them, their conversation was captured by a camera sneaking out from around the corner.

The room Luo Quan came to now is the lounge of Music Station host Satsuma Hao. As a veteran figure in the Japanese entertainment industry, he has hosted MS programs for 30 years. But his status is unassailable.

But don't look at his high status, in fact, Samohao's character is actually very casual and free, and he is very caring for newcomers.

After Luo Quan knocked on his door, Samohao didn't have the air of an old senior at all, and was very easy-going. After accepting the record, he not only praised Luo Quan's talent, but also encouraged her to perform well on the stage later.

The friendly conversation with this great host made Luo Quan's gloomy mood suddenly relaxed.

After the visit, Luo Quan didn't have time to rest, and a notification came from the shooting site: all the equipment has been debugged, and the rehearsal can begin.

Because it is a live broadcast, many processes need to be taken with the guests to familiarize themselves with it to avoid mistakes.

Because Luo Quan came here for the first time, she was very serious during the rehearsal. This was her first time on TV, and it was still live, but she couldn't pull her crotch.

After the rehearsal, everything went behind the scenes, arranged in the order of appearance, and was ready to appear. During the period, Luo Quan passed by Hoshino Sakura, but the two of them were reluctant to meet even out of the corner of their eyes. It was almost like strangers.

After waiting for a while, Satsuma Hao and his partner Kanai Yamamoto walked out of the backstage and came to the front of the stage. After a while of music, the two hosts gave a brief introduction to the program, and then invited guests to appear in unison.

After hearing the invitation, all the guests immediately cheered up, came to the stage one after another, stood in a row, and then started to introduce in the order of the rehearsal.

When MS was broadcasting live, there was an audience in the audience, and each time the guests introduced a group, there would be applause and cheers.

Satsuma Hao also said: "Hoshino-san's popularity is still so high. I remember that when you came last time, all the men on the scene stood up happily. If I hadn't shouted so fast, I would have rushed to the stage."

The audience burst into laughter, and Hoshino Sakura also laughed: "That's because fans like me too much, but chasing stars should be moderate, too much enthusiasm will cause trouble for myself and my idols."

Samohao nodded and said: "That's right, you must master the scale of everything... By the way, it seems that you are not the only artist invited by Sony this time."

Hoshino Sakura nodded, but didn't look at Luo Quan: "Yes, besides me, there is a newcomer on the show this time."

Samohao walked to Luo Quan's side, and Luo Quan also said to the camera: "Good evening, everyone, I'm Luo Quan, a new singer from China, now studying in the Department of Languages ​​at the University of Tokyo, please give me more advice."

As soon as the words fell, the men at the scene stood up one after another and cheered loudly, all of them excited.

Satsumaho said to the audience, "What are you guys, last time it was Hoshino-san, this time it's spring water-san, you are not as quick as you are, not to mention Hoshino-san is still on stage!"

"I like both!" an audience member shouted.

Everyone burst into laughter, and the whole stage was filled with joy.

After the introduction, the guests came to the seat on the right side of the stage and waited quietly for their performance.

The MS process has three stages. First, the host introduces the audience to the performance of Japanese records on major music charts this week, and also recommends to the audience some records that are not very good but are of good quality.

Then, let the guests come to the stage. First, the short film that the program team has made in advance is played. The content of the short film is to ask passers-by about the guest on the street, and then collect some questions from fans to the guest, and let the guest answer.

The last stage is to let the guests perform singing and dancing, which is also the most important part of the whole program.

The focus of this episode is obviously on Luo Quan and Hoshino Sakura. The two Johnny's male artists and idol girl groups didn't get too many shots, and the conversation with the two hosts was also very short, and they were all done. It took less than an hour.

And Hoshino Sakura alone took up more than half an hour. This time she came to participate in the show not to rank the songs, but to promote the new TV series.

When Hoshino Sakura performed, Luo Quan took it very seriously. As a popular idol, Hoshino Sakura's singing skills can only be said to be above the standard, not to mention how great, but she has a girl-like sweet tone with her aggressive and aggressive appearance. , makes the whole performance look very contrasting and cute, which is probably what attracts her fans the most.

Beautiful is really beautiful, but the character really needs to be improved.

After Hoshino Sakura's performance, it was Luo Quan's turn to play.

In the warm applause, Luo Quan walked onto the stage and sat on the chair next to the host.

(End of this chapter)

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