Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 183 Reaction

Chapter 183 Reaction
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If this is a novel, I'm definitely not the main character. ——— Luo Quan


"It's so beautiful!"

"360-degree beauty without dead ends."

"Happy birthday Luo Quan!"

"Fairy Variety Show, all the staff look amazing!"

"It can only be said that it is indeed the most beautiful in the world. Authority is authority. It is difficult to dispute this result."

"In front of the empress, my harem suddenly lost its color."

Luo Quan, who has no makeup, can win the title of the most beautiful in the world just by taking photos. Needless to say, what she looks like after serious makeup is a kind of beauty that everyone yearns for. produce jealousy.

Compared with her beauty, "Bubble" sung by Luo Quan seemed a little uninterested. The bullet screens were basically all praises for her good looks, but few people discussed her singing skills.

A song was sung quickly, and when the camera turned, the instructor and students were already seated.

First, Jin Zihao came out to congratulate the students, and then Wen Xia released a big gimmick of the show, that is, on the group night three months later, she will form "Girls' Generation" with eight outstanding students Girl group, officially debut.

This is Wen Xia's dream, and it is also one of the reasons for all the students to come here to participate in the program. With Wen Xia as the captain of a successful girl group, the possibility of "Girls' Generation" becoming a big hit in China is almost a certainty. Needless to say, she also has a friend named Luo Quan.

What the word "Luoquan" means in the music industry does not need to be repeated. Music resources are the most important resources for a girl group to become popular, and this point has been completely resolved.

After the lineup of mentors for this program is determined, it is already destined that the girl groups selected from this program will definitely shine, so many entertainment companies will bring out their best artists to participate in the program.

With the mentors, students, stage, and investment staff all top-matched, this show is destined to become the hottest hot spot this spring.

"Let's not talk nonsense, please make a good start to the students sitting at the highest position." Jin Zihao was very straightforward, without any delay, and the assessment began immediately.

The first one to come on stage was the temporary regiment. The three girls of this regiment left a very "deep" impression on the students at that time, because they were the first batch of cannon fodder, and at the same time let the students understand that the instructors are How strict.

Just a few simple dialogues before the performance, the atmosphere was set extremely dignified.

The three girls who were still smiling at the beginning put away their smiles in embarrassment, their bodies tensed up, while the instructors all frowned, which even made the students behind them extremely nervous.

And this was just the beginning. When the three students who formed a temporary group showed their poor dancing skills and tacit understanding, everyone felt that something was wrong.

The two mentors, Wen Xia and Jin Zihao, repeatedly criticized, especially Jin Zihao, who even said directly: If you can go, if you can’t, you can only go home. Such cruel words, the BGM also became heavy.

The students' expressions were frozen and worried, and some girls even cried and shouted to go home.


"This is too strict, don't you want to be so fierce."

"My sisters are about to cry, Teacher Jin is too scary."

"It's the first time I've seen such a serious Wen Xia."

"Is this variety show too serious? It's embarrassing to engage students like this."

"What are you talking about? This is not a lighthearted and funny variety show!"

"This is to choose the No. [-] women's group in China. It must be for those who are capable. There is nothing wrong with being strict."

"Did those low-quality girl group drafts lower your standards so low?"

"Only by being strict can we see the gap, and this kind of program is good-looking."

"Glass heart, don't make a sound, the tutor is not a nanny, there is no need to take care of your fragile heart!"

It can be seen that most of the barrage still want to see high-quality audition shows. They have had enough of the funny auditions full of chicken soup, tearing, and plastic friendship before, and now there is one that looks like that. The draft of the matter is naturally to let it continue in this style.

The effect of Teacher Jin's speech was very good. The spirit of the Seine River students in the second group was obviously different from that of the previous group. Of course, the strength of the two groups of students was indeed no longer on the same level.

Lin Yuxinxiao is probably the one who has the most experience in stage performances among the students present. She has performed no less than a hundred times on large and small stages since her debut two years ago. .

And it's all in the big theater, which is much more formal than those roadside tours.

So even though the atmosphere was made serious and dignified by the tutors, she behaved in the same manner, with decent conversation and manners, and she was even able to talk easily with all the tutors, especially Luo Quan.

The two beauties seem to have formed a special connection after just a few words, which is commonly known as the cp feeling.


"These two really match each other."

"It's beautiful and doesn't have the burden of being an idol. It's a fan."

"Both of them look aloof, but they are like runaway wild horses when they open their mouths. (Dog head)"

"I think this marriage is good."

"Luo Quan's words are too true. Even though he has a high status in the music circle, there are not as many fans in China as there are students."

"I feel that Luo Quan is very approachable. I don't know why those people on the Internet hate her so much?"

"Because she doesn't want to admit defeat to black fans, why should she pretend to be a grandson after being scolded?"

"Luo Quan is the only person I've ever seen who can beat the trolls on his own. He can swear in a fancy way without using dirty words, and he can quote classics."

"It's a pity that two fists are still difficult to beat four hands. Thousands of reports will be banned."

"I will not do it again."

"Luo Quan probably doesn't know how to use Weibo except for publicity."

"Before Heizi spat her, she would go back to it. Now her Weibo is full of reprints of Creating Girls' Generation, and there is not a single Weibo about her own life."

"Indeed, birthdays are all posted on Bilibili."

"Damn troll!"


Participating in this program has attracted a wave of fans to Luo Quan, which is a complete surprise.

Originally, Luo Quan didn't expect his reputation to be reversed in places other than station B. As a result, the effect after appearing on the show looks pretty good. The wind assessment may be greatly improved.

Of course, she is not the main character in the show now, she is just a soy sauce character.

As the second batch of students who took the stage, the performances of the Seine River people were quite satisfactory. They were certainly much better than the first group, but they were not amazing.

Lin Yuxiao is the only bright spot here. Her singing voice is very beautiful, but her dancing posture is a little hip.

However, despite his shortcomings, the instructor still accepted Lin Yuxiao's A evaluation and became the first student to sit on the A-level throne.

Such a rating can be regarded as what everyone expects, and there are congratulations and proof of strength in the barrage.

Then the third group, the Moon Flower Girls came on stage.

Under the arrangement of the program group, the two parties can only be described as the narrow road of the enemy. The Seine River and the others have not yet warmed up their buttocks, and the Yuehua and the others are on the stage. At the same time, the arrogant speeches of the fans on the barrage The scene was rendered tense.

"The only true god is here, let's see what a real girl group is."

"Yuehua's students are the ceiling of the current Korean girl group, and Yue Wei and Xu Yuelin are the ceiling of the ceiling!"

"Wait for my sisters to get all A's!"

"Bragging is so big, aren't you afraid of flashing your tongue?"

"Shut up and just watch."

"Strength speaks for itself, okay."

Before the performance started, the barrage was already full of quarrels.

And the girls of Moon Flower on the stage are naturally the focus of everyone on the scene. Everyone knows that they are very strong, so if there is a slight mistake, the consequences will become very serious. The audience is tolerant, but they will definitely not have this kind of treatment.

Flawless is the only requirement of the entire program group for them.

And the students of Moon Flower really lived up to expectations, showing everyone why they are called "the ceiling of domestic girl group trainees".

From dancing skills to singing skills, to walking tacit understanding, there is actually not much difference from ordinary Korean girl groups. It is a performance that makes people feel very comfortable at first glance. Anything sexy.

After the performance, Teacher Jin showed a satisfied smile for the first time and gave a good evaluation.

The ratings of the last six students are also very high, three A's and three B's.

After the results came out, the bullet screen climaxed instantly:
"See? This is the strength of the Moon Flower Sisters!"

"The Seine River is indeed very strong, but the gap with Moonflower is obvious."

"Are you still barking, stinky brothers?"

"What's there to be proud of? Is Lin Yuxiao as beautiful?"

"Your beauty crushes you!"

"I'm dying of laughter, the most important thing on this stage is strength!"

"No matter how beautiful she is, can she surpass Luo Quan? It's not because of her face that Luo Quan can have such a high status abroad!"

"Singing and dancing can't be compared to beauty, Ye Xiao (Yue Xiao) fans are really funny enough."


On such a stage, appearance and popularity have become secondary factors. No matter how good-looking you are, you can't beat Luo Quan, and no matter how popular you are, you can't live up to Wen Xia. Apart from your own strength, the students have nothing special about them. , of course, except for some very distinctive students.

In this competition specially arranged by the program group, the students of Moon Flower can be said to have the upper hand, whether it is on the stage or in the barrage.

Fans of the Seine River really don't have much power to resist in this situation, their own fans are not as good as idols, and whatever they say is like a weak excuse.

Such uncomfortable emotions continued until the next group of students appeared on stage.

During the period, several instructors also told the students about their hard and cruel trainee life in South Korea, especially Wen Xia. When she shared some of her experiences in Korea, both the students and the audience felt that the trainee was a bit cruel up.

Eleven people debuted one person, the elimination rate is simply not too high.

And every trainee has to study for at least two or three years, or even five or six years for longer practice.

Such a long time, such hard training, may not be able to debut in the end, this is the ecology of Korean idols.

It was only then that the audience finally understood why their girl groups were so strong. Even the [-]th-line girl groups' business capabilities far exceeded the domestic commentary level, and top groups could even enter the European and American markets.

What caused this gap, such as industrialization and many fans, are actually not the key points.The only factor is not practicing hard enough and not professional enough.

People can spend 24 or [-] hours in the dance room [-] hours a day, their feet are full of blisters, and they have accumulated countless back injuries, but they still insist on the suggestion for years.

And in China, those who have a small cut in their finger will post Weibo to ask for comfort, sweat a little on the stage and shout that they have a cold, and their health is not good.

Do you want to compare this kind of professional attitude with other Korean idols?

Why?Is it because you have more zombie fans than others, or because you are delicate and expensive, and know how to please fans better than others?
It's not that Huaxia cannot produce high-quality idols. The success of Wen Xia, Chu Xiang, Jin Zihao, Zhao Yining and others are the most vivid examples.

This is also the reason why so many entertainment companies send girls to Korea for training. The environment gap between the two sides is too great. The harsher the conditions and the fiercer the competition, the more capable trainees can be cultivated.

And Huaxia is as comfortable as a baby's hotbed for idols. As long as you look good, post pictures, put on makeup, and go on stage a few times, you can easily gain a large group of fans.

It doesn't matter even if you can't sing and dance, as long as you can tell jokes, know how to fight in the palace, and know how to please the show crew, you will naturally get the camera. When you have more fans, your debut will become a matter of course.

And this is also the biggest reason why China's idol circle is half dead.

The good news is, that all took a turn for the better with "Creating Girls' Generation."

Just three groups of students can sweep away the haze left by all the girl group talent shows before. Even the worst-performing temporary group is about average in comparison, while the students of Seine River and Moon Flower can only use Top notch to describe.

And there are nearly a hundred students behind them, among them there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and there are countless people with outstanding strength.

Here, there is no need for palace fighting, there is no need to fight between the contestants, let alone develop friendship with the director team, here, strength is everything to them.

As long as you dance well and sing well, there will be shots!This is almost an obvious implication.

However, there are always some people in this world who have incredible people who break the rules, and they can effortlessly obtain things that others cannot obtain with all their efforts, such as the favor of the mentor and the popularity of the audience.

And this kind of ability is usually called the protagonist's aura.

(End of this chapter)

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