Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 184 The Protagonist

Chapter 184 The Protagonist
ps. Thank you book friend Deng Shen and Kong Kong for the book coins rewarded!

"The next group of students is invited."

"Hello, teachers. My name is Luo Chuyi." The girl's body trembled slightly due to nervousness, her shoulders were raised, and her teeth were gently colliding when she spoke.

During the conversation with the instructor, Luo Chuyi's cowardly and timid character was exposed and she was speechless. At the same time, she also had a physique of crying easily. Before the performance started, tears had already poured into her eyes.

Interestingly, several tutors were not bored by her crying so much, but found it interesting to tease her, especially the two male tutors.

As for the barrage, I was as excited as if I found a treasure girl at this time:
"This younger sister has the same surname as Luo Quan."

"Such a cute little sister, crying is called a pear blossom with rain."

"It feels like sister Lin, she is soft and weak."

"Jin Zihao and Zhao Yining are too bad, they keep teasing her."

"At first glance, it's not as stunning as Lin Yuxiao, but why do you like it more and more?"

"This younger sister is very interesting. From now on, I will be a fan of her."

As an amateur, it was very rare for Luo Chuyi to win so many favors when she first came on stage, and the passers-by were full of favors.

However, when she finished her performance, the barrage fell into a strange atmosphere.

"That's it?"

"That's it?"

"What is dancing, how can it be so rotten?"

"Is she singing counting one, two, three, four? Isn't that fake singing?"

"It's another vase, take it."

"I declare that I am off the fan."

"It's okay to be a fan for 1 minute."

No one justified her poor performance, because it can't be washed from any angle, and it's the only one that is so bad.

"Luo Chuyi, don't you know how to sing this song?" Wen Xia asked with a serious expression.

"I can."

"Then I see your mouth shape looks like you are counting one, two, three, four?"

"I'm counting the beats of the dance. I can't remember this, and I'm afraid of confusing others, so I can only count the beats."

Zhao Yining smiled helplessly: "But you still jumped wrong, do you know that?"

Luo Chuyi looked confused: "Ah? Did I jump wrong?"

Jin Zihao had a smile on his face: "Can I ask you a question, what kind of opportunity did you come to this stage?"

After Luo Chuyi explained her reason for coming here, everyone on and off the field laughed, and the barrage's evaluation trend of her also improved:

"Haha, this Luo Chuyi is too interesting, like a comedian."

"Although the business ability is good, but I just want to fan her, what should I do?"

"Dancing and singing skills can be practiced, but this audience can't do it no matter how hard they practice, she is suitable to be an idol!"

"I declare that I am a fan of her again!"

"Grandpa climbs the grass on the wall."

"But her stage performance is still terrible. I don't know what rating the instructors will give her?"

"If I gave it an A, I would just give it up, and this level is as good as the sky, and I would give it a D."

"That's right, she's taller because she's still sincere."

The final result did not disappoint the neutral audience, and the instructor gave her a moderate C grade.

Although the dance is extremely bad, it also means that the plasticity is high. I have worked hard in the past three months, and I have been trained by my instructor. It is not impossible to dance well.

What the program team likes is her physique that is easy to attract fans. As long as she doesn't kill herself, she must be given more shots and praise her.

Among so many students who have appeared so far, she is the only one who can be looked at differently by the program team and investors at the same time.

Lin Yuxiao, Yue Wei, Chunzi, and Jiang Yuner are stronger than others, and they are indeed the ones the program group wants to praise, but they are still not as important as Luo Chuyi in terms of importance.

However, this is just the beginning of her life of cheating.

Reality is sometimes more absurd than fiction, because no matter how absurd a novel is, there is still logic to be found, but when reality is absurd, there is no logic at all.

After the performances of these groups of students, the essence of this episode of the show was basically gone by half.

Most of the following students are a step behind the previous ones, and their shots are cut by more than half compared to others. Except for a few students who are particularly outstanding in a certain ability, some extra shots are given, and the rest are basically given. 30 seconds or so.

However, even with such a short shot, the audience can still discover the shining points of some people. There are so many people who watch "Creating Girls' Generation", and every academy has gained its own fans. Although the level is low now, but in the future The days are so long, and there is no chance of a comeback.

Unknowingly, the show has come to the end. After watching the dancing, singing and battle for nearly two hours, many viewers are basically fatigued.

However, the two foreign students who appeared at the finale pushed the entire atmosphere of this issue to the final climax.

Yagyu Junko's "Seorita" was amazing as soon as it appeared, and the barrage was full of people asking whose song it was, and her dancing skills were also the best among all the students, and they were on par with those students who had already debuted. , and the appearance can be called the top level.

And when it was revealed that she and Wen Xialuoquan were friends, it caused a huge discussion:

"This song is so good, and the dance is also very dynamic. I have repeated this part several times."

"Didn't everyone say that the business ability of Japanese idols is generally average, why is this Junko so powerful?"

"There are exceptions to everything. This sister is really strong."

"She has such a good relationship with Luoquan Wenxia, ​​will she..."

"Don't be so sensitive. Didn't the two mentors say it just now? They will definitely not bring any personal feelings into it."

"You really believe it?"

"I think the mentor will be fair and just."

"The two of them standing on top are the biggest injustice to other students."

"Isn't Junko's performance worthy of this A?"

"In all fairness, isn't she a good dancer?"

"Who will be the mentor today, she is also A, I said!"

"There's really nothing black about this."

As Wen Xia said at the beginning, only you are strong enough, even if there will be some controversy because of the relationship between the three of them, in the end these will only become her popularity and popularity.

This is the situation now. Junko's performance is enough to break through all the controversies. Regardless of whether the mentor has anything to do with her, getting an A grade is indisputable.

At first, everyone thought that Junzi was basically the ceiling level of the students tonight, but Jiang Yuner who appeared last surprised everyone.

Appearance, dancing skills, and singing skills are all three prongs. The performance is flawless and undisputed. Even the mentor Wen Xia said that if she goes on stage to battle with her, she may not be able to win without considering the fans!
There is no need to go into details about Wen Xia’s level. In Korea, she is recognized as a genius idol. She completed the triple jump from a D-level trainee in two years, became an A-level trainee and made her debut successfully, and she is also the captain of Sweet girl. She won the honor of being the most popular female artist in Korea that year.

But Wen Xia, who has such strength, bluntly said that she is [-]-[-] with Jiang Yuner, which means that her strength is far superior to all the trainees present.

And Jiang Yuner's performance is definitely worthy of such an evaluation. After watching so many performances, Jiang Yuner was the only one who got the instructor to stand and applaud, and the barrage was also full of admiration:

"As expected of being from South Korea, the level is just extraordinary."

"It's so beautiful, if it's pure natural, then it's a perfect idol."

"It doesn't look like plastic surgery, and the expressions are quite natural."

"The strength is too strong, almost crushing all the students, the C position is reserved."

"It's a pity that Yue Wei has already taken the throne. I personally feel that Jiang Yuner is more suitable for that position."

"I suffered from the late appearance, but I will definitely be able to sit in the seat after rearranging the seats in the next episode!"

"This is the end, I haven't seen enough yet!"

"There will be a mysterious guest in the next issue, but I can't help it now."

In a burst of eager barrage, the first episode of "Creating Girls' Generation" ended. As of 11:30, the number of views has reached nearly 500 million, which can be called a burst of views!

Of course, such a large number of broadcasts certainly does not mean that 500 million people have watched it, and the judgment of this data still has a certain amount of water.

For example, if you click in, you will get two playback times when you click out.

I saw half of them go out to browse Weibo, kill the background of the mobile phone and then go in to replay, that is another one or two times.

Few people can watch it directly in one go, and Penguin Video has made some data in the background, so the playback volume has reached more than 3000 million.

Of course, even if the background data is excluded, "Creating Girls' Generation" is also the most popular talent show variety show for girl groups in recent years, bar none!

At the same time, it is also the most popular online variety show this year, and apart from a few phenomenal TV series, no one can compare with it.

There are more than a dozen related hot searches on Weibo, and six out of the top ten are all about "creating Girls' Generation". If you pick any one, there will be tens of thousands of comments, and the Weibo posts of several outstanding students have also started The number of fans has increased rapidly, and related super chats have also been quickly established.

It is not an exaggeration to use this sentence to evaluate "Creating Girls' Generation" for a phenomenal variety show.

It has been a long, long time since Huaxia has produced a talent show variety show with a strong lineup of instructors, outstanding students, gorgeous stage makeup, and well-invested publicity.

The last time there was such an unprecedented grand occasion, it was when the first and second episodes of Super Girls were held. Mango TV became the top TV station in the country by virtue of this program, and then it started the Korean Wave boom in China, creating a An era of entertainment.

Super Girl is a talent show that is truly participated by all the people, and its influence is too great. "Creating Girls' Generation" cannot be compared with it now, but at least there are faint signs that it can be discussed together.

As long as the following programs remain at the same level and Goose Factory's promotion is in place, the developed network far surpassing that era will give "Creating Girls' Generation" even greater popularity.

Of course, these are still things to come, and everything has just begun.

At the beginning of the program, the most discussed ones were nothing more than mentors and students.

Naturally, the instructor focused on Wen Xia and Jin Zihao. These two are the main characters, with the most scenes and conversations, and the other three are basically soy sauce.

There will soon be related questions on Zhihu:
How do you evaluate the performance of Jin Zihao and Wen Xia?
"Jin Zihao's rap is still good. In the show, Zhao Yining and Zhao Yi Ning sang bad faces, and the other sang red faces. It complemented Wen Xia and Luo Quan's female tutors with red faces and black faces. In comparison, Teacher Aila is like an outsider. It's nothing. The lens, there is nothing to say.

In a word: Talented people come out from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of days. In a few years, maybe this group of students will rule the world. "

"Wen Xia's opening song really surprised me. The song is good and the dance is good. When I saw the author, it was Luo Quan.

She is in charge of the debut album, and Wen Xia is also the captain. In my opinion, the future of this group is smooth. If it is not popular, it is simply a pity for such a luxurious configuration! "

This is the tutor, and the questions about the students are even hotter:
How do you evaluate these students of "Create Girls' Generation"?

"From them, I see the hope of the Huaxia Girls Group. This is the girl group talent show with the highest quality students and the most objective ratings of instructors I have ever seen. The stage and service are all at the top level in China, and they are even taken abroad. It's not necessarily worse than that.

I am very optimistic about this talent show. I think the phrase "select the best girl group in China" is not a rhetoric, but an obvious fact. As long as there is a group, it must be the strongest in China. What I think is, can it Become the strongest in Asia! "

"These students in China are already the best group that can be seen so far, but even so, there is still a gap compared with the one in South Korea.

However, students with Jiang Yuner's strength are definitely rare in South Korea. Wen Xia said that the two of them are [-]-[-]. If you think about how many Wen Xias have appeared in South Korea in recent years, you can probably understand how strong Jiang Yuner is.

If there is no shady scene and the group is successfully formed, then it should not be difficult for this group to become popular. After all, all members are beautiful, they sing beautifully, and Luo Quan is behind them! "

"Actually, the student who impressed me the most was not Lin Yuxiao, nor Jiang Yuner, but that Luo Chuyi. I don't know why, but as soon as I saw her, I liked her from the bottom of my heart. She seemed to have a kind of magical power. People can't help but have a good impression of her, obviously her strength is the last among the students..."

"Do you feel the same way? I think so too. I really don't know what's going on."

"If "Creating Girls' Generation" was a novel, then people like Yue Wei, Lin Yuxiao, Jiang Yuner, and Yagyu Junko must all be supporting roles, and the protagonist is naturally our invincible, lovely, innocent Luo Chuyi! "

"Haha, it's enough to say these words. On the stage, she still has the ability to speak. This time she is rated C. If she is still so hip in the next assessment, the protagonist's script will not be so good."

"Netizens have become stricter now, and I can only hope that Chuyi will fight for her own words!"

(End of this chapter)

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