Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 198 Luo Quan's Love Story

Chapter 198 Luo Quan's Love Story

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No matter how popular Luo Quanze's new song is and how much discussion there is, it's basically fans who are carnivaling, and most mainstream media are not so eager to praise Luo Quan.

After all, only half of the album has been released now, and everything has not yet been concluded. Going to Kualuoquan like this is a bit suspected of killing people.

But tonight, no matter how calm the media is, they can't keep silent, because "My heart will, go on" is too good.

Even in Huaxia, where Chinese is used, one can still feel how moving this song is.

Lyrics, composition, and Luo Quan's singing, the three are perfectly integrated, and finally created this masterpiece that is enough to be remembered in the history of pop music.

Less than 10 minutes after the song was released, there were nearly [-] comments in the comment section of Weibo-related news, all of which were filled with surprise and praise.

I am surprised that at this age, Luo Quan can write such a touching work from the song to the lyrics, which is not like a girl who has never even been in love can write.

No one will suspect that Luo Quan is plagiarizing, because it is estimated that there are few people in China who can write English songs of this level. Everyone just can't figure out where Luo Quan got such a deep understanding.

The previous ones can be interpreted as the TV and novels she watched, and she wrote it out of emotion, so what is the background of this song?

No one knows the truth, but this does not prevent netizens from giving full play to their rich imagination.

Soon, some comments made assumptions about the song's creative background.

These remarks said:

"Luo Quan has always emphasized in front of the camera that he has never been in a relationship, but in fact he is just covering up a past that he has experienced.

This past must be unforgettable for her, and it probably happened at the beginning of love, because the feelings that arise at this time are the cleanest and purest years of love in a person's life.

At that time, there must have been a boy as beautiful as the sun in spring, which made Luo Quan fall in love hopelessly.

The two must have had an extremely happy experience, but in the end, like all fairy tales with tragic endings, the two separated for various reasons, and there is a high probability that they will never be able to get back together again.

This should be the source of Luo Quan's inspiration. "

There is one thing to say, such a passage is enough to make a bloody and tear-jerking love TV series. It will be broadcast in high-intensity prime time every night, and the ratings will inevitably explode.

What's interesting is that such an argument is very popular among fans, and they worked together to push it to the forefront of the comment area, and gained tens of thousands of likes.

In the end, it even got a hot search on Weibo alone:
"Luo Quan's love story."

Compared with the hot searches for new songs released before, the comments have a faint tendency to come from behind.

People seem to be more concerned about Luo Quan's secret gossip than the handed down music, especially her singing voice is so melodious and touching, it is enough to make people cry once listening to it.

Netizens also joked: If I haven't been dumped a few times, I'm afraid I can't write such a song.

Luo Quan didn't know about the situation on Weibo at first, and she has been paying attention to various foreign forums. After all, this song is an English song, and the sensation it can cause abroad must be greater than that in China.

It was Wen Xia who let her know what happened on Weibo.

In the middle of the night, Wen Xia hurriedly knocked on Luo Quan's door in pajamas and slippers.

As soon as Luo Quan opened the door, Wen Xia hugged her, buried her head in Luo Quan's shoulder, and suddenly fell silent.

Luo Quan was a little puzzled: "You don't sleep all night, why are you hugging me? Are you spring?"

"Aren't you crying?" Wen Xia let go of her arms and looked at Luo Quan suspiciously.

"Okay, why should I cry?" Luo Quanxin said that it's too late for her to be happy now, so why cry.

"I thought you would think of those past events after reading those comments, and then you couldn't help but burst into tears." Wen Xia said as she held Luo Quan's hand sincerely: "Luo Luo, you don't want to be in front of me." If you pretend to be strong again, just cry if you want to cry, my shoulders will always be there."

"..." Luo Quan looked at Wen Xia, feeling that she seemed to be a bit of a not-so-intelligent sub.

"I don't even know what you're talking about. What happened to me that made me cry like rain? Is it the last day of summer vacation in the fifth grade of elementary school, and you wrote ten essays for you? You passed the answer and were caught by the invigilator, and the parents were invited?"

Wen Xia's face turned red immediately, and she said anxiously: "This is all about old sesame seeds and rotten millet, how do you still remember?!"

Luo Quan chuckled: "That's probably all the past events that can make me cry."

"Have you never been in love?" Wen Xia said bluntly.

"You have been my childhood friend for nearly ten years. From elementary school to high school, we all walked together, going to school, eating, seeing a doctor, going to the toilet, and after school. If I fell in love, would you not know?"

"Didn't you stay in Japan for three years in high school?"

Luo Quan was speechless: "In the three years of high school, Junzi was my friend, should I talk to her?"

"According to this, you really have no relationship experience?" Wen Xia suddenly felt that she was so stupid, and ran over at night to pretend to be affectionate.

Luo Quan was curious: "So what are you here for?"

"Look for yourself." Wen Xia took out her phone, tapped it a few times, and handed it to Luo Quan.

"Luo Quan's love story?" Luo Quan suddenly had an ominous premonition when he saw this trending title.

After looking carefully for a while, she returned the phone to Wen Xia.

In addition to the "touching" little fresh love story with the most likes, there are more heavy-duty stories behind it, like a large-scale president's essay collection scene, any outrageous plot can appear.

"I'm really convinced by this year's netizens. Everything about Wuying can be said to be true, and there are so many people crying with them!" Luo Quan sat down on the bed angrily, and slapped the soft bed hard. Mattress.

"Who made you write this song so well? It's not like a song you can write at your age. It's no wonder that others will make wild guesses." Wen Xia sat next to Luo Quan and whispered: "Actually, I I’m also curious as to how you got the inspiration for this song.”

"My father and my mother." Luo Quan didn't blink his eyes.

Wen Xia was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me, the story of Aunt Luo and Uncle Eric... is really touching."

My mother waited hard for 18 years, can it not be touching?Luo Quan didn't even bother to complain.

"I won't talk to you anymore, I have to clarify quickly." Luo Quan said, and quickly typed on Weibo.

She must clarify the non-existent things immediately, or else "Luo Quan's ex-boyfriend" will come out one day, and that will be called trouble.

Don't overestimate the lower limit of today's people. They dare to do anything for money and life.

However, she certainly couldn't tell the story of her mother and father in detail. At best, this kind of behavior of her mother was dedicated, but at worst, it was dog licking.

Although in the end we have everything we need, many people will be moved by putting it on the Internet, but there will also be many people who will scold it.

Luo Quan didn't want his family members to be criticized, so he didn't plan to say this, but just sent a simple clarification on Weibo:

"To clarify, I haven't dated anyone since I was solo from my mother's womb. The inspiration for "My heart will go on" comes from my father and mother.

Here I also hope that the majority of netizens will just listen to the song quietly, and stop making up any love stories about me, and don't turn around and make up love stories about my parents, thank you. "

As soon as the clarification came out, most of the enthusiasm for gossip among netizens dissipated in an instant.

The truth is often the least interesting, because once there is a result, people will lose room for imagination, and in order to continue to imagine, some people will have huge doubts about the truth.

But this is not important, because the truth exists objectively and does not depend on the will of the individual.

The level of inspiration must be decided by Luo Quan, anyway, no one in this world can write this song again.

After the public's enthusiasm for gossip was cut off by Luo Quan, the attention naturally returned to the new song she released.

At this time, reports from various mainstream media also came out.

"Epic love story!" was the headline for Penguin News.

"A work that has entered the world's music scene!" This is the headline of Sina News.

"The miracle of Luoquan is still going on!" This is the headline of Netease News.

Whether it is the mainstream media or small marketing accounts and official accounts, they are all involved at the moment, wanting to get a share of this huge heat.

Music has always been a blemish for China's music scene.

In other words, the entire cultural export is flawed.

From movies, TV dramas, and other fields, the scope of China's cultural output is at most limited to Southeast Asia, and the impact on Japan and South Korea is minimal.

And Luo Quan's song today has caused a sensation in the United States, which is a grand scene that has not been seen in many years.

Even if this song is an English song, it doesn't have much Chinese elements.

But trying to impress foreigners with Chinese culture, especially at the artistic level, is originally unrealistic.

The knowledge that people in the East and the West have learned since childhood and the environment they live in doom the cultures of the two sides to have little interoperability.

If you want to impress Westerners with your singing, you can only use English songs in most cases.

There is only one Mei Lanfang in her previous life who can really fascinate Westerners with Chinese culture.

In this world, there is none.

Therefore, even if Luo Quan's song is completely western, it still contains a very huge meaning.

It's not just about how many awards you can get, but how much praise you can get.

More importantly, Huaxia has another star recognized by the world, and she can help Westerners understand Huaxia better.

Only when there are more people who are willing to know more, China's international image will improve.

There is no need to question China's international hard power, and it is firmly among the top three in the world.

But cultural soft power is quite average, and there is no good way to improve it in a short period of time, so it can only let Luo Quan, an artist with international influence, work hard.

The good news is that most artists with this kind of influence are very patriotic, and their influence on China is quite positive and positive.

With the end of GQT, after praising Luo Quan's new song, public opinion on the Internet finally began to let go of themselves.

If it was said that Kualuoquan just wanted to gain popularity before, now it is completely equivalent to "ordered to flatter".

This like is equivalent to a kind of recognition, a kind of acknowledgment, which represents GJ's approval of Luo Quan, and is also equivalent to a signal:
This girl looks pretty good to me, if any of you have good resources in the future, remember to find her.

It sounds a little funny, but the general meaning is not too different. With this like, it is equivalent to having a gold medal for avoiding death.

Of course, the premise is that Luo Quan will not commit suicide, so it is just a symbolic meaning.

But there is no need to go into details on what kind of sensation the song that can inspire so many people in China has caused abroad.

After the song was released, the official website of the B chart quickly published a report, which spent a lot of pen and ink praising Luo Quan's talent.

From writing and composing, to arranging, to singing, Luo Quan has been blown up in all directions, and his words are so nasty that he hasn't seen much in ten years.

The data of "My heart will go on" has exploded on the B chart. In less than an hour, it has reached half of the playback volume of "Listen", which has been released for two days.

The sales volume of the electronic album of "Love" doubled, and the discussion volume of related entries on Twitter exceeded 20.

In addition, the international authoritative music magazine "Big Rock" also published an article on its website, saying that Luo Quan's new song is one of the pinnacles of world pop music since the new century, and only a few world-class singers at the beginning of the century can be compared with it. Diva's comeback album can barely compare with it.

There is no doubt that the out-and-out praise of "Big Rock" has greatly recognized the status of Luoquan's songs.

Before "Love", Luo Quan also wrote many English songs, but the one that "Big Rock" can really praise is actually "We wil rock you", which has been listed as one of the [-] greatest songs of the new century middle.

The Top 17 Greatest Songs of the New Century is a ranking recently compiled by "Big Rock", aiming to collect the best songs in the past [-] years, regardless of nationality, only in terms of quality and influence.

At present, among the songs written and composed by Luo Quan, only "We will rock you" has entered the list.

But after this article came out, everyone knew that Luo Quan's second song was about to enter the list, which was the shocking song "My heart will go on"!
What's even more frightening is that Luo Quan's album has attracted countless enthusiasm and praise, and it has only been released halfway until now.

It still has a full half of the content waiting for Luo Quan to fill in. No one knows what five songs Luo Quan will bring next.

Everyone is curious, can she write a song like "My heart will go on" again?Or, can a higher song be written?
No one can explain clearly, because Luo Quan's talent is so unimaginable, and her upper limit seems to be far from being reached.

She is only 19 years old, and she still has a future full of infinite possibilities!
(End of this chapter)

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