Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 199 Hot Variety Show

Chapter 199 Hot Variety Show

os. Thank you book friends for the book coins!
Ever since Universal's headquarters urged her to finish releasing the song quickly, Luo Quan's time suddenly became tense from abundant.

She doesn't need to worry about the rehearsal of the symphony orchestra, but there is a MV to be filmed, and the "Creating Girls' Generation" program team is also busy.

The dance moves of the students have been memorized seven to eighty-eight. After starting to practice singing, they have to ask her if there is anything they don't understand, and she can't walk away.

She has to stay in the practice room all morning, and often takes turns visiting two or three classrooms.

Although Luo Quan is not from a major, her singing skills are unanimously recognized by everyone, and when the system improves her singing skills, relevant theoretical knowledge will also be imprinted into her mind.

Therefore, it is more than enough to teach these students who generally have no basic knowledge of music theory.

However, more than enough, she is only one person, and there are more than 100 students.

At the beginning, she also had no skills at all, and was scolded by the students.

In desperation, Luo Quan could only hire one teaching assistant, An Xin who had the strongest singing skills among the students.

This second-year student at the Berklee Conservatory of Music has very solid basic skills, and can also speak clearly about music theory. After a simple interview by Luo Quan, he decided to pay attention to it.

For An Xin, this is definitely a good thing that can't be wished for.

Being a teaching assistant means that she will have a part of the teacher's power and responsibility. Similarly, she will also have a part of the teacher's camera, which is something that all students dream of. After all, more cameras mean more exposure, almost It is equal to fans!
So when Luo Quan asked An Xin if she would like to be her teaching assistant, An Xin naturally agreed, while the other students could only look at her with envy.

With the help of the teaching assistant, Luo Quan's work pressure has been relieved a lot.

In fact, among the students, there is not only An Xin who came from a famous music school, but also a student who graduated from the Curtis Institute of Music on his resume, which is also a top school in the world.

But the water content of this graduation certificate is comparable to that of the Pacific Ocean. Luo Quan paid special attention to her singing and dancing during her first assessment, which can only be described as mediocre. She can sing, but that's all. are two concepts.

When recruiting a teaching assistant just now, this girl looked eager to try and wanted Luo Quan to choose her.

However, Luo Quan didn't look at her. There was no other way. The teaching assistant was selected to help her teach the students. If she chose "parallel imports", wouldn't it be a mistake?
So in the end, Luo Quan only accepted An Xin as a teaching assistant.

With someone to share, Luo Quan's pressure is finally much less, and it seems to be more efficient to deal with students' problems.

These tense days lasted for two days. These days, Luo Quan has been busy with "Creation of Girls' Generation". No matter how much she urged from Universal headquarters, she would not move here.

No new song has been released for two days, and the popularity of "Love" has also declined, but the song's playback volume and album sales continue to rise. The results have reached the best level in recent years at home and abroad, and there is a high possibility of breaking records. .

The sales volume of foreign albums of the New Century was set by the diva Caitlin Boozer seven years ago, and the total global sales volume has reached more than 400 million copies.

At that time, there were no digital albums, and they were all physical albums. If Luo Quan wanted to compare them, he had to multiply the price of digital albums by a multiple to convert them into physical albums.

It's hard to say whether it's a disadvantage or an advantage, and the physical album has not yet been released, so I don't know what the results will be like.

But what is certain is that Luoquan already has a place in the current world pop music scene, and I dare not say it in other places. There is absolutely no problem in claiming to be an Asian queen.

After two days of busy work, Luo Quan finally finished the work of the "Creating Girls' Generation" program team.

The next time will be for the students to rehearse and correct mistakes by themselves, and there are basically no shots of the instructor in the second half of the third period, because the students will directly participate in the road show and live broadcast the whole process.

At the same time, the second issue of "Creating Girls' Generation" was launched on time, and the number of broadcasts has reached a new level. At present, the cumulative number of broadcasts has exceeded 5000 million, and the number of discussions on related topics on Weibo has exceeded [-] million.

This kind of enthusiasm is enough to be called a popular variety show, and judging from the current situation, its potential is far more than that.

The show is sure to be popular, but how to keep it going, or go a step further and become a national variety show, depends on how the producer thinks about it.

The mentor and the students have done everything they can to the end. After all, it is a major event related to their own development in the next few years, and no one will take it lightly.

With the launch of the second episode of the program, more life fragments of the students were exposed, and their images became more three-dimensional in the eyes of fans.

Now is the time for the students to quickly absorb fans, and everyone's certified microblogs are gaining fans no matter how fast or slow they are.

And the ones who rose the fastest were naturally those in class A. Jiang Yuner had already reached 140 million, and she was the student with the most fans besides Lin Yuxiao, and she was the undisputed C position.Junko Yagyu ranked third with [-] million fans.

The reason Junko was ranked third was because Luo Chuyi, who was assigned to class C in the first episode, had the second fastest increase in followers.

This seemingly unintelligent student seems to have a smile when he appears, and he can always inadvertently make everyone laugh.

In the second episode of the program, her interactions with students, mentors and even photographers made people feel that she is a simple, optimistic and good girl.

Although nowadays, the term "good girl" is a bit yin and yang, but in the eyes of most passers-by and fans, Luo Chuyi is indeed a very good girl, a bit like a girl next door, very real and full of fireworks.

And she did not live up to everyone's love. In the second episode of the program, she practiced hard and was finally promoted to Class B after the assessment, taking a solid step towards her debut.

This paragraph is full of screen swiping: God will not let down a girl who is willing to work hard!

It can be seen that Luo Chuyi's growth can be said to be what everyone expects, and everyone is expecting her to keep moving forward.

Of course, "Creating Girls' Generation" is not just Luo Chuyi's highlight.

The battle between Jiang Yun'er and Yagyu Junko's big devil is also the most heated topic of discussion.

The strength of these two people is top-notch in the learning program group, and they are very close. Although Jiang Yuner is slightly better in physical strength, her performance on the spot is also a test of her psychological quality. Junko performed better.

And the fans of the two are also arguing over who is the big devil.

As we all know, "Creating Girls' Generation" will only have one c position in the group night, and that is Wen Xia.

Popularity, appearance, strength, Wen Xia deserves the position of C, there is nothing to discuss.

So besides her, who would be the C position?

A regiment always has two captains, the principal and the vice captain, and Wen Xia is definitely the captain, so who will be the vice captain?It must be the most powerful and popular one.

At present, only Junzi and Jiang Yun'er can compete for this position, and the other students, whether it is Yue Wei or Lin Yuxiao, are a little bit worse.

As for grabbing the c position, it has always been a very fierce behavior in the entertainment industry. It is said that there is no smoke of war, and it requires the concerted efforts of stars and fans, and it will not be considered successful until the other one is completely pushed back.

Jiang Yuner and Junzi don't have any conflicts, and they are even the best students in the program group. In the dormitory, Jiang Yuner has been asking Junzi for Chinese lessons, and she also teaches Korean to Junzi.

But there is only one c position, maybe they don't care, but their fans don't care, and the show crew doesn't care either.

Under the deliberate fire of the program group, fans of the two parties also began to have a heated debate about who should be the c position, or should have the "big devil".

Fortunately, everyone's words and expressions are fairly restrained, and there is not much foul language, so the scope of the discussion is still relatively rational.

After all, the show has just aired two episodes, and the group of brain-dead fans has not yet been spawned, and the fans on both sides are relatively qualified.

On the other hand, the fans of Yue Wei and Lin Yuxiao seemed much vulgar, and had risen to the stage of personal attacks.

On one side is the Seine Idol Queen, who has debuted for many years, and has 700 million fans before she participated in the show.

On the other hand, although Yue Wei doesn't have many domestic fans before participating in the show, Galaxy Girls has quite a few fans, including Chu Xiang's own fans who also came to support this time.

These are all veterans in the fan circle, with various methods emerging one after another, and the sentence patterns of swearing are also varied.

The two sides were evenly matched. Currently, because Yue Wei was reprimanded by her instructor and Lin Yuxiao was praised, the fans on the Seine River temporarily gained the upper hand.

This situation is estimated to continue until the third live broadcast of the program. At that time, whether she will continue to be ridiculed or counterattacked by the Jedi will depend on Yue Wei's performance.

These are the biggest rhythms of "Creating Girls' Generation" at present. Although it is a quarrel, it also brings a considerable amount of topics to the show. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

It is estimated that in the later stage, the program group will vigorously create a family atmosphere among students and fans, temporarily suppress these debates, and make the image of the program more positive.

As for the formation of the group, everyone is a family, and everyone is prosperous, and everyone is hurt. If most fans want to criticize others, they probably have to think about the thoughts of the fans of the other members of the group.

About two hours after the broadcast of the second episode, Luo Quan's sixth song was finally launched, and it was a trending search in time for today's end.

This song is a duet between her and Leon, and the title of the song is "Love the way you lie (like your lie)"

After so many days of deliberation, Lyon was finally sure to finish the rap of this song.

As a talented rapper, he can spend so much time preparing the lyrics of a song, it can be seen that he is extremely serious about this song.

The effect of the final singing was also very good. Lyon perfectly used the lyrics to show the image of a manic and paranoid extreme man. The voice, rhythm and even the posture of the rap made Luo Quan see the original singer of the song—— Eminem's shadow.

The only difference is that Leon is more handsome than Eminem, both of them have baby faces, but Leon is obviously more "baby".

After the song was released, it received rave reviews, but there were still many "bad reviews".

However, compared to the previous sincere negative reviews, the current negative reviews are more ridiculing:

"Luo Quan has a habit of stretching his hips. The cycle of good and bad is endless. The day before yesterday was good, and today is bad."

"Everything is afraid of comparison. This song is a rare good song no matter when it is placed, but it is placed after "My Heart Will Eternal"."

"We fans are so drifting now, we don't think such a good song is so good. Sure enough, Luo Quan has raised our taste too much."

"Everyone's reaction is so "flat", I just want to praise it. There is nothing to say about the Luoquan part of this song. It is as stable as ever. The treble and bass are perfect, which is a normal performance.

The lyrics and music are excellent, especially the lyrics, which are completely self-reported by two severely ill self-abuse patients, and their love is as terminally ill as the illness, and there is no cure.

They hurt each other, but they love each other. A song of lyrics outlines a movie for me, which is really wonderful.

And Lyon's performance was something I didn't expect at all.

In fact, more than half a year ago, although Lyon was also very popular, its reputation in the United States was roughly the same as that of our current little fresh meat, relying on its face for food.

Although Lyon is completely a powerful faction, the most impressive thing at that time was its face. It can't be helped, it's so handsome. I would like to call these siblings the pinnacle of human beauty.

Then, the song "Baby" started his road to becoming a little king, "Lose youself" is his foothold in the European and American rap world, and this song is a symbol of his further progress!

His rap singing has improved significantly compared to half a year ago. Listening to him sing rap, just one word - enjoyment, coupled with Luo Quan's singing voice like the sounds of nature, it's like giving your ears a Thai massage. It's so refreshing .

As far as I am concerned, this song is definitely a model of the combination of pop music and rap, and it is worth learning for all rap singers in Europe and the United States who want to take shortcuts.

But it is probably useless to study, not everyone has a caring big sister like Luo Quan. "


Although not as big a sensation as "My Heart Will Go On", this song can still be called a masterpiece of European and American pop music.

Especially the chorus of Luo Quan and Leon, which was full of hot topics and had a large fan base. The number of broadcasts and purchases in a short time was even no less than that of the period after the release of "My Heart Is Eternal".

At the same time, fans began to look forward to Luo Quan's new song tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

According to the "Luoquan Intermittent Hip Pulling Law", this song takes care of business and popularity, so the next song must take care of the artistic level.

(End of this chapter)

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