Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 200 Interview with Time

Chapter 200 Interview with Time
ps. Thank you for the book coins rewarded by the book friend Deng Shen!
The venue for shooting the MV is still under preparation, and the rehearsal of the symphony orchestra has basically come to an end, and it will only be a few days before all ten songs of the album are recorded.

According to "Luoquan's Law of Intermittent Hip Pulling", the next song she will release will definitely refresh everyone's ears and ears, and the quality will be extremely high.

Of course, these are just jokes from fans, and Luo Quan didn't intend to arrange the order of the songs like this. The order of all the songs was already arranged when she was about to release the album.

Although the work of the "Creating Girls' Generation" program team is temporarily over, Luo Quan did not get a rest.

She has become famous, and interviews from various media are asking her out every day.

She could still decline the unknown small media, but it was impossible for the big domestic media to push her. Fortunately, Zhou Yangwen helped her arrange a press conference for unified interviews, which saved her a lot of trouble.

At the press conference, dozens of media took turns to ask Luo Quan questions about his future career development and academic plans, his relationship with Wen Xia and Junzi, and his personal emotional choices.

Most of the questions Luoquan used was the same set of official rhetoric, such as humility and hard work, depending on the situation, and thanking everyone.

But in the face of the media's questions about personal relationships, Luo Quan answered very clearly, that is, at least before graduating from university, he would not think about it, and he would not even think about it for a period of time after graduation.

That is to say, in China, the environment is still relatively conservative, so people don't dare to ask anything. If they were abroad, after hearing what Luo Quan said, the media reporters would definitely ask her if she was gay.

After dealing with the domestic media, foreign bodysuits came to the door again. Originally, Luo Quan wanted to reject all of them, but he didn't accept one, but later found out that he really couldn't push it. It was an interview with Time Magazine.

As the world's most famous magazine, "Time" magazine has always been very concerned about current affairs.

And now the most lively circle must be the world entertainment circle, and the most popular circle in the entertainment circle is naturally Luo Quan.

The new album has not been officially released yet, but the electronic version has sold millions of copies. Six new songs occupy the top ten of music charts in various countries. Luo Quan's name is frequently searched in the three major countries of China, Japan and the United States. Popularity can only be described as overwhelming.

In addition, some time ago, she also won the title of the most beautiful face in the world. In fact, "Time" magazine wanted to interview Luo Quan at that time, but because she won this title at that time, it triggered some debates about ZZQS. I didn't dare to commit crimes against the wind, so I came to interview Luo Quan.

After all, in the West, ZZQS is the red line among the red lines, the kind that kills whoever touches it.

Now that the limelight of ZZQS has passed, Luo Quan has released quite high-quality works one after another, and has won praises from many heavyweight musicians and authoritative magazines in the music circle, which shows how excellent the songs she released this time are.

It doesn't matter if it's just for hype, or it's for approving Luo Quan's success, in short, "Time" magazine contacted Luo Quan and wanted to conduct an exclusive interview with her.

Because there is no agent, all business is handled by Luo Quan himself. Because he has been harassed by incomparable promotions and scammers before, Luo Quan's first reaction after seeing this email was that the scammers came to his door again.

As her popularity continues to rise at home and abroad, her Twitter account has been @ by countless so-called film and television companies and media. She can't tell whether it's true or not.

However, this is the first time I have met the liar who interviewed her under the name of "Time" magazine. Because of this, Luo Quan paid more attention and nodded his head to look at it.

Then I was surprised to find that it was true.

Surprise, joy, these emotions are all there, but she calmed down soon, and then agreed to the matter.

The time just happened to be after the domestic media finished the interview, and Time magazine sent people to Huaxia to interview.

It was said that after this interview, she was going to be on the cover. In order to have a good image, Luo Quan went around looking for people to borrow clothes.

This time she came to the program team, and she only brought some ordinary changes of clothes, all of which were T-shirts and jeans.

She found Wen Xia immediately, but although Wen Xia had collected a lot of high-end clothes that sold well, she didn't bring any with her this time.

At the critical moment, Leon solved the problem. He took out a black bank card with a white knight's head on it, and then pressed the phone on the back to make a call.

After the bell rang, it was connected. Leon talked to a girl with an extremely gentle voice about his current appeal, and then the call was transferred from abroad to Huaxia.

Luo Quan answered the phone, and there was a Huaxia customer service woman on the other end of the phone, her voice was still gentle and pleasant. After knowing that Luo Quan needed a decent set of clothes, the customer service staff directly arranged for Luo Quan to deliver them.

Originally, Luo Quan thought it was like a courier, sending a courier brother to deliver a piece of clothing on an electric car, thinking that she hung up the phone before saying which one she wanted. Wouldn't it be troublesome to return it if she was not satisfied?
Unexpectedly, four hours later, they drove a truck directly outside Xiaoshan International Film and Television Center.

But it was basically impossible to move here, and the security guard stopped the truck outside, saying that it was not allowed to come in unless there was a shooting task or an appointment.

Luo Quan, Lyon and others received a call from the staff on the truck and immediately came to the door.

The truck had been parked on the side of the road for quite a while. Fortunately, it was relatively remote and there were not many cars on the road, so there was no ticket issued for the time being.

Seeing a few young people coming out of the truck, a Chinese man in a suit and leather shoes came down from the co-pilot of the truck, and asked Luo Quan and the others respectfully in English, "Who is Mr. Lyon?"

"I am." Leon replied.

"The clothes you borrowed for Miss Luo Quan through the Centurion Black Card have been delivered, please choose as you like." The man in the suit said, and pressed twice with his mobile phone, and the back door of the truck opened from the inside.

Two staff members came out of the carriage, skillfully placed a triangular ladder with a smooth slope on the ground, and then pulled out a row of metal hangers with a length of four to five meters.

The above is classified according to the brand, and it is full of various high-end luxury clothes, which is the so-called high luxury or high definition.

When Wen Xia saw this hanger for the first time, her eyes were all green.

These clothes are the same as the works of those famous designers in fashion shows in recent years. It is impossible for any high-end collector to have such a complete set of clothes in the hanger, and now they are all piled up in a truck Here, let Luo Quan choose.

To be honest, Wen Xia was a little sour.

She had heard of the black card before, saying that it was a benefit given to some special customers by a bank in the United States. The most basic ability was unlimited credit, and it could pay for anything with a clearly marked price, and it was universal!

In addition, there is a phone on the back of it, which can call the 24-hour dedicated customer service of black card users. If there is any problem, you can inform the customer service and let her find a way to solve it.

It sounds a bit like the modern version of Conch Girl, but it is not impossible to understand it this way.

In short, the clothes Luo Quan wanted had already been delivered, and she was asked to choose dozens of clothes worth tens or even millions.

However, Luo Quan, who has no sense of fashion, stays away from those clothes with strange shapes. In the end, he chose a white pleated skirt. , Yan value is nothing to say.

And it will neither look too dignified like a princess dress, nor too revealing like an evening dress, which is very suitable for Luo Quan's conservative psychology.

After getting the skirt, the man in the suit just said: It's an honor to serve you, call me when the clothes are used up, and then drive away.

There is not a single warning about clothes, which means that you can use them as you like, and it shouldn't matter if they get dirty or worn out.

"This card is pretty easy to use. Where did you get it?" On the way back, Luo Quan asked Leon curiously, holding up his skirt with his middle finger.

"His father gave it to him." Seifert said with a curled lip, and he seemed very sour.

Leon explained: "Actually, I didn't use it much when I got it. I thought about showing it off at school. Later, I thought it would be bad for my classmates, so I kept hiding it, but I still carry it with me. of.

If you want this card, you can ask your father, he should have a way to get you another one. "

Luo Quan smiled and shook his head: "That's not necessary, it's just that I'm a little curious to see such thoughtful service for the first time."

The next day after getting the clothes, the reporter sent by "Time" magazine arrived, and Luo Quan also changed his clothes at this time and put on a little makeup.

When she was dressed like this, when she walked in Xiaoshan International Film and Television Center, the rate of turning heads was as high as [-]%.

We all know that Luo Quan is very beautiful, but I didn't expect to change into a decent dress and put on some light makeup to be so beautiful. The reputation of being the most beautiful in the world is really not a cover.

Unknowingly murdered eyeballs who didn't know how much money they had, Luo Quan, a reporter from "Time" magazine, and a large group of staff entered the shooting room.

The first thing is to shoot the cover of the next issue of "Time", which is the US general issue of "Time", not the Asian issue.

It is as beautiful as Luoquan, and the shape is not important anymore. If you stop there, you will see the beautiful scenery, and if you move a little, it will be the fine art of photography.

After the photos were taken, it was time for the interview.

Luo Quan and the reporter sat opposite each other, and they communicated in English without an interpreter.

First of all, the reporter asked some questions about Luo Quan's life, such as how he spent his childhood in China, what he experienced after arriving in Japan, how he was admitted to the University of Tokyo, and who are his best friends.

Because it is an exclusive interview, the next issue of "Time" magazine will have a lot of space to write about Luo Quan, so the reporter asked very detailed questions, but most of them are routine questions, and Luo Quan will finish the matter.

Then, the reporter asked how she got on the road of musicality, did she have a guide, and who was it.

The following are all key points to be tested.

Reporter: "What kind of opportunity did you come into contact with music creation?"

Luo Quan: "I have loved listening to and singing since I was a child, both at home and abroad, and I listen to all styles. As long as I think it sounds good, I will deliberately write down the lyrics of their songs, and then sing them myself.

Later, when I got older, I found that I was pretty good at singing, but at that time I was relatively introverted, and I never dared to show this in front of my classmates, so I could only study secretly at home.

During this period, I watched a lot of related books and videos, and I also had a preliminary understanding of music.

After I learned the basics, I tried to write lyrics and compose music, and then played and sang by myself. Later, I found that it was quite pleasant, so I saved it and waited for a suitable opportunity to release it. "

The reporter asked: "You released the song for the first time last summer, so what made you want to release the first work in your life?"

Hearing the reporter's question, Luo Quan's thoughts immediately returned to the time when she first came here.

The sun in midsummer, the hot air, a quiet room, tatami mats filled with books.Everything is as if it just happened yesterday.

Luo Quan showed a smile: "At that time, my mother went on a trip, and she forgot to leave me money when she left. I originally saved some money myself, and I can last for a few days.

In the end, I happened to meet the landlord who was urging me to pay the rent. In desperation, I had no choice but to go to the streets to perform, to see if I could make some money by singing the songs I wrote.

Everyone knows what happened next. "

The reporter laughed: "So, if your mother left you enough money when she left, would you still be studying at the University of Tokyo?"

Luo Quan shook his head: "Not necessarily, maybe one day when more songs are written, they will still be published on the Internet, but whether they can achieve the current achievements is not certain."

The reporter smiled: "A talented person, no matter when he shows it, he will definitely achieve results in the end, especially a humble genius like you."

"Genius is an exaggeration." Luo Quan was not very impressed with such a title.

"As far as I know, many people at home and abroad, including well-known musicians, praise you like this. There should be no exaggeration."

Luo Quan shook his head and said with a smile, "I just happen to be good at arranging lyrics and melodies. I really don't dare to be called a genius. In my opinion, only musicians like Mozart and Beethoven can be called geniuses."

"You are all geniuses, but your areas of expertise are slightly different. At that time, it's not like you can't make excellent classical music."

"Maybe." Luo Quan chuckled.

The reporter sat upright and asked, "By the way, you have said before media reporters more than once that you will not consider relationship issues for a long time in the future, is that true?"

Luo Quan's heart was shocked, he knew whether he should come or not.

"That's right." She nodded.

"You are indeed doing this at the moment, so let me ask a question that many people are concerned about. Is your sexual orientation male?"

When the question was asked, Luo Quan fell into a brief silence.

The reporter stared closely at her expression, trying to see something.

(End of this chapter)

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