Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 201 2 consecutive 3

Chapter 201 One after another
ps. The previous chapter was harmonized, and the application for lifting the ban is in progress. . . .

Of course, this surprise wasn't that Luo Quan released a new song three days later.

On the second day after being interviewed by Times, Luo Quan started filming the MV.

Originally, according to her idea, the shooting location of this MV was on a circular stage made of stones, which was somewhat similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, but much smaller.

She stood in the center of the stage and sang, surrounded by stone steps carved with patterns, and towering stone pillars stood above them.

The overall tone is retro, but Luo Quan's idea is too idealistic. If she really makes it according to her idea, the cost will be huge, and the time will definitely be too late.

So I had to settle for the next best thing. First, I built a frame with wood, and then painted the paint on the place where the view needed to be framed, and imitated it, so as to achieve the effect of being fake.

Luo Quan's first MV was completed on this seemingly crude stage.

In order to shoot this MV, the crew of Penguin customized a special gauze skirt with Greek characteristics for Luo Quan, and also made an olive branch crown out of plastic.

In short, the overall clothing style is to match the venue of Luoquan performance.

The shooting process was also very smooth, and it ended in less than an hour. Luo Quan hardly moved when she was standing on the stage to sing. Several photographers shot her from different angles. Editing, coupled with the songs Luo Quan recorded in the studio, basically counted as a living.

In order to record the song, Luo Quan also specially exchanged the star binding card of Shalai Brightman, the No.1 British actress in her previous life, in the mall.

Of course, it's a limited-time card that only lasts seven days.

This singer has a unique and moving voice, which is as wonderful as a harp, full of elegance and clarity.

Although Luo Quan's vocal condition is also excellent, it is still a lot worse than the voice of this chosen one.

Moreover, the star binding card can only give her the singing skills of Sarah Brightman, but not the voice of Shale Brightman.

Fortunately, she can use opera singing to simulate Shale Brightman's voice. Even if it can't be faked, it can still restore the effect of the original singing.

Luo Quan chose two famous songs by Shale Brightman this time, and the one for the MV is "Scarborough Fair".

The vast majority of Chinese people may not have any impression of this name, but as soon as she speaks, there will be a sense of familiarity. I always feel that I have heard it before, but I can't remember it.

This is a British folk song with a moving melody and beautiful lyrics. Its origin can be traced back to the Middle Ages. It can be said that it has a long history.

However, "Scarborough Fair" has made considerable changes to the lyrics of the British folk song, and the tune has also been re-made and arranged. It was born out of the latter, but it is also opposed to the latter. It can be called an independent song. s work.

This song may not be as eye-catching as those commercial fast songs, but as long as you listen to it a few times, you will be attracted by the picture it outlines in your mind.

This is a classic masterpiece worthy of repeated savoring. Compared with "My Heart Will Go On", its quality is only higher but not lower.

However, considering that those fans have already complained about his continuous "hip stretching" these days, Luo Quan intends to satisfy them all at once.

The MV of "Scarborough Fair" was handed over to Penguin for production. After Luo Quan left the shooting scene, he hurried back to the recording studio of Xiaoshan International Film and Television Center to start recording the ninth song of the album.

It is also an old song, but its melody will never be outdated even if it is put into the present.

In terms of the global popularity of the song itself, if "Happy Birthday" and "Alphabet Song" rank first and second, only this song can dare to be the third.

Its accompaniment is basically composed of pianos. Luo Quan had exchanged his piano performance expertise from the system mall a long time ago, but he never had the opportunity to show it.

In such a large film and television center, Luo Quan couldn't find a piano, and finally resorted to the old method of making it with a synthesizer.

After working hard for more than an hour, when Luo Quan recorded the song, the person in charge of MV editing also sent a message to tell her that the MV editing has been completed and sent to Mr. Zhou. They worked overtime to improve the speed while ensuring the quality. Arrived the fastest.

Luo Quan replied, "Thank you for your hard work, and then sent the recorded song to Zhou Yangwen and Seifert.

After listening to the two songs, Zhou Yangwen slightly changed the order in which the songs were released, and moved "Scarborough Fair" to the back.

According to the Chinese tradition, the more important things must be unveiled later.

At 08:30 in the evening, Luo Quan posted a black and white photo of herself on Weibo. This is the first photoshoot she took when she debuted. It was Lin Zheyuan on the beach, using a lemon to help her design movements.

She held the lemon and smiled, everything was so quiet.

And after making it into black and white, there are some special meanings behind the smile.

Luo Quan attached a text below the photo:
"García Márquez once wrote in "One Hundred Years of Solitude" that all the splendor in life must be repaid by loneliness after all.

The current me may be called radiant, so many people are looking forward to my new song, and I also use my greatest enthusiasm to respond to these expecting fans.

When they got a reply, they responded even more enthusiastically, and a star was born.

But what if one day I can no longer respond to these enthusiasm?How many people can continue to be enthusiastic as always?I don't know, but I hope it's all of them.

Some people fall in love with me because of my looks, and some people fall in love with me because of my singing voice, but I hope that one day in the future, you will fall in love with me because of me.

Because I am Luo Quan, you are willing to be my fans, and at that time, no matter how much splendor we have had, we will never be lonely in the end! "

The Weibo was posted, and Penguin Music also quickly posted related Weibo, and the trending searches that had been silent for a long time were once again boiling.

"Luo Quan's new song is released, the title of the song is: "Yesterday once more (Yesterday reappears)"."

It took less than half an hour for the song to be released, and the response was extremely strong. All those who were looking forward to Luoquan's new song were satisfied at this time.

This is what they have always wanted to hear, a good enough song to be regarded as a classic!
In the comments under the hot search, everyone can't hold back their excitement:
"I now declare that "Love" is one of the [-] greatest albums of the new century. Who is for and who is against?"

"It's really hard to refute. There are two songs "My Heart Will Go On" and "Yesterday Reappeared". An album can be called a masterpiece if only one song appears. "Love" actually has two songs!"

"I've been waiting for this song for a long, long time. It's not in vain that I've been staring at Weibo these days."

"It feels like playing records on an old-fashioned gramophone. It's very retro and nostalgic. A young man can write English songs with such a sense of age. Talent is not enough to describe her."

"I was really touched by Luo Quan's Weibo, even in this situation, she has not lost her heart and is still reflecting.

Brilliance brings hypocritical fans, dusk witnesses pious believers, I like her very devoutly, but I don't want Luoquan to have a day of dusk. "

"I didn't say anything, just based on this sentence, I will be a fan of Luoquan for the rest of my life!"


Everyone thought that the climax of tonight had come, but they didn't expect it to be just an appetizer.

"Luoquan MV Released!"

If the first trending search is dynamite, the second trending search is raging fire, and the entire Weibo is "detonated" as soon as it appears.

It’s been almost a year since Luo Quan made her debut, and she has never filmed a formal MV. The longest video is just the two-three-minute short film in her debut EP. It’s not so much a MV as it is about summer cooling off the vlog.

And tonight, Penguin Music directly promoted the release of Luo Quan's first album.

As usual, there is a trial version of the song, but there is no trial version of the MV, and you can only pay to unlock it if you want to see it.

If it was released half a month ago, both Penguin Music and Luo Quan would have been scolded, but it is different now, and now no one will criticize the natural thing of charging for songs.

The joyful fans immediately opened the MV after paying.

The first thing that catches the eye is a bird's-eye view of the earth from the sky, and then the camera gradually moves down, and a circular stone staircase full of ancient Greek style appears in front of everyone.

At this time, the sound of the waves lapping on the shore can be faintly heard, as if the stage was built on the edge of the sea cliff, and a natural and empty atmosphere suddenly rushed over.

The camera was cheap again and came to the center of the stage, where Luo Quan had already stood there at some point.

At this time, she was wearing a long white gauze dress with ancient Greek style and an olive branch crown, which was so beautiful that it made people tremble.

This set of clothes endowed Luo Quan with an incomparable temperament. At this time, she was like the incarnation of the Greek God of Love and Beauty in the human world.

Facing the camera, Luo Quan's red lips parted slightly:
“Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Are you heading to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
Say hello to a girl there for me

She once was a true love of mine
She used to be my lover"

This song is just like the ancient sirens singing on the seashore, and it has the magic power to make people fall deeply in it.

After hearing her song, people's hearts seem to be at peace, and everything around them is gradually moving away from them. Only Luo Quan in the video still exists in front of them.

Before he knew it, Luo Quan's performance was over, and many fans were still indulging in their fantasies.

When the fans came to their senses, the first thought in their minds was value!
Everyone was conquered by Luo Quan's singing voice like a sound of nature. Before that, they never thought that anyone's singing could be heard so well.

In the past, I heard about the sound of nature, such as listening to fairy music, but I didn't really have any idea, but now, everyone has a reference.

The comments on Weibo are already so beautiful and pleasant, and Zhihu, who has always been very demanding of Luoquan, has turned into a brain-dead fan this time, boasting so much that he even directly crowned the title of "goddess".

It's not easy to be a goddess. Under China's current environment, those who can be called goddesses have their own merits, and they can also convince passers-by.

As for Luo Quan, there is no doubt that he has basically reached the extreme in the two areas where he has the most game advantages.

Music, appearance, this is a true combination of talent and appearance, and basically no one in China can be better than her.

She can sing better than her, but she is not as beautiful as her, and the one who is more beautiful than her... I can't find it for the time being.

Previously, domestic and foreign networks were still discussing whether Luo Quan's album was qualified to be included in the list of the greatest albums of the new century selected by "Big Stone" magazine.

Because there is only one song "My Heart Is Eternal", the quality is still weak.

But when these two songs come out today, all the debates can basically be over. In terms of quality, these two songs are actually even higher than "My Heart Is Eternal".

With three songs like this, the greatness of the album "Love" no longer needs to be explained, and the list of the top [-] albums of the new century is bound to enter.

Now everyone is concerned about where "Love" can be ranked among the more important and more valuable top [-] albums in pop music history.

All of a sudden, it has spanned from the new century to the history of pop music, and it is directly concerned with status, not whether it can be advanced. The span between the two is actually quite large.

But today's two songs gave Luoquan fans incomparable confidence, and the confidence to touch those veteran and powerful singers.

Among young singers, Luo Quan can already be called Dugu Qiubai.

But when her fans brag about her on the forum, there are always some "old people" who think they have listened to music for a long time, and they will bring out those old music big shots to show that they know a lot. By the way, they are not very old, but Luoquan has achieved great success.

Every time this happens, Luo Quan's fans always refute.

Although her songs were very popular before, her records sold well abroad, breaking records and so on.

But not having high-quality famous songs is indeed a flaw.

This high quality is seen from a global perspective. Just for the Japanese songs in "Rites of Coming of Age", many of them are top-level songs in the industry in Japan.

But in the world, it seems that there is not enough to see.

But now, all these problems have been solved by Luo Quan herself, and she created the album "Love" with her own talent.

At least three of them are works that can be called world famous songs.

And now, the album has the last song yet to be released.

According to the habits of the Chinese people, the best things are always kept for the last, even though there was a "Luoquan Hip Pulling Law" before, which said that when she sang, a good day and a bad day.

But this time, no one doubts that Luo Quan will stretch his hips in the last song of "Love"!

This will definitely be a masterpiece that can determine her future status in the music world!

(End of this chapter)

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