Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 203 "Time to say good bye"

Chapter 203 "Time to say good bye"

Ps. Thank you book friend 20181219062306194 for the book coins!
At the first sight, there is a magnificent decoration. Although this concert hall is not big, but because it was built for filming, a lot of thought has been put into the decoration, so that the pictures captured by the camera can be as good as possible. Make a great impression.

But today, what impresses people the most is definitely not the decoration in the concert hall, but standing on the stage, like an angel who has fallen from the mortal world.

"Quan Jiang is so beautiful today." Junko was the first person to discover Luo Quan. In fact, the moment she entered the concert hall, she saw Luo Quan on the stage, and then she couldn't help but sighed.

The other students also said excitedly:
"There is also an orchestra, so formal."

"Ms. Luo Quan's body is so beautiful, even a girl like me is tempted."

"When will I be able to stand on stage like that, I'm so envious."

"That blond hair is so eye-catching, I must dye it in the future!"

"Find a seat." Jin Zihao reminded everyone in a low voice, and the students quickly began to look for their own seats.

In fact, it is not considered searching, although no one said it, but the students who ranked lower sat at the back, and the students from class A and class B also sat at the front naturally.

Of course, the first row was reserved for the mentors. Wen Xia and Leon were at the end, facing Luo Quan.

Before singing, Wen Xia waved at Luo Quan, and Luo Quan responded with a smile.

Soon, several cameramen walked in with their cameras on their shoulders. There was a microphone on the stage floor, and there was nothing in front of Luo Quan.

In this kind of professional concert hall, there is no need for any amplification equipment, and the singer's voice can flow into the listener's ears with almost no loss, ensuring the ultimate original appearance of the sound quality to the greatest extent.

As for the microphone on the stage floor, it is used for radio reception. The reason why it is placed so far away is that the treble will be too high, which will affect the sound quality.

When everyone was seated and the staff took their positions and signaled to Luo Quan that everything was ok, she turned to look at Song Ling beside her.

Now Song Ling has changed into a barely decent suit. The reason why he said barely is because his belly is quite obvious, and under the tight tightness of the slim shirt, it becomes more prominent.

When I wore it out today, I was also teased by the big guys for a long time, and he himself felt embarrassed.

But now, everyone hugged their instruments with serious expressions, and Song Ling was even more solemn, holding his baton lightly, waiting for Luo Quan's signal.

After seeing Luo Quan's ok gesture, he raised his hands.

Everyone tensed up at this moment, knowing that the performance was about to begin.

Luo Quan clasped his hands in front of his chest, smiled and looked straight ahead.

Song Ling swiped his right hand down, and the sound of the violin suddenly sounded, and there was also the beating of the timpani, with a slow and soft rhythm.

When Luo Quan opened his mouth, his voice, which was more beautiful than the sound of the piano, immediately immersed everyone in the world of music, intoxicated with her tenderness, and jumped for joy with her passion.

Under Song Ling's command, the performance troupe and Luo Quan's performance was a match made in heaven. Although the two had only experienced less than five rehearsals, the effect of the performance was almost perfect.

Song Ling's over-the-top gestures looked full of joy when he directed them before, but now they look different, they seem so passionate and contagious.

During the period, the camera lens was shown on him more than once. On the one hand, it was because he was too stealthy. The feeling of being there.

Of course, apart from the few on stage, the teachers and students in the audience must not have been left behind, and the fascinated expressions of the big guys were also faithfully recorded by the camera.

Like all works of art, the climax of this song is so emotional.

Whether it was the large ensemble of the orchestra, or Luo Quan's super high pitch that almost pierced the ceiling of the concert hall at the end, it shocked every audience in the concert hall.

Luo Quan finished singing, but the singing still reverberated in the concert hall and the minds of the audience.

I don't know how long it took, the first applause "pa-pa-pa" sounded.

At this moment, everyone woke up like a dream, and slapped their two palms with all their strength. The delicate palms of the girls were flushed red within a few strokes, but they didn't notice it.

Luo Quan bowed to everyone on the stage to thank everyone, and the recording of the song basically ended here.

However, the cameras of the "Creating Girls' Generation" program group were not turned off.

After finally coming to the concert hall, wouldn't it be too wasteful to leave after listening to a song?
Under the booing of the students, several teachers were also "forced" to show their hands on stage to the big guys.

These will be high-quality tidbits that can bring heat to the show in a few days, and it is not impossible to even cut them into the official show.

On stage, most of the instructors are very strict, and what they say sometimes hurts the confidence of the students, but getting along in private, the students find that the instructors are actually no different from them.

Besides Ella, the oldest Zhao Yi Ning is only 23 years old this year, and the youngest is Leon.Smaller than many colleges.

They are similar in age, so naturally they have a lot of common topics, and the atmosphere of playing is also very harmonious.

However, there is still a difference in the status of the instructor and the student after all. After playing for a while, it is still necessary to return to reality.

When the time for "after-school break" came, everyone returned to the dormitory again. At this moment, they were still "Creating Girls' Generation" trainees whose future was uncertain.

On Luoquan's side, they are waiting to enjoy the joy of a good harvest.

After the recording of the song, she personally carried out the post-production. There were basically no problems. After a little modification, she saved and sent it.

It takes a certain amount of time to edit the video, so the song was not released immediately. Penguin Music plans to release the song and the video together.

About two hours later, Luo Quan received the news that the editing had been completed, and asked Luo Quan if he had anything to say on Weibo, let her know in advance, and let her think about it.

Luo Quan really thought about it carefully.

This week is a week when her popularity has skyrocketed. The album "Love" has achieved great success both at home and abroad, and magazines such as "Big Rock" and "Time" have also noticed her.

Her popularity in the system has also grown to platinum-gold fame (all over the world), and the products in the mall are unlocked one by one, but most of them are not used by her.

Through the continuous upgrading of the system, some props were given away, but she has never had time to open them.

Main task: She has performed well in three films that have grossed more than one billion at the box office, and she is only half done so far.

I don't know how long it will take to finish it all.

And in less than half a year, she will go to Shangyi to take further vocal lessons. Luo Quan hasn't even thought about what she will encounter in the new environment and new classmates.

Suddenly, she found herself in this world. From the beginning, she just wanted to have a full meal and a meal, and she developed to this point.

From the very beginning, she never thought that she could become a famous female star in the world.

If it weren't for the system's encouragement, she might still be eating and dying in Dongda, or she might be a game anchor.

It's not that she regrets coming to this point, on the contrary, she is quite happy, because she has gained the fame and love that many people dream of, but this is a little different from the happiness she wanted at the beginning.

The happiness she once dreamed of was in an air-conditioned room, with a high-end computer next to the bed, and endless Coke in the refrigerator. When she was hungry, she could order takeaway, rice bowls, hamburgers, whatever she wanted. what to eat.

But now, this kind of life is definitely no longer possible. For the most beautiful skin in the world, she forced herself to develop healthy living habits, such as not staying up late, not eating junk food, and even daring not to eat fat.

In order to protect my throat, I haven't touched all kinds of drinks for a long time.

As for those computer games, she turned on the computer now, in addition to making songs, that is, sending the finished songs to Zhou Yangwen or Seifert, basically only for these two purposes.

It sounds like she is very self-disciplined, but such self-discipline makes her too much happiness disappear.

Perhaps this is the price of fame, or perhaps this is the price of growth.

Thinking about it carefully, only the mobile phone can still bring her a little happiness as before.

Thoughts raced around for a long time, Luo Quan didn't make a long speech about her own journey of writing songs in the end like before, only this time, she wanted to end it easily.

“Time to say goodbye”

This is Luoquan's last Weibo tonight, as well as his last Twitter and Bilibili updates tonight.

Not long after it was posted on Weibo, Luo Quan's last song was also launched, and at the same time, the MV of her singing live was also launched.

Previously, most of the popular searches on Luoquan's songs had only the label "Hot" even though they reached the number one spot.

Only on the first day of the release of "My Heart Is Eternal", the label reached a boil, and this time, in less than half an hour, the trending search for "the last song of Luoquan's album" had a "boom" Label.

This tag is not something that can be found in any trending search, only major events of national concern, or super headlines that shake the entertainment circle will have the tag of "explosive".

And once it has the label of "explosive", it means that at this moment, countless people are searching for news related to Luoquan on Weibo.

Undoubtedly, after Luo Quan's last song "Time to say goodbye" hit the shelves, it soon received rave reviews more violent than a tsunami.

The most popular comment on Zhihu-related issues is the number one Luo Chui—let’s listen to the wind, he commented like this:

"This is an extremely excellent work that no matter whether people have an appreciation for music or not, they will praise it.

Although its label is still a pop song, in the eyes of most people, it has actually broken away from the category of ordinary pop music and has been promoted to art.

Although popular music has always been called art, this is actually a general term. True art needs to have a certain humanistic connotation and value.

Most popular music is just the interweaving and repetition of a few notes, and then accompanied by an incomprehensible lyrics.

Such a thing is called art, and it is a complete disgrace to all creators of art.

And Luo Quan's song is definitely the group with the highest artistic value among all the pop music labels. Whether it is singing, lyrics, arrangement, or even the ensemble of the orchestra, it can give people a symphony. Sense of sight.

Luo Quan boldly used the opera singing method to make the melody unique. Her voice is no worse than those of the world's top opera singers. Given time, she will definitely be the most shining star in the singing world in the future! "

This time, apart from listening to the wind, everyone in Zhihu was boasting at Luoquan, and no one dared to mention the "law of pulling the hips".

"The name of this song is "Time to say goodbyer", and the Chinese translation is the moment of farewell. What's interesting is that the whole song only has this English lyrics, and the rest are in Italian.

First of all, Luoquan's Italian is the best one I have ever heard among Chinese people. I asked an Italian friend of mine, and he said that it is the purest accent in Tuscany, Italy.

Some people may not know where that is.Hundreds of years ago, it was also called Florence, the capital of the Kingdom of Italy, the art capital of Europe, the birthplace of the Renaissance, and the birthplace of opera!

After my Italian friend listened to this song, he always thought it was the work of an opera singer in China. He also said that it must be a masterpiece that can shock the world. He even showed it off to me, meaning that we have such a level of opera in Italy. Isn't the singer amazing?

Until now, he didn't know that this song was composed and sung by a 19-year-old girl in Huaxia.

Luo Quan is really a girl favored by God. Everything she shows us is so perfect, including creation, singing, appearance, figure and even accent, you can't find any faults in her.

The whole song gives me only one feeling, that is flawless!
The only regret is that the venue for this concert is too small, and the orchestra is too small to give me that kind of soul shock. This kind of musician must cooperate with a large orchestra to achieve the best effect.

However, I believe that after this song is released, it will soon attract the attention of the western music world. This is a work that will definitely be praised and recognized as long as you are not deaf.

Maybe, the Golden Hall in Vienna will invite Luo Quan to perform there.

As the highest hall of musicians, most people go there to gild themselves, but Luoquan goes there, I dare not say that it is to add glory to the golden hall, and there is absolutely no problem in adding glory to each other.

Besides, this year's Grammys are now without controversy, right?If any movie uses this song as the ending song or episode, it is not unthinkable to win the Oscar for Best Golden Melody! "

(End of this chapter)

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