Chapter 204
Ps. Thank you book friends, Youfeng for the book coins rewarded!

On the second day after "Time to say goodbye" was released, Luo Quan's name finally entered the public's field of vision around the world.

World-renowned newspapers such as the Daily Mail and the Guardian in the UK, RMRB in China, the Asahi Shimbun in Japan, and the New York Times in the United States have all set aside their own pages for this talented musical girl, and publicized her recent release to the world. This series of excellent music works.

The last Chinese musician to be reported by major newspapers was the well-known pianist Wu Feng. Six years ago, at his young age, he won No.1 in the International Chopin Piano Competition. It can be said that he has a bright future.

And that is indeed the case. In less than three years, he became an internationally renowned pianist, and was invited by the Golden Hall in Vienna, where he performed the most wonderful piano performance since the new century.

And Luo Quan may become the second Chinese person to be invited by the Vienna Golden Hall after Wu Feng.

The excellence of "The Moment of Farewell" has been answered by the praise of countless famous musicians. As a cross-border work of opera and pop music, it perfectly integrates the advantages of the two.

Just look at it in the pop music scene, its musicality or artistry is the highest level, and Luo Quan's singing that shocked countless fans into heaven is a big bonus.

All in all, this is a song that is enough to be popular in the history of pop music, and its historical status must be quite high. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a world famous song.

Although the album was pre-sold in China, it encountered a small setback, but Luo Quan used her talent and strength to make the prostitutes completely dormant, obediently dig out their pockets, and bought the digital album.

And the pre-sale volume of physical albums is also the top level in mainland China in recent years, which has exceeded 70 copies. After the official release, this number will only increase!
Moreover, this is still in Huaxia, where the habit of buying physical albums is not very popular.In Japan, the pre-sale volume of the album "Love" exceeded 280 million, second only to Luo Quan's original record, which was the pre-sale volume of 480 million copies of "Rite of Coming of Age".

When Luo Quan signed the licensing contract with Universal before, Luo Quan kept an eye on it.

She basically didn't make any demands on Universal, and Universal was responsible for how to promote and release. However, in addition to the album authorization in China that had already been sold to Penguin, she also wanted to keep the authorization in Japan.

This one is naturally reserved for Sony Corporation. She had just become famous on the Internet, and Sony Corporation was the first to find her, and offered a very high conscientious signing price for a newcomer. Although it failed in the end, but He also gained Luo Quan's favor.

Now that she is famous, she will definitely not forget this "old partner" who helped her a lot back then.

When the first song of her new album was released, Director Ishimura personally called her and wanted to purchase the authorization of "Love".

And Luo Quan, who had prepared long ago, naturally licensed and sold the albums in Japan to Sony. Although there is only one country, as the world's second largest record market, it is enough for Sony to make a lot of money.

Of course, Sony, which authorized this album, also paid a sky-high price, a total of [-] million yen!

And as usual, other producers and creators will be charged separately.

Of course, regardless of how expensive the licensing fee is, one pre-sale will earn you all back.

With Luoquan's current appeal, there is basically no need to spend much money on publicity in Japan. Sony only needs to show a little bit of talk, and some fans will become trolls on the Internet!
This is still in Japan, where Japanese is the mother tongue, and in the United States, the sales of "Love" are even more explosive.

The sales of electronic albums have long been heading towards the 700 million mark. Although it has only started this year, it has basically locked in the best-selling album of the year on the B list.

In addition, Universal, which does not have any pre-sale plan, now receives countless calls every day who want to pre-order albums, ranging from a few, hundreds to tens of thousands.

And those who buy tens of thousands of copies are not necessarily all retailers. Luoquan’s iron fans are all over the world, not just in the United States. It is said that there is an Arab prince in the Middle East who ordered 99999 albums at one time. The sales plan, anyway, the order is placed here, and it will be sent to me when it is printed!

To be honest, even Universal Records, which is used to big waves, is a bit unexpected for the sales to this point.

When I first wanted to sign a contract with Luo Quan, I just thought she was extremely talented. This time, it was her first English album. With Love Music and Lyon as supporters, this album would definitely sell well.

But no one could have imagined that Luo Quan was so talented that he only released half an album, and was included in the list of the [-] greatest albums of the new century by "Big Stone" magazine, and the traffic exploded.

Yesterday, he even wrote a song like "Farewell Moment", which attracted worldwide media reports and raised his popularity to another level.

Under such circumstances, after receiving all the songs and video resources from Luoquan, Universal Records first optimized the sound quality, and then handed over the album to the printing house for printing.

Of course, such a best-selling album must not only sell the regular version.

In order to further expand revenue, Universal Records, which is well versed in this, has launched two different versions in addition to the regular version of the physical record, namely the commemorative version and the limited edition.

The normal version of the album sells for 25 US dollars, only ten songs of "Love", two MVs, and a self-portrait album cover of Luo Quan.

The commemorative version doubles the price, and the price is 50 US dollars. In addition to those of the regular version, the package is bigger, and it will include all the photos of Luo Quan since his debut.

Speaking of which, although Luo Quan has the best face in the world, she doesn't seem to be very keen on showing off her amazing beauty in front of the camera. If it's not a very important occasion, she doesn't even wear makeup.

This also led to her not having too many exquisite portraits that can be called artistic photos.

Although she can be as beautiful as poetic and picturesque in a casual photo, there is still a big gap compared with the photos taken by professional photographers.

As for Universal Records, this time they specially collected all high-quality photos of Luo Quan since his debut, optimized the picture quality, printed them out, and sold them as additional content of the commemorative album.

The extra $25 is basically expensive here.

It sounds like nonsense, but after the news came out, the comments were all like "I bought it this time", and it was basically impossible to see that Universal Records was in Karma.

Universal Music Company did not have this kind of operation before. Although multiple versions will be produced when the record is released, it is nothing more than adding a few selected old songs to the original album songs. Will not use the singer's photo as a selling point.

However, since Lyon became famous, Seifert, the deputy director of marketing who has in-depth research on fan marketing in China, Japan and South Korea, proposed a sales plan to use the singer's photo as the selling point of the album.

Tried it once, it was so good it exploded, and then it got out of hand.

Of course, this trick can only work on stars like Lyon and Luo Quan, who are as handsome as they are. Fans are willing to pay nearly as much for a few photos for no reason. Double the price, and even praise Universal.

As for the limited edition, it is even more expensive. It is said that the price is [-] US dollars, but how expensive it can be sold has not been fully determined. We must first see how the commemorative edition sells before making a decision.

Although the price has not been determined, the content and printing volume of the limited edition have been determined.

In addition to all the content of the commemorative edition, there are quite a few videos uploaded by Luo Quan on station B.

These are to take care of Luo Quan’s fans abroad. Most of these people don’t know that Luo Quan will post these life videos at station B. As a limited edition content, it is still very valuable and interesting.

Of course, none of this is the main event.

The most valuable thing is Luo Quan's autograph on the back of the photo.

"Random" does not mean randomly appearing in the limited edition album, each limited edition has a photo signed by Luo Quan, but the signed photo is random.

The reason why this is important is because Luo Quan's autographed autographs are rare and expensive.

Because his debut time is too short, Luo Quan has only signed autographs in three places so far, one time outside the Bliss Bar with Hoshino Sakura, one time at the "Spring Water" release party, and one time at the Fan Appreciation Festival.

Add up to about [-], not too many, not too few.

However, these were all signed in Japan, and Japanese fans are so obsessed with Luo Quan that they are almost insane. Few of the signed autographs they have obtained have been resold. It has remained high, but it has always been in a state of price but no market.

Luo Quan herself is also a house girl, neither in the United States nor in China, she has never engaged in any activities, so that fans in China and the United States really want Luo Quan's autographed photo, but they have no chance at all.

I want to find Japanese fans to buy, but they don't like birds at all.

But now that the new album is released, Universal took a lot of effort to get Luo Quan to agree, and signed 99 photos. As soon as the news came out, fans in China and the United States were all excited, claiming that no matter how expensive it was, they would buy one.

It is worth mentioning that, in order to take care of American fans, Luo Quan had to think of an English name in addition to his Chinese name for his signature.

"Izumi" was considered a stage name in Japan before, not an English name, and basically it can only be used in Japan.

Generally, international artists have to think of a unique English name, such as Chris, John, and Tony, which are obviously bad street names in the West, but they can welcome a bunch of fans in China, thinking that this is an international style. ,large and luxurious.

In Luo Quan's view, it's just a local dog farting.

Huaxia people just use Huaxia people's names, why are there so many bells and whistles.

So just behind her Chinese name, she wrote the Chinese pinyin "LuoQuan", and also thoughtfully used Roman accents to standardize it, trying to ensure that fans can call her name, even if there is no tone.

These 99 signatures took Luo Quan a whole afternoon. In order not to make his handwriting look like a ghostly talisman, Luo Quan wrote slowly.

This is also the reason why she has always hated adding these fancy gifts to the album. The album is supposed to sell songs and MVs. If you want to buy photos and autographs, you should buy a photobook.

However, considering that I will not release an album for a long time, I still agreed to Universal's request.

I just don't know if this is a kind of welfare for her fans. Anyway, the news that Luoquan's limited-edition autographed photos will be released soon makes fans at home and abroad very happy.

Interestingly, many Japanese fans who already had an autographed photo also threatened to buy another one, but they were scolded by Chinese and American fans for not wanting Bilian and being too greedy.

And with the help of the media to build momentum, Luo Quan's album has already attracted much attention, and has been hailed as one of the best pop music albums in the new century.

The next assist by "Time" magazine brought Luo Quan's fame to its peak.

In the most recent issue of "Time" magazine, Luo Quan became the cover character of the weekly magazine, with as many as six pages of interview content.

When Luo Quan saw this title, he felt goosebumps all over his body.

I always thought that the headline party in Japan is already the best in the past and the present, and despises China and foreign countries. Unexpectedly, the headline party in the United States is also as good as it is in terms of exaggeration.

However, although Luo Quan felt nasty, there was not much opposition on the Internet. Many fans even complained that this title belittled Luo Quan, saying that she should not be an angel, but a goddess!

Luo Quan was dumbfounded when he saw it, he didn't expect her to be in such a position now.

After looking through it carefully, it turns out that the netizens who said these words are all Japanese nicknames, so it is not surprising.

But no matter what, this assist from "Time" magazine can be regarded as a big favor to Luo Quan, whether it is for fame or for the upcoming album.

And on the third day after the ten songs of the album were released, the physical record of Luo Quan's first English album "Love" was finally released on the shelves around the world.

The regular edition and the limited edition are sold at the same time, with the first printing of one million copies of the former and 30 copies of the latter.

It took less than 10 minutes for the sales channel to open, no matter the regular edition or the limited edition, all were sold out!
These are only retail items exclusively for fans, and the wholesale orders placed by retailers have not yet had time to print!

However, even so, it is still in short supply.

Seeing this, Universal Company immediately notified the printing factory to start working overnight while celebrating. At the same time, it also announced the sale news of the limited edition album.

"The limited edition of "Love" will be on the shelves soon, including all the contents of the commemorative edition, as well as an exclusive signed photo of Luo Quan!"

When the news came out, the fans instantly fell into a carnival.

(End of this chapter)

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